
The Very Hungry Pinkie Pie

Jul 14th, 2012
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  1. This story contains
  2. -Vore
  3. -Size difference
  4. -I don't even know
  8. >Pinkie Pie trotted along the edge of the Everfree forest, a woven basket clenched tightly between her teeth.
  9. >She came to a stop just before a patch of multicoloured flowers.
  10. >"Now what did Mrs Cake say to get? Green leaves with blue patches? Or dried, red leaves and soft white patches?"
  11. >She eyed the two types of flowers, Mrs Cakes' words running through her head. For some reason green leaves and blue patches seemed to be the most appropriate.
  12. >She plucked the green leaved plant and made her way back to Ponyville, ready to continue with her other tasks.
  13. >Once she was back, she placed the basket on the kitchen counter and set about making cupcakes.
  14. >She already had some batter sitting around on the top that she had prepared earlier, and decided not to let it go to waste.
  15. >She located a baking tray and poured the batter equally into the sections of the tray.
  16. >She glanced at the oven to make sure it was preset to the correct temperature and was about to place the tray into the oven, before realising she was missing the newest ingredient.
  17. >Quickly she emptied the contents of the basket and ground them against her hoof.
  18. >She sprinkled the newly crushed plant leaves into the mixtures and put the tray into the oven.
  19. >She set the timer and set about preparing the next set of batter for her other cupcakes.
  20. >She worked like clockwork, gathering her ingredients, mixing them together in a bowl, and finally emptying the contents of the bowl into a separate tray.
  21. >By the time she was done with the new batter, her already cooking cupcakes were finished.
  22. >She swapped the trays and left the extremely hot cupcakes on the counter to cool for a bit.
  23. >She watched them eagerly, her tongue slobbering around her mouth as her anticipation got the better of her.
  24. >Occasionally she jabbed her hoof at them, to feel if they were still cooling, or they had reached an edible temperature.
  25. >Time continued to tick by, and with each passing second Pinkie's anticipation grew.
  26. >She couldn't wait to taste them, as was the case with all her new recipes; she had to try them as soon as possible.
  27. >Though this time was a little different, she couldn't just binge on them once they were done. She had to eat a couple and then write down her thoughts for Mrs Cake, after all the recipe was hers.
  28. >She jabbed her hoof into a couple of the cupcakes and was pleasantly surprised to find that they had cooled to an acceptable temperature.
  29. >She lifted one from the tray and held it up to her muzzle, breathing in the enchanting aroma of a fresh baked good.
  30. >She opened her maw, and took a bite of the treat.
  32. >"Mmm!" came Pinkie's delighted response as she proceeded to ravage what was left of the snack.
  33. >She set of to her room, satisfied that one cupcake was enough to write about her findings.
  34. >Her stomach grumbled, and she suddenly felt like the cupcakes were calling out to her, singing her name like siren song.
  35. >"Maybe one more, just to make sure I got the taste right..."
  36. >She turned back and looked at the tray of cupcakes, adjusting her course to return her to them.
  37. >She lifted one to her maw again, and within seconds the great was gone. The crumbs that coated her muzzle and the counter were the only clues as to its short lived existence.
  38. >Pinkie was satisfied that the flavours she experienced had been correct the first time, and that second time existed to confirm her earlier suspicion.
  39. >However she didn't move from the counter, her eyes remained transfixed on the baked goods, and her stomach growled ferociously.
  40. >Her hooves tentatively touched the sides of the tray, testing its temperature.
  41. >Feeling no intense heat she began to lift it into the air, tilting it slightly towards her maw.
  42. >The cupcakes slowly begin to ease out of their confines, with gravity starting to take hold and drag them down to earth.
  44. >The first of the remaining cupcakes slipped free and fell into Pinkie's open maw with a soft 'flump'. Pinkie was quick to chew and swallow the treat, condemning it to her belly.
  45. >She tilted the tray even more, the second and third cupcakes falling free, and ending up straight down Pinkie's gullet.
  46. >Finally the last lonely cupcake broke free, and joined its brethren, inside of Pinkie.
  47. >The pink pony let out a satisfied belch, signalling that her hunger was satisfied.
