
Log Book

Apr 17th, 2012
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  1. Log book
  3. Tuesday, 20th of March 2012
  4. 9 AM – Sign In
  5. I could not email my leader to sign in due to issues with my internet.
  6. I was assigned with the task of researching American Revolution weapons and drawing concepts.
  7. I began searching for weapons that were used in the American Revolution on Google by following varies links, I got a good idea of the most common weapons used at that period. I found that the Brown Bess, Kentucky Long Rifle and the Springfield Model 1861 where the most common firearms at that time.
  9. 5 PM – Sign Out
  10. I thought that this day was productive as I now have a base to draw the concept are from.
  13. Wednesday, 21th of March 2012
  14. 9 AM – Sign In
  15. Still having internet issues, so I did not get in contact with my leader.
  16. Today I drew 3 firearm concepts which are the following Brown Bess, Chareville, Kentucky Long rifle.
  18. 5 PM – Sign Out
  19. Today was a very productive day, as I now can move to the next stage and model the firearms off the concept sketches.
  21. Friday, 23th of March 2012
  22. 9 AM – Sign In
  23. Today I was assigned with modelling a firearm. So I began to model the base for the charleville musket.
  25. 5 PM – Sign Out
  26. It was a productive day I have most of the Charleville completed, ran into a small bit of trouble regarding the model, I couldn’t model the Lockplate so I need to contact my leader to see if we could resolve this issue.
  28. Monday, 26th of March 2012
  29. 9 AM – Sign In
  30. Today I was assigned with researching swords that where commonly used in the time period. I found that the Mameluke , Model 1840 Cavalry Saber, Model 1860 Light Cavalry Saber where the most common swords used in that period.
  32. 5 PM – Sign Out
  33. Today was a productive day, as I now can move to the next stage and draw the concept art.
  36. Tuesday, 27th of March 2012
  37. 9 AM – Sign In
  38. Today I was assigned with drawing and modelling an American revolution period sword. I am going to draw and model the mameluke sword as it was used by the navy, which will tie in with the game concept.
  40. 5 PM – Sign Out
  41. Today I have finished the concept art and the model of the mameluke sword, today was productive as I now have completed all my assigned tasks.
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