
40 Run [M. Zebra Lordblade] MLPFEMTORPG

May 5th, 2014
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  1. Name: Run
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Zebra
  4. Class: Lordblade (Paladin/Rogue)
  5. Talent: Explosion Silhouette (+2 Blast)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Alignment: Lawful Evil
  9. Skills:
  10. (Free Racial) Heightened Senses: passive; +1 to perception-based rolls (spotting, searching, listening, etc)
  11. (Racial) Z Tactic: passive; Another vestigial carry-over from the past, some zebras inherit the instinct to zig-zag while running when stressed. Oddly enough, navigation is never an issue when they want to get from point A to B. When moving from one range to another, you become much harder to hit increasing the DC for foes to hit by 1 next turn. This penalty on enemies increases the more zebras there are up to a maximum of DC +3.
  12. (Free Multiclass) Brotherhood: summons a temporary assassin to fight alongside you until combat ends. This minion can be any class, has 5 points worth of skills, and has basic gear. Unaffected by Pet Mastery.
  13. (Class) Blast: weapon, recharge 1; your weapon lands with explosive force. This attack autocrits a specific type of foe, selected when the skill is learned. Hits all nearby targets on a crit. (Autocrits: Rich/Upperclass)
  14. (Class) Escape Artist: automatic, recharge 3; break free of all immobilizing effects (grabs, roots, freeze traps etc.) and also removes helplessness.
  16. Inventory:
  17. Twin Machetes: Dual Weapon
  18. Grey Stetson
  19. Black Bag: Adventuring Gear, Whiskey, Mememo of Bun
  20. Brown Leather Jacket
  21. Black Bandana (Located Around Neck)
  22. Black Wraps that Covers Any Exposed Fur (besides his face)
  24. Traits:
  25. Run is a male zebra. His fur is a dark grey with zig-zagged charcoal black stripes running across it. His mane is the same black as his stripes, slicked back and a pointed goatee on his face, his eyes a smoky amber. Run is a classic western bandit, but more importantly a father. Run is the widower of his long time partner Bun, an ex-outlaw herself. The two spent many years holding up banks and robbing trains across the Equestrian frontier. They were infamous for their elaborate disguises and their ability to never have had their identities revealed during a heist (The two always made sure to cover themselves to the point where no fur showed, hiding their stripes). After making quite the large fortune, the two settled down, leaving behind their bandanas and weapons for a ranch and a daughter which they named Sun.
  26. For around five years the couple happily spent their early retirement on the ranch. The two certainly weren't good at farming, and even lost money try to do so. Still they had enough money to last the rest of their lives, and they were happy to be together. Their daughter at a young age had a big interest in the machines around the ranch (even at two years old getting in trouble for completely dismantling the toaster), but Run and Bun supported her fascination. They bought her an expensive magic tool kit, plenty of robotic parts, and by the time she was learning her first words she had built her own set of mechanical dolls. Still, this peace would not last forever.
  27. It was an autumn evening, Run was inside making cooking dinner (he was surprisingly better at cooking than Bun, despite her name), his wife and daughter outside picking pumpkins out in the field. However, while he was chopping up carrots, the shrill cry of Run's daughter rang out from outside. Thinking quickly, Run took the knife he had in hoof, running out to the fields. There he saw a a two legged lizard with the head of a rooster, which he recognized as a cockatrice. It stood in front of Bun, who was shielding Sun with her body, who was cowering behind him. Stone had already crept up her forelegs by time Run had reached them. In a blind rage (literally: he closed his eyes as not to begin petrifying himself), Run ran forward and in one swish of his knife decapitated the monster, it's head rolling down the hill. Unfortunately, the damage was done. Bun's lower body had been turned to stone, unable to move. Run quickly put his wife on his back, instructing Sun to stay in the house until he got back from the hospital, which he planned on taking Bun to.
  28. The doctor said Bun was extremely fortunate, but Run thought otherwise. Even though miraculously the stone had only taken her back legs and not any vital organs, Run still knew Bun would be crippled for life. An expensive surgery safely removed her stone legs and put her in a wheelchair-like device, in exchange for much of the money Bun and Run had made in their robbery days. No longer could their dreams of settling down for the rest of their life, and with Bun crippled, the duo could not go back to their old career as well.
  29. After a long discussion when they returned home (Sun sent to her room, as not to overhear), the two decided Run would take a career in mercenary work, sending the money back home and making sure to visit often when he was nearby. Bun stayed home, mostly reclined to a sofa spent her days on, Sun cleaning house, cooking, and caring for her crippled mother. Sun continued into her fascination with mechanics, taking up a job at a local flower stall to make money for her own interests, using the money to buy mechanical parts for projects. One month after Run came back from a year long trip, he was very surprised to see Bun answering the door, greeting him with a long hug. Sun had made functioning mechanical leg for her mother, an advanced engineering feet done when she was seven. While it was not the best of situations, they were all happy together.
