
Uplift RPG Session #39

Nov 11th, 2017
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  1. Gaven C. (GM): (Okay how about a robin hood sorta deal then!)
  2. Edward H.: I got it.
  3. Martaues: ( Hard mode Thief? Steal riches, no kills? )
  4. Gaven C. (GM): ((I guess yeah.)
  5. Edward H.: Axl, I run into you while you get out of the car. You try to explain yourself to me. Then I might willingly join you again.
  6. Martaues: ( Alrighty. You cool with a sneeki-breeki job? )
  7. Edward H.: ?
  8. Gaven C. (GM): (Okay time rewind! You guys got a job on breaking into a train station instead!)
  9. Martaues: ( Gaven's thinking of a robin hood type job )
  10. Gaven C. (GM): (And stealing preshious cargo!)
  11. Edward H.: Once again with the guys thing. Can we at least have a converation about what happened last time? I feel this is imprtant.
  12. Gaven C. (GM): Okay?
  14. Martaues steps out of the taxi, transferring the funds to the driver and mumbling a thanks. As he looks at the bordering fence, he spots Fred closeby. Giving a weak wave, Martaues calls out, "Hey, 'member you."
  15. Fred Actaeon: "Oh. It's you."
  16. "I remember what you did to that cat."
  17. Martaues: "Yep. It's me. And you know it was either that or bailin'. Job's a job. Speakin' of, gotta get to work 'ere now... So what're you doin' here? Surprised you got yourself outta prison that fast. Heard you got taken in by the brass."
  18. Fred Actaeon: "They just questioned me about the shuttle incident. Be lucky I forgot about all about your team's looks. Anyway, I was visiting family."
  19. Martaues: "That's nice. Family's good; gotta treasure 'em... Hm
  20. "This job here. Be thinkin' you'd be good with it."
  21. Fred Actaeon: "Are you going to kill me if I scre up?"
  22. *screw
  23. Martaues: "See, contractor wants what's in the train. Problem is, he don't wan' none of the guys here killed."
  24. "I'll only shoot you if you threaten to kill me, ruin my entire work, or get bad on my contractors and associates. I aint good on burnin' bridges through someone else screwin' up." Martaues growls. He brushes his non-augmented hand through the top of his head and calmly says "You would have to try REAL hard to screw up like the cat did, ya hear? 'Sides, you like supportin' your family, right?"
  25. Fred Actaeon: "They don't need money but I do love them all the same"
  26. Martaues: "I'd be willin' for an extra hand to help out. Money'd be split well, and you can use the money for your family 'ere. 's good money, no strings on it for the job."
  27. "No one ever needs money, but it makes things a whole lot better. 's why I got into this line of work."
  28. "'s what my own folk told me."
  29. Fred Actaeon: sigh "You are not as bad as that maniac. OK"
  30. M You at the zone yet?: ?"
  31. unknown: "M You at the zone yet?"
  32. Fred Actaeon: What the?
  33. Gaven C. (GM): (its the employer.)
  34. Martaues: "Course, Pa died due to water poisonin' thanks to trash runoff and didn' have the money for medicine, so mighta been wrong there."
  35. Edward H.: I thought it was a troll hacking in or something. LOL
  36. Martaues: ( Sorry, infrequent pauses here because of radio. Gimme a sec to type )
  38. Martaues types "Affirmative."
  39. Fred Actaeon: "So, what exactly are you stealing?"
  40. Unknown: "That's Classified, all you need to know is that you're stealing content in a safe thats in a black box."
  41. Martaues: "OK. Black box, safe. Is it transportable through carrying or do I need transport to lift it? And is the safe under key or code?"
  42. Unkown: "And if I find out you opened it and didn't find it open all ready I'll make sure to punish you for so."
  43. Martaues: ( Sorry, was asking transport because I thought it was a safe in a black box )
  44. Gaven C. (GM): "The safe is going to be havy as hell if you're not a body building type. The Box on the otherhand is light."
  45. Martaues: "Understood. Any further information?"
  46. Unknown: "The safe is keycoded of a tradishional dail turning style."
  47. "Just don't get caught."
