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a guest
Oct 21st, 2014
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  1. #Configuration file for adding microblock materials for aesthetic blocks added by mods
  2. #Each line needs to be of the form <name>:<meta>
  3. #<name> is the unlocalised name or registry key of the block/item enclosed in quotes. NEI can help you find these
  4. #<meta> may be ommitted, in which case it defaults to 0, otherwise it can be a number, a comma separated list of numbers, or a dash separated range
  5. #Ex. "dirt" "minecraft:planks":3 "iron_ore":1,2,3,5 "ThermalFoundation:Storage":0-15
  6. "chisel:chisel.marble":0-15
  7. "chisel:chisel.limestone":0-15
  8. "chisel:chisel.cobblestone":0-15
  9. "":0-15
  10. "chisel:chisel.sandstone":0-15
  11. "chisel:chisel.concrete":0-15
  12. "chisel:chisel.iron":0-15
  13. "":0-15
  14. "chisel:chisel.diamond":0-15
  15. "chisel:chisel.lightstone":0-15
  16. "chisel:chisel.lapis":0-15
  17. "chisel:chisel.emerald":0-15
  18. "chisel:chisel.netherBrick":0-15
  19. "chisel:chisel.hellrock":0-15
  20. "chisel:chisel.stoneMoss":0-15
  21. "chisel:chisel.stoneBrick":0-15
  22. "chisel:chisel.blockDirt":0-15
  23. "":0-15
  24. "chisel:chisel.wood-oak":0-15
  25. "chisel:chisel.wood-spruce":0-15
  26. "chisel:chisel.wood-birch":0-15
  27. "chisel:chisel.wood-jungle":0-15
  28. "chisel:chisel.wood-acacia":0-15
  29. "chisel:chisel.wood-dark-oak":0-15
  30. "chisel:chisel.obsidian":0-15
  31. "chisel:chisel.blockRedstone":0-15
  32. "chisel:chisel.blockHolystone":0-15
  33. "chisel:chisel.blockLavastone":0-15
  34. "chisel:chisel.blockFft":0-15
  35. "chisel:chisel.blockCarpet":0-15
  36. "chisel:chisel.blockCarpetFloor":0-15
  37. "chisel:chisel.blockBookshelf":0-15
  38. "chisel:chisel.blockTyrian":0-15
  39. "chisel:chisel.blockTemple":0-15
  40. "chisel:chisel.blockTempleMossy":0-15
  41. "chisel:chisel.blockFactory":0-15
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