  30. Once again, things took a turn for the worse when Run got a letter while doing his mercenary work, sent from Sun. The letter entailed about how Bun had a previously missed stone chunk in her bloodstream that through the years worked her way to her heart, causing soon-to-be-fatal damage. Run fled his work, taking the soonest train back to town, where he met Sun and Bun in the local hospital. Bun had only weeks to live, and she was happy to see Run for one last time. They spent every hour together, but it couldn't last forever. Seventeen days after Run had return, Bun passed away with both her daughter and husband clutching her hooves. The two mourned for another few months, Run turning to alcohol and Sun ironically turning to minor larceny (despite not knowing her parent's past). However, when both wound up in a jail cell together due to unrelated offences, the two decided that family came first, and that life could go on without Bun. Using their combined cunning, the two broke out of prison, able to laugh for the first time in months.
  31. Run decided to take Sun out to explore the world, selling the homestead for the adventuring life instead. Sun learned of her father's exploits with her mother, and looked up more than she ever had before. Using the money from the homestead and after a weeks of their combined efforts, Sun built a third companion, which they aptly named Gun (due to the gatling gun mounted on it's back). Now, this ex-bandit, his mechanic daughter, and mechanical counterpart travel across the land, whether doing mercenary work, exploring ancient dungeons for gold, or illicit activities.
  33. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  35. Name: Sun
  36. Gender: Filly
  37. Race: Zebra
  38. Class: Smith
  39. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  40. Allignment: Chaotic Neutral
  42. Skills:
  43. (Free Racial) Heightened Senses: passive; +1 to perception-based rolls (spotting, searching, listening, etc)
  44. (Racial) Rhythm and Rhyme: Passive; Music and timing are strong suits of your race and patterns come as naturally as your stripes. While in combat you can create a basic rhythm to your actions and net a +1 bonus for all actions in it. This bonus is counted on the second sequence.
  45. (Class) Mechanical Minion: Passive; You begin the game with a homemade companion. It knows the same skills you do (save for Mechanical Minion), plus up to 3 points of additional skills taken from any class or even a mix of different classes, has 5 hits and 5 wounds, and cannot be healed except by the owner spending a turn to repair it. If it breaks down in combat, it can be rebuilt later with a successful repair roll. Unaffected by Pet Mastery.
  46. (Class) Hot Irons: weapon; Cleave X targets with a critfail range of X-1.
  47. (Class) Tinker: Can repair broken objects, restore negative quality weapons to +0, fix up worn down loot to make it more valuable or get a poorly working mechanism back into shape.
  49. Inventory:
  50. Wrench: Single Weapon
  51. Tool Kit of Holding
  52. Grey Fringe Jacket
  53. Yellow Bandana (Tied Around Forehead)
  54. Small Welding Goggles
  56. Traits:
  57. Sun is a nine year old zebra filly. She has a dirty blonde (both in the color sense and literal sense) mane styled into a pigtail, with straw colored eyes, and slightly yellow-tinted zebra stripes. Sun has an exceedingly high intellect for her age, and a sailor's mouth. When she went to school (before leaving it to go adventuring with her father), classroom conversations often went silent after her cute voice led off a string of swear words. None the less, Sun is capable in combat, intellectual conversation, and she even believes she could beat anyone in a drinking contest (Even if Run doesn't let any drop fall near her, often stating "we don't need two alcoholics").
  59. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  61. Name: Gun
  62. Race: Mechanical Minion Zebra
  63. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  65. Skills:
  66. (Inherited Free Racial) Heightened Senses: passive; +1 to perception-based rolls (spotting, searching, listening, etc)
  67. (Inherited Racial) Rhythm and Rhyme: Passive; Music and timing are strong suits of your race and patterns come as naturally as your stripes. While in combat you can create a basic rhythm to your actions and net a +1 bonus for all actions in it. This bonus is counted on the second sequence.
  68. (Inherited Class) Hot Irons: weapon; Cleave X targets with a critfail range of X-1.
  69. (Inherited Class) Tinker: Can repair broken objects, restore negative quality weapons to +0, fix up worn down loot to make it more valuable or get a poorly working mechanism back into shape.
  70. (Class) Hawkeye: instant; see far into the distance, find small details in a scene, see in dim light or nighttime, or examine an enemy to gain a +1 bonus against it for your attack this turn
  71. (Class) Heal: recharge 1, (spell tag removed by Unorthodox), ranged; restores target’s hits to full and restores one wound, or removes all status effects. Crit restores 2 wounds, crit fail deals a wound of damage to the target.
  72. (Cross-Class) Unorthodox: Switch the tag of one of your skills to Spell, Weapon, Ranged or remove the tag entirely.
  74. Inventory:
  75. Back Mounted Turret: Ranged Weapon
  76. Torn Pancho
  77. Black Leather Saddle
  79. Traits:
  80. Gun is a mechanical zebra. It's composed of unpainted steel plating, zebra stripes charred into it with a blowtorch. Gun is mute, but seemingly sentient, understanding speech and following the commands of it's new companions, as well as making decisions for itself when needed. On it's back is a gatling turret that fire at targets that it deems as threats, as well as a saddle fit for Sun, it's maker. It's forelegs looks especially odd, being made of brass. These legs are the same that Sun had given to her mother, which she installed into Gun "So that we could always have a little bit of mom wit' us."
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