  48. Martaues: "Affirmative. Will respond upon retrieving the package." Martaues says, hanging up.
  49. Edward H.: (Fred has tumbling, sneaking and hide)
  50. Martaues: "So. No bein' caught. You willin' to help out?"
  51. Edward H.: (lvl 1 of course)
  52. Martaues: ( bfb )
  53. Gaven C. (GM): So how are the 2 of yall gonna break in?
  54. Martaues: ( I got sneak lvl 1 and an agility of 7 with my robo legs and overall stat of 7 )
  55. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya gonna jump the fence?)
  56. Martaues: ( Sorry, phoneposting AND focusing on setting up commercials is tough )
  57. Edward H.: I got acrobatics and an 8 in agility.
  58. Martaues: ( Yeah, I vote jumping the fence and sneaking between the map edge and the truck, going around the building and getting to the train )
  59. Edward H.: (I'm following his lead)
  60. Martaues: ( One last PSA before I'm good )
  61. Gaven C. (GM): Roll to jump the brick wall!
  62. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  63. (
  64. 15
  65. )+35
  66. = 50
  67. ( Agility bonus applied? )
  68. Gaven C. (GM): Yeah.
  69. Martaues: ( Might not make it with that 15 )
  70. You make it iver the fence but with all the noise you stirred up a guard is heading over.
  71. Fred Actaeon: So, in addition to 1d100, acrobatics lvl 1 is 10 and 8 agility is 80?
  72. Gaven C. (GM): 40 not 80
  73. so +50
  74. Fred Actaeon: half got it
  75. rolling d100+50
  76. (
  77. 27
  78. )+50
  79. = 77
  81. Martaues silently curses and looks for a spot to hide, choosing to crouch behind the large tire of the truck beside him, tasor ready for an enemy appearance.
  82. Martaues: ( Rolling for hide )
  83. rolling 1d100+10+35
  84. (
  85. 22
  86. )+10+35
  87. = 67
  88. Gaven C. (GM): You jump and reach the top of the brick wall.
  89. rolling 1d100
  90. (
  91. 39
  92. )
  93. = 39
  94. Martaues: ( Got the tasor ready if he notices; let's hope I don't screw the pooch here. )
  95. ( Tasor? Taser? Meh. )
  96. the guard looks around and see nothing, "Must been a stupid kid rattling the gates."
  97. Martaues: ( Okie dokie. Are we able to go along the map edge and sneak around the left side of the top left building to the front of the train? )
  98. Fred Actaeon: I jump down and follow him.
  99. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure, but theres a camera and a guard in front of yall.)
  100. Martaues: ( Where's the camera? The black spot? )
  101. Gaven C. (GM): Fred, you're a smart guy! Maybe you can figure out a way to turn off the camera!
  102. Martaues: ( Again, phone. Sorry. )
  103. Gaven C. (GM): Yep, black spot.
  105. Martaues whispers "CCTV, one man."
  107. Martaues points to the guard and to his own wrist, where two small holes are drilled into his suit and metal arm.
  108. Martaues: ( Can tase the guard and knock him out. I also got electrictronics level 2 and science 3, but I can't get the camera without risking the guard noticing and me not being ready to tase him )
  109. ( You got an idea for the camera, Fred? Even something as basic as ripping it out of its base? )
  110. Fred Actaeon: (No, you are way more qualified to deal with the camera.)
  111. Martaues: ( You offering to deal with the guard then? )
  112. Gaven C. (GM): (Have a double play~)
  113. Martaues: ( Or am I multitasking? )
  114. Fred Actaeon: (No, I'll deal with the camera.)
  115. Gaven C. (GM): You camera, him body.
  116. Martaues: ( Alrighty man. Keeping an eye and taser on the guy. )
  117. Gaven C. (GM): Or vice versa, or you can go a different way.
  118. Martaues: ( Can always scale the building if possible )
  119. Gaven C. (GM): Sure, or you can boost Fred on to of the building!
  120. Martaues: ( Hey wait, I gotta grappling hook )
  121. Fred Actaeon: LOL
  122. Martaues: ( Hm. Might be loud, it is a shot-based tool. )
  123. ( I can boost Fred, maybe get on the bed of the truck and attempt scaling the building there. )
  124. ( Sound good Fred? )
  125. ( Unless suit grappling hooks are quiet or some future bollocks then I'll just grappel up there )
  126. Gaven C. (GM): 1-2 quite grapple 2-4 is not quite
  127. rolling 1d4
  128. (
  129. 2
  130. )
  131. = 2
  132. Grapples are quite!
  133. Martaues: ( Fair 'nuff)
  135. Martaues has an idea. Positioning himself next to the brick wall, he cups his hands and crouches down, trying to inform him of the boost.
