

Oct 17th, 2016
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  3. 01[13:01] <Zoey2070> why is bimps voiced bab
  4. [13:01] <Proc> Since we unbanned ninja
  5. [13:02] <Proc> we may believe in 7th chances for everyone
  6. 01[13:02] <Zoey2070> that is
  7. 01[13:02] <Zoey2070> the stupidest thing
  8. 01[13:02] <Zoey2070> i've ever fucking read
  9. 01[13:02] <Zoey2070> in my entire damn life
  10. 01[13:02] <Zoey2070> hyperbolic but still
  11. 01[13:03] <Zoey2070> if you believe in 7th chances make me an irc mod again
  13. 01[13:14] <Zoey2070> GIVE ME AN EIGHTH CHANCE PLS
  14. 01[13:14] <Zoey2070> !!!!!!!!!1!!
  15. [13:14] <Proc> given.
  18. 01[13:00] <+Zoey2070> wait why does bimps have voice
  19. [13:00] <%atillabyte> then go find him
  20. 03[13:00] * Proc sets mode: -h atillabyte
  21. 03[13:00] * Proc sets mode: -h Kaslai
  22. 03[13:00] * Proc sets mode: -h Koya
  23. [13:00] <+atillabyte> put him on your lap
  24. 03[13:00] * Proc sets mode: -o hummerz5
  25. 03[13:00] * Proc sets mode: -o Buzz
  26. 03[13:00] * Proc sets mode: -o Proc
  27. [13:00] <+Proc> :D
  28. [13:00] <+atillabyte> and tell him everything will be okay
  29. [13:00] <+Proc> oh hey atillabyte
  30. [13:01] <+atillabyte> hey proc
  31. [13:01] <+Proc> oh hey I cant voice you
  32. [13:01] <+Proc> :D
  33. [13:01] <+Proc> assuming you dont have voice
  34. 03[13:01] * +Proc (Yonom@e.ssor) has left #EEForums
  35. 03[13:01] * Proc (Yonom@e.ssor) has joined #EEForums
  36. 03[13:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Proc
  37. 03[13:01] * GregBot sets mode: +v Proc
  38. [13:01] <@Proc> you do
  39. [13:01] <+atillabyte> i do
  40. [13:01] <@Proc> my client is being a scub
  41. 03[13:01] * Proc sets mode: -o Proc
  42. 01[13:01] <+Zoey2070> i feel sick ughhhhhhhhh
  43. [13:01] <+Koya> What's going on?
  44. [13:01] <+atillabyte> Koya, happy hour
  45. [13:02] <+Koya> I'm-a play TF2
  46. [13:02] <+atillabyte> proc rationale
  47. [13:02] <+atillabyte> >everyone calm down
  48. [13:03] <+atillabyte> >removes every (h)op
  49. [13:03] <+atillabyte> so good
  50. [13:03] <+atillabyte> kek
  51. [13:03] <+ZeldaXD> I bet Setun is turkish
  52. [13:03] <+ZeldaXD> i have yet to meet a native german
  53. [13:03] <+Proc> just rejoin if you want to resume jerking off to your rank
  54. [13:03] <+atillabyte> Proc, naw just found it funny
  55. [13:03] <+Proc> zoey is proposing making her mod again
  56. [13:04] <+Proc> because we believe in 7th chances for everyone including bimps
  57. [13:04] <+Proc> and ninja
  58. 01[13:04] <+Zoey2070> make jawapa an ee mod again
  59. 01[13:04] <+Zoey2070> and master1
  60. 01[13:04] <+Zoey2070> might as well
  61. [13:04] <+Proc> sure
  62. 03[13:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +hhohoo atillabyte Kaslai Proc Koya hummerz5 Buzz
  63. [13:04] <%atillabyte> Proc, what do if they're mentally challenged
  64. 03[13:05] * ChanServ sets mode: -hv Koya Koya
  65. 03[13:05] * GregBot sets mode: +v Koya
  66. 01[13:05] <+Zoey2070> also "vpnabuseisfun" is a very sketchy name
  67. 03[13:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +o-v Zoey2070 Zoey2070
  68. [13:05] <%atillabyte> also does that mean bimps is revoiced
  69. 03[13:05] * ChanServ sets mode: -hv Kaslai Kaslai
  70. 03[13:05] * GregBot sets mode: +v Kaslai
  71. [13:05] <@Proc> bimps is indeed revoiced
  72. 01[13:06] <@Zoey2070> you gonna unban loot too
  73. [13:06] <@Proc> nou already did
  74. 01[13:06] <@Zoey2070> ...really?
