
Some TV channels fucked up

Jan 21st, 2013
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  1. =========================Davy Jones======================
  3. Some TV channels fucked up :)
  4. I have hacked following tv channel database and extracted more than 8000 email ids and passwords
  12. all tv channles has many databases can be download here
  16. ---
  17. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  18. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  19. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  20. available databases [25]:
  21. [*] information_schema
  22. [*] mysql
  23. [*] ratings
  24. [*] sr
  25. [*] tvs-actividades
  26. [*] tvs-amarillo
  27. [*] tvs-azul
  28. [*] tvs-clasificadosavaca
  29. [*] tvs-confesionesnocturnas
  30. [*] tvs-geeksygadgets
  31. [*] tvs-generacionnet
  32. [*] tvs-hablemosdefutbol
  33. [*] tvs-hotmusic
  34. [*] tvs-ip_bloqueo
  35. [*] tvs-juegaconmigo
  36. [*] tvs-montanitaextreme
  37. [*] tvs-nuevaimagen
  38. [*] tvs-poledance
  39. [*] tvs-prueba
  40. [*] tvs-salsapati
  41. [*] tvs-samira
  42. [*] tvs-social
  43. [*] tvs-socialgnet
  44. [*] tvs-socialgnet2
  45. [*] tvs_montanitaextreme
  48. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  49. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  50. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  51. Database: ratings
  52. [73 tables]
  53. +--------------------------+
  54. | Prop |
  55. | accesos |
  56. | accesos_copy |
  57. | accesos_web |
  58. | accesos_web_copy |
  59. | accesos_webmin |
  60. | accesos_webmin_copy |
  61. | accesosmin |
  62. | accesosmin_copy |
  63. | accllammengyeuio |
  64. | accllammengyeuio_copy |
  65. | accllammengyeuiomin |
  66. | accllammengyeuiomin_copy |
  67. | encendido_gyeuio |
  68. | encendido_gyeuio_med |
  69. | facebookaccesos |
  70. | facebookaccesos_copy |
  71. | facebookaccesosmin |
  72. | facebookaccesosmin_copy |
  73. | facebookaccesosmin_copy2 |
  74. | grilla |
  75. | grilla2 |
  76. | hora_dia |
  77. | horas |
  78. | http |
  79. | http_copy |
  80. | httpllamadas |
  81. | httpllamadas_copy |
  82. | ibope |
  83. | ibope_hora |
  84. | ibope_media |
  85. | indratraw |
  86. | indratraw_christian |
  87. | indratraw_copy |
  88. | indratraw_hor |
  89. | indratraw_hor_copy |
  90. | indratraw_hor_kwi |
  91. | indratraw_kwi |
  92. | indratrawdiez |
  93. | indratrawdiez_copy |
  94. | indratrawdiez_kwi |
  95. | indratrawmin |
  96. | indratrawmin_copy |
  97. | indratrawmin_kwi |
  98. | ip |
  99. | llamadas |
  100. | llamadas_copy |
  101. | llamadasmin |
  102. | llamadasmin_copy |
  103. | llamadasmin_kwi |
  104. | meses |
  105. | paginas |
  106. | ponderadores |
  107. | porciongyeuio |
  108. | prom_accllamen_ant |
  109. | prom_accllamen_ant_diez |
  110. | prom_accllamen_ant_hor |
  111. | prom_accllamen_ant_min |
  112. | prueba |
  113. | region |
  114. | repmensajes |
  115. | repmensajesmin |
  116. | sobi3_refid |
  117. | timezone |
  118. | tvontvsat |
  119. | tvontvsat_min |
  120. | twitteraccesos |
  121. | twittermensajes |
  122. | twitterresumen |
  123. | ultimocodigo |
  124. | ultimocodigo_twitter |
  125. | usuario |
  126. | vista_indratraw |
  127. +--------------------------+
  130. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  131. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  132. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  133. Database: `tvs-actividades`
  134. [3 tables]
  135. +-----------+
  136. | actividad |
  137. | area |
  138. | usuario |
  139. +-----------+
  142. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  143. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  144. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  145. Database: `tvs-amarillo`
  146. [34 tables]
  147. +-------------------------------+
  148. | Seleccion_conductor |
  149. | abonoamarillo |
  150. | administrador |
  151. | bacanazo |
  152. | bacanazo_registrados |
  153. | campeonato_nacional |
  154. | campeonato_nacional_acumulado |
  155. | campeonato_nacional_fechas |
  156. | chat |
  157. | chicaDestapate |
  158. | chica_amarillo |
  159. | equipo1 |
  160. | equipo2 |
  161. | equipo_armado |
  162. | foro |
  163. | fotosvideos |
  164. | ivanconcurso |
  165. | ivanpesoxsemana |
  166. | masa_amarilla |
  167. | noticia |
  168. | noticias |
  169. | noticias_comentario |
  170. | pregunta |
  171. | respuesta |
  172. | sedicexahi |
  173. | seleccion_concurso |
  174. | seleccion_concursoOLD |
  175. | seleccion_jugadores |
  176. | seleccion_jugadoresOLD |
  177. | seleccion_posicion |