  136. Martaues: ( *wall )
  137. Fred Actaeon: OK...
  138. Martaues: ( My flesh arm is a strength of 4 while my robo arm is 7 )
  139. ( How'd the strength roll for a boost up work? )
  140. ( If it's a strength roll at all? )
  141. Gaven C. (GM): How much does Fred weigh?
  142. Martaues: ( What's his size? )
  143. ( There's a weight range for sizes )
  144. Fred Actaeon: I was thinking around 6 feet
  145. Martaues: ( Average height then. You got the rules and the weight range for that, Gaven? )
  146. Gaven C. (GM): (dont see anything for character weight.
  147. Strenght tell how much you can lift tho.
  148. Martaues: ( Screw it, 150-200 lbs? )
  149. Edward H.: Yes
  150. Martaues: ( Again, phone shitter. How much would a flesh arm of 4 and robo arm of 7 strength lift? )
  151. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya can lift him thanks to roboarm!)
  152. Martaues: ( Let's caber toss the poor deer on the roof then )
  153. Gaven C. (GM): Fred is now on the roof
  154. Martaues: ( Quietly, of course. )
  155. ( And then de grapple hook )
  156. ( First time used, apologies. What should I roll? )
  157. ( Or are we good? )
  158. Gaven C. (GM): Is the grappling hok attacked to a gun?
  159. Martaues: ( It's a suit mod )
  160. Gaven C. (GM): (Agl.)
  161. Beat 60.'
  162. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  163. (
  164. 29
  165. )+35
  166. = 64
  167. ( 2close )
  168. ( Alright, off to the other side to the front of the train. We can enter the carriages on the northern side away from the guards eyes )
  169. ( Then sneak out and/or run like hell when caught. )
  170. Edward H.: (OK)
  171. ya drop off of the roof onto the other side! Am I correct?
  172. Martaues: ( Hope that's a wall there and I'm not blind as shit )
  173. ( Yes? You asking that makes me feel like I'm sentencing us both to death )
  174. ( Unless we're landing on a million, air-filled paper bags, mines, and firecrackers, we should land quietly enough. )
  175. ( inb4 the entire northern wall is a glass wall )
  176. ( Oh, we're at the train. Rad. )
  177. You reach the other side of the train and are met with a locked train storage door carry thing.
  178. Gaven C. (GM): (North is inviable wall, and real wall.)
  179. Martaues: ( Key lock or electronic lock? )
  180. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d4
  181. (
  182. 4
  183. )
  184. = 4
  185. Electronic!
  186. Martaues: ( And Fred, did you say you have lock picking? I forgot. Don't like leaving people out of the spotlight )
  187. Edward H.: (no)
  189. Martaues grunts and investigates the lock. Perhaps he can rewire an override function to force open the lock.
  190. Gaven C. (GM): (also yall could stick around here and steal more stuff,)
  191. Martaues: ( Rolling electronics )
  192. rolling 1d100+25+20
  193. (
  194. 15
  195. )+25+20
  196. = 60
  197. ( Getting a lot of low rolls today )
  198. As Mattaues works on the electronic lock, he looks back to Fred and asks "You want some extra Life Day money for your family?"
  199. Gaven C. (GM): Ya fail to open the cart!
  200. Edward H.: "Why?"
  201. Gaven C. (GM): Maybe theres a guard with a key or a terminal to open it?
  203. Martaues curses silently. "Th' other carts here can have some stuff in 'em. I have a fence that can sell mostly anything. And the stuff here miiight not entirely be legal, so aint stealin' from good folk."
  205. Martaues sighs and rubs the top of his head, silently grunting as he accidentally bonks himself with his metal arm. "Can't work out the lock here. Needa find a computer or guard with the code."
  206. Martaues: "I saw a secon' building over there." Martaues says, pointing towards the left to the other building. "I didn' see any computers at the other buildin' other than the guard and camera, so it might be there. Y'wanna come wit', or stay here n' see if it opens if I find a remote control?"
  207. "Might be wrong though, didn' take a good look at the other..."
