
Maker intro

Oct 21st, 2015
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  1. [14:56:19] <Maker> "alright... so like... working with acrilics is all... about patience and stuff.... like.... ill just place a bowl of fruit and... you can like... paint it, if you want... or you could paint... something else. dont bite more than you can like... chew"
  2. [14:56:48] — Maker adresses the class and picks a few colors from the basic palette for the class
  3. [14:57:13] <Maker> "so.... its all... in the shape of... -RIIIIIIING-"
  4. [14:57:18] <Maker> oh
  5. [14:57:22] <Maker> ...
  6. [14:58:08] <Maker> so...those that want to... ummm... like leave, are free to do so... the rest, can like... stay as long as you... want or something. just... keep the place clean ok?"
  7. [14:59:07] — Maker picks up his stuff and puts them in a cloth backpack, and then calmly, but clumsily, leaves the classroom
  8. [15:00:34] — Maker heads out from the school, making sure to stop by the teachers lounge and writting that classes were done for the day, grabbing a cup of coffee and checking what he had to do the next day
  9. [15:00:52] <Maker> "well... guess its... still on... like, acrilics"
  10. [15:00:58] <Maker> "al... alright"
  11. [15:02:28] — Maker heads out into the parking lot and funbles with his keys to get into a car that is atleast a decade old
  12. [15:04:18] — Maker turns on the radio and heads back into his apartment, once again fumbling with his keys after 10 minutes going up some stairs
  13. [15:05:07] — Maker is greeted by a small bowling ball sized construct. that tugs on the cloth of his pants
  14. [15:05:17] <Maker> "oh. hey little buddy... how was your day?"
  15. [15:05:25] <Maker> -no response-
  16. [15:05:56] <Maker> "great, you made me dinner again didn't you? heh. typical of you"
  17. [15:06:56] — Maker picks up the little construct and heads into the kitchen, by which he means walking just a few steps into the apartment
  18. [15:08:32] <Maker> "so.... like... lets see here..."
  19. [15:09:13] — Maker checks on the counter
  20. [15:09:13] <Maker> ...
  21. [15:09:34] * Maker looks at the little buddy construct
  22. [15:10:09] — Maker scratches his head and picks up a slice
  23. [15:10:19] <Maker> how.... did you even make this
  24. [15:10:37] <Strategist14> Construct jiggles in pride
  25. [15:10:46] <Maker> we didn't even have cheese. how did you make pizza you little guy?!
  26. [15:12:02] — Maker sets down the construct on the counter and leans against it while picking up a landline phone
  27. [15:12:54] <Maker> alright..... number... number...
  28. [15:13:43] — Maker checks a stray piece of paper under the phone
  29. [15:13:49] <Maker> "oh right..."
  30. [15:14:07] <Maker> -beep beep boop beep beep boop boop beep-
  31. [15:14:39] — Maker waits
  32. [15:15:03] <Icon> "Hey hey, what's shakin'?"
  33. [15:15:10] — Icon answers in a woman's voice
  34. [15:15:35] <Maker> "uhhhhhhh... so... about the... crown?"
  35. [15:15:42] <Maker> "did... you like... get around for it?"
  36. [15:17:37] <Icon> "I can if you want."
  37. [15:17:46] <Icon> "Important question, though."
  38. [15:17:46] <Maker> "thanks"
  39. [15:17:58] <Maker> "...oh?"
  40. [15:18:13] <Icon> "Do you wanna see it for what it is, or for how it looks to everyone else?"
  41. [15:18:39] <Maker> "oh... i guess like... you could make it a crow... for everyone?"
  42. [15:18:51] <Icon> "Including you?"
  43. [15:19:36] <Maker> "yeah. i guess.... so i could like... see how it looks?"
  44. [15:20:23] <Icon> "Dealio. We gonna meet up for this so you can keep an eye on the changes, or wanna do it from where we are?"
  45. [15:21:19] <Maker> "so.... yeah. we could... like... meet up.... if that's... ok"
  46. [15:21:53] <Icon> "Fine by me, man. Your place?"
  47. [15:22:21] <Maker> "uh.... sure i guess"
  48. [15:22:41] <Icon> "Rockin', I'll be by in ten."
  49. [15:23:26] <Maker> "see ya"
  51. [15:23:37] <Icon> === TEN MINUTES PASS ===
  53. [15:24:13] — Maker is now working on a clay figure. a head the size of a microwave being carefully crafted
  54. [15:24:24] — Icon knocks on Maker's door
  55. [15:24:59] — Maker stands up and takes off the latex gloves
  56. [15:25:22] — Maker goes near the door and asks "who..... who is it?"
