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Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. Introduction
  2. Hello everyone, I'm Renzii. (At least, this is the penname I'm going with for Project Progeny for now) I've been watching the development and the forums of Resident Evil: Progeny for a while now, it must be at least a year since I first came across this game from the Legend of Krystal forums. I really enjoyed what the game had to offer and couldn't wait for more content to be released for it. However, as time passed I began to notice a decline in communication from the developer to the point of complete radio silence. This prompted me back in April of 2015 to start a new project, called Project Progeny. However, in the weeks following this project starting, Z-Fied came back to the forums and began posting again every so often. Therefore, we're going to take Project Progeny in a slightly different direction.
  4. We're going to continue building a parody of Resident Evil, but instead make it a parody of a different point of the series. This isn't due to anything besides me and my current artist wanting to do something different, and cater more to our specific boundaries and tastes.
  6. The Proposal
  7. The shortest explanation I can give for my proposal is that we, as the remaining members of the community or those with an interest, build a new Resident Evil parody game from the ground up.
  9. Stage 1: Reconstruct the basic game mechanics (Player movement, AI, inventory, ect) to give a sort of framework for future development.
  10. Stage 2: We begin to construct the environments, characters, puzzles and more. We may condense, edit or completely change certain events from the base game to make it fit more with this one, or just because we would like to see a certain scene play out in a particular way.
  11. Stage 3: We continue to build the game as a community, hopefully leading to a complete game for us all to enjoy.
  13. This is an incredibly simplistic and small breakdown of what each general stage of development will entail, but I just wanted to lay it out as a basic concept of what I want to accomplish around each "stage" of the development cycle.
  15. The Story(?)
  16. We've began mulling over a story/plot for Project Progeny. When I first posted about this project, my original intention was to rebuild Resident Evil: Progeny because I thought Z-Fied had vanished in the same way that a lot of these kinds of game authors seem to. However, due to him coming back and my artist suggesting a few things, we've decided to take the story in a different direction and base it on a different entry within the franchise.
  18. The game we're going to parody is Resident Evil 4. The main character of our game will be Rebecca, she will be undertaking a mission to rescue a senator's daughter who went missing in a remote area of rural Europe while she was on a vacation with some friends. However, what would seem like a simple rescue mission will quickly turn into a nightmare... (Or a paradise, depending on what happens to poor Rebecca)
  20. We plan on keeping most of the characters from Resident Evil 4 in some manner, but perhaps cutting some of the unnecessary ones or ones we don't feel would work very well within this story. (The creature in the lake, parts of the village leader fight, things like that)
  22. Once we have decided on more stuff in a more concrete manner, I'll update this section. If you have any suggestions for characters, or how they should be within the story, post them in the thread!
  24. Where You, I and the Rest of the Community Come In
  25. This huge undertaking can't really be handled by one person, at least not effectively. I'm merely an amateur programmer, lacking any real artistic talent to create art assets and other things of that nature. I may be learning programming more and more every day, but I'm certainly not skilled enough to know how to do everything. (Much less know how to do it efficiently)
  27. That's where the community comes in. I'll be looking for people over the course of this project to work with me, contribute, test and more. I can't do all of this alone, and I'm sure some of you would love the chance to help shape this project into something you'd love to play.
  29. What Now?
  30. Now, we get to work. I've already begun working on a very early version of the framework mentioned in the first stage, and I mean VERY early at this point. I'm using one of the latest versions of GameMaker: Studio, like Z-Fied originally used to create Resident Evil: Progeny. I not only chose to go with this piece of software because it's how the game was originally being created, but because of the simplicity of the program itself for newcomers who may have never delved deep into the game development process. I'll keep everyone posted on developments and whatnot under the "News" section of this thread, instead of scattering newly added information everywhere around the post.
  32. Closing Words
  33. I'm really excited to see where this project goes, and if you're a fan of Resident Evil: Progeny, you should be too. This will be our sort of "base of operations" for now, and once things get off the ground we'll start setting up a dedicated space for Project Progeny. If you would like to help, chat about the project or just want to know some information I may have left out, drop a reply to the thread! I'll check back at least once every couple of days for the next few weeks, and I'll probably mention what I'm doing with the framework in the news section once some significant progress has been made. I look forward to working on this project with you all!
