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Jul 30th, 2015
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  1. Tougane has joined the chat
  2. Tougane: What do you need to talk about?
  3. xMaliceReturnsx: Let me rant without interruption.
  4. Tougane: Sure.
  5. xMaliceReturnsx: You know my feelings for you are still incredibly fucking strong to the point I am angry at myself for continuing to have such feelings after everything we've talked about.
  6. xMaliceReturnsx: I hate how I can't move on from this fucking feeling
  7. xMaliceReturnsx: I hate it
  8. xMaliceReturnsx: I despise it
  9. xMaliceReturnsx: I want to rip out my heart and throw it in the ocean
  10. xMaliceReturnsx: I don't know how one can fall head over fucking heels with someone over the internet
  11. xMaliceReturnsx: I dont
  12. xMaliceReturnsx: But it happened.
  13. xMaliceReturnsx: Now
  14. xMaliceReturnsx: Due to what happened, Micheala has been struggling incredibly hard
  15. xMaliceReturnsx: She's been receiving bitchings from Chris about being replaced
  16. xMaliceReturnsx: Dealing with his usperiority
  17. xMaliceReturnsx: Superiority*
  18. xMaliceReturnsx: " "
  19. xMaliceReturnsx: She's tired of hearing people go behind the backs of people she cares most for.
  20. xMaliceReturnsx: She's tired of it all
  21. xMaliceReturnsx: I can tell she's giving the fuck up
  22. xMaliceReturnsx: She's slowly giving up
  23. xMaliceReturnsx: And like we both stated last night, I'm fully fucking tired of that
  24. xMaliceReturnsx: Know that my love for you will NEVER falter nor go away. I will always love you.
  25. xMaliceReturnsx: But I'm locking that shit away
  26. xMaliceReturnsx: All of it
  27. xMaliceReturnsx: The only feeling I have will be for our daughter
  28. xMaliceReturnsx: I WILL be a caring, loving mother
  29. xMaliceReturnsx: I will step up to the fucking plate
  30. xMaliceReturnsx: I'm tired of my baby being hurt by, not only my drama, but others
  31. xMaliceReturnsx: So.
  32. xMaliceReturnsx: You and I are GOING to get along
  33. xMaliceReturnsx: We are GOING to be there for her
  34. xMaliceReturnsx: She needs us
  35. xMaliceReturnsx: And frankly?
  36. xMaliceReturnsx: And I'm throwing your words back at you
  37. xMaliceReturnsx: We need her too
  38. xMaliceReturnsx: Yes, I am being a bitch
  39. Tougane: Not really.
  40. xMaliceReturnsx: Interruption. *marks it on her notepad*
  41. Tougane: Okay?
  42. xMaliceReturnsx: I am TIRED
  43. xMaliceReturnsx: Of being
  44. Tougane: I already told you to get your shit together.
  45. xMaliceReturnsx: In the dark of everything.
  46. Tougane: So do it.
  47. xMaliceReturnsx: Oi
  48. xMaliceReturnsx: You
  49. xMaliceReturnsx: Are interrupting
  50. Tougane: Keep going, then.
  51. xMaliceReturnsx: I find everything out last.
  52. xMaliceReturnsx: LAst.
  53. xMaliceReturnsx: By Micheala
  54. xMaliceReturnsx: Some things I found out? I despise. I hate.
  55. xMaliceReturnsx: They broke me.
  56. xMaliceReturnsx: But I will not be viewed as the pathetic cheating girl anymore.
  57. xMaliceReturnsx: I've already established what I did was wrong.
  58. xMaliceReturnsx: Call me the cheating girl.
  59. xMaliceReturnsx: But I am taking back my pride
  60. xMaliceReturnsx: I will be that girl you first met in the Hunter's Guild
  61. xMaliceReturnsx: And I will be that girl who overcomes the darkness. Again.
  62. Tougane: From what I heard, you'd already been cheating with others before I even met you.
  63. Tougane: It's not taking your pride back.
  64. Tougane: It's growing up.
  65. Tougane: If you change back in to the girl I met, you're ultimately the same.
  66. xMaliceReturnsx: When the hell did I cheat on others?
  67. Tougane: Michaela hates how addicted you are to your own sexual desires.
  68. Tougane: They get the best of you.
  69. Tougane: Chris or whoever... Somebody you supposed lied about while dating one of them.
  70. xMaliceReturnsx: Lol, nope. Never cheated on or with him
  71. Tougane: Okay, well, it was somebody. I just can't remember their name.
  72. Tougane: Point is, you've had a bad record.
  73. Tougane: So, work on growing up.
  74. Tougane: If you really wanted to settle with me, you would've done so and been adult about it.
  75. Tougane: Leaving that Chase boy.
  76. Tougane: So, if that's what you want now, don't fool around.
  77. xMaliceReturnsx: "if that's what you want now" Pardon my small hope and ability to get easily confused, but settle in general, or settle with you? Cause I thought that would never happen.
  78. Tougane: I can't trust you as you are now, so make a change, and maybe someday.
  79. xMaliceReturnsx: So there /is/ hope?
  80. Tougane: Not yet.
  81. Tougane: Doesn't mean their can't be.
  82. xMaliceReturnsx: *she shrugs* Fair enough.
  83. Tougane: there*
  84. xMaliceReturnsx: Thought that looked whacky.
  85. Tougane: Mm.
  86. xMaliceReturnsx: *Grammar Nazi*
  87. Tougane: That's annoying.
  88. xMaliceReturnsx: Sue me.
  89. xMaliceReturnsx: So. Can you lock away the feelings?
  90. xMaliceReturnsx: So we can coexist
  91. Tougane: I already have.
  92. xMaliceReturnsx: Perfect. *she extends her hand in front of him* To coexisting.
  93. Tougane: Eh, I don't want to shake your hand.
  94. xMaliceReturnsx: Don't want to touch me? Mmk.
  95. Tougane: No, it's just you're being pedantic.
  96. xMaliceReturnsx: What's so wrong about that?
  97. Tougane: I'm not in a mood for bullshit. If we have to be particular about just being friends, then it's unnatural and we shouldn't waste our time.
  98. xMaliceReturnsx: How is me ventin everything out to you then wanting to shake your hand a waste of time in your eyes? How is it bullshit?
  99. Tougane: Because it seems we have a chore of being friends.
  100. xMaliceReturnsx: It's not a chore.
  101. xMaliceReturnsx: I needed to say what I did so it wouldnt be bottled up. So you knew.
  102. xMaliceReturnsx: Instead of just saying
  103. xMaliceReturnsx: "Hey. Let's be friends. I got this down"
  104. Tougane: We're not friends if we just sit around uncomfortable and awkward.
  105. xMaliceReturnsx: Are you going to be awkward?
  106. xMaliceReturnsx: Or uncomfortable?
  107. xMaliceReturnsx: Cause I'm not. Now that I got all that stuff above off my chest.
  108. Tougane: No, I won't.
  109. xMaliceReturnsx: So we're friends then, yes?
  110. Tougane: If you feel that's what's best, but I need to see this growth. So far, I don't like this new Jackie.
  111. Tougane: But I'll bite my tongue.
  112. xMaliceReturnsx: I'm currently in a more relaxed stage of my bitch rage mode.
  113. xMaliceReturnsx: People have pissed me off today.
  114. xMaliceReturnsx: So there is adrenaline
  115. xMaliceReturnsx: You'll see change. Don't worry.
  116. Tougane: I busted open my hand on a car motor and then tore open the wound smashing my fist on a heavy bag.
  117. Tougane: Don't worry, I know the pissiness.
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