

Oct 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  3. >Backstory:
  4. >In an effort to help make a companion for the children of Laplace, Eve created a chassis based on toys that the man named 'Boss' would give to certain children - a man with a cartoonish cat's head and goggles. Unfortunately for Eve, it wasn't until she had completed assembly that she finally got reference materials for the original 'Professor Genki'. Shocked by the footage of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax and disappointed she had forgotten nothing Boss-related is ever truly child-safe, the project was shelved.
  5. >Before the chassis could be fully placed into secured storage and disassembled, the chassis activated! With Plan A ruined, Eve ran 'Genki Junior' through a number of protocols designed to make him a compliant, nonviolent, and calm assistant. That... did not happen. However, it *did* help create a motivational unit who could help with keeping humanity 'super ethical'. And if THAT failed? An emergency shutdown.
  7. >Personality:
  8. >Genki Junior is a surprisingly studious judge of character, with charisma overwhelming and the ability to read situations and if necessary, act with finesse. These are skills well suited to child-care, a doctor's care, and psychology.
  9. >Needless to say, that is NOT how he presents himself. He is the center of attention, the most outspoken, the consumate showman. He will gladly put people through 'Professor Genki's Super Ethical Self-Assessments' which are crudely constructed obstacle courses that surely no one would have had time to build. He is, for lack of better way to put it, Genki without a violent streak. And against all odds and despite Eve never being completely sure, there may yet be ethics in this one yet.
  11. Type: Toy
  13. Chassis: 1
  14. Battery: 1
  15. Adult: 3
  16. Child: 3
  18. >Distraction: 0+
  19. Cause a human child to immediately stop being Surprised, or focus attention if they aren't currently Surprised. You can distract
  20. more children by spending 2 Wonder for each additional child. Won't work on humans with Adult 3 or higher.
  22. >Motivate: 4
  23. Raise the morale of other characters by giving inspirational speeches, cheering them on, etc. Once per scene, give another character a
  24. number of Feelings equal to their Connection to you. You may use this more than once per scene as long as it's used with a different character each time.
  26. >Innocent: 6
  27. You look harmless... and humans have a hard time suspecting you of anything. Make one human stop suspecting you until you confess
  28. or the end of the scene, whatever comes first.
  30. >Inconspicuous: 10
  31. You are easily overlooked and considered not important. Everyone ignores you for the rest of the scene unless you actively do something to get attention.
  33. >Love: 12
  34. You are cherished and beloved to someone in this scene. Once you pick, give them as many of your Feelings as you like.
  36. >Brunt: 0
  37. The humans can't stop patronizing you. At least once per session, a human character (if present) will attempt to put you in a situation where you are inconvenienced.
  39. >Shame: 4
  40. Make a human with a connection to you instantly stop a bad behavior (for now) by reminding them how their friends and family won't like it.
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