
Kajarn One-Eye

Jul 6th, 2014
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  1. Name: Kajarn One-Eye
  2. Human Male
  3. 30 years old
  4. Class
  5. XP 250
  6. Alignment: CG
  8. Statistics
  9. STR 16
  10. DEX 14
  11. CON 16
  12. INT 8
  13. WIS 8
  14. CHR 13
  16. AC 15
  17. hp 25
  18. Saves
  19.  Strength,  Constitution
  20. Hit Die: 1d12+3
  21. Speed: 30
  22. Weapons
  23. Battleaxe [1d8+3 damage]
  25. Background Trait: Soldier
  27. Skills
  28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. Athletics
  30. Acrobatics
  31. Stealth
  32. Intimidation
  33. Perception
  34. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Languages:
  36. Common
  37. Dwarvish
  39. Race/Class Features
  40. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. Variant Human Traits
  42. Ability Score increase of two by 1
  43. Gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
  44. Gain one feat of your choice.
  46. Barbarian Features.
  47. Rage(2/day)
  48. In  battle,  you  can  fight  with  unmatched  ferocity.
  49. On  your  turn,  you  can  enter  a  rage  as  part  of  your
  50. action  or  move.
  51.  While  raging,  you  gain  the  following  benefits:
  52. • You  have  advantage  on  Strength  checks  and
  53. saving  throws.
  54. • You  gain  a  bonus  to  melee  damage  rolls,
  55. according  to  your  barbarian  level,  as  noted  in
  56. the  Rage  Damage  column  in  the  Barbarian  table.
  57. • You  gain  twice  your  barbarian  level  in
  58. temporary  hit  points  until  the  rage  ends.  These
  59. hit  points  can  exceed  your  hit  point  maximum,
  60. and  they  cannot  be  regained.  If  you  take  any
  61. damage,  these  hit  points  are  lost  first.
  62. Raging  also  has  drawbacks.  During  it,  you  can’t
  63. take  reactions,  except  to  make  opportunity  attacks.
  64. And  if  you  are  able  to  cast  spells,  you  can’t  cast
  65. them  while  raging.
  66.  Your  rage  lasts  for  1  minute.  It  ends  early  at  the
  67. end  of  your  turn  if  you  have  taken  no  damage
  68. since  your  last  turn  or  if  you  haven’t  attacked  a
  69. creature  since  then.
  70.  Once  you  have  raged  the  number  of  times
  71. shown  for  your  barbarian  level  in  the  Rages
  72. column  in  the  Barbarian  table,  you  must  complete
  73. a  long  rest  before  you  can  rage  again.
  75. Thick  Hide:
  77.  While  you  are  not  wearing  any  armor  or  using  a
  78. shield,  your  Armor  Class  equals  10  +  your
  79. Dexterity  modifier  +  your  Constitution  modifier.
  81. Feral Instinct
  83. By 2nd level, you have advantage when you roll initiative.
  85. Reckless Attack
  87. Starting at 2nd level, you can grant yourself
  88. advantage on melee attack rolls during your turn.
  89. If you do so and you aren't raging, attack rolls
  90. against you have advantage until your next turn.
  92. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. Feats
  94. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. Lucky
  96. You  have  inexplicable  luck  that  seems  to  kick  in
  97. at  just  the  right  moment.
  98.  You  have  3  luck  points.  Whenever  you  make  an
  99. attack  roll,  an  ability  check,  or  a  saving  throw,
  100. you  can  spend  one  luck  point  to  roll  an
  101. additional  d20.  You  choose  which  of  the  d20s  is
  102. used  for  the  attack  roll,  ability  check,  or  saving
  103. throw.
  104.  You  can  also  spend  one  luck  point  when  an
  105. attack  roll  is  made  against  you.  Roll  a  d20,  and
  106. you  choose  whether  the  attack  uses  the
  107. attacker’s  roll  or  yours.
  108.  If  more  than  one  creature  spends  a  luck  point
  109. to  influence  the  outcome  of  a  roll,  the  points
  110. cancel  each  other  out;  no  additional  dice  are
  111. rolled.
  112.  You  regain  your  expended  luck  points  when
  113. you  complete  a  long  rest.
  115. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. Inventory
  117. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. 51 GP 0 SP 0 CP
  119. Hide Armor Dex+2 (equipped) 10gp
  120. Roundhsheild +2 (equipped) 10gp
  121. Handaxes (8x) 1d6 slashing 40gp
  122. Battleaxe 1d8 slashing (equipped) 10gp
  123. Daggar 2gp
  124. Adventurer’s  Kit 39gp
  125. Fishing  Tackle 1gp
  126. Portable Ram 1gp
  127. Gaming Set 1gp
  128. Crowbar 2sp
  129. Common Clothes 1sp
  130. Headband
  131. Sword Belt 1sp
  132. 3x Jugs of stout ale 6sp
  133. Blacksmiths' Tools
  134. Shipwright's Tools
  135. Navigators Tools
  137. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. Appearance/Backstory:
  139. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. A tall man with sandy blond hair and striking blue eyes. Wears a headband and a long plaited beard. Wearing thick hide armor around his legs and torso and carries a round shield. He carries on his belt several throwing axes and one large one handed battle axe. He is very obviously missing his left eye with a hideous scar cross his left eye socket.
  142. Kajarn was born out of wedlock to a barmaid and her sailor lover. He grew up sailing and fishing the coasts of Norahak and soon learned not only how to sail but how to fight and win. Raiding along the southern coasts brought him great fortune and glory but at a physical cost. During one raid he was struck in the eye with an arrow and while he survived his wounds his lost the eye. After recovering Kajarn decided to pursue less bloody work and joined with Olaf Vindelsteif's crew. He helped the captain build his modified longboat and set out across the ocean to explore new lands.
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