
Who's a silly pony?

Aug 13th, 2012
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  1. >Day literature in Equestria
  2. >It's the big day!
  3. >Your new book has been rocketing to the top of the charts, and you're about to have your first book signing.
  4. >The book was the result of your observations since winding up in Equestria.
  5. >You wrote it as a self-help book of sorts.
  6. >You polish a copy of the book, then stand it up, smiling at the title.
  7. >"Who's A Silly Pony? Accepting the Quirks Within Ourselves"
  8. >Hardly a day goes by without somep0ny stopping you on the street and getting excited about how much the book had changed their life.
  9. >Already you could see ponies lining up outside the bookstore.
  10. >Straightening your tie, you take a seat.
  11. >The doors open, and you smile.
  12. >The day mostly goes smoothly. Many books are signed, some cutie marks are signed, and you give a few slapped together words of wisdom now and then.
  13. >Eventually, an orange pony in a trench coat, stetson, and over-sized sunglasses comes up, looking around nervously.
  15. >Her country girl accent brightens your smile a bit as she greets you.
  16. >She sets seven books in front of you, then looks over her shoulder briefly.
  17. >"Uh... these 're fer mah friends. Ah read yer book 'n' ah wanna share yer wisdom with th' five--SIX-- The six of 'em. They're th' best fi-er--six friends that a mare could ask fer."
  18. >Her face scrunches up a bit, her blonde mane pulled to the side of it.
  19. >You'd bet that behind those sunglasses her eyes were darting about.
  20. >With a smile, you open the front cover of each book in turn, writing a brief note, then signing beneath it.
  21. >When you get to the last one, you pause, noting that it was almost falling apart from being read so much.
  22. >The paper cover that it came in was taped together, and many pages had their corners turned down.
  23. >You pause, turning the book over in your hands. Thumbing through it a bit, you see a few passages underlined, or notes jotted in the margins.
  24. >The entire thing smelled faintly of apples.
  25. >"Err... uh.. A-Ah'm sure you've got... um... lotsa other ponies waitin' fer yer... uh... s-signature..." she stammers out, shuffling on her hooves nervously.
  26. >You smile over the book, then flip back to the inside cover. You write a little note on the inside again, then sign.
  28. >After a moment of thought, you fish out a business card, scribble something on the back, then close the book around it.
  29. "It's good to meet someone that gets so much out of my work, apparently."
  30. >You slide the book across the table.
  31. >With a slight blush on her cheeks, she tucks it away.
  32. >"Th.. thank ya kahndly, Mr. Anonymous. Y'all have a good day now, y'hear?"
  33. >Hastily, they run off.
  34. >Later that night, in the privacy of her own room, she opens the book and looks at the back of the card.
  35. [Saturday, 8:30pm, The Last Noodle. Dinner?]
  36. >Her face turns scarlet, remaining that way until she falls asleep.
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