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Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. -Make sure your drivers are up to date. This includes your videocard, mouse, keyboard, modem/network drivers, soundcard and so on. Videocard drivers usually won't update until a week before release, or the day before release. No one wants a blue screen of death in the middle of a raid all because your soundcard drivers decided to cause a BSOD.
  3. -Make sure to update your addons.
  5. -Enemies scale with you. You can start in any area of Legion and all mobs will be catered to your level. You can also quest through an area, come back at 110, and all mobs will be your level. If you want to, do some research and look for places that offer gear blue gear around 108 to 110. This blue gear can carry you easily into Heroics, or boost your ilvl so you can gear yourself a lot more quickly.
  7. -Quest rewards are catered to your average ilvl, however early on there is a threshold. Don't expect to go into Stormheim as an ilvl 740 and expect to get ilvl 750+ gear so soon.
  9. -Kill all the rare spawns you can find. They drop gear, class hall resources, toys, and sometimes ArP (or Artifact Power) items. Don't be surprised if you see yourself coming back at 110 picking off the rares you missed. Rares can only be killed once per character. They also appear on your minimap as a yellow star. Certain rare spawns are treated as events and can only be started by a certain class, interacting with someone, or doing something specific. One rare spawn event for example can only be started by a Shaman since they can understand the language of the rare spawn in question.
  11. ALTERNATIVELY, avoid killing rare spawns until 110 since the gear they drop is itemized for your level. Random epic item upgrades make them especially potent for Heroic entry and gaining great gear from world quests early on. Rare spawns reward at 110 ilvl 785 gear, compared to max level normal dungeons offering 805+ loot.
  13. -Find as many treasures as you can. They always give ArP items and trash items for gold. Treasures are highlighted in a faint purple glow similar to treasures in WoD. Treasure Maps also do not reveal treasure on the world map anymore. Instead they show up on the minimap meaning you have to explore everywhere to find them. This is a good way to explore the map and pick off any rares you missed or any quests you might've overlooked.
  15. Alternatively, avoiding a few treasures might not be a bad idea. Treasures do NOT reward experience but will almost always have an ArP item in them. These ArP items scale with your artifact research. More on artifact research below. Even with a few levels of research, however, the ArP items didn't grant a lot of ArP.
  17. -ArP items are almost always "on-use" items that take space in your inventory. That means you can spec as a DPS, level up to 110, and save all those ArP items to use on the artifact you want to use on a healing or tank artifact if you wanted to do so. However it's not something recommended as at 110 you can research your artifact weapons within your class hall, increasing gains from ArP items (more on that below). Go ahead and dump all those ArP items into your leveling artifact!
  19. There's also a very small amount of quests that offer ArP directly to your weapon as a reward (and are probably just leftovers from early beta builds). ArP items are granted through quests, random drops, rewarded as part of the daily dungeon, rewarded from your class hall, and so on. All mobs have a randon chance to drop an ArP item so the idea of killing everything and leaving nothing but a crater is appealing.
  21. -Stay on target with your artifact research as more research means you gain more ArP with every ArP item you use. Leveling as a DPS and using ArP items on your DPS artifact means you can focus on world quests and gathering more ArP items. Your downtime will be you mostly farming ArP and class hall resources.
  23. -Class Hall upgrades are another thing to stay on point with, however they take a lot more research, resources, and time to complete. Plan your route accordingly and expect to be farming a lot of World Quests for resources.
  25. -Plan your route carefully with your artifact weapon because it gets expensive to respec it. Respec costs get more expensive the more you have invested into it. Fair warning - You cannot respec an artifact, then take those points and put them into another artifact.
  27. -You will want to get your professions up to 700 before Legion launches since it's much more difficult to level 1-800 than 1-700 in WoD. To the credit of Legion, you no longer harvest bits of scraps of items to combine them anymore. You harvest the item with no penalty. However when you reach max level and have world quests available to you, you need at least 300 in any profession to unlock profession based world quests.
  29. -Profession quests start as soon as you enter Dalaran, after the events that lead up to Legion. Grab them and get them done as fast as you can, when you can (preferably after your artifact). They offer a nice bit of experience, and they're the only way to get recipes early on. If you have a gathering skill, focus on those quests as they allow you to harvest more from a single source. Harvesting also has the chance to give you breadcrumb quests. Do those as often as you can as well as they allow you to gather more. If you want to prioritize professions, head to Azsuna first. However if you aren't in a hurry, stay the hell away from Azsuna.
  31. -Mining and Herb nodes are exclusive to you in Legion. That means if two players are miners and see the same node, both can mine it within decent timeframe. No competition anymore!
  33. Sorry Skinners. :(
  35. -There is no current limit on crafted items you can wear.
  37. -Relics add one level to any one of the talents on your artifact weapon. Be wary as replacing the relic with another of the same type will completely replace that relic and you will lose it. Think of it like a gem you put into a gem slot in gear. It's entirely possible to have three relics that focus on ONE skill entirely, leading to some interesting talent builds. Don't be surprised if you see people avoiding those relic quests entirely, or quest areas until 110 and hoping for a lucky item upgrade proc to blue or epic. Certain professions can craft certain relics types.
  39. -Goblin Glider Kits are valuable since there are a high number of high points in Legion. You can use them to get across the land with no issue. Consider keeping a few stacks in your inventory. Check the guild bank!
  41. -Try to keep a stack of food handy, or consider First Aid. Certain classes or specs lost some personal cooldowns for defense, or Blizzard gave them a decent cooldown timer. Don't be surprised if after a fight you're ~50% health. Consider bringing a friend who can heal effectively if food or First-Aid isn't available.
  43. -Make sure you are 110% confident in your professions with the character you wish to focus on at the start. Swapping professions and leveling them up will take time, especially when paired with a new gathering profession. Not only will you have to level the skill, you will also have to gather the quests tied to that skill.
  45. -Class Order Resources after a certain point are gained from World Quests almost exclusively. Keep an eye out for world quests at 110.
  47. -Don't get used to taxis too often. You miss out on a ton of treasures, rare mobs, and resources early on.
  49. -Elite mobs are elite for a reason. They can put you in your place so be wary of where you roam. Some elites are in populated/popular questing areas.
  51. -Even if you're not in a group, and if you see a friendly faction player fighting a mob, help them out! In Legion, up to five players can tap the same mob and all five of you will get credit towards a quest and loot. No one can steal any loot that drops as the loot is exclusively for you. Named quest targets are immune to this rule and anyone on either faction can assist. Rare spawns are also immune to this rule so feel free to lend sword or spell to the cause.
  53. -Gear that drops in dungeons is tradeable amongst your group members. If something drops for you, and you don't need it, and you see someone that needs it, offer it to them. They're there for the same reasons you are. Gear, gold, resources, and ArP items.
  55. -If you have 250,000g lying around, and want a really good ilvl 850 ring, head over to Dalaran over the Broken Isles and purchase one. It's available at level 101 and carries some powerful stats, and also acts as a way to directly port over to Dalaran every 30 minutes.
  57. -Lots of items became toys. Check your banks and your alts.
  59. -Lastly, and most importantly, REPORT BUGS. Beta was beta for a reason. Not everyone can test every little thing with every class, talent, toy, effect, etc. If something seems out of place, not working right, or at all, report it!
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