
Anonpencil Writes Drunk: A Piece of Companionship (oneshit)

Feb 10th, 2018
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  1. "Anon, would you come in here a moment?" you hear Twilight Sparkle call from her study.
  2. >You roll your eyes and let out a soft, wheezing groan in anticipation of all the horrible things that you know must inevitably wait in store for you. What will it be today? Does she want to use you to try out some mane-growing tonic? Does she want to tell you what's wrong with you and how to fix it, in the most verbally abusive way possible? You can't be sure, but you somehow know this won't go well for you.
  3. >You sigh and stand up from the kitchen table, where your breakfast will have to go half-finished. Spike eyes your plate hungrily, like a dog begging for scraps. Twilight doesn't seem to have fed him today, and the little urchin is always looking for any leftovers he can steal. You know he wouldn't be above grabbing these. You pause, glare at him, then, while making full unbroken eye contact with him, you lift the plate and walk to the sink. Never letting your eyes move from his own, you scrape the eggs and toast into the sink and down the drain, turn on the water, and run the garbage disposal. You can see any hope he had of getting a morning meal dissolve like so much toast crust in the pooling water.
  4. >With that, you shake off your hands, and make your way to where Twilight is waiting.
  5. >When you enter, you are briefly relieved to see no science equipment, no strange tools, no large magical beasts, and no strange fettishy clothing either. Instead, she sits there, one small book open in front of her. You can see it's full of sticky notes, and it looks like she's been perusing the volume for a long time. As she looks up at you, you can see dark circles under her eyes. Maybe she's been at this all night. More than that, she looks... serious. Earnest. Triumphant. It's definitely a potentially deadly combination.
  6. "Uh... hey Twilight," you say, trying to sound casual. "What's up?"
  7. >She lets out a slow sigh and drops her gaze.
  8. "Look, Anon," she says softly, sounding almost as if she's on the brink of tears. "I know things have been rough for you lately, and I think I know why."
  9. "Oh?"
  10. >You brace for verbal assault.
  11. "Yeah," she goes on. "It's because of me."
  12. >You both stand silently in the room for a moment, letting the words hang pointedly in the air around you. You're not sure what to say, how to respond to this. I mean, she's right? But you never expected her to come out and say this. Before you can form a coherent sentence in your head, she goes on.
  13. "I've been very demanding of you, and I haven't offered you much friendship or companionship. I know I'm supposed to be the princess of friendship and all, but I prefer to look at it mechanically. Scientifically. It doesn't leave much room for me to get close to newcomers, and that means you. And that's not fair to you. And I'm sorry."
  14. >You're nearly left speechless again, but this time you do manage to stammer something out.
  15. "W-well... wow Twilight, I... I didn't think you looked at it that way."
  16. "I didn't before," she says sadly. "I do now. And I don't expect your forgiveness. At least not yet. But I've found a way I think I can make it up to you."
  17. >While this sounds nice, warning bells go off in your head. Here comes the part where she tries to inject you with something to make you more 'friendable.' Here's where she sews you two together so you'll be inseparable. Mentally prepping yourself for the trauma, you force yourself to ask the looming question.
  18. "How?"
  19. >Here, she raises her head, and the faintest of hopeful smiles crosses her face.
  20. "Anon, I'm going to help you make a friend. That's all. Just one. The rest will be up to you, okay? I know friendship takes time to build and grow."
  21. >Again, you're surprised by how not horrifying all this sounds. You're about to get hopeful, when you catch yourself.
  22. "Wait a minute, what's the catch?" you say.
  23. >Twilight looks almost wounded.
  24. "There's no catch."
  25. "You don't need a blood sample from me for testing? You don't want me to babysit Spike in return?"
  26. >She shakes her head. When she looks back up at you, tears cling to the corners of her eyes.
  27. "Really, Anon, I've done a lot of reading on all this. I've studied hard. And I think I can actually, really help you this time. And maybe, someday, you'll be able to forgive me for leaving you out in the cold so often. Please, just let me show you I can do this."
  28. >You find it impossible to say no to this. The truth is, you have been lonely, you have been craving companionship. And if she's offering a way to get that? And doing it without stabbing you or electrocuting you? That sounds pretty okay.
  29. "Well... okay, I'll give it a shot, I guess?"
  30. >She brightens instantly.
  31. "Wonderful! Thank you Anon, I won't let you down. Come with me!"
  32. >She snatches your hand and pulls you swiftly out of the study, down a stairway, and into a wide stone room at the base. You don't recognize the place, and as your eyes adjust to the darkness, you find you must be in a cellar of some kind. In it, you se barrels of strange substances, and there's a faint smell of... meat. The warning bells again sound in your head. You turn to find Twilight, standing by one wall, nose buried in the book, eyes flicking back and forth rapidly.