  178. | seleccion_posicionOLD |
  179. | user_upload |
  180. | userform |
  181. | videos_momentos |
  182. +-------------------------------+
  185. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  186. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  187. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  188. Database: `tvs-amarillo`
  189. Table: administrador
  190. [3 entries]
  191. +----+---------------+---------------+-----------+
  192. | id | rol | username | password |
  193. +----+---------------+---------------+-----------+
  194. | 1 | administrador | adminamarillo | ctvToDo86 |
  195. | 2 | noticias | noticias | bgsCM44 |
  196. | 3 | foro | foro | ceif44 |
  197. +----+---------------+---------------+-----------+
  200. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  201. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  202. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  203. Database: `tvs-azul`
  204. [22 tables]
  205. +-------------------------------+
  206. | abonoazul |
  207. | administrador |
  208. | campeonato_nacional |
  209. | campeonato_nacional_acumulado |
  210. | campeonato_nacional_fechas |
  211. | chica_azul |
  212. | equipo1 |
  213. | equipo2 |
  214. | equipo_armado |
  215. | foro |
  216. | fotosvideos |
  217. | ganador |
  218. | legion_azul |
  219. | noticias |
  220. | noticias_comentario |
  221. | pregunta |
  222. | respuesta |
  223. | sedicexahi |
  224. | seleccion_concurso |
  225. | seleccion_jugadores |
  226. | seleccion_posicion |
  227. | videos_momentos |
  228. +-------------------------------+
  231. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  232. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  233. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  234. Database: `tvs-azul`
  235. Table: administrador
  236. [1 entry]
  237. +----+----------+----------+
  238. | id | username | password |
  239. +----+----------+----------+
  240. | 1 | tumadre | chupalo |
  241. +----+----------+----------+
  243. q'='GtXq
  244. ---
  245. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  246. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  247. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  248. Database: `tvs-clasificadosavaca`
  249. [5 tables]
  250. +---------------------+
  251. | avaca |
  252. | clasificado_general |
  253. | foro |
  254. | oferta |
  255. | tipo_clasificado |
  256. +---------------------+
  258. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  259. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  260. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  261. Database: `tvs-confesionesnocturnas`
  262. [7 tables]
  263. +---------------+
  264. | amigo_det |
  265. | chat |
  266. | ciudad |
  267. | coment_foto |
  268. | coment_perfil |
  269. | foro |
  270. | users |
  271. +---------------+
  274. ---
  275. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  276. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  277. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  278. Database: `tvs-geeksygadgets`
  279. [16 tables]
  280. +-----------------------+
  281. | administrador |
  282. | concursoapp |
  283. | foro |
  284. | tema |
  285. | trivia |
  286. | wp_commentmeta |
  287. | wp_comments |
  288. | wp_links |
  289. | wp_options |
  290. | wp_postmeta |
  291. | wp_posts |
  292. | wp_term_relationships |
  293. | wp_term_taxonomy |
  294. | wp_terms |
  295. | wp_usermeta |
  296. | wp_users |
  297. +-----------------------+
  300. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  301. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  302. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  303. Database: `tvs-geeksygadgets`
  304. Table: administrador
  305. [1 entry]
  306. +----+---------------+------------+----------+
  307. | id | rol | username | password |
  308. +----+---------------+------------+----------+
  309. | 1 | administrador | admingeeks | gygIOS52 |
  310. +----+---------------+------------+----------+
  313. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  314. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  315. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  316. Database: `tvs-geeksygadgets`
  317. Table: wp_users
  318. [2 entries]
  319. +----+----------+------------------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+---------------------+---------------------+
  320. | ID | user_url | user_pass | user_login | user_email | user_status | display_name | user_nicename | user_registered | user_activation_key |