  35. News
  36. 25/04/2015: The project has started!
  37. 28/04/2015: [Framework] A basic main menu has been created, and some basic player character movement has been added.
  38. 02/05/2015: [Project] An artist has volunteered to start making assets for the project, they are currently working on a character.
  39. 04/05/2015: [Framework] A few minor things have been added, such as virus, stamina (which regenerates) and depth. A game over screen has been implemented for if the virus goes above a certain threshold.
  40. 08/05/2015: I apologise for the lack of any updates over the past few days, I haven't had a chance to do any work on the framework since I'm sorting some things out in real life right now. I should be able to get back to working on Project Progeny again after the 15th of May once I've dealt with everything.
  41. 12/05/2015: [News] As most of you are probably now aware, Z-Fied has begun posting on the forum again. I'm going to talk to them about different bits and bobs over the coming weeks (I hope) and see where things go from there. I'll keep you all posted on what's going on, just so you're aware of what's happening.
  42. 18/05/2015: [Framework] I've added a basic pause menu, which currently pauses everything running in the game and displays a picture to reflect the current purity.
  43. [News] I'm finally free again, I'll be able to keep working at a (hopefully) decent pace for a couple of weeks at least. No response from Z-Fied as of yet.
  44. 24/05/2015: [News] I've started talking with Z-Fied, some progress with the framework should be coming when I have an inventory backdrop from my artist so I can start programming it.
  45. 29/05/2015: [Framework] No significant progress has been made besides a few bugs being fixed and looking into transitions between areas.
  46. 06/06/2015: [News] A new section titled "The Story(?)" has been added to this post. Give it a read and tell me what you think!
  47. 14/06/2015: [News] I have the inventory background now, and I'll begin to add functionality to it over the next couple of days/weeks.
  48. 22/06/2015: [Framework] I've stopped being lazy now and began working again, the inventory now displays the appropriate sprites for what the player is holding, but not much more than that for now. I've also added a working room transition, although I still want to add a screen effect and sound effect for a door opening and closing. I would give you all a screenshot of the inventory as it is right now, but I don't want to show off placeholder art. Sorry!
  49. 27/06/2015: [Framework] I'm currently trying to get the room transitions more Resident Evil like, so when the player goes through a door you hear it open, get the slight pause then hear it close when you appear on the other side. I had a bit of a fiddle with it tonight and couldn't figure the slight pause out, but I'll try again tomorrow.
  50. 1/07/2015: [Framework] The room transitions are pretty much how I want them now. They'll probably require a bit more tweaking somewhere down the line, but that's for another day.
  51. 1/07/2015: [News] The poll for everyone's favourite RE4 girl has concluded. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to put a vote in, as you'll directly influence the early days of scenerio/storywriting for the game. The results are:
  52. Ashley: 70% (7 votes)
  53. Ada: 30% (3 votes)
  54. Hunnigan: 0% (0 votes)
  55. I'm quite surprised honestly, I thought Ada would've won or at the very least came a close second. That means that more focus will be given to Ashley, at least for the early stages of writing. We may not even include Hunnigan at all, and we'll probably give Ada a backseat for the time being. I'll run another poll similar to this one later in development, just to see if anything changes. I've got a personality in mind already for Ashley, so I take some of you will be looking forward to finding out what I've thought about for her... Heh heh heh... Anyways, thanks again for voting!
  56. 12/07/2015: [News] The artist is back from a week long vacation now, so he's going to continue practising and will hopefully have some sprites done within the next few weeks. I'm actually going to be busy for the next few weeks as well, at least busy enough to the point that I can't really update the framework. I'll still pop by the forum occasionally though, maybe if I have some spare time I'll write a bit up about Ashley or something.
  57. 13/08/2015: [News] Gosh, I can't believe I've been silent for around a month. ??? I've been busy as I said in the last post, and I'll probably be busy for a few more weeks as well. The artist is going to be getting his hands on a tablet fairly soon, so I'm hoping I'll have some sprites to show within the next few weeks. So... Yeah. I'm not dead, but progress has been fairly slow since we've both been busy, not much point in me constantly waffling about not having anything to report.
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