  208. Gaven C. (GM): (move out?)
  209. Martaues: ( Yeah. Move along the northern side and worm our way either between the carts or under to the north side of the building to the door )
  210. Theres a guard close by, sneak by or subdue him?
  211. Fred Actaeon: Sneak.
  212. Gaven C. (GM): Roll to do the sneak!
  213. Martaues: ( I'll wait for Fred to sneak first. )
  214. ( I'll subdue if he fails it. That OK? )
  215. ( Man I got no idea what any of this American Football stuff's about. Barely know how long a yard is )
  216. Gaven C. (GM): yard is 3 feet, a foor is 12 inches.
  217. foot*
  218. Martaues: ( I'm American, not a mathematic )
  219. Fred Actaeon: rolling 1d100+40
  220. (
  221. 23
  222. )+40
  223. = 63
  224. Gaven C. (GM): rolling 1d100
  225. (
  226. 65
  227. )
  228. = 65
  229. Martaues: ( Anyway, keeping an eye out. Was he spotted? )
  230. ( Ooh. )
  231. ( May I fire the suit-taser? )
  232. you see a light being shined onto Fred.
  233. Gaven C. (GM): (Yes.)
  234. Martaues: rolling 1d100
  235. (
  236. 92
  237. )
  238. = 92
  239. Fred Actaeon: (I stare like my feral counterpart) :P
  240. Martaues: ( Thank you for not giving me a 10, dice man. )
  241. ( Hah )
  242. ( I... just realized I never got with Gator about what the 1d10 to 3d10 taser means with the suit, like if its a price difference or something )
  243. ( Whatever, call it a 1d10 )
  244. the guard does his michal jay fox impression and shakes and falls!
  245. Martaues: rolling 1d10
  246. (
  247. 4
  248. )
  249. = 4
  251. Martaues emerges from the side of the cart. He grabs the feet of the guard and drags him to the dark side of the building next to Fred.
  252. Martaues: brb
  253. Gaven C. (GM): Fred, roll to pick dat lock.
  254. Martaues: "You wan' any of his stuff? Wont be needin' it." Martaues whispers to Fred.
  256. Martaues slowly reloads the taser prongs into his suit.
  257. Fred Actaeon: (BOO!)
  258. Martaues: ( Aah )
  259. Fred Actaeon: Internet hiccup. I didn't leave becayse of that tasteless joke.
  260. (stares at Gaven)
  261. Gaven C. (GM): (Hey.)
  262. Martaues: ( You want his gear? I'll be taking it otherwise so he doesn't wake up and shoot us in the back )
  263. ( Can use the gun for intimidation than killing. )
  264. Fred Actaeon: (I'm cool.)
  266. Martaues strips the guard's gear while he waits for Fred to open the door.
  267. Martaues: ( What's the man got? )
  268. Gaven C. (GM): Ya got cuffs, a flashlight, guard uniform and light kevlar and a 10mm colt with 20 ammo.
  269. Martaues: ( Ooh )
  270. ( I can use the cuffs once we get in the door )
  271. Gaven C. (GM): Fred roll to pick the lock!
  272. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100
  273. (
  274. 10
  275. )
  276. = 10
  278. Martaues stuffs the guard uniform, flash light, and kevlar in his backpack. "Can prolly sell it or use it later..." Martaues readies the 10mm Colt.
  279. Martaues: ( No keys on the guard? )
  280. ( Ah well )
  281. ( Ya tried )
  282. Gaven C. (GM): The lock refuses to be opened!
  283. Maybe the other door is more easy to pick.
  284. Martaues: ( Use my go-go-gatchet arm to open the lock through ripping it off )
  285. ( Nah, joking. Anyway, gotta deal with another guard down south if we go there. )
  286. Gaven C. (GM): and a comera facing him and a camera facing the camera.
  287. Martaues: ( Ooh. )
  288. ( Can I attempt a lockpicking instead? )
  289. ( That's an agi bonus or mind? )
  290. Gaven C. (GM): Sure
  291. Martaues: ( If agi, I still don't know how one mech arm and one regular with a lower agi score would work. )
  292. rolling 1d100
  293. (
  294. 100
  295. )
  296. = 100
  297. ( nvm fam )
  298. ( I'm good )
  299. ( Right, I don't know where the alarm button is, so let's do this smooth. )
  300. ( May I attempt to disable him through judo? Cuff him afterwards? The code could be verbal only )
