

Aug 8th, 2011
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  2. <danhezee> That is sad, I liked our game
  3. <danhezee> a name change isnt a bad idea
  4. <danhezee> lex is trying to take you guys down with him. dont fall for the trap. stay friends bring more friends to AoS. lets have more organized battles against each other
  5. <ReubenMcHawk> That's what we're thinking. We've all agreed in the chat that Lex is as good as gone.
  6. <danhezee> I hope so
  7. <ReubenMcHawk> I should have guessed he was a bad person when he spent all this time lying about his gender.
  8. <danhezee> i think so. look how vengeful he is. where you guys might be joking about attacking the server he is completely serious.
  9. <danhezee> lex is like a super villain that has a crush on hitler
  10. <ReubenMcHawk> True. He was the one using the spambots and everything, which is where everything started going downhill.
  11. <ReubenMcHawk> Hm. Do you all actually have the spambot/hacks and shit? I think I still have the .zip files, I can send them to you, as a sign of good faith.
  12. <danhezee> i think we got everything
  13. <danhezee> we were told about mynameisstack site as soon as it was created
  14. <ReubenMcHawk> Yeah, Khan did it, if I remember correctly. I prefer our clan pre-Lexsym to the way it is today.
  15. <danhezee> lex pretty much ruined it for you
  16. <ReubenMcHawk> Yeah. Hopefully he decides to just leave, or at least go find some other game to troll.
  17. <danhezee> he will leave once he doesnt have anyone to fuel his rage
  18. <ReubenMcHawk> Yeah, that's what we're all hoping. We've had enough of him, and he's screwed us over way too many times.
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