

Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. <Jroksl> I was at Twitch and a discussion about Feminism was brought up and then they claimed that "Fake Feminists control games" "Christina Hoff Sommers is a true feminists" "We already achieved equality" "Anita Saarkasian is a fraud and if she disabled comments then there's something fishy about her" and such
  2. <Jroksl> First of all, who is Christina Hoff Somers?
  3. <Jroksl> fuzzyhorns, jacobian Lee- LennyKitty morganq tristan3 ArrowLance morganq IRIXUser Astarte modulus
  4. <morganq> what
  5. <morganq> why do yo uwant me to explain anti-feminists to you?
  6. * nomic has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  7. <Jroksl> Well I never 'heard' of her (or maybe I've seen her name somewhere but I don't remember) till now
  8. <morganq> i dunno bud
  9. <morganq> i was reading stormfront today and i saw people talking about race and they said some people were race traitors and that all sub-humans deserve to die
  10. <morganq> Jroksl, Jroksl pls explain
  11. <Jroksl> So she's another one of those anti-feminist tools? and the guy there said "She's a woman for you"...manipulative shitheads
  12. <Jroksl> Well...thing is I don't visit stormfront but when I go to Twitch streams or game forums, this shit is almost unavoidable
  13. <fuzzyhorns> what's going on
  14. <LennyKitty> Thats why I dont hang around the gaming community
  15. <Jroksl> Like as if the entire gaming community is the Stormfront equlivent for women
  16. <LennyKitty> If I do its with lets players streams of people who dont talk or allow politics or are not reactionary
  17. <morganq> the gaming community isn't as bad as stormfront. i would say it's about half as bad
  18. <Astarte> the gaming community is as bad as your average white north american male
  19. <telmac> Astarte: that's probably not true
  20. <morganq> no, it's definitely worse
  21. <Astarte> ok
  22. <riddim> gaming "community"
  23. <riddim> and that hoff summers fool is just an anti feminist conservative who claims 2 b feminist and liberal so she can say bigoted shit
  24. <riddim> she's employed by the heritage foundation if that gives u a clue
  25. <riddim> basically she's like a house slave claiming that slavery's ok that all the white ppl use as a figurehead
  26. <Jroksl> and worse they even claim "We already reached equality"
  27. <riddim> just reactionaries being reactionary dude, don't put 2 much weight in what they have 2 say
  28. <Jroksl> and they claim "Fake Feminists exist"
  29. <riddim> y would u listen 2 a gamer about feminism anyway lol, that's like asking a capitalist his opinion on communism
  30. <Jroksl> I guess it's not worth reasoning with them
  31. <riddim> gamergate is good enough reason 2 abandon these fools, they're just a hate group at this point
  32. * bajin has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  33. <diegoviola> most governments are marxist these days right? except a few (USA, etc)
  34. <diegoviola> is that correct?
  35. <Jroksl> riddim: speaking of GamerGate this post had troubled me is there any refuation of this?:
  36. <GameOver> Title: ZDoom View topic - Gamergate discussion. (at
  37. <riddim> r u trolling dude
  38. <Jroksl> No I'm not
  39. <diegoviola> riddim: me? nope
  40. <riddim> gamergate has nothing 2 do w ethics in game journalism lol
  41. <Jroksl> Well I mean there's something else in that post that bothered me about "Ethan" and such
  42. <Jroksl> or anything else in that post
  43. <riddim> diego there is no marxist gov really left, arguments can b made 4 cuba and china tho
  44. <diegoviola> riddim: do you know Brazil?
  45. <diegoviola> riddim: and PT (Worker's Party)?
  46. <diegoviola> they're marxists, afaik
  47. <riddim> they're revisionist afaik
  48. <riddim> there may b marxists in the party tho
  49. <Jroksl> riddim: well never mind
  50. <riddim> jroksl i'm reading that forum post
  51. <Jroksl> okay
  52. <Jroksl> So, what do you have to say about it?
