
Wysteria #39

Dec 26th, 2015
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  1. lkagami12/25 20:21
  2. okay, level 20, in the video there is one spear, one axe, and one sister, then two elves
  3. Eritea12/25 20:21
  4. is unity helping?
  5. JackyMark12/25 20:21
  6. chuẩn bị chưa?
  7. mad_leo12/25 20:21
  8. roi
  9. 3eyeDonald12/25 20:21
  11. lkagami12/25 20:21
  12. using two healers is clearly a suicide, because dark deals high damage on light and vice versa
  13. Ichigo12/25 20:21
  14. Unity makes me stay in the battle longer, but the moment I get hit 2-3 times, it's over.
  15. lkagami12/25 20:22
  16. all units must be equipped with potions
  17. Ichigo12/25 20:22
  18. I equipped my armor with high evasive too.
  19. lkagami12/25 20:22
  20. I'll summon new units just for the sake of clearing chapter 3
  21. Ichigo12/25 20:22
  22. From your experience though, did you do anything different?
  23. Ichigo12/25 20:23
  24. Also, I apologize for World earlier. See, I invited my friend here and... :v
  25. lkagami12/25 20:23
  26. I didn't sacrficed a unit
  27. POOOOH12/25 20:23
  28. I remember fusing until I had a strong lv20 spear master.
  29. lkagami12/25 20:24
  30. I brought all my units on the right side, slowly and with proper planning
  31. lkagami12/25 20:24
  32. maybe I shouldn't make a video for now, I think explanation is enough
  33. JackyMark12/25 20:24
  34. cái cuối rùi đó
  35. Poiiksd12/25 20:24
  36. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  37. mad_leo12/25 20:24
  38. con` nua ko ?
  39. lkagami12/25 20:24
  40. according to the video, he sacrificed his axe, while all of his other units go for the run, right?
  41. Ichigo12/25 20:25
  42. I see. My units are healed. I'll try again.
  43. JackyMark12/25 20:25
  44. 10 cái rùi
  45. Eritea12/25 20:25
  46. yes!
  47. Ichigo12/25 20:25
  48. Yes, axe was sacrificed.
  49. mad_leo12/25 20:25
  50. y minh hoi la con` thi ban minh tiep
  51. mad_leo12/25 20:26
  52. moi up lvl 5 thieu vat lieu nhieu` lam
  53. JackyMark12/25 20:26
  54. hết rùi, tạo có 10 cái thui, đi train đây, chào `3`
  55. mad_leo12/25 20:26
  56. vay thi minh cam on
  57. mad_leo12/25 20:26
  58. train may man' :D
  59. lkagami12/25 20:26
  60. in my own version, I made my tank, go to the same position in turn 1, then I made him retreat to let him live longer
  61. lkagami12/25 20:27
  62. yes, retreat them heal if there is too much damage
  63. lkagami12/25 20:27
  64. but not so close to the others, because the monsters bones and shadow can attack the others right away
  65. Ichigo12/25 20:28
  66. Were you using Rein?
  67. lkagami12/25 20:28
  68. reins and monsters are not yet out back then
  69. lkagami12/25 20:29
  70. =3= good old days
  71. lkagami12/25 20:29
  72. I remember everyone going to level 4 and I am left behind
  73. Ichigo12/25 20:29
  74. Tough. :v
  75. Bacteria12/25 20:29
  76. no you not.. you have me
  77. Ichigo12/25 20:30
  78. I leveled once or twice in this chapter, still can't beat the boss.
  79. lkagami12/25 20:30
  80. well, not really because there are few SR users including me
  81. lkagami12/25 20:30
  82. back then max level is 25, so the difference in power is not that big
  83. lkagami12/25 20:31
  84. if you are good in strategy games like chess, you shouldn't have a problem there
  85. lkagami12/25 20:31
  86. hmm, you level up faster than me Bac
  87. lkagami12/25 20:32
  88. or, did you?
  89. POOOOH12/25 20:32
  90. I played during early server too, but then ragequit when I thought all wars were at a time when I couldnt attend. I deleted my sigmund and 2 rares :(.
