

Oct 23rd, 2013
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  1. <evilytwisted> hi all, im having problems getting my samsung galaxy s3 to synch properly with my linux mint 15 os system....what program do i need?
  2. * bakaneko has quit (Quit: Nyan~)
  3. * soypirate (~soypirate@ has joined #debian
  4. * tryagain has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  5. * soypirate has quit (Client Quit)
  6. <ctmjr> evilytwisted: ask in the mint channel i think it is #linux-mint
  7. <evilytwisted> Yes i know, But linuxmint is based from debian right?
  8. <nosklo> evilytwisted: yeah, but this channel doesn't support it.
  9. <nosklo> evilytwisted: only pure debian here
  10. <evilytwisted> why is that?
  11. <ctmjr> !based on debian
  12. <dpkg> Your distribution may be based on and have software in common with Debian, but it is not Debian. We don't and cannot know what changes were made by your distribution (compare #debian only supports Debian; please respect our choice to volunteer here to help Debian users. Support for other distributions is off-topic on #debian, even if your own distro's channel is clueless or non-existent.
  13. <nosklo> evilytwisted: large volume of support, lots of unrelated questions
  14. <evilytwisted> :(
  15. <nosklo> evilytwisted: we're volunteer support.
  16. * Guest65247 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  17. <evilytwisted> yes i would expect that
  18. <nosklo> evilytwisted: suggestion: install airdroid in the SGS3
  19. <evilytwisted> airdroid ?
  20. <nosklo> evilytwisted: then you don't need cables to sync anymore, and no extra software in the computer
  21. <evilytwisted> ok ty
  22. <evilytwisted> ok ty
  23. <evilytwisted> and how wouldi connect airdroid to pc?
  24. * sharky_ ( has joined #debian
  25. <nosklo> evilytwisted: it uses your existing wifi connection
  26. <evilytwisted> ahhh ty!
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