  53. <riddim> the guy w the nordic shit who claims 2 b ml is a joke
  54. <riddim> "i also believe in mixing it w capitalism"
  55. <riddim> fuck that dude
  56. <coluna_gabriel> diego there are some marxists in PT
  57. <coluna_gabriel> but PT is one among more than 10 parties forming the government
  58. <coluna_gabriel> the only left parties in government are pt and pc do b, there others are all bourgeois
  59. <riddim> dude this is just some reactionary rhetoric here jroksl, what r u having an issue w?
  60. <riddim> game journalism has always been a joke and still is but harassing women and allying themselves w hardcore conservatives, outright nazis, and sending death threats 2 random women does nothing 2 help it
  61. <Jroksl> riddim: Well the other things like "regardless of Eran's intent in going public about Zoe. Eran isn't the movement's leader, and his intent does not necessarily reflect what the movement is about." and "
  62. <Jroksl> Incidentally, I've seen an increase in the number of video game related articles where the writer mentions if they personally know or have financial ties to subjects in the article. So in a sense, gamergate is, slowly, doing what it's out to do."
  63. <Jroksl> Which I wonder if there's any refuation of these points at all?
  64. <riddim> gamergate even recently allied w jack thompson, the lawyer who tried 2 ban violent games, and was disbarred 4 being so unethical
  65. <riddim> how hypocritical can they get
  66. <Jroksl> Yeah I guess that throws their "Ethics" claim out of the window there
  67. <riddim> jroksl gamergate inflates every thing they possibly can 2 seem like they're doing something. recently their biggest victory, getting intel 2 pull ads from some game site, got pulled out from under the…
  68. <riddim> …m as intel brought the ads back
  69. <riddim> they're collapsing in on themselves, and honestly it's pretty funny 2 watch outside of the anti feminism and death threats
  70. <Jroksl> So they haven't done much anyways? I think all it is protecting the status quo
  71. <riddim> many previous leaders have left and denounced it as a failure and esp w that jack thompson shit the mental gymnastics they have 2 do 2 justify their bs is insane
  72. * coluna_gabriel has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  73. <riddim> yeah it's just neckbeards mad that women r in games now and ppl r critiqing some games as art, and w that comes some harsh realizations
  74. <riddim> look who they attack, not the corrupt journalists, but mainly female devs and ppl who aren't journalists or devs like anita sarkessian
  75. <Jroksl> Which shows their motives there
  76. <Jroksl> I guess GamerGate is a bunch of neckbeards who have a imaginary "Golden Age of Gaming" that never really existed
  77. <Jroksl> Just like real they are
  78. <Jroksl> Because they envision that games are "for white males like them"
  79. <riddim> they've gotten support from many outright neo nazis, reactionaries of all stripes r using this as a recruiting tool
  80. <riddim> obv u c this w the cultural marxist bs
  81. <Jroksl> Well for one thing, our society insitutionlizes the gender/racial/etc binaries which is what it's all coming from
  82. <Jroksl> Because I realize the binaries seperate the ones who own and control and have privledge and those who do not (women, PoC, etc)
  83. <Jroksl> *the means of production
  84. <Jroksl> riddim: I wonder if there's any feminist streamers or anyone that points out and makes fun of the sexism/racism/etc in the games?
  85. <riddim> anita ofc lol
  86. <Jroksl> Well I know her though
  87. <Jroksl> of course I wonder if there's others on Twitch for example
  88. <Jroksl> or Hitbox
  89. <Jroksl> or maybe there aren't none for a very good reason?