  91. JackyMark12/25 20:32
  92. thanx, nhưng mà train trong game khác XD
  93. POOOOH12/25 20:32
  94. To my surprise, later they changed war times lol.
  95. POOOOH12/25 20:32
  96. But then I sent ticket and they couldn't return my sigmund. Not until months later did I return to game .
  97. Bacteria12/25 20:34
  98. we both stayed on chap 4 for a while i was maiking my 5 star bishop
  99. lkagami12/25 20:34
  100. hmm, I stayed on chapter 3 for long before I managed to catch up
  101. lkagami12/25 20:34
  102. then stayed on chapter 4 to pamper my idunn lol
  103. lkagami12/25 20:35
  104. oh I remember, Ichigo
  105. Bacteria12/25 20:35
  106. those time were bad since we dont have lv4 buildings and our leader keep jumping to other guild to train his units while we stayed with half broken unit trying to pass those chap
  107. lkagami12/25 20:35
  108. do you have a horse with either brave aura/double attackd/riding charge
  109. POOOOH12/25 20:35
  110. Who was guild leader back then?
  111. Bacteria12/25 20:36
  112. later on chap 5 we decided to fix up our building and make our training guild
  113. lkagami12/25 20:36
  114. =3= are you perhaps pointing to leader "*****"
  115. lkagami12/25 20:37
  116. the original founder of the guild was out of the game too early
  117. lkagami12/25 20:37
  118. time, Imy and Bac are the next oldest members
  119. Bacteria12/25 20:37
  120. our guild founder went awol, timewalker was inline to replace but he couldnt give as much time as imyt could so we vote to let imyt took over until either the founder return or we vote again
  121. lkagami12/25 20:38
  122. wait, is it you or someone else? xD
  123. lkagami12/25 20:38
  124. anyway, that's the whole story^
  125. Bacteria12/25 20:38
  126. guest the founder wont be returning
  127. POOOOH12/25 20:38
  128. thx ^^
  129. Bacteria12/25 20:39
  130. well just pointing out the hard times we went thru to build this guild up
  131. lkagami12/25 20:39
  132. well, when he returns he/she can always mail anyone of us
  133. Bacteria12/25 20:39
  134. and we stress it out that this guild suppose to be a fun place and without stress
  135. lkagami12/25 20:39
  136. you guys are lucky, because you are already in a guild with Lv4 buildings
  137. lkagami12/25 20:40
  138. lol Bac, I can feel some sort of aura from you, are you kind of annoyed because stress is starting to build up?
  139. Bacteria12/25 20:41
  140. i have always agree with time that we shouldnt force on GW
  141. Bacteria12/25 20:41
  142. we cant win all the time..when we dont there no point to be calling others
  143. lkagami12/25 20:41
  144. =3= I feel that because you let me skip GW
  145. Bacteria12/25 20:42
  146. its not complusary
  147. Bacteria12/25 20:42
  148. and have fun in GW
  149. Ichigo12/25 20:42
  150. Came halfway on chap.3 boss,
  151. Ichigo12/25 20:43
  152. Just gonna grind on rein and monsters before I try again.
  153. lkagami12/25 20:44
  154. next time always equip your units with potions/heal potions
  155. Ichigo12/25 20:44
  156. Always do.
  157. lkagami12/25 20:44
  158. the enemies there are simply stronger than you, so you need to plan your movements
  159. Ichigo12/25 20:44
  160. It might be my armor.
  161. POOOOH12/25 20:45
  162. Is chapter 3 boss, the shade one?
  163. lkagami12/25 20:45
  164. =3= if you got an army of bryn like Bac, and bunch of SR units like time and Imy, you can always do it with brute force
  165. lkagami12/25 20:45
  166. I forgot to ask this: can you two hit the enemies, except the boss?
  167. lkagami12/25 20:46
  168. that might be your problem
  169. Eritea12/25 20:47
  170. meaning?
  171. Ichigo12/25 20:47
  172. Yeah, been playing with Imy and Akfula before. They used to rank high on multiple games.
  173. Eritea12/25 20:47
  174. meaning?
