

Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. [] Yes
  2. [X] This
  3. [X] Came here to say this
  4. [] Logged in just to upvote this
  5. [] I know this will never be seen but...
  6. [X] I found this gem...
  7. [X] This will be downvoted to hell/buried but...
  8. [] This should have more upvotes
  9. [] An upvote for you, good sir
  10. [X] You are a gentleman and a scholar
  11. [X] You magnificent bastard
  12. [] M'lady / tips fedora
  13. [] Someone give this man reddit gold
  14. [X] Anne Frankly I did nazi that coming
  15. [X] That escalated quickly
  16. [X] To the top with you!
  17. [X] Lost it at ____
  18. [X] This is why we can't have nice things
  19. [X] Faith in humanity restored
  20. [X] Whoa / mind = blown
  21. [X] Manly tears were shed
  22. [] Cutting onions
  23. [X] I know that feel, bro
  24. [X] Right in the feels
  25. [X] Risky click
  26. [] Shots fired
  27. [X] Nailed it
  28. [X] You. I like you
  29. [X] I regret that I only have one upvote to give
  30. [X] Tree fiddy
  31. [X] Was not disappointed
  32. [X] Wait, why do I have you tagged as _______?
  33. [X] What did I just read?
  34. [X] Da fuq?
  36. [X] I can't fap to this
  37. [X] Cakeday
  38. [X] What are you doing, stahp
  39. [X] For science
  40. [X] That's enough internet for me today
  41. [X] Would not bang
  42. [X] x/10 would (not) Y
  43. [X] What is this I don't even?
  44. [] How is this WTF?
  45. [X] Circlejerk must be leaking
  46. [X] Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym
  47. [X] Said no one ever
  48. [X] I have the weirdest boner right now
  49. [X] /thread
  50. [X] My first post
  51. [] Edit: wow I can't believe my top comment is about _______
  52. [] EDIT: Seriously front page? Thanks guys!
  53. [] EDIT: Obligatory front page edit!!!
  54. [] Are you me?
  55. [] The picture that brought me to reddit
  56. [] Directions unclear - dick stuck in _______
  57. [X] I laughed way harder than I should have
  58. [] It's almost like Reddit is thousands of different people with thousands of different opinions.
  59. [] Plot twist: _____
  60. [] Source: _____
  61. [X] Step one: be attractive. Step two: don't be unattractive.
  62. [] Broken Arms - Mom jerked him off
  63. [] ____ here: can confirm / can confirm: am ____/ etc
  64. [] Something involving sex with "your mom"
  65. [] Mom's spaghetti
  66. [] Tom Cruise
  67. [] Ghandi (Gandhi*)
  68. [] [________ intensifies]
  69. [] rekt
  70. [] Banana for scale
  71. [] You da real MVP
  72. [] I spat out my _____ laughing at that
  73. [X] You're doing god's work.
  74. [] u fookin wot m8
  75. [] Woosh!
  76. [] _% of the time, it works every time
  77. [] I am disapoint
  78. [] RIP in peace
  79. [] Remember when _______? Pepperidge Farm remembers
  80. [] Jet fuel can/can't melt dank memes.
  81. [X] Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
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