
Toholon faction system

Mar 1st, 2021
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  1. Factions have 5 Approaches:
  2. Diplomacy: Doing things by talking to people, openly or secretly
  3. Wealth: Having resources to get things done, or to buy said resources
  4. Subtlety: Doing things by unexpected means, or without others knowing
  5. Military: Taking things by force or intimidation
  6. Science: Access to mundane Technology, Intellect Magi-Tech, or Sorcery, to achieve goals
  8. A +2/+1/+0/-1/-2 array is split between them. These are used to roll Fate Dice (4 d6s with 2 +1s, 2 -1s, and 2 zeroes).
  10. Factions have Extras: Roll modifiers which either give bonuses in specific circumstances, or allow one Approach to replace another in most situations.
  11. e.g.: Mercenary Contracts: Roll Wealth instead of Military for spec-ops operations
  12. Jet Engine Monopoly: +2 to Science rolls involving flying machines or air transport
  14. Factions have 1 extra, and have a 2nd if they also accept a weakness, which would be a similar type of arrangement.
  16. Operations Difficulty:
  17. -2: Something you've already achieved (only rolled in very odd circumstances)
  18. 0: Something that your faction can do as a matter of course - Deploying your military to your own borders smoothly, Buying the favor of an Intellect who's down on their luck
  19. 2: Something that a specialist faction can do - Spy network getting national secrets, Diplomatic nobles stopping a war.
  20. 4: Limits of national achievement - Killing a kaiju with conventional military, buying another nations vassalage
  22. Each turn, a faction can either enact an Operation to achieve a goal, or accumulate a Resource. Resources have a specific Aspect ('War Chest', 'Blackmail Material on the Queen of Yondai'), and can be consumed to give +2 to a Operations roll, or reroll a failure, so long as they're appropriate to the roll. Accumulating a resource doesn't always require a roll, only if it's something your faction wouldn't normally have any access to.
  24. To mount an Operation, tell the GM what you're attempting to, and they'll determine which Approach to roll and which Extras apply. Once all is agreed, rolls will take place, and consequences will be doled out.
  26. If another faction's operation interferes with yours, or threatens an element of your faction, the GM will roll the appropriate stat for your defense.
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