  90. <Jroksl> but if so, then it's pretty bad
  91. <riddim> i really don't care about modern games, last game i bought was mgs4
  92. <riddim> but this gamergate bs just pisses me off
  93. <riddim> i hope we can c a progressive element in gaming come out of all this
  94. <riddim> or reactionary bs in the mainstream can b stopped 4 good
  95. <Jroksl> Well sadly, being pessmatic I am I don't see any of those happening because the reactionaries have too much power and plus they're part of the status quo which they'll fiercly protect
  96. <Jroksl> Since if you ever noticed, women are leaving the gaming industry and not only that also engineering which is bad news
  97. <Jroksl> Not to mention I've read to many accounts of women being chased out and lost interest of game making
  98. <Jroksl> Which any of those are not helping making the future of gaming being progressive
  99. <riddim> i think these reactionaries can only hold back progress 4 so long. society as a whole is getting less socially regressive
  100. <riddim> this will have 2 b reflected in popular media or it will begin 2 die off
  101. <Jroksl> That's funny, I thought society is actually getting more and more regressive or rather it stayed the same that way for hundreds of years
  102. <Jroksl> rather I think "regressive" "progressive" terms should be abannonded but instead look what our society is predominated with that causes it in the first place
  103. <Jroksl> in order to change society for example, then you pretty much have to be a iconclast or something
  104. <Jroksl> I mean you have to change the entire superstructure of society itself
  105. <riddim> economically we're getting more regressive 4sure
  106. <riddim> but ppl r def less racist or bigoted against gays 4 example than they were 20 years ago
  107. <Jroksl> Maybe that's what causing it because the reactionaries are getting 'richer'?
  108. <Jroksl> But homophobia still exists
  109. <riddim> there r definitely more ppl becoming extreme in their reaction
  110. <Jroksl> Of course we should focus on one country as well
  111. * Hartigan ( has joined
  112. <Jroksl> *shouldn't focus on one country I mean
  113. * fuzzyhorns has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  114. <Jroksl> When you talk about being 'progressive' and such since what really matters is the society's superstructure (for example, the US and the West are deeply rooted in Christianity
  115. <Jroksl> which is where 90% of our troubles come from
  116. * Astarte has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  117. <Jroksl> Just like Iran is predominated/rooted in Islam hence the hijabs, and such
  118. <Jroksl> or Saudi Arabia
  119. <Jroksl> for examples
  120. <riddim> don't blame this all on religion
  121. * fuzzyhorns (~Adium@ has joined
  122. * fuzzyhorns has quit (Client Quit)
  123. <Jroksl> Since the point is that reforms don't work which often attributed to "progressivness" but if you take to abortion/pro-choice into account in the United States especially state laws passing abortion resrictions and the possible threat of Roe vs Wade being repealed, it shows that they're not permanantly guareented which is my argument comes from that "progressive" doesn't really exist
  124. <Jroksl> Since rather it comes from what the United States for example is predomianted with and also how it's system is set up
  125. <Jroksl> For example the "Liberal & Conservative" defination in the US falls under a christian basis
  126. <Jroksl> Well what I mean what is "liberal" in the US is "Conserative" in a another
  127. <ziggy-prime> WTF am I reading
  128. * ziggy-prime stares in disgust at the channel backspit
  129. <Jroksl> hrm
  130. <Jroksl> Well my main point that "Conservatives" are really trying to uphold the superstructure of what society is founded under (US being Protestant christianity for example)
  131. <Jroksl> Hence the GOP's main ideology is
  132. <Jroksl> While the "Liberals" (Democrats) are just trying to do "reforms" or "modicafitions" to our already "established" society
  133. <Jroksl> If I'm getting all of this right
  134. * uf (~uf@unaffiliated/uf) has joined
  135. <ziggy-prime> what is the democrats are reforming?
  136. <uf> Hi
  137. <ziggy-prime> hi
  138. <uf> I'm going to a protest tomorrow :D
  139. <ziggy-prime> why
  140. <Jroksl> riddim: Well it appears to me that it all comes from religion but enlighten me if you think otherwise
  141. <uf> My government wants to cut funding to the state broadcaster
  142. <ziggy-prime> what government is that?