  75. [13:06] <@Proc> yes
  76. 01[13:06] <@Zoey2070> like, after he asked me whether or not he should?
  77. [13:06] <@Proc> today, after we decided everyone deserves a 7th chance
  78. [13:07] <@Proc> okay update: we no longer believe in 7th chances for new cases of offences
  79. 01[13:07] <@Zoey2070> are you trying to make a stupid point or something
  80. [13:07] <@Proc> no
  81. 01[13:07] <@Zoey2070> or like. what the absolute fuck is going on
  82. [13:07] <@Proc> you are mod
  83. [13:07] <@Proc> thats what
  84. [13:07] <@Proc> and our need of extra mods just sank by 300%
  85. [13:07] <@Proc> so I removed 3 hops
  86. [13:07] <%atillabyte> im not sure about bimps
  87. [13:08] <+ZeldaXD> we need mods to mod Zoey2070
  88. [13:08] <+ZeldaXD> i like Bimps here
  89. [13:08] <+ZeldaXD> he brings discussion
  90. [13:08] <+Koya> Umm?
  91. [13:08] <@Proc> yeah
  92. [13:08] <+ZeldaXD> chat discussion increases in a 300% when here's here
  93. [13:08] <@Proc> ninja wont be unbanned here though
  94. [13:08] <%atillabyte> unlike ninja bimps seems to not understand he's being rude
  95. 01[13:08] <@Zoey2070> who not???? 7th chances man
  96. [13:08] <@Proc> he already used all 7
  97. [13:08] <@Proc> kek
  98. 01[13:08] <@Zoey2070> and loot didn't? ok
  99. [13:09] <@Proc> nope :D
  100. [13:09] <@Proc> seriously loot isnt as bad as ninja
  101. [13:09] <%atillabyte> but some mentally challenged discussion is complicated
  102. [13:09] <%atillabyte> reminds me of the guy that makes templeos who is a legitimate shizo
  103. [13:09] <+ZeldaXD> atillabyte: how old is Bimps again
  104. [13:09] <%atillabyte> and got banned from several forums
  105. [13:09] <@Proc> he had some issues controlling himself but now he is calm and we are giving him another chance
  106. 01[13:09] <@Zoey2070> loot is worse than ninja imo
  107. 01[13:09] <@Zoey2070> that's fucking bullshit
  108. [13:09] <%atillabyte> isn't loot the pirate guy?
  109. [13:09] <+Koya> Can I get an explanation as to why I'm no longer hop? I don't understand the situation
  110. [13:09] <@Proc> Zoey2070, everything is bs to some degree
  111. 01[13:10] <@Zoey2070> this is extraordinarily bs
  112. [13:10] <@Proc> Koya, thanks for serving your time, you were a good hop
  113. [13:10] <@Proc> now that zoey is op, we no longer needed that many hops
  114. [13:10] <@Proc> so i demodded 3 hops
  115. 01[13:10] <@Zoey2070> ugh
  116. 01[13:10] <@Zoey2070> actually i'm just gonna quit ee
  117. [13:10] <@hummerz5> ... cough *yay* /cough
  118. [13:10] <%atillabyte> uh?