  321. +----+----------+------------------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+---------------------+---------------------+
  322. | 1 | <blank> | $P$BmC6KntELwfuKGE17BNgBvsYUnnjss/ | alexander | | 0 | alexander | alexander | 2012-04-19 14:53:25 | <blank> |
  323. | 2 | <blank> | $P$BVqxYT7cKNT9sVOS3yZsLJoEdikdgW0 | RobertoMendez | | 0 | RobertoMendez | robertomendez | 2012-04-19 15:03:55 | <blank> |
  324. +----+----------+------------------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------+-------------+---------------+---------------+---------------------+---------------------+
  326. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  327. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  328. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  329. Database: `tvs-generacionnet`
  330. [16 tables]
  331. +----------------+
  332. | administrador |
  333. | club_gnet |
  334. | colita |
  335. | correos |
  336. | discoteca |
  337. | eventos |
  338. | foro |
  339. | gangnamStyle |
  340. | mp3 |
  341. | noticias |
  342. | staff_gnet |
  343. | tema |
  344. | trivia |
  345. | usuario |
  346. | videos_youtube |
  347. | voto |
  348. +----------------+
  351. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  352. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  353. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  354. Database: `tvs-generacionnet`
  355. Table: administrador
  356. [1 entry]
  357. +----+---------------+--------------------+----------+
  358. | id | rol | username | password |
  359. +----+---------------+--------------------+----------+
  360. | 1 | administrador | admingeneracionnet | ngPSY63 |
  361. +----+---------------+--------------------+----------+
  364. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  365. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  366. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  367. Database: `tvs-hablemosdefutbol`
  368. [66 tables]
  369. +---------------------------------+
  370. | `noticias-respaldo` |
  371. | administrador |
  372. | bacanazo |
  373. | bacanazo_registrados |
  374. | barcelona |
  375. | barcelona_concurso |
  376. | barcelona_fanesquero |
  377. | campeonato_nacional |
  378. | campeonato_nacional_1 |
  379. | campeonato_nacional_acumulado |
  380. | campeonato_nacional_copy |
  381. | campeonato_nacional_fechas |
  382. | campeonato_nacional_fechas_copy |
  383. | campeonato_nacional_goleadores |
  384. | campeonato_nacional_primera |
  385. | chicaFutbol |
  386. | comentarios |
  387. | comentarista |
  388. | comunidad |
  389. | comunidad_fotos |
  390. | comunidad_mensajes_perfiles |
  391. | concurso_mensajes_ecuador_gana |
  392. | concurso_mundial |
  393. | eliminatorias_fechas |
  394. | encuestas |
  395. | encuestas2 |
  396. | equipo |
  397. | equipo1 |
  398. | equipo2 |
  399. | especiales |
  400. | fichas_tecnicas |
  401. | foro |
  402. | foro_copy |
  403. | foro_respuesta |
  404. | foro_tema |
  405. | fotos |
  406. | grupo_a |
  407. | grupo_b |
  408. | legion_azul |
  409. | mundial_foro |
  410. | mundial_grupos |
  411. | mundial_jugadores |
  412. | mundial_posicion |
  413. | noticias |
  414. | noticias_comentario |
  415. | noticiasnew |
  416. | sedicexahi |
  417. | seleccion_concurso |
  418. | seleccion_jugadores |
  419. | seleccion_posicion |
  420. | tabla_liguilla |
  421. | temas_de_hoy |
  422. | videos |
  423. | videos_especiales |
  424. | videos_youtube |
  425. | wp_commentmeta |
  426. | wp_comments |
  427. | wp_links |
  428. | wp_options |
  429. | wp_postmeta |
  430. | wp_posts |
  431. | wp_term_relationships |
  432. | wp_term_taxonomy |
  433. | wp_terms |
  434. | wp_usermeta |
  435. | wp_users |
  436. +---------------------------------+
  439. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  440. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  441. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  442. Database: `tvs-hablemosdefutbol`
  443. Table: administrador
  444. [1 entry]
  445. +----+---------------+----------+----------+
  446. | id | rol | username | password |
  447. +----+---------------+----------+----------+
  448. | 1 | administrador | adminhdf | fdhBEL56 |
  449. +----+---------------+----------+----------+
  452. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  453. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  454. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  455. Database: `tvs-hablemosdefutbol`
  456. Table: wp_users
  457. [2 entries]
  458. +----+----------+------------------------------------+------------+-------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+---------------------+---------------------+