  143. <Jroksl> Since everything has a string of where things come from
  144. <uf> the current government is neo-liberal
  145. <uf> the liberal party of australia
  146. <uf> they are center right according to wikipedia
  147. <ziggy-prime> have fun at the demo
  148. <uf> anyhow lots of unions are coming
  149. <uf> not just students but workers too
  150. <ziggy-prime> Thats nice
  151. <ziggy-prime> how novel
  152. <uf> and union staff
  153. <uf> well the unions aren't quite as left as the students
  154. <uf> but the students are happy to join in the rally
  155. * kreiGT has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  156. <riddim> jroksl capitalism couldn't function if it followed the abrahamic religions word 4 word. usury being banned and all
  157. <uf> Islam bans usury too
  158. <uf> but the Torah doesn't
  159. <uf> Jews can charge interset
  160. <riddim> torah does 4 other jews
  161. <uf> interest*
  162. <uf> ah non jews can't be charged interest?
  163. <Jroksl> riddim: Well then again, I heard that the Protestant model of Christianity was the origin of modern day capitalism
  164. <riddim> afaik jews aren't supposed 2 do usury 2 ppl of their own tribe
  165. <uf> reformers will reform
  166. <Jroksl> like Puritianism and Calavanism
  167. <uf> America has all the Christian sects that I don't even know about.
  168. <uf> these
  169. <riddim> i'm not denying religion is a big part of our societies foundation
  170. <Jroksl> Because it is
  171. <Jroksl> that's what I was trying to explain
  172. <uf> Religion is the opiate of the masses
  173. <uf> mr marx said
  174. <riddim> and i'm not supporting reformism either, i was just mentioning how social attitudes r changing
  175. <riddim> ofc 2 truly abolish racism and sexism, etc we need 2 abolish capitalism
  176. <uf> capitalism has an ugly agenda
  177. <uf> to divide and conquer the proles
  178. <Jroksl> riddim: if social attidudes are changing then how do you explain the existence of gamergate, neo nazis, conspiracy nuts, etc?
  179. <uf> they are just insane
  180. <uf> no logic
  181. <riddim> jroksl, reactionaries last push as even liberal society leaves their bs largely behind
  182. <Jroksl> My point is, your talk of "social change" maybe just wishful thinking while the reality has it that things haven't change since Capitalism has founded, because I betchya like minded people like ourselves said the same thing
  183. <riddim> acting like the major progress we've had in regards 2 women's rights, racial issues, etc is reductionist as fuck
  184. <riddim> acting like they haven't done anything i mean
  185. <riddim> when capitalism was founded i would b in literal chains dude
  186. <Jroksl> Also the very concept of "Rights" is bourgise as well
  187. <riddim> i agree
  188. <Jroksl> Since it stems from "Divine Right to Kings"
  189. <Jroksl> So what you talk of "Women Rights" "Racial Issues" are just results from a very corrupt system
  190. * ziggy-prime slaps his forhead and winces
  191. <riddim> thru intense struggle we've made some change even w/o outright abolishing capitalism
  192. <Jroksl> However my main point though that those "Changes" are not permanantly gureenteed unless we outright abolish capitalism
  193. <riddim> ofc
  194. <riddim> we're not liberals here
  195. <Jroksl> Because they can be rolled back at any time
  196. <Jroksl> Since in the end the ones who are permanatly gureented are wealthy white males
  197. <Jroksl> Which is where the main problem with Capitalism lies
  198. <riddim> but don't let perfect b the enemy of good, accelerationism isn't gonna help us out, it could just as easily lead 2 fascism
  199. <ziggy-prime> Jroksl, i thought the main problem with capitalism was capitalism
  200. <Jroksl> ziggy-prime: Well it is duh
  201. <ziggy-prime> duh
  202. <Jroksl> Because Capitalism = Wealthy White Hetrosexual Abled Bodied Protestant Christian Males
  203. <telmac> riddim: what do you mean reductionist
  204. <telmac> does it have some weird sense here
  205. <riddim> minimizing the outcomes of those struggles
  206. * aeth has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  207. <morganq> calculating the economic plan is easier than calculating what bundle of goods a given economic agent will buy at the market given their indifference curves
  208. <morganq> this gives me pleasure
  209. <Hartigan> freed NK prisoner: "I was prepared for the 'torture' but instead of that I was killed with kindness, and with that my mind folded and the plan fell apart"
  210. <Hartigan> nobody can "prepare" for torture, certainly not a civilian suburban kid fresh out of high school
  211. <Hartigan>
  212. <GameOver> Title: Matthew Miller’s excellent adventure in North Korea | NK News - North Korea News (at
  213. <riddim> sounds like some older comedy movie
  214. <morganq> lol
  215. <morganq> bill and ted's
  216. * audiored has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  217. <Hartigan> ugh reactionaries trashing the cultural marxism article on wikipedia
  218. <uf> what do you expect?
