
Lost Dream Ideas

Feb 8th, 2014
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  1. Fate = DM
  2. Chance = Dice
  3. Powers = Players
  5. Reality:
  6. The world does not exist except in what is explained by Fate, and elaborated on by the Powers.
  7. Nothing exists until it is perceived
  8. The speed of time is dependent on Fate and the Powers.
  9. "Science" is merely the real-world-esque patterns that exist in this world with Fate and Powers.
  10. These patterns change from DM to DM based on how "hard" the story is, also by headcanon. Therefore using them to determine reality is foolish.
  12. In the end, the World's "reality" is determined only by the Consensus. Whatever the DM [Fate], the Dice [Chance], and the Players [Powers] are willing to allow you to do. Therefore the secret to godlike power is located not in skills or dice modifiers, but in manipulating and playing the players and the DM and the dice in the direction you want. In this there is godhead.
  14. And since no matter how many times you die, or whatever happens to you, you can always use the character again in a new game, acknowledging this also leads to memetic immortality.
  16. The state of realizing you are merely a character in a game is CHIM, and keeping this a secret, even from yourself, is the secret to avoiding zero-summing.
  18. Zero-Summing:
  19. The act of breaking immersion by totally destroying the fourth-wall. This makes people not want to play anymore, destroying that World, and makes people not want to let you use that character anymore, thus destroying his immortality. This means hiding the fundamental nature of the World [You are a character in a tabletop game with a reality defined by Consensus where power and immortality are determined more by player skill and resourcefulness then character sheet power] secret, by hiding it in mystic jargon.
  21. Peace:
  22. The act of ensuring the railroad is finished, from end to end, without problem. This means resolving intercharacter problems, resolving disputes, and ending challenges. This also makes keeping a calm head, and causing as few problems in-character as possible, while still remaining interesting.
  24. Teachings:
  25. Getting as close to telling the secrets of Reality and CHIM to someone else, without coming out and saying it. Allowing another player to get the drift without telling it in laymens, by causing the character to have that insight themselves.
  27. Science/The LOGOS/The IF-THEN:
  28. The patterns of Reality, as determined by the Consensus between the DM, the Players, and the Dice. Things work like this, not because they have too, but because everyone thinks they ought to, either because they work like that in the real world, or the DM has decided they work like that.
  30. Magic/The MAGOS:
  31. Wanting reality to become a certain way, so it becomes that way. The weak forms of it use skills to pull off tricks that are in accordance with the Consensus, and are represented in character by logical formulas and scientific ideas. The fact however is, they only work because the rules say they work. True magic is usable only through CHIM, when you realize that magic is just willing the world a certain way, and only someone with CHIM can truly do that without any delusions about science or logic.
  33. True Magic:
  34. A weak magician uses Magic Bolt or Astral Projection, skills that have rules and are built into the Consensus. As long as you don't cheat with them, you can use them however you wish. But more powerful magic is the fact that the player/Power has the ability to define reality, the only limit is how far they're willing to stretch the Consensus. For example, a player could create clouds by saying their character looks up into the clouds. The DM did not say they're were clouds in the introductive post, but there are clouds now, because a player said they're were, and the DM doesn't want to contradict the player on a minor point, because that would break immersion, cause fights, and threaten to break up the Consensus destroying that World-Egg. This kind of world-defining magic can be taken very very far, as long as you do it the right ways. By making it where the DM can't contradict you without breaking immersion. The limit to True Magic is that the more outlandish, unlikely, or stupid the thing you say, the more likely the DM to drop the hammer on you and just say no. The secret is avoiding writing things in, and make it more like you're just writing things out. Its a cool sunny spring day, so OF COURSE, its lightly cloudy. We're in Sugar Cube Corner, OF COURSE there is cake nearby to use as projectiles. Etc, Etc, Etc.
  36. Meditation:
  37. Skipping my turn/seeming mystical
  39. World-Egg:
  40. The name for a particular continuity, regardless of how many worlds/universes it contains, in-character.
  42. Dreaming:
  43. The descriptor indicating that everyone is metaphorically asleep. NPCs and the other PCs think they live in a world of order and logic where things happen because of universal laws and that history has been going on for ages, when in reality the world came into existence in some cases mere seconds ago, and is ruled only by the Consensus. A symbol of Lost's awakened status, is that he never sleeps, he only astral projects while his body sleeps.
  45. Personality:
  46. He is a blatant hedonist, a pseudopacifist, and a mentor to many players, only because he must stay interesting to keep the Peace, because if he is irrelevant, the other players will ignore him, and he will be discounted, and the railroad threatened, and Peace, and potentially the entire World-Egg, could collapse.
  48. Motivations:
  49. To help the DM maintain the Peace, to serve as my avatar for playing the game, and to lead other players to CHIM through selective choosing of pupils likely to be able and willing to understand his teachings.
  51. The Real World:
  52. He is aware of our world and what it is, and how it works and how it relates to his worlds. He refuses to speak at length about this world, because firstly it is outside his power and not subject to his rules [Our world is ruled by logic and science, not mysticism and Dungeon Masters], and because mentioning Earth increases the odds of zero-summing immensely. So he only mentions it in subtle jokes, where the players are unlikely to mind or concern themselves.
  54. CHIM:
  55. The state of realizing you are merely a character in a game, thus giving you access to the true rules that govern reality [The rulebook and the Consensus], as well as granting you memetic immortality and the demi-godhead that comes with knowing how reality really works and how to exploit player-DM-Dice relations for profit. To prevent the collapse of the World-Egg you're in, and potentially causing yourself to zero-sum, you must obscure this knowledge with mystic symbolism and nonsensical behavior that makes others not take you seriously, unless they are a prospective pupil, who might be able to learn CHIM [Like Luci or Sapphire].
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