  119. [13:10] <+Koya> Wouldn't hurt to have someone online in another timezone
  120. [13:11] <%atillabyte> conflicted.jpeg
  121. [13:11] <+Koya> (I thought that was why I was hopped in the first place)
  122. 01[13:11] <@Zoey2070> does anyone wanna pay for my account or
  123. [13:11] <@Proc> we'll see if its needed, you're my first pick
  124. [13:11] <@Proc> Zoey2070, whyyy
  125. [13:11] <@Proc> bab pls
  126. 01[13:11] <@Zoey2070> should i just give it out
  127. 01[13:11] <@Zoey2070> look proc i am beyond fucking tired
  128. 01[13:11] <@Zoey2070> of all these rulebreaking bullshit
  129. [13:11] <%atillabyte> Zoey2070, tree fiddy?
  130. [13:11] <@Proc> tired of what
  131. 01[13:11] <@Zoey2070> and allowing it
  132. 01[13:11] <@Zoey2070> and seventh fucking chances
  133. 02[13:11] * +capasha_ ( Quit (Leaving)
  134. [13:11] <@Proc> well guess what you yourself are now op too
  135. [13:12] <@Proc> :D
  136. [13:12] <%atillabyte> rip capasha
  137. [13:12] <@hummerz5> > EE
  138. [13:12] <+ZeldaXD> i dont think she cares about a title
  139. [13:12] <@Proc> you never complained about jawapa being unbanned Zoey2070
  140. [13:12] <@Proc> youre making it too personal
  141. 01[13:12] <@Zoey2070> sigh
  142. [13:12] <%atillabyte> im closer to zoey's timezone than koya
  143. [13:12] <%atillabyte> i think it's make more sense to have koya
  144. 01[13:13] <@Zoey2070> idc. as soon as i get someone to buy my gem code i'm quitting
  145. [13:13] <@Proc> ok
  146. 01[13:13] <@Zoey2070> there's just o fucking point in staying
  147. [13:13] <%atillabyte> Zoey2070, thegame would probably buy it (sensible chuckle)
  148. 01[13:13] <@Zoey2070> if you keep fucking flipflopping on bans for stupid reasons
  149. [13:13] <@Proc> Zoey2070, i also gave you op
  150. 01[13:13] <@Zoey2070> i don't care
  151. 01[13:13] <@Zoey2070> h/o
  152. [13:13] <%atillabyte> he wanted to change his name back to thegame and probably needs a gem code
  153. 03[13:13] * Zoey2070 sets mode: -ooo Buzz hummerz5 Proc
  154. [13:13] <+Proc> zoey is butthurt loot is unbanned
  155. 03[13:13] * Zoey2070 sets mode: +b *!*@CA7C4EA3.2AAD61C9.22F91E73.IP
  156. 03[13:14] * Bash was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  157. 03[13:14] * Bimps was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  158. 03[13:14] * Buzz was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  159. 03[13:14] * Clorox was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  160. [13:14] <%atillabyte> 5/5
  161. [13:14] <+Proc> kek
  162. [13:14] <+Proc> oh god
  163. 03[13:14] * Guest36728 was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  164. [13:14] <+Koya> Seriously though, why is loot unbanned?
  165. [13:14] <%atillabyte> titanic theme
  166. 03[13:14] * f4 was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  167. 03[13:14] * FailLog was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  168. 03[13:14] * hummerz5 was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  169. [13:14] <%atillabyte> in the armss of the angell
  170. [13:14] <+Koya> They've had enough chances
  171. 03[13:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +q Proc
  172. 03[13:14] * Kaslai was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  173. 03[13:14] * Proc sets mode: -o Zoey2070
  174. 01[13:14] <Zoey2070> wow proc
  175. [13:14] #EEForums You need voice (+v) (#EEForums)
  176. 03[13:14] * hummerz5 ( has joined #EEForums
  177. 03[13:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o hummerz5
  178. 03[13:14] * GregBot sets mode: +v hummerz5
  179. [13:14] <@hummerz5> :(
  180. 03[13:14] * GregBot sets mode: +v Zoey2070
  181. 01[13:14] <+Zoey2070> WOW GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE BB I'M SORRY
  182. [13:14] <~Proc> okay
  183. 03[13:15] * Proc sets mode: +o Zoey2070
  184. [13:15] <@hummerz5> let's all count to seven!