  48. >She trotted upstairs and looked around for a piece of paper, instead only finding the note, left for her by Mrs Cake.
  49. >Pinkie was about to flip it over and scrawl on the back, but something caught her attention.
  50. >"Pinkie," she read aloud. "Make sure you use the plant with the dried red leaves and the soft white patches. DO NOT USE THE PLANT WITH GREEN LEAVES AND BLUE PATCHES."
  51. >Her voice trailed off to a squeak, as she read her mistake.
  52. >"Oopsie..." she whispered.
  54. >Her stomach gurgled, and a slight pain shot through her extremities.
  55. >She winced slightly, and scrunched up her eyes, only opening them once the pain had subsided.
  56. >When her eyes reopened, she found the note looked a little smaller than it had previously. Come to think of it, everything around her looked a little smaller.
  57. >Before she could pursue the thought further she heard a bell ring downstairs, followed by a familiar voice.
  58. >"Hey Pinkie, you here?!"
  59. >Pinkie raced downstairs to greet the customer, who turned out to be none other than...
  60. >"Dashie! What are you doing here?" asked Pinkie as she spotted the blue Pegasus slouched against a counter.
  61. >"Huh? Oh I was passing by when I smelt something cooking. So I swung by to see if I could score some of whatever it was before you ate it to yourself." replied Dash.
  62. >"Well I uh-" She was cut off by a particularly loud stomach rumble. "...was just about to eat, come on in!"
  63. >She ushered Dash into the kitchen and sat her on a stool, whilst she busied herself with the oven.
  64. >Her stomach grumbled again and she winced as stronger feelings of hunger began to surface.
  65. >She brought the cupcakes to the counter, a fake smile on her face.
  66. >She set them down on the counter and wafted her hoof over them, to cool them down quicker.
  67. >"Pinkie, you ok? You seem a little on edge...and have you gotten taller?" asked Dash with genuine worry in her voice.
  68. >"Hehe, I'm fine Dashie, just sooo hungry!" chirped Pinkie.
  69. >Rainbow Dash would've pressed the matter further, but Pinkie shoved a cupcake in front of her, urging her to dig in.
  70. >Rainbow Dash did as she was told, but Pinkie didn't follow suit, instead she was just sat watching Rainbow Dash, a hungry lust in her eyes.
  71. >"Uh Pinkie, are you going to eat yours?" asked Rainbow, through a mouth of masticated cupcake.
  72. >Pinkie swiped her hoof at the cupcake, knocking it to the floor. "Oops, silly me..."
  73. >She threw herself to the floor, disappearing behind the counter.
  74. >Once she was down on the ground, she slid round to where Dash was sitting and just gazed up at her.
  75. >Her eyes took in everything about her body, her rainbow coloured mane and tail, resembling various assorted sweets. The soft tender flesh coated by a cyan fur, making her look like an exotic marshmallow.
  76. >Pinkie licked her lips, and opened her maw impossibly wide, sliding closer to Dash's hooves.
  78. >Rainbow Dash was happily chewing on her cupcake, waiting for her friend to resurface. She didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, because hey, Pinkie did some strange things sometimes.
  79. >She shoved the remaining crumbs into her muzzle and stretched, stopping as she felt something slimy touch her hooves.
  80. >She glanced down in horror to see Pinkie, her maw covering Dash's hooves, and slowly working her way upwards.
  81. >"Pinkie, w-what are you d-doing?"
  82. >There came no response, just the soft slurping as Pinkie passed Rainbow's knees.
  83. >Rainbow's hooves pressed against the back of Pinkie's mouth, and then began their descent down her throat.
  84. >Rainbow flapped her wings in desperation as she attempted to lift herself from Pinkie.
  85. >Alas, it was to no avail, as Pinkie slipped past her thighs with ease, on course for her midriff.
  86. >Dash whimpered as she felt Pinkie's tongue slapping over body, slipping in between her thighs for a more sensual moment.
  87. >Pinkie began to stand; Rainbow Dash's struggling hindering her less and less.
  88. >She had soon surpassed her midriff, and was approaching Rainbow's neck.
  89. >Pinkie's stomach began to bulge as it took in much more than it was used to.