  175. Ichigo12/25 20:47
  176. Yeah, been playing with Imy and Akfula before. They used to rank high on multiple games.
  177. lkagami12/25 20:48
  178. regarding the skeleton and shadows... I mean the small fry on last boss node, you need to two hit them
  179. Ichigo12/25 20:49
  180. Pretty much, yeah.
  181. lkagami12/25 20:49
  182. the trick is simple, keep your physical damager out of reach of enemy casters, because they deal high damage on them, and you can do the same to them
  183. lkagami12/25 20:50
  184. same thing goes for the skeleton, well for your axe I think you should equip it with rein to get the stat advantage
  185. Ichigo12/25 20:50
  186. I'll consider that. Thanks b.
  187. lkagami12/25 20:51
  188. if your elves do not have counter spell, best equip them with rein with either magic crit III or double cast III
  189. lkagami12/25 20:51
  190. =3= if you do not have reins, wish you luck with your planning
  191. Ichigo12/25 20:52
  192. I'm trying to get all my units with rein.
  193. Ichigo12/25 20:52
  194. Only my axe has it.
  195. lkagami12/25 20:52
  196. who left the guild earlier?
  197. lkagami12/25 20:52
  198. I see a vacant slot
  199. POOOOH12/25 20:53
  200. Scorpion :(
  201. Ichigo12/25 20:53
  202. Scorpion, someone said in mail.
  203. lkagami12/25 20:54
  204. reason?
  205. Poiiksd12/25 20:54
  206. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  207. POOOOH12/25 20:55
  208. He said it was because he felt ignored when he asked for help about mana surcoat (he said he would return it later). But I am thinking he was just burnt out.
  209. Ichigo12/25 20:55
  210. Trump
  211. lkagami12/25 20:56
  212. let's just respect him
  213. POOOOH12/25 20:56
  214. People can get easily annoyed when they have played too much :(
  215. Eritea12/25 20:57
  216. ...and they can't beat the boss of last chapter :(
  217. lkagami12/25 20:57
  218. there are two reasons why someone is asking for mana surcoat: 1 quest, 2 chapter 3 last boss
  219. POOOOH12/25 20:57
  220. Yeah, that boss is a nightmare :(.
  221. Eritea12/25 20:57
  222. why am i not good at planning strategy...
  223. lkagami12/25 20:58
  224. but mana surcoat is a bit hard to find because nobody pays too much attention to that node
  225. lkagami12/25 20:58
  226. chapter 3 boss is nothng compared to next chapters
  227. lkagami12/25 20:59
  228. it's like a preparation for you guys
  229. POOOOH12/25 20:59
  230. At least for other chapters, you can work on ranking up. For chapter 3, you cant rank up.
  231. Eritea12/25 20:59
  232. well, because i'm stuck there, i can't compare to the next chapter *gross sobbing
  233. lkagami12/25 21:00
  234. but there is unity, so no need to complain
  235. Ichigo12/25 21:00
  236. Sounds like Enies Lobby.
  237. lkagami12/25 21:00
  238. you either do unity or use reins
  239. Eritea12/25 21:00
  240. yeah, i'll try my best to beat the boss
  241. Ichigo12/25 21:00
  242. Akfula got level 6 in 2 days. I've been on lvl 4 for a week. :x
  243. POOOOH12/25 21:00
  244. oh wait cant rank up until you also beat chapter 4 i think?
  245. POOOOH12/25 21:01
  246. Akfula prodigy
  247. lkagami12/25 21:01
  248. I only did rank up when I reached chapter 6
  249. lkagami12/25 21:01
  250. I did cap break most of the time, but no rank up
  251. Eritea12/25 21:01
  252. O.O
  253. lkagami12/25 21:01
  254. it just depends on how you do it
  255. lkagami12/25 21:02
  256. like I always say, if you can't win by force, use wits... but to be more effective, use both
  257. Ichigo12/25 21:04
  258. Biblical.
  259. lkagami12/25 21:04
  260. =3= I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't mix religious and political issues when I'm in the game
  261. Eritea12/25 21:05
  262. oh. should i use ranger instead of spear fightr?