  459. | ID | user_url | user_pass | user_login | user_email | user_status | display_name | user_nicename | user_registered | user_activation_key |
  460. +----+----------+------------------------------------+------------+-------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+---------------------+---------------------+
  461. | 1 | <blank> | $P$BghkG6PH1np6I1/mIRp5ta34lqBAEs1 | alexander | | 0 | alexander | alexander | 2012-04-19 16:30:27 | <blank> |
  462. | 2 | <blank> | $P$BvtEEdN7Zsk4rHOyaxEDF8vjTqvkr2. | Tvs | | 0 | Tvs | tvs | 2012-04-19 19:30:18 | <blank> |
  463. +----+----------+------------------------------------+------------+-------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------------+---------------------+---------------------+
  466. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  467. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  468. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  469. Database: `tvs-hotmusic`
  470. [32 tables]
  471. +------------------------+
  472. | administrador |
  473. | chicaHot |
  474. | comunidad_comunidades |
  475. | comunidad_mensajes |
  476. | descargas_videos |
  477. | encuesta_dia |
  478. | encuestas_preguntas |
  479. | encuestas_resultados_1 |
  480. | encuestas_resultados_2 |
  481. | encuestas_resultados_3 |
  482. | encuestas_resultados_4 |
  483. | encuestas_resultados_5 |
  484. | encuestas_resultados_6 |
  485. | encuestas_resultados_7 |
  486. | encuestas_resultados_8 |
  487. | encuestas_resultados_9 |
  488. | foro |
  489. | fotos |
  490. | ganadores |
  491. | mp3_retro |
  492. | mp3h |
  493. | noticia |
  494. | noticias |
  495. | paginas_recomendadas |
  496. | rexona |
  497. | ringtones |
  498. | top10 |
  499. | top5 |
  500. | top5_electronica |
  501. | top5_hiphop |
  502. | videos_youtube |
  503. | voto |
  504. +------------------------+
  506. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  507. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  508. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  509. Database: `tvs-juegaconmigo`
  510. [29 tables]
  511. +------------------------+
  512. | administrador |
  513. | analisis |
  514. | categorias_imagenes |
  515. | categorias_soundtracks |
  516. | descargas |
  517. | encuesta |
  518. | encuesta_pregunta |
  519. | enviar_mails |
  520. | enviar_mails2 |
  521. | foro |
  522. | foro_cojudo |
  523. | mini_torneo |
  524. | mini_torneo_respaldo |
  525. | noticias |
  526. | noticias_comentario |
  527. | noticias_imagenes |
  528. | soundtracks |
  529. | sprite |
  530. | sprite_sorteo |
  531. | sugerencias |
  532. | titulo_torneo |
  533. | top10 |
  534. | top10_copy |
  535. | top5 |
  536. | torneo |
  537. | torneo_rock_band |
  538. | trucos |
  539. | tutoriales |
  540. | videos_ |
  541. +------------------------+
  544. ---
  545. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  546. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  547. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  548. Database: `tvs-nuevaimagen`
  549. [13 tables]
  550. +-----------------+
  551. | administrador |
  552. | consulta_doctor |
  553. | contacto |
  554. | doctor |
  555. | evento |
  556. | foro |
  557. | general |
  558. | pregunta_dr |
  559. | tema |
  560. | tip |
  561. | tipo |
  562. | videos |
  563. | videos_youtube |
  564. +-----------------+
  566. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  567. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  568. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  569. Database: `tvs-poledance`
  570. [2 tables]
  571. +---------------+
  572. | administrador |
  573. | chica |
  574. +---------------+
  576. ---
  577. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  578. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  579. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  580. Database: `tvs-poledance`
  581. Table: administrador
  582. [1 entry]
  583. +----+----------+----------+
  584. | id | username | password |
  585. +----+----------+----------+
  586. | 2 | admincpd | cpd2012 |
  587. +----+----------+----------+
  589. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  590. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  591. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  592. Database: `tvs-prueba`
  593. [9 tables]
  594. +-------------+
  595. | ciudades |
  596. | codigo |
  597. | codigoKFC |
  598. | codigo_copy |
  599. | contador |
  600. | farmacias |
  601. | recetamovil |
