

Oct 15th, 2015
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  1. variables:
  2. {vccezm} = 0
  3. command /spawnvillager:
  4. trigger:
  5. spawn a priest
  6. set {vccezm} to 1
  7. set {villager} to spawned creature's location
  8. wait 10 tick
  9. kill spawned creature
  10. make player execute command "/sk reload"
  11. stop
  12. command /rvillager:
  13. trigger:
  14. if player has permission "staff.warp":
  15. set {vccezm} to 0
  16. send "MADFUCKERS"
  17. on script load:
  18. if {vccezm} is 1:
  19. spawn a priest at {villager}
  20. set name of spawned villager to "&6AREA VIP"
  21. apply slowness 100000 to spawned priest for 999999999 days
  22. set {_loc} to location of block at spawned creature
  23. loop all villagers in radius 1 of block at {_loc}:
  24. set {_villager} to loop-entity
  25. while health of {_villager} is more than 0:
  26. wait 5 ticks
  27. teleport {_villager} to {_loc}
  28. if {vccezm} is 0:
  29. loop all villagers in radius 5 of block at {villager}:
  30. kill loop-entity
  31. on damage:
  32. victim is a villager:
  33. victim's name is "&6AREA VIP":
  34. cancel event
  35. command /setvillager:
  36. trigger:
  37. if player has permission "staff.warp":
  38. set {teleport.villager} to player's location
  39. send "&bVoce setou o local warp VIP"
  40. stop
  42. on rightclick on priest:
  43. if player has permission "vip.warp":
  44. cancel event
  45. teleport player to {teleport.villager}
  46. send "&0&l[&4*&0]&2Bem Vindo a area &6&lVIP" to player
  47. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  48. stop
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