  219. <uf> the internet is full of capitalists
  220. <Hartigan> last time i looked at it at least the first paragraph of the article was sane
  221. <uf> what is cultural marxism
  222. <uf> trying to get one culture shared?
  223. <uf> I'm confused
  224. <morganq> it's a conspiracy theory
  225. * TheShadowFog has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  226. <Hartigan> uf: "race mixing is communism"
  227. <Hartigan> that's it
  228. <Hartigan> when someone crows about cultural marxism you're just seeing this play out in the present day
  229. <Hartigan> sorry for the link ot a fascist site, it's the first thing that came up
  230. <riddim> i am communism embodied!
  231. * aeth (~Michael@wesnoth/umc-dev/developer/aethaeryn) has joined
  232. * xanthine has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  233. <uf> So it's race mixing leading to new cultures, combined cultures, etc?
  234. <morganq> riddim, true
  235. <morganq> uf, it's a rather broad theory
  236. <morganq> that there's academics and others trying to do lots of things to fuck up society
  237. <morganq> like social programs, feminism, anti-racism etc
  238. <morganq> it's standard reaction but they've decided to label their boogeyman "cultural marxism"
  239. <uf> social programs, feminism and anti-racism is reaction?
  240. <morganq> no
  241. <morganq> those are things they complain about and label "cultural marism"
  242. <morganq> +x
  243. <uf> oh
  244. <uf> I play on some game servers where people use the c*** word and call each others n******
  245. <uf> I tell them to stop but they don't
  246. <morganq> indeed they don't
  247. <uf> I told some who are in my city to join in the protest tomorrow but they said they would be, well I better not say
  248. <uf> so right wing academics call socialist programs cultural marxism
  249. <uf> like social welfare?
  250. <morganq> not right wing academics, the conspiracy theorists.
  251. <uf> social healthcare?
  252. <uf> Oh, that.
  253. <morganq> i don't know really, i haven't listened to their manifesto
  254. <riddim> i wouldn't exactly call them academics lol
  255. <morganq> manifestos
  256. <morganq> they make youtube videos
  257. <morganq> denouncing the cultural marxism which is sweeping their country
  258. <uf> is the military industrial complex true?
  259. <uf> I heard of this conspiracy theory
  260. <riddim> youtube u is college 4 these ppl
  261. <morganq> sure i wouldn't call it a conspiracy theory
  262. <morganq> the military industrial complex is just a phenomenon, not a conspiracy
  263. <morganq> lol youtube u
  264. <morganq> YTU
  265. <uf> youtube is full of cranks
  266. <uf> like full
  267. <morganq> yes
  268. * Leevancleef has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  269. <uf> especially the illuminati theorists
  270. <uf> and the libertarians
  271. <riddim> i watched a video the other day about satanic messages in seinfield it was great
  272. <uf> Don't tread on me
  273. * diegoviola has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  274. <uf> there are some parodies of those videos you known
  275. <uf> know*
  276. <uf> so all the left leaning things that aren't quite economic or political are cultural marxism
  277. <uf> at least those three examples
  278. <riddim> yeah, plenty of lumimaty videos make fun of conspiracy theorists
  279. <uf> lol
  280. <uf> So I'm going to this protest tomorrow and it should be huge as it contains a few big unions
  281. <uf> the local groups that are revolutionary are tiny compared to the worker's unions
  282. <morganq> jacobian, just saw you on video~~
  283. <morganq> watching the cybersocialism thing
  284. <Hartigan> uf: "cultural marxism" is anything a reactionary old fart sees wrong with the world
  285. <Hartigan> except thanks to gamergate it's not just old farts anymore, it's their kids too
  286. <nuit_> hey mates
  287. <nuit_> yes cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory
  288. <nuit_> starting in the late 80s i think
  289. <uf> lol?
