
Oudated + unpriced unusuals row 1

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. Outdated comes first. After the lowtier effects come the outdated.
  2. Broadband Bonnet: gbh, steaming, g fetti, bubbling, disco, ofire, cloud9, p fetti, aHigh, stormy, electrostatic, overclcocked, nuts
  3. Sola topi(A TON): moon, harvest, knifestorm, misty, roboactive, sulph, twarp, PE,estatic, flies, cbubbles, stormy, searing, memleak, bubbling, g fetti, nuts, peace, twatt, aces, surge, 2013halloween effects?
  4. Blokes: roboactive, sulph, ks, harvest, s13th, hearts, beams, ge, pe, eerie, searing, ghosts, kwatt, dp,steaming, logo, blizz, vivid, cbubbles
  5. Dead cone: harvest, gbh, roboactive, cmoon, scorching, c9, ge,lantern, kstorm,pe, cbubbles, vivid, searing,twatt, gfetti, logo, smoking, pfetti, nuts, miami
  6. Prancers Pride: af, harvest, misty, burning, scorching, c9, pe, hearts, kstorm, lantern, estatic, kwatt, cbubbles, eerie, blizz, ofire, ghosts, planets, steaming, logo, aces
  7. tungsten toque: sulph, surge, nuts, bubbling, miami, c9, ge, roboactive, smoking, stormy, blizz, dp, memleak
  8. Head lamp(maybe put off? I think there's misc hype): roboactive, miami, blizz, planets, aces, kwatt, mleak, bubbling, nuts, dp, disco, twatt,twarp,surge
  9. stuntman: secret, burning, misty, lantern, cbubbles, hearts, GE, eerie, ghosts, searing, stormy, blizz, ofire, smoking, flies, nuts, surge, aces, dp, c9, estatic, twarp, hfire, dflame,
  10. Sultan's Cermonial: s13th, misty, PE, ks, lantern, oclocked, ge, memleak, ghosts, dp, hearts, twatt, peace, vivid, blizz, flies, p fetti, steaming, smoking, surge, kwatt, miami, af, roboactive
  11. Katyusha: stormy, g fetti, disco, harvest, kwatt, miami, of, pfetti, aces, dp, steaming, vivid, twatt, twarp
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