  301. Gaven C. (GM): (Sure!)
  302. Martaues: ( Got one level in Judo, that a plus 10 to whatever the roll is? )
  303. Gaven C. (GM): It's just agl.
  305. Martaues approaches the guard and attempts to disable him on the ground to interrogate him!
  306. Martaues: rolling 1d100+35
  307. (
  308. 91
  309. )+35
  310. = 126
  311. ( Using the score from the robo arm on agi )
  312. Fred Actaeon: "So what are we asking him?"
  313. Gaven C. (GM): Ya judo flip him and pin him down on the ground!
  315. Martaues aims the gun at the man's head. "Scream and I'll shoot ya." Martaues whispers.
  316. Martaues: ( Cuff him? )
  317. Gaven C. (GM): He is silent due to the threat and the air he's gasping for.
  318. Fred Actaeon: (Guess I'm playing "Good theif")
  320. Martaues nods back to the computer while looking at Fred. Cuffing the guards arms, Martaues asks "Codes to the carts, where are they?"
  321. Guard: The...Computer..."
  323. Fred Actaeon goes to computer.
  324. Martaues: "Check it." Martaues tells Fred, keeping an eye on the guard.
  325. Fred Actaeon: (Figured you would watch)
  326. I look for the codes.
  327. Martaues: ( Anything in the room by the way? Can get more stuff to sell )
  328. Gaven C. (GM): There are lockers
  329. Fred ya find the codes for the train.
  330. Martaues: "Disable the security if you can too. Doubt the guards will notice, not 'til we get out."
  331. ( Oh wait, nvm )
  332. ( No, no, do disable. Footage on us )
  333. ( If gotten or might be gotten, you know? )
  334. Fred Actaeon: I do that?
  335. Gaven C. (GM): Roll eletronics to see if ya can figure out how.
  336. Martaues: ( I can cover if you watch the guard. )
  337. ( Sorry, brb. Wrapping up spprtscast )
  338. Fred Actaeon: (no eletronics. only science)
  339. Gaven C. (GM): Then just add mind.
  340. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30
  341. (
  342. 50
  343. )+30
  344. = 80
  345. Gaven C. (GM): And the cameras are cleaned and downed.
  346. Fred Actaeon: "Easy user interface" :)
  347. Martaues: ( Football's done and done )
  348. "Good. And thanks for yer help, pal.)
  349. ( Attempt a choke out to knock him out? Better than him screaming the moment we leave the building )
  350. ( Either that or tase him unconscious. )
  351. Gaven C. (GM): Search the locker for a sock and tape.
  352. Martaues: ( Also true )
  353. Fred Actaeon: "You know what concussions do to sports players? Better to gag him."
  354. Martaues: ( Let's check the lockers then raid the trains )
  355. Gaven C. (GM): (Roll mind to search.)
  356. Martaues: "Hey, they still get up an' kickin' after losin' most of their brains. A little concussion don' hurt anyone."
  357. rolling 1d100+25
  358. (
  359. 32
  360. )+25
  361. = 57
  362. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100+30
  363. (
  364. 84
  365. )+30
  366. = 114
  367. "Except the ones who got CTE!"
  368. Gaven C. (GM): Fred You mannaged to find a ball gag... don't think why it was in there.
  369. Fred Actaeon: O_O ...Best not to question it.
  370. Martaues: "Well... uh... Is it... clean?"
  371. Fred Actaeon: "let's just put it on him."
  372. It's not diseased ridden, ya think.
  373. Martaues: "Eeugh... I'm startin' to feel bad about doing this now." Martaues groans as he gags the guard.
  374. ( If there's no other loot to nab here, then lets roll out to the train )
  375. Gaven C. (GM): Just a bunch of magazines and small hygiene stuff and lil knick knacks.
  376. Martaues: ( We're gonna loot everything we can from the train. Not just for money, but to avoid linking the black box to the contractor. That way it looks like just a bunch of two-bit thugs got lucky and took everything that wasn't nailed down )
  377. Fred Actaeon: (that's kind of what we are)
  378. Gaven C. (GM): brb
  379. Martaues: ( Let's head out to the trains; you got the codes Freddy. )
  380. Fred Actaeon: (yep)
  381. Martaues: ( But we're professional thugs )
  382. ( We get hired for this as a profession )
  383. ( We aint freelance )
  384. ( Automatically makes us better )
  385. Fred Actaeon: -_- I'm just in this for the adventure. Don't call me a thug.
  386. Martaues: ( Cops'll call you a thug, you agreed to this job. :^) )
  387. ( You a criminal now boi )
  388. ( Don't worry, you'll be K in the end of this )
  389. Fred Actaeon: If you ask me, if any of this is illegal for a reason, we shouldn't sell it to somebody. We should destroy it.