  602. | tweets |
  603. | twitter |
  604. +-------------+
  607. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  608. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  609. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  610. Database: `tvs-salsapati`
  611. [4 tables]
  612. +----------------+
  613. | administrador |
  614. | foro |
  615. | noticia |
  616. | videos_youtube |
  617. +----------------+
  620. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  621. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  622. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  623. Database: `tvs-samira`
  624. [31 tables]
  625. +-------------------------+
  626. | administrador |
  627. | amorfino |
  628. | amorfino_voto |
  629. | cantandoterry |
  630. | chiste_voto |
  631. | chistes |
  632. | compatibilidad |
  633. | consulta |
  634. | consulta_especialistas |
  635. | doctor |
  636. | evento |
  637. | facebook_posts |
  638. | facebook_posts_comments |
  639. | farandula |
  640. | foro |
  641. | invitados |
  642. | lactacyd |
  643. | mama |
  644. | mascota |
  645. | mascotasPreferidas |
  646. | mensajes_suerte |
  647. | pregunta |
  648. | respuesta |
  649. | respuestas |
  650. | samira |
  651. | tema |
  652. | videos_youtube |
  653. | voto |
  654. | votoct |
  655. | votof5_copy |
  656. | votom |
  657. +-------------------------+
  659. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  660. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  661. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  662. Database: `tvs-social`
  663. [114 tables]
  664. +---------------------------------------+
  665. | arrowchat |
  666. | arrowchat_admin |
  667. | arrowchat_applications |
  668. | arrowchat_banlist |
  669. | arrowchat_chatroom_banlist |
  670. | arrowchat_chatroom_messages |
  671. | arrowchat_chatroom_rooms |
  672. | arrowchat_chatroom_users |
  673. | arrowchat_config |
  674. | arrowchat_graph_log |
  675. | arrowchat_notifications |
  676. | arrowchat_notifications_markup |
  677. | arrowchat_smilies |
  678. | arrowchat_status |
  679. | arrowchat_themes |
  680. | arrowchat_trayicons |
  681. | engine4_activity_actions |
  682. | engine4_activity_actionsettings |
  683. | engine4_activity_actiontypes |
  684. | engine4_activity_attachments |
  685. | engine4_activity_comments |
  686. | engine4_activity_likes |
  687. | engine4_activity_notifications |
  688. | engine4_activity_notificationsettings |
  689. | engine4_activity_notificationtypes |
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  779. +---------------------------------------+
  782. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  783. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  784. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  785. Database: `tvs-social`
  786. Table: engine4_users
  787. [39 entries]
  788. +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+---------+-------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------+----------------------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+---------------------+
  789. | user_id | level_id | photo_id | salt | email | locale | status | search | enabled | username | timezone | verified | password | approved | language | view_count | creation_ip | displayname | update_date | status_date | invites_used | member_count | lastlogin_ip | creation_date | modified_date | extra_invites | lastlogin_date | show_profileviewers |
  790. +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+---------+-------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------+----------------------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+---------------------+
  791. | 1 | 1 | 134 | 7533470 | | es | <blank> | 1 | 1 | mariapivaque | US/Eastern | 1 | f9f81b72cce0f9367ed00075e55accec | 1 | es | 164 | 3361588489 | Maria Pivaque | NULL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 0 | 1 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 13:58:36 | 2012-10-04 14:29:55 | 0 | 2012-10-08 14:49:31 | 1 |
  792. | 2 | 4 | 80 | 3467632 | | es | <blank> | 1 | 1 | Anarosa | US/Eastern | 1 | 365d25f35a9564fb9699d7c73c717962 | 1 | es | 273 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Ana Rosales | NULL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 0 | 7 | \\?c8\\?7e\x18# | 2012-09-27 14:05:41 | 2012-10-02 22:41:47 | 0 | 2012-10-09 17:34:38 | 1 |
  793. | 4 | 1 | 472 | 1013427 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | Staynsar | US/Eastern | 1 | f15c666a88a8f7d8ca62165fb118e93c | 1 | es | 125 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Roberto Bonilla | NULL | NULL | 0 | 13 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 15:44:03 | 2012-10-26 04:45:05 | 0 | 2012-12-06 20:33:01 | 1 |
