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Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. # Feature: Order mismatch between iSell and ISOM
  3. ## Scenarios
  4. ```gherkin
  5. Background:
  6. Given order exists in ISOM
  7. And BR.1 is not fulfilled
  8. And feature is enabled [1]
  9. ```
  11. ### S.1 Open order as read-only
  12. ```gherkin
  13. Given I'm allowed to view order
  14. But I don't have privilege to handle mismatched orders [2]
  15. When I open the order in iSell
  16. Then I see error message
  17. "Important alert! iSell order doesn't match the external order.
  18. Please contact user help to handle this order."
  19. And order is opened as read-only
  20. And order lines that mismatch is shown according to BR.2
  21. ```
  23. ### S.2 Handle a mismatch order ###
  24. ```gherkin
  25. Given I have privilege to handle mismatched orders [2]
  26. When I open the order in iSell
  27. Then I see error message
  28. "Important alert! iSell order doesn't match the external order.
  29. Be aware that any changes you do can be lost.
  30. Please contact user help for support."
  31. And order lines that mismatch is shown according to BR.2
  32. ```
  34. ## Business Rules
  35. ### BR.1 Rules for order mismatch detection
  36. * For each order line (article and product) verify
  37. - Quantity
  38. - Item number
  39. * For each customer delivery verify
  40. - Delivery date
  41. * Ignore any checks on cancelled order lines
  42. * Automatically split order lines by ISOM, due to deviation, needs to be considered
  43. * Automatically opened products by ISOM needs to be considered
  45. [1] Dfp Preference: EnableiSellIsomOrderMismatchFeature
  46. [2] iSell Privilege: AllowedToModifyIsellIsomOrderMismatch
  48. ### BR.2 Order line mismatch
  49. * Additional order lines either in iSell or ISOM
  50. - Show the order line in iSell
  51. - Possible to see message "This article is missing in the ${System} database"
  52. * Quantity mismatch
  53. - Show quantity from the ISOM order
  54. - Possible to see message "Article quantity mismatch. ${iSellQty} in iSell and ${IsomQty} in ISOM"
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