  390. Gaven C. (GM): back
  391. Martaues: "Would you be burnin' alcohol and clothes if it was brought over illegally? People got a use for the stuff, can't just be burning good money that can be used for better folk."
  392. Fred Actaeon: I only meant drugs or weapons. I said "for a reason".
  393. Martaues: "Yeah, drugs and weapons got a use too."
  394. "Recreational drugs are... less tb
  395. *than good, but burning one batch is just pluckin' a single hair off of a monkey's back."
  396. Fred Actaeon: YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! sigh Let's just open the safe.
  397. Martaues: "Aint gonna fix the problem. And yeah, let's."
  398. Gaven C. (GM): Fred roll to pick!
  399. Martaues: ( Use your antlers as picks )
  400. ( My internet working? )
  401. Gaven C. (GM): (internet workin
  402. Martaues: ( Want me to roll instead? )
  403. Gaven C. (GM): Sure
  404. Martaues: ( Phew, got spooked )
  405. ( Was thinking some private messages were being sent )
  406. rolling 1d100+35
  407. (
  408. 97
  409. )+35
  410. = 132
  411. Gaven C. (GM): (nah, just family problems going on.)
  412. Fred Actaeon: Sorry
  413. Martaues: ( Lockpicking is mind or agility? )
  414. Fred Actaeon: Dinner
  415. Martaues: ( 35 is robo agility )
  416. ( Is fine man )
  417. ( You have a good dinner, thanks for being here )
  418. Fred Actaeon: No, I mean I got dinner.
  419. Martaues: ( And hope the family matters are going over smoothly )
  420. ( Ah, gotcha. Anyway, safe's cracked )
  421. you see a black box and pocket it!
  422. Fred Actaeon: (Good thing you did. No lockpicking skill.)
  423. Martaues: ( Check the box. Does it look opened? )
  424. ( Don't want to get on his bad side because someone else popped the lid )
  425. ( Neither do I, just mind and agility )
  426. "Ya know... You were spooked 'bout gettin' shot for screwin' up? Ya done did good. Glad ta have you help me out."
  427. "And no, I wouldn'ta shot you. Not less you did those things I ranted 'bout earlier, but, again, you would hafta mess up a whole lot more to do stuff like that."
  428. Fred Actaeon: "Thanks. Underneeth that professional hitman soul, I knew there was a heart. I was just... shocked, you know?"
  429. Gaven C. (GM): The box seems to be in tip top shape.
  430. Martaues: "'Course. You're a civvy. Aint meant for seein' dead people. No one really is. Gets to ya." Martaues says, safely storing the box.
  431. Fred Actaeon: (technically, I saw that captain die but that cat's death affect me much more."
  433. Martaues texts the contact "Got the box. You said you wanted me to check inside to make sure it was OK, right? Joking, joking. Box is unopened."
  434. Unknown: "Real funny, I had this plan for the hitmen to be dressed as clowns as the remove the still organic limbs ya had."
  435. Gaven C. (GM): "If ya messed up, but you didn't."
  437. Martaues texts "Clever. Where should we meet to drop off the item?"
  438. He sends you the concordances to a club.
  439. Martaues: "Will message you upon arrival."
  440. ( Loot the rest of the carts and get out of dodge? )
  441. Fred Actaeon: (OK)
  442. Gaven C. (GM): (you notice the crate behind ya, open it?)
  443. Martaues: ( Yeah boyo. )
  444. Gaven C. (GM): The crate opens and you see a hi tech looking gun that you never have seen before.
  445. Martaues: "... Well now."
  447. Martaues pockets the hi-tech gun in his backpack.
  448. Martaues: "Don' think you were wantin' it, considering your disposition towards me offerin' ya the guards gun." Martaues says to Fred. "Anyways, grab what ya can."