  90. >Rainbow bucked her hooves and grunted as her body succumbed to the wet warmth spreading over her.
  91. >Pinkie's eyes widened as Dash bucked her stomach walls, but she pressed on, her tongue lapping at her friends’ neck.
  92. >Pinkie placed her hooves atop Rainbow's head and pushed her down, ruffling her mane as she went.
  93. >"Pinkie..." whispered Dash, just as the pink jaw of her captor closed around her.
  94. >Pinkie gave an almighty gulp, and Rainbow slid the rest of the way, coming to a rest inside her distended gut.
  95. >Pinkie flopped back against the counter, massaging her swollen stomach.
  96. >Her legs stood at angles akin to that of a starfish, and any attempts to move would prove futile.
  98. >"Pinkie! Let me out!" exclaimed Dash, thrashing and bucking.
  99. >Pinkie just sat their sighing as Dash squirmed about inside her fleshy prison.
  100. >Rainbow shoved and bucked, pressing every inch of her athletic body against the surrounding walls, twisting and writhing around.
  101. >Pinkie's stomach groaned and heaved, but Pinkie remained resilient, and adamant that Dash wasn't getting out.
  102. "Oooh Dashie, keep it up..." she purred, rubbing at her belly.
  103. >Dash's attempts at freedom contorted and expanded the stomach fat, forcing Pinkie to gasp and sigh in gastric bliss.
  104. >"Pinkie! Are you even listening?" She jabbed a hoof as hard as she could against Pinkie's stomach."Let me go!" roared the frustrated Pegasus.
  105. >Pinkie held hold of Rainbow's hoof as it extended the pink furred belly. "Oh Dashie, just relax, you should feel honoured we got to be this close..."
  106. >Pinkie bit her lip, and slid her hooves around her belly, only just managing to reach her thighs.
  107. >She hefted her enlarged stomach, moaning as she felt it shudder under her touch, "Oooh, that's sooo goood..."
  108. >Rainbow Dash yelped as she heard Pinkie's pleasured utterance. "But Pinkie, we're friends! Isn't that close enough?" she yelled, panicked.
  109. >Rainbow could feel her prison tightening around her, she ramped up her efforts, but the tightened space was proving to be incredibly restrictive.
  110. >Pinkie giggled, and gave her hefty shake, jiggling Rainbow around a little.
  111. >The Pegasus flared her wings, quickly wishing she hadn't they were quickly pinned behind her back, causing her a bit of pain.
  112. >"Pinkie...please..." mumbled Dash as she attempted a few feeble bucks and shoves.
  113. >"What's the matter Dashie, getting tired?" giggled Pinkie as she felt Rainbow's efforts slow to a stop.
  114. >Pinkie's belly growled and she felt her stomach clench tighter around Rainbow, making it impossible for her to move.
  115. >She pushed her hooves into her gut, and petted Rainbow, now that she could struggle no more.
  118. >Then she felt that pain once more, it spread through her body, but this time it lasted longer.
  119. >Her body experienced an extended growth spurt, her body now big enough to manage her previously overstuffed belly.
  120. >She got to her hooves and sighed, after a hearty meal such as that, she needed rest.
  121. >Unfortunately for her, her food lust had other ideas.
  123. >Pangs of hunger struck once more, forcing her to the cupboards.
  124. >She grabbed jars and bottles of whatever were present, stuffing her face with whatever she could find.
  125. >Thanks to marvels of the average equestrian pony digestive system, Rainbow Dash was still alive and being bombarded by random foodstuffs.
  126. >"What's wrong with you Pinkie? You've turned into some sort of eating machine!" exclaimed Dash.
  127. >"Hush Dashie, I can't talk right now, food's more important."
  128. >Almost as though she were in a trance, Pinkie religiously ravaged the cupboards, leaving not a single crumb behind.
  129. >She staggered forwards, heading towards the exit to Sugar Cube Corner.
  130. >She slumped to the floor, just before the exit, experiencing yet another growth spurt.
  131. >Her body shot up as it began to process all the excess food she had eaten.
  132. >Her head surpassed the seven foot mark, now far too big, and far too wide to fit through any doorway.
  133. >Now craving sustenance, she burst through the door frame, her eyes bulging in her head as she tracked down further food.