  185. 03[13:15] * Koya was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  186. 03[13:15] * LUPIN was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  187. [13:15] <%atillabyte> Proc, well done
  188. 03[13:15] * MrJaWafk was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  189. [13:15] <@hummerz5> no stop
  190. 03[13:15] * N1KF was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  191. [13:15] <@hummerz5> mkick bro
  192. 03[13:15] * Koya (koya@Cetchazofe.unk.Edemele) has joined #EEForums
  193. 03[13:15] * GregBot sets mode: +v Koya
  194. 03[13:15] * NeoLevi was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  195. 03[13:15] * nih was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  196. 03[13:15] * Orc was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  197. 03[13:15] * Proc sets mode: +o Koya
  198. 03[13:15] * Proc sets mode: +o Pingohits
  199. 03[13:15] * Proc sets mode: +o robotkoer
  200. 03[13:15] * Proc sets mode: +o w
  201. 03[13:15] * Proc sets mode: +o ZeldaXD
  202. 03[13:15] * ChanServ sets mode: -ooooo Koya Pingohits robotkoer w ZeldaXD
  203. 03[13:15] * Pingohits was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  204. 03[13:15] * robotkoer was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  205. 03[13:15] * w was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  206. [13:15] <%atillabyte> i can see the end approaching
  207. 03[13:15] * ZeldaXD was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  208. 03[13:15] * Zoey2070 sets mode: -o hummerz5
  209. 03[13:15] * ZeldaXD (PLEASE@DADDY.HARDER) has joined #EEForums
  210. 03[13:15] * GregBot sets mode: +v ZeldaXD
  211. [13:15] <+hummerz5> :[
  212. [13:15] <+hummerz5> how did you even
  213. 03[13:15] * Orc ( has joined #EEForums
  214. [13:15] <+hummerz5> is that a thing
  215. 03[13:15] * GregBot sets mode: +v Orc
  216. [13:15] <+Orc> nani
  217. 01[13:16] <@Zoey2070> sorry orc i'm rioting
  218. 01[13:16] <@Zoey2070> nothing personal
  219. [13:16] <+Orc> i see
  220. [13:16] <~Proc> she is killing the room
  221. [13:16] <~Proc> D:
  222. [13:16] <+hummerz5> is there a "give that back" command
  223. 01[13:16] <@Zoey2070> wow that sucks proc
  224. [13:16] <+ZeldaXD> psssh nothing personel, kid
  225. 03[13:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +oo Proc hummerz5
  226. [13:16] <@hummerz5> or that, thanks
  227. 03[13:16] * Zoey2070 sets mode: -o hummerz5
  228. 03[13:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o hummerz5
  229. [13:16] <@hummerz5> or that, thanks
  230. 03[13:16] * Zoey2070 sets mode: -h atillabyte
  231. 03[13:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +h atillabyte
  232. 03[13:16] * Zoey2070 sets mode: +b *!*@*
  233. [13:16] <%atillabyte> 5/5
  234. [13:16] <~Proc> 10/10
  235. [13:16] <@hummerz5> 20/20
  236. [13:17] <@hummerz5> hey btw guys
  237. [13:17] <@hummerz5> what's the secret command to get back in
  238. [13:17] <~Proc> when you're done Zoey2070 let me know
  239. 01[13:17] <@Zoey2070> no