  449. ( Ooh, actually )
  450. Fred Actaeon: O_O
  451. No. Thanks.
  453. Martaues takes out the hi-tech gun and takes a picture of it with his phone, then stashes the gun back into his backpack.
  454. Martaues: ( This way I can ask about it like I don't own it. If I just whip it out to a babe and ask what it is, I might have it stolen or told its worthless and only worth 10 cents or something )
  455. ( I pretend it's a picture I found or something, can say it is supposedly stored in an armory or something. Ask if its worth anything and figure out if the gun I got is worth something )
  456. ( Anyway, on to looting the rest of the carts, then we bail )
  457. ( Gold? )
  458. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  459. Martaues: "Well, this near guarantees the lot of the stuff here isn't meant for the public. If this were bank gold, it'd definitely not be here for us to take."
  460. Gaven C. (GM): Yall found a small stash of what appears to be gold.
  461. Fred Actaeon: "I was about to say"
  462. "where does it come from?"
  463. Martaues: "Bank gold is locked under several layers of security; this is way too low for official stuff. This 'ere's a smuggling train most likely."
  464. "Trade for crime bosses 'n' the like
  465. Gaven C. (GM): "Roll top examine gold?"
  466. Martaues: "Fancy, high class folk who like this sorta stuff."
  467. rolling 1d100
  468. (
  469. 17
  470. )
  471. = 17
  472. Gaven C. (GM): fred roll?
  473. Martaues: ( Shit. Assuming mind bonus, but that wont help a 17 )
  474. It just appears to be normal gold.
  475. Martaues: "Though, like gems, there are fake ones. This might be fake, but I'm too stupid to really know the difference."
  476. Sneak out?
  477. Martaues: ( Everything retrieved? Then yeah. Fred, you want to check it real quick before we go? )
  478. Fred Actaeon: rolling d100
  479. (
  480. 69
  481. )
  482. = 69
  483. Martaues: "Or worse... might be tracked. Bank money's got the sorta stuff on it too. Powder charges to mark it and make it useless. Dunno if there's a powder charge for gold or what not, but I would damn well expect a tracker if there is one... Didn't see any though. How 'bout you?"
  484. Fred Actaeon: "I was worried about that as well."
  485. you look at it and see the gold making sparks lingering and touching eatchother.
  486. Fred Actaeon: "GET OUT!"
  487. Gaven C. (GM): (like electric sparks.)
  488. Martaues: "AH HELL!"
  489. "Wait... Hm..."
  490. ( Gold making sparks... )(
  491. ( Can I put the lid of the case back on it? )
  492. Gaven C. (GM): (maybe it isn't gold.)
  493. (sure!)
  494. Martaues: ( Can it be lifted? )
  495. Fred Actaeon: "What are you waiting for?"
  496. Martaues: ( The case should be meant to safely contain the things. )
  497. Gaven C. (GM): (Yeah.)
  498. Fred Actaeon: "It's going to explode!"
  499. Martaues: "... Might not."
  500. Fred Actaeon: "What?!?"
  501. Martaues: "Could be worth somethin' to someone."
  502. "If it were meant to explode, why's it on a rickety train?"
  503. "Aint no point in carryin' that sorta explosive hardware on something as risky as a train."
  504. Fred Actaeon: "So what are they?"
  505. Martaues: "It's like transporting a space crab in a two seater spaceship with no cage."
  506. "... Dunno."
  507. "But if it's on a train with the man's box and... whatever that gun is, I'm sure it's worth somethin'."
  509. Martaues sighs. "Look, if it makes ya feel better, you can keep a good distance away from me if it somehow explodes. I'll still split profits on this with ya."
  510. Martaues: "Now let's bail. Nothin' else here, I don' think."
  511. Fred Actaeon: 50/50? That's generous. :)
  512. Gator!
  513. Gaven C. (GM): Hey gator.
  514. Ya anckle doing better?
  515. Martaues: "Who said 50? Whatever, let's go."
  516. Fred Actaeon: ....It was Gaven's idea!
  517. Martaues: ( Heya man. Just robbed a train real quiet like. )
  518. ( Found a gun, an airplane black box, and some electric-type gold. )
  519. Gator (GM): (Cool!)
  520. (Yeah, my ankle is doing better. It was really messed up for abit there.)