  135. >Standing a few feet away was Applejack, keeping watch on her apple stand.
  136. >Pinkie bounced over to her, dragging her rippling stomach with her. Each thump earned a disgruntled 'ow!' from Rainbow Dash.
  137. >Applejack turned around to see the giant pink mass bouncing towards her.
  138. >"P-P-inkie!?" she stammered, bewildered at the sight.
  139. >"Hey Applejack, got any apples for me?" asked Pinkie, her eyes staring at the stall.
  140. >"Ah think ya should be goin'-"
  141. >"Going to eat some apples? Aww thanks AJ!" Pinkie leant down and licked Applejack, coating her in warm saliva.
  142. >Then she turned her attention to the apples, sitting there in tubs, the sun shining off their rosy skin.
  143. >She grabbed as many tubs as she possibly could, lobbing them into her waiting maw.
  144. >"Heh, better watch out Dashie, don't want you getting, urp, hurt..."
  145. >Applejack's ears pricked up at the mention of Rainbow Dash's pet name.
  146. >"Pinkie...did you eat Rainbow Dash?!" exclaimed AJ in shock.
  147. >"Yup!" replied Pinkie, casually throwing more tubs of apples into her mouth.
  148. >Her stomach roared its approval and she surged in height. "Yay! I'm growing again!"
  149. >The growth spurts were no longer painful; instead they made her feel warm and fuzzy, feelings that were easy to get addicted to.
  150. >Pinkie grabbed scraped her hoof against the floor, looking disappointed to find there were no more apples.
  151. >" more apples..." She patted her bulging belly and glanced sideways at the quickly shrinking orange speck that was Applejack. "Well maybe there's just one more..."
  153. >Applejack backed away from Pinkie as she began to expand even further upwards and outwards.
  154. >She counted estimation on her rates of growth in her head. "Ten...twelve...fifteen..."
  155. >Then when Pinkie looked down at her, she gulped and her knees went weak.
  156. >Pinkie reached down a titanic hoof, and scooped Applejack up from the dirt.
  157. >"Don't ya dare eat me, Pinkie! Ya hear me?!" roared Applejack.
  158. >"Aww...but you'll miss the party..." sighed Pinkie, her face dropping.
  159. >"Party...?" quizzed Applejack.
  160. >"This party!" exclaimed Pinkie, tossing AJ down her gaping gullet.
  161. >Applejack landed in Pinkie's roomy stomach, landing amongst partially digested foodstuffs.
  162. >"Guess she got you as well?" came Rainbow's voice from behind her.
  163. >"Yeah...ah shoulda jumped...but, it's good ta see ya Rainbow..." replied Applejack solemnly.
  164. >Suddenly their surroundings shifted, and Rainbow had to lift Applejack out of the way to avoid a few wooden beams that came hurtling from above.
  165. >"Was that...?" stammered Applejack.
  166. >"Is she..." interjected Rainbow Dash, turning to look at AJ.
  167. >"...eating buildings?!" the pair of them chorused.
  169. >It was true of course. Pinkie had surpassed the thirty foot mark, and was fast approaching forty.
  170. >Regular food now proved far too small, and would in no way satiate her gigantic hunger.
  171. >Instead she turned her attention to the buildings that surrounded her expanding frame.
  172. >She had been sceptical at first, but the plants' effects proved to expand far beyond constant hunger and growth.
  173. >The plant had a third effect; it could make anything taste wonderful.
  174. >As Pinkie chomped through the roof of a nearby home, her mouth was filled with flavours like liquorice, or aniseed.
  175. >Wooden beams tasted like honeycomb, and the struts, supports and foundations resembled other sugary foods.
  176. >For Pinkie it was like gnawing through a gingerbread house she had made for a special occasion.
  177. >She peered inside the house she was currently eating away at, and found its residents all huddled together, peering up.
  178. >"Hehe, don't mind me!" she boomed, keeping her trademark smile. "Just doing a bit of renovating!"
  179. >She opened wide, and scooped the rest of the house up, ponies and all.
  180. >She smacked her tongue against her lips, turning her attention to the next house on the block.