  57. [15:25:43] — Icon answers in a gruff male voice
  58. [15:25:47] <Icon> "Tooth fairy."
  59. [15:26:28] — Maker opens the door
  60. [15:27:00] <Icon> A rugged man pushes past you and into your apartment
  61. [15:27:20] <Maker> "..."
  62. [15:27:23] <Icon> "The piece of scrap down there is your car, yeah?"
  63. [15:27:33] <Icon> "I can make it look better, ya know."
  64. [15:27:50] <Maker> "...yeah... i'd.... prefer not"
  65. [15:28:02] <Maker> "gotta keep... like... a low profile you know?"
  66. [15:28:10] <Icon> "Hey man, you do you."
  67. [15:28:31] <Maker> "i... kind of do have money for.... something better so.... yeah"
  68. [15:28:42] <Maker> "oh.... so.... pizza? its still warm"
  69. [15:28:59] — Icon grins like a child on Christmas
  70. [15:29:12] <Icon> "This is why you're my favourite client, dude."
  71. [15:30:08] — Maker sheepisly smiles
  72. [15:30:25] <Maker> "its... in the kitchen, make.... yourself at home"
  73. [15:30:40] <Icon> "Sweet, thanks."
  74. [15:30:55] <Icon> "Let's see this helmet first though."
  75. [15:31:26] <Maker> "oh.... right"
  76. [15:32:32] — Maker heads into his bedroom and grabs a sports helmet. (like those for football)
  77. [15:32:41] <Maker> "so.... here"
  78. [15:33:27] — Maker hands icon the helmet
  79. [15:33:43] <Icon> "Simple enough. Just remember, I can do invisible but I can't do intangible. So even if the crown doesn't show it, this is still the gear you're wearing. Capische?"
  80. [15:33:56] <Maker> "got it"
  81. [15:34:30] <Icon> "Wicked. I'm gunna cycle through some designs, stop me when you see something you like."
  82. [15:34:59] — Icon transforms the helmet into a golden crown, then gradually starts reworking dimensions and style
  83. [15:35:10] <Maker> "maybe.... silver?"
  84. [15:36:34] <Icon> "You got it."
  85. [15:36:47] — Icon makes the crown silver, but continues changing the shape
  86. [15:36:48] <Maker> "thanks"
  87. [15:37:00] <Maker> "i.... like that one."
  88. [15:37:08] <Icon> "You betcha."
  89. [15:37:26] — Icon tosses the crown into the air, then catches it and hands it to Maker
  90. [15:37:54] — Maker grabs the crown
  91. [15:38:06] <Maker> "....thanks icon"
  92. [15:38:22] <Maker> "how.... much is it?"
  93. [15:39:06] <Icon> "Like I said, you're cool. Some pizza and..."
  94. [15:39:12] — Icon adopts a sly grin
  95. [15:39:19] <Icon> "One of your golems?"
  96. [15:39:44] <Maker> "oh....
  97. [15:39:49] <Maker> "i could like.... make you one?"
  98. [15:40:01] <Maker> "something... fancy? no?"
  99. [15:40:20] <Icon> "Totally works, yeah. Just something to follow me around on the street."
  100. [15:40:34] <Icon> "Maybe carry supplies?"
  101. [15:40:56] <Maker> "how... big?"
  102. [15:41:30] <Icon> "I'll make it look like a small dog, so 'bout that size."
  103. [15:41:45] <Maker> "alright... sit... down. i could make it now"
  104. [15:42:18] <Icon> "Epic, yeah. Pizza in the kitchen, you said?"
  105. [15:42:28] — Maker heads back into the drying clay head and cracks his knuckles
  106. [15:42:31] <Maker> "yeah"
  107. [15:42:44] <Maker> "alright.... lets see here"
  108. [15:43:06] — Icon eats pizza and watches
  109. [15:44:05] — Maker digs his fingers into the clay and takes out a big lump that's given a round shape in a rather quick motion. proceeds to make a big cilindrical shape and 4 smaller cilinders
  110. [15:44:59] — Maker keeps taking out clay and giving more shape to the now-taking-shape sculpture.
  111. [15:46:12] — Maker takes a breath and extends a hand towards the sculpture.
  112. [15:46:56] <Maker> "anything in.... particular? before i..."
  113. [15:47:14] <Icon> "Looks good to me, bro."
  114. [15:48:13] <Maker> "alright"
  115. [15:48:21] — Maker does the thing"
  116. [15:49:50] <Icon> "Wicked."
  117. [15:50:08] <Icon> "How long will it last?"