  33. "Just a moment!" she calls. "I haven't done this spell before, so it'll be just a sec."
  34. >Spell?
  35. >Then your eyes adjust that much more, and you are able to read the title of the book. Your heart sinks, you open your mouth to call out to her to stop, but she's already muttering strange, archaic sounding words, and there is a sudden flash of light in the center of the room. It's too late.
  36. >You turn and watch as strange, meaty substances float out of the barrels towards the center of the room. Sparks fly as they join together, becoming a thrashing, undulating lump of pale human skin and flesh. Stubs protrude from three side, as if they should be limbs, and and opening forms, gaping and shutting like a fish taken out of the ocean. A strange howl erupts from inside it, as a pair of eyes open, one near the top of the mass, one much farther down. They roll wildly, then at last focus on you. The mouth stops gaping, and smiles. Instead of teeth, there are individual lumps of exposed muscle, all in a red and bleeding row. A hole opens lower than that, and you're pretty sure it's supposed to be a vagina, but it's impossible to say for certain. It slowly lowers to the ground, one giant foot forming at the base, with a little nub beside it helping it balance. It heaves a final moan, then the glowing and sparks cease. You stare at it, and it stares back, all the way down into the depths of you unrepentant soul.
  37. "Yes!" Twilight crows. "Not bad for a first attempt at a human, I'd say. I mean, I got at least one foot on there, and that's pretty much a human face, right?"
  38. >You turn to look at Twilight in un-muted horror. She shuts the book titled "Flesh Golems" and turns a beaming smile to you.
  39. "Normally I'd give it another try to make it closer to you, but I did promise I'd help make one friend only, and that the rest would be up to you. I am a mare of my word and-"
  40. "What have you done?" you half whisper, half groan.
  41. >She frowns.
  42. "I made a you a friend," she says matter of factly. "A human one, like you. I figure you'll have to get to know each other but... well don't be ungrateful, Anon, or so impolite. Go say hi to her, let the friendship begin!"
  43. >You turn back to the lumpy, malformed flesh golem, and find that it's approached you while your attention was elsewhere. It is now a mere foot from your face, leering at you with it's strangely muscular teeth. It reaches out a stubby, boneless appendage in your general direction.
  44. "Fweiiiiiind..." it gurgles out.
  45. >You let loose a long, warbling cry as you leap back away from it. It follows you, surprisingly quickly, reaching out for your face, for your throat, for your life. Sick with dread, you spot a shovel, likely what Twilight used to move the lumps of inert flesh in here, that she got from god even knows where. You snatch it up with feeble hope, and turn it towards the golem. Unfortunately, she doesn't stop lurching towards you, her mouth opening and closing over and over.
  46. "I'm sorry!" you wail at it, then begin to swing the shovel.
  47. >As bits of flesh are hewn away and you hack into the beast, it doesn't even stop moving towards you. It doesn't show pain, or fear, or any recognition of the fact that it's being harmed. It just slowly falls apart before your eyes in a bleeding, twitching pool. At last, the misshapen eyes close, and the creature is no more. You turn, blood-spattered to Twilight. She's looking at you aghast, horrified, and obviously disappointed.
  48. "Anon!" she cries. "You... you killed her. And she was your friend!"
  49. >There's nothing you can say to make this alright. Nothing you can say will ever make this go away, and so you simply stare at her in dumb silence. Tears form in her eyes, and she shakes her head, visibly emotionally moved by what she has just seen.
  50. "I make you a friend, a human friend, and sure she had problems, but don't we all?" whimpers Twilight. "And you just... kill her in cold blood. What kind of monster are you, Anon?"
  51. >From up the stairs, you hear a hesitant and annoying whine of a voice.
  52. "Uh... Twilight? I could use some help," Spike calls. "I got my claw stuck int he garbage disposal again."
  53. >Seeming to forget about you entirely for a moment, Twilight sighs and rolls her eyes.
  54. "Christ that stupid fucking dragon," she mutters. "I should really just turn that damn thing on one of these times and obliterate his arm once and for all. Coming Spike!"
  55. >She turns to go up the stairs, but pauses to shoot you an icy look over her shoulder.
  56. "You just stay here and think about what you've done, young man. We'll talk about this later."
  57. >As she exits the room and you dissolve into a kneeling, weeping, mess, you know that you are going to think about this. You're going to think about this for a very, very long time, whether you want to or not.
  59. -END-
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