
Science is da long and winding wae

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. 16:03 *** SimpleJak joined #obama
  2. < pepefrog> Stop the illegitimate bans I'm an American citizen and a staunch supporter of POTUS
  3. Topic set by mongo`! on Sat Feb 17 2018 17:17:58 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 16:04 Joey the problem isn't people damn it it's the guns they can get their hands on when they really shouldn't be able to.
  5. 16:04 SimpleJak Guns are a causative factor in gun violence.
  6. 16:04 SimpleJak Aspects of people are causative factors in gun violence.
  7. 16:04 dk56 ii like to look at the figure skaters undies when they twirl and stuff
  8. 16:04 SimpleJak Reason: Gun violence is a gun-person system.
  9. 16:04 dk56 nathan chen's were the cutest
  10. 16:05 Joey as far as I know if you can't fire a bullit because you don't have a gun then all other causative factors are just bullshit
  11. 16:06 SimpleJak The presence of a gun is a necessary condition for gun violence -- correct.
  12. 16:06 Joey lol this is where the intellectual loves to go...let's make this as complex as possible and confuse everyone
  13. 16:06 SimpleJak The presence of a gun is not a sufficient condition for gun violence.
  14. 16:06 Joey lol it's the primary reason for gun violence....
  15. 16:06 Joey end of story
  16. 16:06 SimpleJak Good day, Joey.
  17. 16:07 SimpleJak Make Common Sense Great Again.
  18. 16:07 RoboTurmp Make America Great Again!! Vote Turmp!
  19. 16:07 SimpleJak Science is the way forward.
  20. 16:07 SimpleJak Science is, at times, complex and nuanced.
  21. 16:08 SimpleJak The solution is not to emulate the alt-right with their worship of the Alpha as a Source of Truth.
  22. 16:08 SimpleJak The best methodology yet discovered by humans to determine 'what is true' is science.
  23. 16:08 SimpleJak Science is da wae.
  24. 16:08 |werejag| cojen eh
  25. 16:08 SimpleJak Joey does not know da wae.
  26. 16:08 laceless |werejag| : raindonna
  27. 16:08 |werejag| ah
  28. 16:09 *** SimpleJak was kicked by Joey (here let me show you the way ) (—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—)
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