  118. [15:50:50] — Maker kneels near the figure and puts his hands into the sphere that makes for its head
  119. [15:50:54] <Maker> "forever
  120. [15:51:23] <Maker> "or.... as long as you take care of this... little guy"
  121. [15:51:54] <Icon> "Does clay eat stuff?"
  122. [15:51:59] — Maker whispers into the figure "Icon is going to be your caretaker.... you shall be safe with.... him..."
  123. [15:52:14] <Icon> "Him, dude."
  124. [15:52:32] <Maker> "clay doesn't.... you could easily model.... it.... more"
  125. [15:52:37] <Icon> "I can hear better than you think."
  126. [15:53:21] <Maker> "no offense icon.... i wasn't... mentioning... that... was... unsure if.... i could... tell him... her, since you'll be like.... taking it out... for work"
  127. [15:53:38] <Maker> "sorry"
  128. [15:54:06] <Icon> "Dude, I can just set it so it doesn't see the body I'm wearing at the time."
  129. [15:54:29] <Maker> "oh.... alright"
  130. [15:54:30] <Icon> "Or have one persistent one only for it to follow."
  131. [15:55:11] — Maker nods
  132. [15:55:42] <Icon> "So again. How do I take care of a statue?"
  133. [15:56:19] <Maker> "keep it around.... it should... follow your orders, you could... make it bigger.... with more clay. dont make it too big"
  134. [15:56:29] <Maker> "keep it company"
  135. [15:56:56] <Icon> "You betcha. Anything else I should know?"
  136. [15:57:49] <Maker> "its still wet clay"
  137. [15:59:10] <Icon> "Makes sense."
  138. [15:59:17] <Maker> so.... i have some gloves in that... box over there
  139. [15:59:51] — Icon looks around, then a blinking red exclamation point appears over the box
  140. [16:00:17] — Icon opens the box, banishing the symbol
  141. [16:00:20] — Maker heads back into the kitchen to wash his hands
  142. [16:01:21] <Maker> "what else can you do with... your power?"
  143. [16:01:24] <Icon> "Sweet. That everything? We good?"
  144. [16:01:58] <Icon> "Anything visual, audio, or, uh... smells."
  145. [16:02:50] <Maker> "we.. good... also... that's a pretty nice range of.... uses"
  146. [16:03:19] <Icon> "You know it. Key certain triggers to different reactions, too."
  147. [16:03:35] <Maker> "i can also do.... this... well... i did it before. just gotta.... order it now"
  148. [16:03:52] — Maker points to the microwave door and sheepishly smiles as it opens
  149. [16:04:05] — Icon laughs
  150. [16:04:14] <Icon> "Dude. That's just..."
  151. [16:04:17] <Icon> "Dude."
  152. [16:05:03] — Maker makes the microwave door close
  153. [16:05:12] <Maker> "it also works with locks"
  154. [16:05:29] — Maker smiles with a BIT of more confidence
  155. [16:05:50] <Icon> "That's so stupid awesome I don't even know anymore."
  156. [16:06:03] <Maker> "...thanks!"
  157. [16:06:30] <Icon> "Best I can do is make it look like they opened and convince someone to walk into a closed door."
  158. [16:06:45] <Maker> "that sounds awesome"
  159. [16:07:52] <Icon> "Great at parties, man. 'Specially when only the one person sees it open, and they're so drunk nobody else even questions it.
  160. [16:07:54] <Icon> "
  161. [16:08:06] <Maker> "heh"
  162. [16:08:33] <Maker> "so... thanks again for the crown, icon"
  163. [16:08:46] <Icon> "Yeah, thanks for the dog."
  164. [16:09:06] <Icon> "But seriously, let me at least make the car less hideous."
  165. [16:09:16] <Icon> "That thing is an eyesore."
  166. [16:09:19] <Maker> "sigh..... alright"
  167. [16:09:22] <Maker> "go ahead"
  168. [16:09:39] <Icon> "Aww yeah!"
  169. [16:10:09] <Icon> "Now, I really should be heading back. Again, awesome doing business with you."
  170. [16:10:34] <Maker> "same same. have.... a nice... evening"
  171. [16:11:15] <Icon> "You too dude. Gimme a call whenever. On the run, trying to find someone, wanna mess with some drunks, anything."
  172. [16:11:36] <Maker> "that... sounds nice"
  173. [16:11:43] <Maker> "ill do so :)"
  174. [16:11:56] <Icon> "Rad. Talk to ya later, then."
  175. [16:12:06] — Icon exits
  176. [16:12:37] — Maker watches as icon leaves with the clay construct
  178. [16:13:45] <Maker> ==A FEW MINUTES PASS==
  180. [16:14:40] — Maker is now browsing the internet and ordering more clay, setting stuff up for tomorrow's class and feeling tempted to call icon one day
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