  794. | 5 | 4 | 98 | 2435975 | | es | <blank> | 1 | 1 | Xavier | US/Eastern | 1 | <blank> | 1 | es | 102 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Xavier Jose | NULL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2 | 6 | \\?be\\?82\\?83B | 2012-09-27 15:46:04 | 2012-10-12 15:15:39 | 0 | 2012-10-12 15:14:48 | 1 |
  795. | 6 | 4 | 0 | 7218640 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | HenryEspol | US/Eastern | 1 | c963091c7c14d389cc2e6d89f0e2da0b | 1 | es | 14 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | HenryEspol Velesaca | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 15:50:42 | 2012-09-27 15:50:42 | 0 | 2012-09-27 15:50:42 | 1 |
  796. | 7 | 4 | 0 | 8372123 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | HenryFiec | US/Eastern | 1 | 5a4a82b8ae49da30fc4529ab7f43907e | 1 | es | 15 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | HenryFiecEspol Velesaca | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 15:52:34 | 2012-09-27 15:52:34 | 0 | 2012-09-27 15:52:34 | 1 |
  797. | 8 | 4 | 116 | 3663635 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | PaulVelez | US/Eastern | 1 | <blank> | 1 | es | 77 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Paul Velez | NULL | NULL | 0 | 2 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 16:12:49 | 2012-10-02 22:56:10 | 0 | 2012-10-02 22:54:59 | 1 |
  798. | VICKYMZ | es | 6492304 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 2012-09-27 16:19:58 | 1 | 0 | 1 | NULL | 191 | 462 | 1 | 2012-10-08 16:37:02 | <blank> | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Vicky Mu\\?f1\\?6f\\?7a\\? | 9 | US/Eastern | es | 2012-10-08 16:43:36 | 4 | 2012-09-27 16:19:48 | 9558f24f9122d0483a5b2858597578f7 | 0 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | bievenida :3 |
  799. | 10 | 4 | 17 | 5630415 | | es | A Trabajar !!! | 1 | 1 | RobyMndz | US/Eastern | 1 | 4a41dc0c63df4531847cadca043ba3cb | 1 | es | 115 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Roby Mndz | NULL | 2012-09-27 16:42:05 | 0 | 5 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 16:20:42 | 2012-09-27 16:42:05 | 0 | 2012-09-27 16:23:02 | 1 |
  800. | 11 | 4 | 25 | 2422247 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | stalynsarmiento | US/Eastern | 1 | 5c5b90218a44d9cd2fbe5a1de20ce1e5 | 1 | es | 86 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Stan Sarmiento | NULL | NULL | 0 | 8 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 16:26:56 | 2012-11-17 03:19:26 | 0 | 2012-10-17 17:06:19 | 1 |
  801. | 12 | 4 | 34 | 1407524 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | Marlene88 | US/Eastern | 1 | 8be29a685d271ad638fdc3e164561c3c | 1 | es | 147 | \\?be\\?82\\?84\\?b8 | marlene allauca | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?be\\?82\\?84\\?b8 | 2012-09-27 16:36:52 | 2012-09-27 16:37:55 | 0 | 2012-09-27 16:36:52 | 1 |
  802. | 13 | 4 | 0 | 5666583 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | ktrina232 | US/Eastern | 1 | e86ac042e075e6f30ff6055e04a30f66 | 1 | es | 27 | \\?be\\?83g\\?b8 | katherine Murgueytio | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?be\\?83g\\?b8 | 2012-09-27 16:44:59 | 2012-09-27 16:44:59 | 0 | 2012-09-27 16:44:59 | 1 |
  803. | 14 | 4 | 86 | 7446667 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | Alexander | US/Eastern | 1 | <blank> | 1 | es | 86 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Alexander Marquez | NULL | NULL | 0 | 1 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-09-27 19:54:31 | 2012-10-02 22:44:49 | 0 | 2012-10-02 22:43:50 | 1 |
  804. | 15 | 4 | 58 | 6106476 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | andresito | US/Eastern | 1 | 62bb2632dc94176c59f19946ca41f7cc | 1 | es | 52 | \\?baD\x02\\?8c | andresito ronquillo | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?baD\x02\\?8c | 2012-09-27 22:29:55 | 2012-09-27 22:29:55 | 0 | 2012-09-27 22:29:55 | 1 |
  805. | 1 | 24 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2012-10-19 06:20:04 | US/Eastern | <blank> | 0 | 263 | 16 | <blank> | 7215572 | 1 | 2012-10-19 06:19:01 | <blank> | \\?ba\\?b2n\r | Betsy Gal\\?e1\\?6e\\? | BetsyGalan | NULL | es | <blank> | es | 2012-09-28 06:11:00 | 62 | 0 | \\?ba\\?b2\\?f0\\?ab\\?74\\?61jecb4 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
