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Nov 10th, 2015
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  1. Indexing PAKs 100% [###############################]
  2. MP1 Root 100% [###############################]
  3. AudioGrp.pak 100% [###############################]
  4. ['CREATE', 'C:\\Users\\7imekeeper\\Downloads\\Bounty Hunter tri\\Bounty Hunter t
  5. ri\\mp1/MP1/GGuiSys/CMDL_EE035D01.blend', 'MESH', 'C:\\Users\\7IMEKE~1\\AppData\
  6. \Local\\Temp/hecl_startup.blend']
  7. Info: Total files 0 | Changed 0 | Failed 0
  8. Info: Total files 0 | Changed 0 | Failed 0
  9. Info: loaded 0 patches
  10. Info: loaded 0 patches
  11. ['PYBEGIN']
  12. EXEC import bpy
  13. EXEC import bmesh
  14. EXEC = 'CMDL_EE035D01'
  15. EXEC bpy.context.scene.hecl_mesh_obj =
  16. EXEC bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_GAME'
  17. for ob in
  18. if ob.type != 'LAMP':
  19. bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(ob)
  21. def loop_from_facevert(bm, face, vert_idx):
  22. for loop in face.loops:
  23. if loop.vert[['CMDLOriginalPosIdxs']] == vert_idx:
  24. return loop
  25. def add_triangle(bm, vert_seq, vert_indices, norm_seq, norm_indices, mat_nr, od_
  26. list):
  27. if len(set(vert_indices)) != 3:
  28. return None, None
  29. ret_mesh = bm
  30. vert_seq.ensure_lookup_table()
  31. verts = [vert_seq[i] for i in vert_indices]
  32. face = bm.faces.get(verts)
  33. if face is not None and face.material_index != mat_nr: # Same poly, new mate
  34. rial
  35. od_entry = None
  36. for entry in od_list:
  37. if entry['material'] == mat_nr:
  38. od_entry = entry
  39. if od_entry is None:
  40. bm_cpy = bm.copy()
  41. od_entry = {'material':mat_nr, 'bm':bm_cpy}
  42. bmesh.ops.delete(od_entry['bm'], geom=od_entry['bm'].faces, context=
  43. 3)
  44. od_list.append(od_entry)
  45. od_entry['bm'].verts.ensure_lookup_table()
  46. verts = [od_entry['bm'].verts[i] for i in vert_indices]
  47. face = od_entry['bm'].faces.get(verts)
  48. if face is None:
  49. face = od_entry['bm']
  50. else: # Probably a double-sided surface
  51. face = face.copy()
  52. for i in range(3):
  53. face.verts[i].co = verts[i].co
  54. ret_mesh = od_entry['bm']
  55. elif face is not None: # Same material, probably double-sided
  56. face = face.copy()
  57. for i in range(3):
  58. face.verts[i].co = verts[i].co
  59. else:
  60. face =
  61. for i in range(3):
  62. face.verts[i][['CMDLOriginalPosIdxs']] = vert_i
  63. ndices[i]
  64. face.loops[i][['CMDLOriginalNormIdxs']] = norm_
  65. indices[i]
  66. face.material_index = mat_nr
  67. face.smooth = True
  68. return face, ret_mesh
  69. def expand_lightmap_triangle(uva, uvb, uvc):
  70. result = ([uva[0],uva[1]], [uvb[0],uvb[1]], [uvc[0],uvc[1]])
  71. if uva == uvb:
  72. result[1][0] += 0.005
  73. if uva == uvc:
  74. result[2][1] -= 0.005
  75. return result
  76. with'C:\Users\7imekeeper\Downloads\Bounty Hunter tri\Bo
  77. unty Hunter tri\mp1/.hecl/RetroMasterShader.blend', link=True, relative=True) as
  78. (data_from, data_to):
  79. data_to.node_groups = data_from.node_groups
  80. Traceback (most recent call last):
  81. File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
  82. File "C:\Users\7IMEKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp/", lin
  83. e 539, in <module>
  84. exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals)
  85. File "C:\Users\7IMEKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp/hecl_blendershell.
  86. py", line 187, in exec_compbuf
  87. co = compile(compbuf, '<HECL>', 'exec')
  88. File "<HECL>", line 56
  89. SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in positio
  90. n 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
  91. [6.2286 INFO BlenderConnection] Deleted 'C:\Users\7imekeeper\Downloads\Bounty Hu
  92. nter tri\Bounty Hunter tri\mp1/MP1/GGuiSys/CMDL_EE035D01.blend'
  93. [6.2312 FATAL ERROR BlenderConnection] error sending 'bpy.types.Material.retro_d
  94. epth_sort = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Retro: Transparent Depth Sort')' to ble
  95. nder
  97. Blender quit
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