  240. 03[13:17] * atillabyte was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  241. 03[13:17] * Koya was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  242. 03[13:17] * ZeldaXD was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  243. 03[13:17] * ChanServ sets mode: -bbb ~n:*!*@* ~q:*!*@* *!*@*
  244. 03[13:17] * atillabyte ( has joined #EEForums
  245. 03[13:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +h atillabyte
  246. 03[13:17] * GregBot sets mode: +v atillabyte
  247. 03[13:17] * Koya (koya@Cetchazofe.unk.Edemele) has joined #EEForums
  248. 03[13:17] * GregBot sets mode: +v Koya
  249. 03[13:17] * Zoey2070 sets mode: +b *!*@*
  250. [13:18] <%atillabyte> that autorejoin though
  251. 03[13:18] * Zoey2070 sets mode: +si
  252. 03[13:18] * Zoey2070 sets mode: +lk 2 butts
  253. 03[13:18] * Proc sets mode: +bb ~n:*!*@* ~q:*!*@*
  254. [13:18] <@hummerz5> ooh buts
  255. 03[13:18] * Zoey2070 changes topic to 'x'
  256. [13:18] <@hummerz5> this is fun
  257. [13:18] <@hummerz5> can I riot too
  258. [13:18] <+Koya> I don't blame zoey, loot should not come back
  259. 02[13:18] * &GregBot (GregBot@Greg.Greg.Greg) Quit (Broken pipe)
  260. 01[13:18] <@Zoey2070> wait should i do this on the forums too
  261. [13:19] <+Koya> Sure
  262. 01[13:19] <@Zoey2070> ok i'll clear the banlist
  263. [13:19] <@hummerz5> please save the banlist somehow
  264. 01[13:19] <@Zoey2070> all um
  265. [13:19] <@hummerz5> :x
  266. 01[13:19] <@Zoey2070> 300 of them
  267. [13:19] <@hummerz5> wait do you even have that button
  268. [13:19] <~Proc> ok
  269. [13:19] <@hummerz5> oh wow that's a thing
  270. [13:20] <~Proc> do it do it do it do it
  271. [13:20] <@hummerz5> proc what angle are you trying to play
  272. 01[13:20] <@Zoey2070> no i'm too lazy
  273. 01[13:20] <@Zoey2070> i'd have to re-add them
  274. [13:20] <~Proc> nah
  275. [13:20] <~Proc> the ~n ones are readded by greg
  276. [13:20] <~Proc> whe needed
  277. 01[13:20] <@Zoey2070> holy shir
  278. [13:20] <@hummerz5> lol
  279. 01[13:20] <@Zoey2070> marco is banned until may
  280. 01[13:20] <@Zoey2070> lmaooooooo
  281. [13:21] <@hummerz5> that's it? ok
  283. 03[13:21] * atillabyte was kicked by Zoey2070 (Zoey2070)
  284. 03[13:22] * Koya was kicked by Proc (Do you enjoy being hurt?)
  285. 01[13:22] <@Zoey2070> koy--
  286. 01[13:22] <@Zoey2070> oh
  287. 01[13:22] <@Zoey2070> i was going to say koya gets to stay
  288. 03[13:22] * You were kicked by Proc (Do you enjoy being hurt?)
  289. Session Close: Mon Oct 17 13:22:14 2016
  291. Session Start: Mon Oct 17 13:27:05 2016
  292. Session Ident: #EEForums
  293. 03[13:27] * Now talking in #EEForums
  294. 03[13:27] * Topic is ' | | Rules: (Last Updated: 01.10.2016) | Some time in the next three weeks, the server is moving. More information:'
  295. 03[13:27] * Set by Proc on Mon Oct 17 13:24:21
  296. 03[13:27] * Retrieving #EEForums modes...
  297. [13:27] <~Proc> hello
  298. 03[13:27] * Kaslai ( has joined #EEForums
  299. [13:27] <~Proc> evidently you need a bot to talk
  300. [13:27] <~Proc> let me give that to you
  301. [13:27] <~Proc> hold on
  302. 03[13:27] * Proc sets mode: +v atillabyte
  303. 03[13:27] * Proc sets mode: +v Kaslai
  304. 03[13:27] * Proc sets mode: +v Zoey2070
  305. 03[13:27] * OperServ sets mode: +h Kaslai
  306. [13:27] <%Kaslai> So...
