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- //Author:Shadoxi
- //Replace libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx in flash/internal by this code
- //Some evil crash due to size of dump
- SYS_MODULE_INFO(sceNpTrophyhook, 0, 1, 0 );
- SYS_MODULE_START( _start );
- SYS_MODULE_STOP( _stop );
- SYS_LIB_EXPORT( loader_sprx, sceNpTrophyhook );
- int _start(void);
- int _stop(void);
- void loader_sprx(const char* PATH_PRX);
- static inline CellFsErrno lv2FsOpen(const char* path, uint32_t oflags, int* fd, uint32_t mode, const void* arg, uint64_t argsize) {
- system_call_6(801, (uint64_t)path, oflags, (uint64_t)fd, mode, (uint64_t)arg, argsize);
- return_to_user_prog(CellFsErrno);
- }
- static inline CellFsErrno lv2FsRead(int fd, void* buf, uint64_t size, uint64_t* read_e)
- {
- system_call_4(802, fd, (uint64_t)buf, size, (uint64_t)read_e);
- return_to_user_prog(CellFsErrno);
- }
- static inline CellFsErrno lv2FsWrite(int fd, const void* buf, uint64_t size, uint64_t* written)
- {
- system_call_4(803, fd, (uint64_t)buf, size, (uint64_t)written);
- return_to_user_prog(CellFsErrno);
- }
- static inline CellFsErrno lv2FsClose(int fd)
- {
- system_call_1(804, fd);
- return_to_user_prog(CellFsErrno);
- }
- static void write_message (char const * message)
- {
- unsigned int write_length;
- char const * end;
- for (end = message; *end != '\0'; ++end);
- sys_tty_write(SYS_TTYP_PPU_STDERR, message,end - message, &write_length);
- }
- void DumpELF_Payload()
- {
- write_message("Dumping ELF from RAM\n");
- int fd,res ;
- uint64_t i,nread,ptr;
- uint64_t sizeelf = 25*1024*1024 ;
- //Need a way to get size of ELF
- if(lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDONLY, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) != 0) //exist ?
- {
- write_message("DumpedEBOOT.bin\n");
- lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDWR|CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) ;
- for(i = 0; i < sizeelf ; i+=8)
- {
- ptr = *(uint64_t*)(0x00010000ULL+i); //Tb decrypted offset
- if((ptr == 0x7F454C4601020100ULL) && (i != 0))
- return;
- lv2FsWrite(fd, (void*)&ptr, 8, &nread);
- }
- lv2FsClose(fd);
- return;
- }
- else if(lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT1.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDONLY, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) != 0)
- {
- write_message("DumpedEBOOT1.bin\n");
- lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT1.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDWR|CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) ;
- for(i = 0; i < sizeelf ; i+=8)
- {
- ptr = *(uint64_t*)(0x00010000ULL+i);//Tb decrypted offset
- if((ptr == 0x7F454C4601020100ULL) && (i != 0))
- return;
- lv2FsWrite(fd, (void*)&ptr, 8, &nread);
- }
- lv2FsClose(fd);
- return;
- }
- else if(lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT2.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDONLY, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) != 0)
- {
- write_message("DumpedEBOOT2.bin\n");
- lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT2.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDWR|CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) ;
- for(i = 0; i < sizeelf ; i+=8)
- {
- ptr = *(uint64_t*)(0x00010000ULL+i);//Tb decrypted offset
- if((ptr == 0x7F454C4601020100ULL) && (i != 0))
- return;
- lv2FsWrite(fd, (void*)&ptr, 8, &nread);
- }
- lv2FsClose(fd);
- return;
- }
- else if(lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT3.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDONLY, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) != 0)
- {
- write_message("DumpedEBOOT2.bin\n");//Tb decrypted offset
- lv2FsOpen("/dev_hdd0/DUMPEDBOOT3.bin", CELL_FS_O_RDWR|CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, 0,NULL, 0) ;
- for(i = 0; i < sizeelf ; i+=8)
- {
- ptr = *(uint64_t*)(0x00010000ULL+i);//Tb decrypted offset
- if((&ptr == 0x7F454C4601020100ULL) && i != 0)
- return;
- lv2FsWrite(fd, (void*)&ptr, 8, &nread);
- }
- lv2FsClose(fd);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- write_message("remove dumpedeboot\n");
- }
- lv2FsClose(fd); //Close file
- }
- void loader_sprx(const char* PATH_PRX)
- {
- sys_prx_id_t prx_id ;
- write_message ("Loading a prx ... ");
- prx_id = sys_prx_load_module(PATH_PRX,0, NULL);
- if (prx_id < CELL_OK) {
- write_message ("Failed LOADING\n");
- return;
- } else {
- write_message ("OK loading\n");
- }
- int modres;
- int res1 = sys_prx_start_module( prx_id, 0, NULL, &modres, 0, NULL );
- if (res1 < CELL_OK)
- {
- write_message ("start Failed \n");
- }
- }
- int _start(void)
- {
- int wait = 0;
- write_message ("By shadoxi\n");
- //DUMP Decrypted noDrm TB
- DumpELF_Payload();
- //load original libsysutil_np_trophy for game
- loader_sprx("/dev_hdd0/game/TEST00000/USRDIR/orignal_libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx");//place here original libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx
- }
- int _stop(void)
- {
- return SYS_PRX_STOP_OK;
- }
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