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a guest
Nov 19th, 2013
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  1. Weapon rules: Must use the most gangsta/nigrish guns available, preferably in terrible condition(.45 pistol, AK's, Uzis, etc.)
  2. Armor rules: No armour is allowed, must wear as baggy clothing as possible.
  3. Special/skills rules: No limits, but Intelligence must be 3 or below.
  4. Perks/traits rules:
  5. - No Logan's Loophole.
  6. - Preferably the most nigrish traits available (eg Hot Blooded, Loose Cannon)
  7. Food/drugs/healing rules:
  8. - Must use all available chems
  9. - No stimpaks
  10. - All food must be cooked meat, and every time you eat you must whisper to yourself "mmmhmmm, dem's good eatings" or "finger lickin' good"
  11. Companion rules:
  12. - Anyone but Boone or Gannon
  13. - 3rd party companions such as McFlava are encouraged.
  14. Gameplay rules:
  15. - Act in the most gangsta-licious way possible, only using pocket knives and nigrish guns. You cannot side with the NCR ('cos fuq dem pigs mang)
  16. - MUST side with the powder gangers.
  17. Required mods:
  18. - Nothing required, but gun mods from Millenia, especially the AK's and the Uzi help.
  19. - Clothing mods that make you more gangster
  20. Difficulty rules: Hardcore, hard or very hard.
  21. Completion rules:
  22. - Finish the main story line and all 4 DLC.
  23. - Addicted to all chems
  24. - Have bad karma
  25. - Have the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion
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