  307. [13:27] <~Proc> so...
  308. [13:27] <+atillabyte> did you two start sexting in there whilst we were out
  309. [13:28] <~Proc> zoey kicked everyone :D
  310. [13:28] <~Proc> i nwhere?
  311. [13:28] <+atillabyte> here
  312. [13:28] <~Proc> zoey joined after you
  313. 01[13:28] <+Zoey2070> here's what fucking nou said to me yesterday
  314. [13:28] <%Kaslai> I left because the Proc was being a turbonub
  315. [13:28] <%Kaslai> And now Zoey's a turbonub
  316. [13:28] <%Kaslai> >:(
  317. [13:28] <~Proc> when was I a turbonub Kaslai
  318. 01[13:28] <+Zoey2070> it's ok i get 7th/8th chances
  319. [13:29] <~Proc> hye Kaslai please get faillog back here
  320. [13:29] <%Kaslai> Nope
  321. [13:29] <~Proc> sweetheart please
  322. 01[13:29] <+Zoey2070> too bad i kicked everyone since i can't really say something about nou
  323. 03[13:29] * ChanServ sets mode: -v Kaslai
  324. [13:29] <%Kaslai> I'm thinking I'll just takeover the channel
  325. 01[13:29] <+Zoey2070> mfw i have rekt thine self
  326. [13:29] <%Kaslai> Make Twipples owner
  327. [13:30] <~Proc> pls no
  328. 03[13:30] * ZeldaXD (PLEASE@DADDY.HARDER) has joined #EEForums
  329. 01[13:30] <+Zoey2070> can we make this the topic pls
  330. 03[13:30] * Proc sets mode: -si
  331. 01[13:31] <+Zoey2070> nou is a fucking liar
  332. 01[13:31] <+Zoey2070> and an all around jerk
  333. 01[13:31] <+Zoey2070> jesus fucking christ
  334. [13:31] <~Proc> youre causing drama
  335. [13:31] <%Kaslai> This is just dumb
  336. 03[13:31] * %Kaslai ( has left #EEForums (Leaving)
  337. 03[13:32] * GregBot_ ( has joined #EEForums
  338. [13:32] <+atillabyte> Zoey2070, what do you expect this is ee
  339. [13:32] <+atillabyte> run by the most popular cool people
  340. 03[13:33] * Koya (koya@Cetchazofe.unk.Edemele) has joined #EEForums
  341. 01[13:33] <+Zoey2070> maybe -m bab
  342. [13:33] <~Proc> what
  343. 03[13:33] * Proc sets mode: +o GregBot_
  344. 03[13:33] * ChanServ sets mode: -o GregBot_
  345. [13:33] <~Proc> kek
  346. 02[13:34] * GregBot_ ( Quit (Broken pipe)
  347. 03[13:34] * GregBot ( has joined #EEForums
  348. 03[13:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +a GregBot
  349. [13:34] <~Proc> greg cant use its original name
  350. [13:34] <~Proc> ah there
  351. 01[13:34] <+Zoey2070> part of me really wants to riot against the forums too but
  352. [13:34] <~Proc> give it a min
  353. 03[13:34] * GregBot sets mode: +v GregBot
  354. 03[13:34] * GregBot sets mode: +vv Koya ZeldaXD
  355. [13:34] <+atillabyte> Zoey2070, go out with a bang
  356. [13:36] <~Proc> alright here is what
  357. [13:36] <~Proc> im gonna ban you for a day from here Zoey2070
  358. [13:36] <~Proc> go out cool down
  359. [13:36] <~Proc> then come back
  360. 01[13:36] <+Zoey2070> what no
  361. 01[13:36] <+Zoey2070> give me a 9th chance
  362. 01[13:36] <+Zoey2070> :( :( :(
  363. 03[13:37] * You were kicked by ChanServ (Requested)
  364. Session Close: Mon Oct 17 13:37:04 2016
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