  806. | crissandoval | es | 5314717 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NULL | 1 | 0 | 1 | NULL | 57 | 66 | 1 | 2012-10-15 05:26:35 | <blank> | \\?ba\\?b2\\?fa\\?d1\\?74\\?61\\?6aecbCristhian Sandoval | | 17 | America/Halifax | es | 2012-10-09 03:59:24 | 4 | 2012-10-02 04:07:06 | 360bf86a8c1d3ebd0b1f187d44e88644 | 0 | \\?ba\\?b2@\\?8f | NULL |
  807. | 18 | 4 | 104 | 2048285 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | karito | NULL | 1 | e0f49894b4c23755a66a28910c97cce7 | 1 | es | 171 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Anabel Macas | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-10-02 22:24:01 | 2012-10-02 22:51:59 | 0 | 2012-10-02 22:51:09 | 1 |
  808. | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb0 | 1 | 1 | | 2012-10-03 05:20:27 | America/Buenos_Aires | NULL | 1 | 41 | 19 | <blank> | 3515145 | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-10-03 05:20:27 | <blank> | \\?ba\x03\\?ba& | Joseph Elias Perez Chele | JosephEliasPerezChele | NULL | 0 | <blank> | 4 | 2012-10-03 05:20:26 | 122 | 0 | \\?ba\x03\\?ba& | NULL |
  809. | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb0 | 1 | 1 | | 2012-10-04 06:22:06 | US/Pacific | NULL | 1 | 54 | 20 | <blank> | 4725116 | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-10-04 06:22:06 | <blank> | \\?bae\\?cf\\?34 | byron tapia | Byron | NULL | 0 | cec99b2452fa55f1cd1b91f0b76095d1 | 4 | 2012-10-04 06:22:06 | 126 | 0 | \\?bae\\?cf\\?34 | NULL |
  810. | 73 | 2012-11-08 04:34:25 | 1 | NULL | 1 | 3c472631155e0381b292855c75c6b94c | NULL | NULL | 0 | <blank> | joven252627 | <blank> | 1 | 1 | \\?baeǭ | <blank> | \\?ba\x03\\?97\\?ec\\?74\\?61jecbcali dandee | | 1 | 21 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-11-03 05:12:26 | 130 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2 | 2012-10-04 06:26:57 | 4724269 | 0 | 4 | US/Eastern |
  811. | 22 | 2 | 140 | 4478952 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | Abeliux | NULL | 1 | 716eb8e743fbc5d87bce4e054ce82364 | 1 | es | 77 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Abel Vera | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-10-05 19:54:46 | 2012-10-05 19:54:47 | 0 | 2012-10-09 16:54:23 | 1 |
  812. | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb0 | 1 | 1 | | 2012-10-05 20:28:42 | US/Eastern | NULL | 1 | 32 | 23 | <blank> | 4909034 | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-10-05 20:27:58 | <blank> | \\?c8\\?18ɕ | omar moncayo | omarnew | NULL | 0 | 8e61ff2056ed16d6fe82f9f615c093c0 | 4 | 2012-10-05 20:27:58 | 144 | 0 | \\?c8\\?18ɕ | NULL |
  813. | 24 | 4 | 0 | 2254096 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | Alexis | NULL | 1 | 9d87fdd1e5ab31a5c3d0959621168047 | 1 | es | 21 | \\?ba.7 | Alexis Masache | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?ba.7 | 2012-10-05 22:18:37 | 2012-10-05 22:18:37 | 0 | 2012-10-05 22:18:37 | 1 |
  814. | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2012-10-06 02:46:17 | US/Pacific | NULL | 0 | 17 | 25 | <blank> | 5794651 | 1 | 2012-10-06 02:59:05 | <blank> | \\?baF.\\?f4\\?74\\?61\\?6aecbnelo zarez | | manelo26 | NULL | es | 8471c9671e6cc7de0fd59e6a09fa28eb | es | 2012-10-06 02:46:16 | 0 | 0 | \\?baF.\\?f4\\?74\\?61\\?6aecb4 | NULL |
  815. | 27 | 4 | 0 | 7687271 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | Gmadeliane100 | NULL | 1 | aceb5e6d9855f2725581c8d338e989ea | 1 | es | 22 | \\?ba*\\?97\x1e | Gene D Primera | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?ba*\\?97\x1e | 2012-10-06 03:40:00 | 2012-10-06 03:40:00 | 0 | 2012-10-06 03:40:00 | 1 |
  816. | 28 | 4 | 150 | 5188478 | | <blank> | <blank> | 1 | 1 | brandon | US/Pacific | 1 | b6fc17f332f6e0c0668a784d09ec118b | 1 | <blank> | 59 | \\?ba/\x1c\x02 | brandon jadan | NULL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | \\?ba/\x1c\x02 | 2012-10-06 03:42:11 | 2012-10-06 03:53:47 | 0 | 2012-10-06 03:42:11 | 1 |
  817. | 29 | 4 | 154 | 9152280 | | <blank> | NULL | 1 | 1 | Santtyago | America/Buenos_Aires | 1 | 871322e223a2cbb502f0b2f227a8ae47 | 1 | <blank> | 39 | \\?be\\?98\\?81m | santiago erazo | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?be\\?98\\?81m | 2012-10-06 03:42:27 | 2012-10-06 03:42:27 | 0 | 2012-10-06 03:42:27 | 1 |
  818. | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb0 | 1 | 1 | | 2012-10-06 04:50:30 | US/Eastern | Hola quiero conocer una amiga que viva en Quito | 1 | 35 | 31 | <blank> | 1366434 | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-12-01 21:19:04 | <blank> | \\?ba/ng | fernando nidea | fercho | NULL | 0 | 94cd51f5e4a294b0b484c96193a64531 | 4 | 2012-10-06 04:07:45 | 0 | 0 | \\?ba*\\?db\\?15 | 2012-10-06 04:50:30 |