  290. <uf> also gamergate - your opinoins
  291. <Hartigan> it's anything that takes a white middle class man's candy away
  292. <Hartigan> uf: no opinion, i'm barely aware that it exists
  293. <uf> tl;dr a girl sleeps around and get promoted and good reviews
  294. <uf> that's what I heard
  295. <uf> sex power
  296. <riddim> goddamn i just went over it
  297. <uf> and her game gets onto steam
  298. <riddim> gamergate is just neckbeards hating on women
  299. <uf> likely
  300. <riddim> quinn supposedly had sex w some dude who mentioned her game in a article about 50 games and this was b4 they supposedly had sex
  301. <riddim> no reviews or shit like that
  302. <aeth> if you hate GamerGate, you can always follow GamerGhazi
  303. <riddim> regardless of if she fucked some dude it's no excuse 4 the hate and death threats she got which by chance never got 2 the supposed corrupt journalisr
  304. <riddim> journalist
  305. <aeth>
  306. <GameOver> Title: Mocking GamerGate, the Right Wing Gamer Babies' Playpen (at
  307. <aeth> "Actually it's about ethics in Star Trek journalism"
  308. <riddim> gamerghazi is pretty cool but i couldn't deal w reading about the bs 4 long
  309. <riddim> just let the shit die
  310. * natas_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  311. <aeth> What does ##marxism think about Die Linke?
  312. <uf> they are dem soc
  313. <uf> you must have a revolution man
  314. <uf> not democracy
  315. <uf> well the revolution guarantees full democracy
  316. <aeth> this is the top non-meme on /r/socialism right now:
  317. <GameOver> Title: BBC News - German leftists agree historic deal to rule in Thuringia (at
  318. * jubo2 ( has joined
  319. <nuit_> hey i stepped on my ipad
  320. <nuit_> can it be fixewd
  321. <riddim> did u just break the screen
  322. <riddim> or is it fucked worse
  323. * jubo2 has quit (Client Quit)
  324. <nuit_> well
  325. * jubo2 ( has joined
  326. <nuit_> externally its not broken
  327. <nuit_> but the screen is white with black bits
  328. <nuit_> and wont change
  329. <riddim> hmmm. well it could just b the screen which can b fixed
  330. <riddim> if it's internal stuff than u prob fucked
  331. <riddim> try hooking it up 2 ur computer and c if it is recognized
  332. <nuit_> yeah
  333. <nuit_> it is
  334. <nuit_> bnut the screen doesnt change
  335. <riddim> try doing a hard reset
  336. <riddim> if it shows up on ur itunes still and the hard reset doesn't fix the screen than it just needs a screen replacement
  337. <riddim> u could try restoring it from itunes as well if the hard reset doesn't work
  338. <nuit_> well the screen stayed the same
  339. <nuit_> but itunes recognized it
  340. <nuit_> i guess i just need a new screen then
  341. <riddim> yeah that sucks but it could b worse
  342. <riddim> i used 2 make decent money replacing screens 4 ppl when iphones just came out. u just had 2 buy the screens on ebay and get the right tools
  343. * duck_cpd has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  344. <Hartigan> <3
  345. <GameOver> Title: killer kung-fu wolf !@#&! (at
  346. <riddim> if i remember right that's from the christmas episode of boondocks
  347. <riddim> where huey tries 2 have his play about black jesus
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