  263. Eritea12/25 21:05
  264. because if i bring spear, it's three time hit
  265. lkagami12/25 21:05
  266. and besides, there are always three extra options: 1 quit, 2 be patient, and 3 cash
  267. lkagami12/25 21:06
  268. =3= my set up on chapter 3 boss: 1 sword, 2mage, 1 healer, 1
  269. lkagami12/25 21:06
  270. and 1 ranger
  271. Eritea12/25 21:07
  272. oooh..
  273. POOOOH12/25 21:07
  274. Eritea: maybe Elf Lord is way to go? They have good anti magic equip and high int.
  275. lkagami12/25 21:07
  276. well if you play defensive you can always use 1 ranger, 2 mage and 2 healers, but one of the mages should be built for temporary tanking
  277. Ichigo12/25 21:08
  278. To be more damage-efficient though, what armor is best for mages?
  279. Eritea12/25 21:08
  280. yes! i have one elf lord
  281. lkagami12/25 21:08
  282. another trick is rotation, you make a mage tank, then on next turn, fallback, then replace it with another while healer the damaged one
  283. lkagami12/25 21:08
  284. while the healer heals the damaged one
  285. Eritea12/25 21:09
  286. okay. i try
  287. Ichigo12/25 21:09
  288. Cuz my mages are 3 hit as well.
  289. lkagami12/25 21:09
  290. but that requires potion, so be careful
  291. lkagami12/25 21:09
  292. best equip highest weapon you have
  293. Ichigo12/25 21:09
  294. I forgot I had elf lord proof. I'll use that after unity.
  295. lkagami12/25 21:10
  296. don't rush on unity and job up, if you made a mistake it feels kind of you know, depressing
  297. lkagami12/25 21:11
  298. what's the armor of your sister and elves?
  299. Eritea12/25 21:13
  300. elf lord- mage shield mage-mage robe
  301. lkagami12/25 21:13
  302. =3=
  303. ShinraChan12/25 21:15
  304. i got christmas mist last night :D
  305. ShinraChan12/25 21:16
  306. but she doesnt have elf bane..
  307. lkagami12/25 21:16
  308. element advantage
  309. lkagami12/25 21:16
  310. good against rangers and axe
  311. lkagami12/25 21:17
  312. I mean shooters
  313. ShinraChan12/25 21:17
  314. mist ? o.o okay
  315. lkagami12/25 21:17
  316. sharp shoot is annoying as hell, paired with revenge shot, but range boost can make you feel safe... a bit
  317. lkagami12/25 21:18
  318. does your mist got the special skill?
  319. ShinraChan12/25 21:19
  320. sharp shot ? increase atk with tec and agi
  321. ShinraChan12/25 21:19
  322. she have it :D
  323. lkagami12/25 21:20
  324. yes, got that?
  325. lkagami12/25 21:20
  326. can you upgrade it to level 3 ?
  327. ShinraChan12/25 21:20
  328. but atm she have sharpshot and anti-blind XD, i want to learn counter on her
  329. lkagami12/25 21:20
  330. or is upgrade option available?
  331. ShinraChan12/25 21:21
  332. well im still player lv 4 :/ so not enough sp
  333. lkagami12/25 21:21
  334. best to buy skill book instead
  335. lkagami12/25 21:21
  336. instead of learning counter shot which takes sp as well, learn revenge shot
  337. ShinraChan12/25 21:21
  338. buy revenge shot skill book ? okay
  339. lkagami12/25 21:21
  340. revenge shot is 100%
  341. lkagami12/25 21:21
  342. but the cost is high so you need to be patient
  343. POOOOH12/25 21:22
  344. skill book costs 200 plat coins XD, that's like 2 gold tickets
  345. ShinraChan12/25 21:22
  346. what do you mean by ths, lkagami12/25 21:20 or is upgrade option available?
  347. lkagami12/25 21:22
  348. =3= for example, you learned the skill range boost, its max level is 1, so you cannot upgrade it
  349. ShinraChan12/25 21:22
  350. plat coins.. how do i get them
  351. lkagami12/25 21:23
  352. boss encounters, from chapter 2 to last
  353. ShinraChan12/25 21:23
  354. bosses.. the elite group thingy ?