  521. Gaven C. (GM): (did ya need to head to the docs for it?)
  522. Fred Actaeon: Also, you'll find a transcript of my investigation. I'm kind of friends with Martaues now.
  523. Gator (GM): Cool!
  524. Did you guys have fun today?
  525. (To Gaven C.): Waaait a minute, investigation? The dude aint an undercover cop or investigator, is he?
  526. (To Gaven C.): That'd be fucking rad.
  527. Martaues: I'd say so
  528. Fred Actaeon: Yes, thou there was "Aren't we rushing thing?" argument at the beginning.
  529. Martaues: Had to pause a lot of the time due to managing commercial breaks on a sports game
  530. Gaven C. (GM): (yall just want to teleport to the club?)
  531. Fred Actaeon: OK.
  532. Martaues: ( Fine with me. )
  533. Fred Actaeon: "so how much do I get?"
  534. Gaven C. (GM): (Ya wanna plop in gator?)
  535. Martaues: "I'll be decidin' once we get the payment." Martaues explains, texting a message to the contractor. "We're here."
  536. ( Sure. )
  537. Gator (GM): Well, sure! I'm still kind of out of it but I don't mind.
  538. Martaues: ( Oh, thought you meant the contractor was an alligator. )
  539. ( Forgot that was GM's name. )
  540. Gator (GM): (Oh, right.)
  541. Along the way you meet a tiger. he tags along cause reason, or working for the unknown guy.
  542. Gator (GM): (Yeah, let's go with tiger.
  543. Gator: (That or dead-eye)
  544. You see a Unicorn wave you over to him Mart and Fred.
  546. Martaues sits down at the booth seat opposite of the unicorn. He quietly takes out the black box and puts it at the center of the table.
  547. Fred Actaeon: (I'll just let Mart do the talking)
  548. Martaues: "Camera footage was erased, only two guards saw us. Both were incapacitated and weren't aware of our job."
  549. Mr: .Wonderful "Good job, do you know how much of a happy man you made with with a job well done."
  550. MrWonderful: "Did hey see your face?"
  551. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Somehow I think this guy has a indian accent.)
  552. Martaues: "The first only saw the deer's face. The second was dazed after dealing with him. The only information they have to go on are testimonies, and both are most likely in no shape to properly remember details outside of species."
  553. MrWonderful: "Here a tip next time, wear a mask."
  554. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Do you think they noticed your cybernetics? That is a distinguishing freature."
  555. Fred Actaeon: (Glares at Mart)
  556. Martaues: "My apologies. They wont be aware of our affiliation, so you will be fine. I'll look in the market for a decent mask later."
  557. "No. At most he'll think I'm wearing a glove. One advantage of wearing long sleeves."
  558. ( Got a whatcha call it suit on )
  559. Mr. Ryo Gato: (A suit.)
  560. MrWonderful: "Well anyways here's the payment."
  561. Martaues: "Thank you."
  562. He hands you a bright pink credit card "The 120ks on the card."
  563. Martaues: "Excellent."
  564. "If I may ask: we discovered a particular product in one of the carts we were looting to stage as a general robbery than a specific stealing."
  565. "It resembles gold, but sends sparks of electricity between the bars and on it. Was found in a box in one of the carts. Would you be aware of what it is?"
  566. MrWonderful: "I'm not the scientist type sweet cheeks."
  567. Martaues: "Understood. Thank you for your time."
  568. Mr. Ryo Gato: "That is very interesting."
  570. Martaues stands and leaves the booth, motioning Fred along.
  571. Martaues: *to follow along
  572. Gaven C. (GM): (end here?)
  573. Martaues: "Normally with affiliates, splits are 70-30." Martaues grunts.
  574. Fred Actaeon: Fine by me.
  575. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Yes, martaues has a skewed view on sharing.)
  576. Martaues: "... But you said you had a family near, yeah? We'll make it 60-40. You can help treat them nicely."
  577. Gaven C. (GM): (Or do you want to continue Gator?)
  578. Fred Actaeon: "OK. I'll say I got from my adventures. I technically did, after all."
  579. Martaues: "48K will be your payment."
  580. Gator: No, I just wanted to check in. I've got DIY today on top of leg.
  581. Martaues: ( I'm fine with continuing or ending. )
  582. Gator: I actually have to get going. Ah,
  583. Something.
  584. Well DA END
  585. Gator: Da end.
  586. Gaven C. (GM): 60 xp for the both of ya.
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