  819. | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2012-10-06 04:58:06 | US/Pacific | (: lindOz | 0 | 146 | 32 | <blank> | 8908968 | 1 | 2012-10-06 04:08:45 | <blank> | \\?be\\?82\\?be\\?f2\\?74\\?61\\?6aecbNikole Campuzano | | nikitaa10 | NULL | es | 4cc801d315213a33e67c6f98d11b9366 | es | 2012-10-06 04:08:45 | 158 | 0 | \\?be\\?82\\?be\\?f2\\?74\\?61\\?6aecb4 | 2012-10-06 04:55:31 |
  820. | 33 | 4 | 0 | 3188598 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | charlyiq | NULL | 1 | e39fc2d68ebb93149a3b67c33679accc | 1 | es | 20 | \\?ba.h\x7f | Carlos Guerron | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?ba.h\x7f | 2012-10-06 04:08:56 | 2012-10-06 04:08:56 | 0 | 2012-10-06 04:08:56 | 1 |
  821. | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb0 | 1 | 1 | | 2012-10-06 04:09:19 | America/Buenos_Aires | NULL | 1 | 22 | 34 | <blank> | 7567175 | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-10-06 04:09:19 | <blank> | \\?ba\x04\\?ab\x1e | sandy artieda | sandy | NULL | 0 | 62255ba3663d79c469379b04f2fc7a7b | 4 | 2012-10-06 04:09:19 | 0 | 0 | \\?ba\x04\\?ab\x1e | NULL |
  822. | 35 | 2 | 1850 | 1400522 | | es | Buenas Noches Amigos....! | 1 | 1 | SrKachorro01 | US/Pacific | 1 | b5f1a8ff296af94cb8062dffa53a4d2e | 1 | es | 171 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | Enrique Parrales | NULL | 2012-10-06 04:20:33 | 0 | 12 | \\?c8\\?5d\\?c5\\?09 | 2012-10-06 04:09:25 | 2012-11-12 04:39:41 | 0 | 2013-01-19 03:10:22 | 1 |
  823. | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2012-10-06 04:19:29 | NULL | Hola..alguna chica aca ?? | 0 | 16 | 36 | <blank> | 3802202 | 1 | 2012-10-06 04:13:30 | <blank> | D\\?ab\\?e7\\?52\\?74ajecbjaime sans | | magno | NULL | es | 47932937a02a6fd3c74be92c3781aa50 | es | 2012-10-06 04:13:30 | 0 | 0 | D\\?ab\\?e7\\?52\\?74ajecb4 | 2012-10-06 04:19:29 |
  824. | 37 | 4 | 166 | 8621902 | | es | hola amigos | 1 | 1 | victorgary | US/Mountain | 1 | a2fd57a6ae15a2b561e34bdf67d4f44e | 1 | es | 51 | \\?be\\?8389 | Victor Ronquillo | NULL | 2012-10-06 04:33:38 | 0 | 2 | \\?be\\?8389 | 2012-10-06 04:24:11 | 2012-10-09 04:09:58 | 0 | 2012-10-06 04:24:11 | 1 |
  825. | 41 | 4 | 188 | 8996105 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | daniel | US/Pacific | 1 | dc3e53ed88787ca5fdb75a9fc85d2134 | 1 | es | 30 | \\?ba/\x07\\?fe | Daniel Nolasco | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?ba/\x07\\?fe | 2012-10-06 04:35:44 | 2012-10-06 04:35:44 | 0 | 2012-10-06 04:35:44 | 1 |
  826. | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb1 | 1 | 1 | | 2012-10-09 04:10:01 | US/Eastern | emelec es mejor | 1 | 60 | 42 | <blank> | 8796401 | 1 | espa\\?f1\\?6f\\?6c\\?74ajecb2012-10-06 14:19:42 | <blank> | \\?ba\\?b2\\?c8\\?02 | Efrain Peralta | efrain | NULL | 0 | 23e0c8c4860b9b56792acd0b08167828 | 4 | 2012-10-06 04:38:20 | 192 | 0 | \\?ba\\?b2x\x18 | 2012-10-06 04:40:25 |
  827. | 43 | 4 | 196 | 7007121 | | es | el chat porke no sirve | 1 | 1 | bryanvacan2000 | NULL | 1 | 8cdf32b407d23bc32286adebef0dd4be | 1 | es | 67 | \\?be\\?98\\?cd\\?74 | Bryan Cardenas | NULL | 2012-10-30 04:04:26 | 0 | 1 | \\?ba*\\?89\\?b1 | 2012-10-06 04:40:23 | 2012-10-30 04:04:26 | 0 | 2012-11-21 02:21:39 | 1 |
  828. | rommel69 | es | 4104512 | 1 | | 4 | NULL | 1 | 1 | 1 | NULL | 40 | 0 | 1 | es | <blank> | \\?ba/7\\?fe | Fernando Guallpa | 44 | US/Pacific | 0 | 2012-11-05 00:02:11 | \\?be\\?98\\?ec\\?ad\\?74ajecb4 | 2012-10-06 04:40:27 | 2318264dcabe7184e15f3d3afbf374f4 | 0 | 2012-12-06 03:52:47 | NULL |
  829. | 45 | 4 | 200 | 7353387 | | es | NULL | 1 | 1 | erick | NULL | 1 | 5730db86bdd77654333fab3f013bab4a | 1 | es | 42 | \\?be\\?82\\?ba\\?bb | erick villacres | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | \\?be\\?82\\?ba\\?bb | 2012-10-06 04:41:20 | 2012-10-06 04:41:20 | 0 | 2012-10-06 04:44:42 | 1 |
  830. +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+---------+-------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------------+----------------------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+---------------------+
  832. tXq
  833. ---
  834. web server operating system: Linux CentOS 6.3
  835. web application technology: Apache 2.2.15
  836. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  837. available databases [25]:
  838. [*] information_schema
  839. [*] mysql
  840. [*] ratings
  841. [*] sr
  842. [*] tvs-actividades
  843. [*] tvs-amarillo
  844. [*] tvs-azul
  845. [*] tvs-clasificadosavaca
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  856. [*] tvs-prueba
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  858. [*] tvs-samira
  859. [*] tvs-social
  860. [*] tvs-socialgnet
  861. [*] tvs-socialgnet2
  862. [*] tvs_montanitaextreme
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