  355. lkagami12/25 21:24
  356. chapter 2: giant brother, chapter 3 wasp hero, chapter 4 heimdallr, chapter 5 hell beast/ophidian knight, chapter 6 silver darkness
  357. Eritea12/25 21:24
  358. yeaaah i can do it
  359. ShinraChan12/25 21:24
  360. never heard of them XD
  361. lkagami12/25 21:24
  362. easiest is chapter two, but you need to know this
  363. ShinraChan12/25 21:24
  364. gratz eri
  365. Poiiksd12/25 21:25
  366. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  367. lkagami12/25 21:25
  368. and best is use ranged units against them, so they can't counter
  369. Eritea12/25 21:25
  370. thank you ikagami, thank you poooh, thank you ichigo
  371. Ichigo12/25 21:25
  372. " =3= "
  373. Eritea12/25 21:25
  374. thank you ShinraChan
  375. lkagami12/25 21:25
  376. =3= cleared it, eri?
  377. Eritea12/25 21:26
  378. yeah TwT
  379. POOOOH12/25 21:26
  380. o.o
  381. POOOOH12/25 21:26
  382. Niiice!
  383. lkagami12/25 21:27
  384. congrats
  385. Ichigo12/25 21:27
  386. Oh congrats!
  387. lkagami12/25 21:27
  388. now to get rekt by chapter 4 :D
  389. Eritea12/25 21:27
  390. thaaaank youuu i'm so happy i wanna dancing TwT
  391. Eritea12/25 21:27
  392. ha..haha
  393. lkagami12/25 21:28
  394. just don't rush the game
  395. lkagami12/25 21:28
  396. (/◕ヮ◕)/ enjoy it!
  397. Ichigo12/25 21:28
  398. Is chapter 4 "a lot" harder?
  399. lkagami12/25 21:29
  400. you'll know it the moment you hit the first node
  401. Eritea12/25 21:29
  402. yes. maybe because of that i never win before..
  403. lkagami12/25 21:29
  404. my own opinion, on your current level, it's not a joke
  405. Ichigo12/25 21:29
  406. I'll just grind for a week before I attempt ch.3 boss.
  407. lkagami12/25 21:30
  408. if you didn't rush, you'll just noticed that you've become way stronger for the node... happened to me lmao
  409. POOOOH12/25 21:36
  410. I want wasp doll for that 500 points :D.
  411. lkagami12/25 21:36
  412. nope, not worth it
  413. lkagami12/25 21:37
  414. wasp doll is kind of hard to get, unless you encounter tons of wasp hero
  415. POOOOH12/25 21:37
  416. :(
  417. lkagami12/25 21:38
  418. if you can't have many encounters of wasp hero per day and get many of it, 500 contribution is way too less for exchange
  419. Poiiksd12/25 21:55
  420. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  421. WelTocky12/25 21:59
  422. hi
  423. POOOOH12/25 22:01
  424. hi
  425. Hakuo11012/25 22:01
  426. có ai người việt chơi ko
  427. mad_leo12/25 22:02
  428. hơi bị nhiều :))
  429. Hakuo11012/25 22:05
  430. cho mình vao guild đc ko
  431. System message12/25 22:05
  432. A new guild, [Zonet], has just been established.
  433. Ichigo12/25 22:08
  434. "A total and complete mess. I wish we had the $4 trillion or $5 trillion. I wish it were spent right here in the United States, on our schools, hospitals, roads, airports, and everything else that are all falling apart."
  435. Ichigo12/25 22:08
  436. It helps to Pastebin this game.
  437. Daveant12/25 22:23
  438. **** can't load the game
  439. Poiiksd12/25 22:25
  440. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  441. Cash12/25 22:44
  442. @Daveant which browser you use to play
  443. 3eyeDonald12/25 22:55
  444. USA USA USA Trump 2016
  445. Poiiksd12/25 22:55
  446. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  447. 3eyeDonald12/25 22:55
  448. wew
  449. 3eyeDonald12/25 22:56
  450. Ichigo kicked me out of the guild
  451. 3eyeDonald12/25 22:57
  452. Wysteria kicked me out of the guild
  453. 3eyeDonald12/25 22:57
  454. they are not real trump supporters :(
  455. 3eyeDonald12/25 22:58
  456. do not trust their lies :(
  457. Liena-Evans12/25 22:59
  458. trump also lies :)
  459. 3eyeDonald12/25 23:00
  460. trump is not a liar
  461. 3eyeDonald12/25 23:02
  462. trump is the greatest thign to happen ot america
  463. 3eyeDonald12/25 23:04
  464. how to get blacksmithing book?