  181. >Below her a frenzy of terrified ponies raced around, trying to get as far away from the gargantuan pony as she continued to eat them out of house and town.
  182. >Pinkie sat up, her chewing on a few wooden beams, that seemed more like toothpicks to her than anything else.
  183. >With the amount she had consumed, her mouth had become rather dry. She needed water, and she needed it stat.
  184. >Glancing around she saw the river that ran parallel to Ponyville.
  185. >All it took was a few strides and she was there, then with a swift movement, her muzzle was in the river and she was slurping away.
  186. >Litre after litre, gallon after gallon, and the water levels dropped shockingly quickly, and Pinkie reared back, letting out a euphoric gasp as she grew even faster.
  187. >As she turned to head back into town, her eyes rested upon the Ponyville library, the biggest tree around, and the source of quite a bit of vegetation.
  189. >Meanwhile, inside the library, Twilight Sparkle had her nose deep inside a good book, oblivious to the chaos in the town.
  190. >"Twilight! The water has stopped!" came Spike's shrill voice from the kitchen.
  191. >"Uh... just when Ponyzilla was about to destroy the town. You always know how to ruin the best bits of a story Spike..." came Twilight's response.
  192. >She summoned her magic and teleported into the kitchen.
  193. >Once there, she saw Spike frantically trying to see if a tap would actually pump water.
  194. >"'s like the river's been pumped dry..." pondered Twilight.
  195. >Come to think of it, now that she wasn't nose deep in a book, she could hear the chaos outside.
  196. >"What in Equestria is going on out there?" inquired Twilight, making her way to the library door.
  197. >Suddenly the ground shook beneath her hooves, planters and books falling to the floor.
  198. >Then a tremendous crash as something large, round and pick smashed into the side of the library, preventing anyone from leaving.
  199. >Well, anyone that didn't have access to Unicorn magic.
  200. >"I'll be right back Spike!" called Twilight as she teleported outside.
  201. >The world outside the library was a ghost town now, almost hard to believe that a few seconds ago it had sounded like chaos.
  202. >Houses lay in ruin, craters were scattered across the landscape, as though a meteor shower had recently happened. Ponyville had been erased from the map.
  203. >"Hey Twilight!" came an exalted, ear shattering voice.
  204. >Twilight turned slowly, and then began to crane her head up towards the heavens.
  205. >"Pinkie!?" screeched Twilight.
  206. >"Yep! Hey did you know that these leaves are so yummy?" she said in-between mouthfuls of Twilight's home.
  207. "Pinkie, stop this right now!" exclaimed Twilight.
  208. >"I can't Twilight, I've been sooo hungry lately, but I think that it I eat this delicious tree, then I'll be full. Then I can finally get some rest!"
  209. >Before Twilight could even utter another word, Pinkie clasped the library in her hooves, uprooted it and sucked it into her awaiting maw, like it was nothing more than a noodle.
  211. ************************* NEW PART W.I.P *********************
  212. >Spike was knocked off his feet as the library was uprooted, slamming into a wall.
  213. >Gravity pinned him against the back bookcases as he was forced to look up at the oncoming pink maw.
  214. >Not content with waiting for things to play out,
  215. **************************************************************
  217. >"No! Spike!" yelled Twilight. "Pinkie, why are you doing this?"
  218. >"I told you silly, because I was hungry! Actually, I think I've got room for one more, do you want to join?" Pinkie cocked her head to Twilight as she asked the question.
  219. >"Join what?! Yelled a frustrated Twilight Sparkle.
  220. >"The party in my belly, duh!"
  221. >"I...why...buh..."
  222. >"I'll take that as a yes!" exclaimed Pinkie, clapping her hooves together happily.
  223. >She scooped up the tiny Twilight and popped her into her mouth, as though she were the cherry from atop a cake.
  224. >Pinkie gave an almighty belch, her hunger cravings satisfied for now.
  225. >She felt a sudden drowsiness wash over her, and she flopped onto her back.
  226. >Her hooves caressed her enormous belly, and she sighed in euphoric bliss.
  227. >"Ponyville was fun..."she muttered. "Tomorrow...Canterlot..."
  228. >Her stomach gurgled in agreement, as she dozed off, digesting her tremendous meal.
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