  465. lkagami12/25 23:04
  466. ask trump for help, not us, we're only players in this game
  467. 3eyeDonald12/25 23:05
  468. USA USA USA
  469. Cash12/25 23:05
  470. to get the book, do sub quest
  471. 3eyeDonald12/25 23:07
  472. ok ty
  473. 3eyeDonald12/25 23:08
  474. i caught akfula dancing with another man
  475. lkagami12/25 23:08
  476. (◕ヮ◕) go to the bookstore
  477. Ichigo12/25 23:17
  478. Welp, in any case...
  479. Ichigo12/25 23:17
  480. Official Donald Trump guild, "Wysteria" recruiting: no requirement just be active in Great War and guild. We have 3 max level Trump Towers Magic/Bow/Spear for unit stat growth. Become a part of the Trump family today and vote for Donald Trump in 2016.
  481. Ichigo12/25 23:18
  482. If full, our sub-guild, "Lodging" is also available to Trump fans.
  483. lkagami12/25 23:25
  484. Ichigo: stop recruiting for a while and saying no requirement and only need to attend GW
  485. Fatulla12/25 23:25
  486. ?? what was happen in the game? whitescreen.... dose sometnings added?
  487. lkagami12/25 23:25
  488. atleast let a day pass without your advertisement
  489. Poiiksd12/25 23:25
  490. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  491. lkagami12/25 23:26
  492. =3= read the update notes: winter war
  493. Ichigo12/25 23:26
  494. Alright, I guess... =3=
  495. lkagami12/25 23:27
  496. like the old times, we don't want to build too much stress in the guild
  497. Fatulla12/25 23:27
  498. are there any GM?? what was happen?
  499. 真・Hel様fan12/25 23:28
  500. Xmas special effect added =3=
  501. lkagami12/25 23:28
  502. "Clear your cache" message lololol
  503. Fatulla12/25 23:29
  504. NOT FOUND!!!!!!!!
  505. lkagami12/25 23:29
  506. :v
  507. Fatulla12/25 23:29
  508. I thing somethings added... because it was near 10-15 minutes...
  509. Ichigo12/25 23:29
  510. Have you played Pockie Pirates before?
  511. lkagami12/25 23:30
  512. not really interested
  513. lkagami12/25 23:31
  514. but I've heard the game somewhere
  515. 真・Hel様fan12/25 23:31
  516. wanko braveII D:
  517. Ichigo12/25 23:32
  518. Jw, cuz it's a game me, Imy, Akfula, Fatulla, and 3eyes played
  519. Ichigo12/25 23:32
  520. like 3 years ago. I was wondering if anyone else was from there.
  521. Fatulla12/25 23:38
  522. ha h a ha... at the end my Aru got only 3 stats((.... only 6 stats added.... but she have agiliy BL and magic wand + arrow formation... it hink it is good.... for using stat crystals
  523. Fatulla12/25 23:52
  524. 485 TS is maximum for Aru... it is very interesting for me... is it maimum or when 7-th lvl realized then her ts will rise too? or it is over?
  525. Ichigo12/25 23:52
  526. How's Hope legion?
  527. Fatulla12/25 23:53
  528. ??
  529. System message12/25 23:53
  530. A new guild, [Shikima], has just been established.
  531. System message12/25 23:53
  532. A new guild, [WinterFell], has just been established.
  533. Poiiksd12/25 23:55
  534. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  535. 真・Hel様fan12/25 23:56
  536. the cap will be lifted along with Player lvl.
  537. 真・Hel様fan12/26 00:20
  538. grotti time D:
  539. 真・Hel様fan12/26 00:21
  540. iron plate and Improved bow -_-
  541. Poiiksd12/26 00:26
  542. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
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