

Oct 21st, 2015
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  1. [11:03] Molly Case: hums quietly to herself as she makes her way through the park. heading over to the library so that she could learn more about phones, she was excited to maybe soon be able to get a phone that could access ADAnet and do other neat things like take photographs! she was just about to leave the park when she felt her boot collide with something and then hear the sound of something metallic sliding across the concrete. Looking down she would notice what appeared to be an old skeleton key, she'd bend down to pick up up and wipe the dirt and grime off of it. The key was old, and strangely beautiful as far as keys go, there were intricate etchings covering the entire length of it.-
  3. [11:11] Molly Case: she practically bounced over to Sofia her face full of excitement as she clutched the key tightly.- "Sofia look what I just found !" -she held up the intricately designed skeleton key, a small sapphire set in the loop of the key.- "I was coming over here to read more about phones and it was in the dirt in the park ! I wonder what it goes to."
  5. [11:18] Sofia Valentina was standing outside, sneaking a cigarette. Sofia didn't smoked much anymore because of the baby but she had asked a guy that passed by for one. Her eyes are closed as she savored the smoke, she held the cigarette between her index and her middle finger. It was almost spend and when she sucked it, the noise of the cheap paper and tobacco being burn could be heard by anyone close by. She looks up as she hears Molly, throwing the cigarette on the grass and stamping it with her foot. She felt almost as if she had been caught in the act. She smile to the excited girl and looks at the skeleton key. "Oh that is neat, and aren't skeleton keys the ones that could open any door?" She had no idea. "We could read about keys, there must be a book. How are you?" The prospect of making a possible friend excited her. She turns around and heads inside.
  7. [11:29] Molly Case: "I'm doing really well actually, ooh I don't know much about keys, a key that can open any door would be so cool !" -she looked down at the key and kept rubbing it with her thumb to get the grime and dirt off of it in an attempt to restore it to what it looked like before paying special attention to the sapphire.- "This one is really fancy looking I bet it opens some sort of secret lost treasure or something !" -she follows Sofia as quietly as she can, clutching the key close as she enters the library.-
  9. [11:37] Sofia Valentina chuckle because the truth was that she didn't either. "I read something about keys when I was researching the comet." She doesn't explain why comets and keys have any connection. Maybe is because Sofia usually assumes people know what she is talking about. Her gaze move to the skeleton key and she ohhhs. "That is pretty. Probably does." Sofia heads for the reference books and picks out an encyclopedia. "This possibly have some information about keys." She scans the pages eagerly. She seems as excited as Molly.
  11. [11:42] Molly Case: she looked genuinely confused about to connection between comets and keys, but she doesn't say anything to let Sofia know about her confusion. "If it ends up opening a treasure I promise to split it with you! she looked down at the key, chances are it didn't open anything as grand as a secret lost treasure, it probably just opened some forgotten cabinet that was broken long ago, or maybe some sort of jewelry box.-
  13. [11:48] Sofia Valentina "Aha!" She exclaims as she finds and entry about keys. ( she scans the page and points to the first sentence. "See as I thought, they can open numerous locks." She then reads. "A skeleton key (also known as a passkey) is a type of master key in which the serrated edge has been filed down so that it can open numerous locks. The term derives from the fact that the key has been reduced to its essential parts." To the offer, she smiles. "Well I do think that looking for the treasure would be fun." If there was a treasure. And then she was going to suggest someone to scry the key but Molly was human so how could she suggest that. #Mageissues.
  15. [12:00] Molly Case: "Oooh you were right, I knew coming to the library was the right idea!" -she left out the fact that the library was where she was headed to begin with and the key was just something she happened to find on the way.- "Hmm ooh right there, it looks a lot like that one !" -she would point to a picture in the encyclopedia before she started reading the short passage under the photo.- "It says that one opened something all the way in England though..that can't be the same one."
  17. [12:13] Sofia Valentina's eyes move to where Molly was pointing. She arcs a brow. Then she tugs at her lip. After she reads all that is said, Sofia mentions. "Well we do have some people from England but how it came to their possession and how they lost it beats me. Lets see if it says what is that it opened all the way in England." Sofia had an intellectual curiosity which didn't extended to people most of the time. She usually felt it was wrong to pry.
  19. [12:25] Amara (amara.parmelee) huffed as she walked into the library and promptly settled into the nearest chair. “Bonjou'n,” she muttered to the two women present.
  21. [12:27] Molly Case: she continued reading the description as she looked between the passage and the key in her hands, her thumb still polishing the two sapphires in it.- "Hmm it says it was made by a company called "Locke and Hall" and that it opened up the front of a grandfather clock !" she tilted her head a bit as she thought about that, trying to remember if she had seen any clocks that it could open here in Convergence.- "I don't think I've seen any clocks like that here in the city..have you Sofia ?" -she jumped a bit when she heard the other woman but then turned and waved politely.- "Hello miss."
  23. [12:34] Sofia Valentina turns as she heard Amara. She smile to her. "Good afternoon. How are you?" She asks with genuine interest. Sofia was not sure about the company but she imagine they could find out more. She cants her head about the Grandfather's Clock. "No. Not really but maybe in an old home. Possibly not the same as the one that this information is referring to, but maybe it could work. Maybe we should go and see if there's an antiques shop in the other part of town and if there is a grandfather's clock." Sofia sounded excited about running around the city looking for a clock.
  25. [12:38] Amara (amara.parmelee) blinked as the other woman jumped back a bit. “Sorry...was nah tryin' ta scare ya, cher.” she said apologetically. “I just learned an employee quit afta' learnin' I banned Clover from ze repair shop. He dinna even ask why she was banned...right now, I's just ready ta give ze remainin' employees a poll....a' just do nuttin' regardin' it.” she muttered.
  27. [12:43] Molly Case: "Hmm I don't know, I've looked in pretty much all the stores except one since I've arrived in town and I don't remember seeing an antique shop at all, but there could be one I suppose, maybe that really big building in the Silk District has an old clock in it !" -she thought about this as she looks down at the key.-
  29. [12:51] Sofia Valentina had no idea what had happened. Sofia regarded Amara for a few seconds and then said. "Want to talk about it? And what was that about? You don't have to tell but I am curious since she has been hostile at times, specially when it came to Gutenberg." She then said. "Oh." With a sense of disappointment. "Well maybe they do have one at the Silk District. They have a lot of nice stuff in there. We could try but I don't think they'll let us go check their clocks to see if a key fits."
  31. [12:59] Amara (amara.parmelee) chimed in. “I could go through ze reapir shop logs, an' see iff'n sum'one has repaired a granfadda clock recently. We get all kinds 'a stuff ta mend beyond ze usual tech.” She was trying to take her mind off the mater but Sofia's inquiry brought it back. “...she called me a primate.” she said, taking a short pause to let that sink in first. “An' oui, it has ta do with Gutenberg but also wit' her view 'a us dealin' wit' robots inna general. Onna recent salvage mission, she assumed I dinna care 'bout Rosalie scoutin' ahead despite ze fact I was ze one relayin' all ze data Rosalie sent back. She was nah inna danger. Den came her defendin' Theo, which I could nah accept due ta how he left ze shop. An' den...Clover said I deserved ta feel sad an' haunted by wha' happened ta Gutenberg 'cause I purposely ignored her 'teachins' an' it was my failure dat ended him. I had 'nuff from her, Sofia. I know robots have a limited concept 'a race an' all dat....but dem grasp etiquette fine. She wants ta be rude; she can find anodda shop ta mend her." she said sternly.
  33. [13:03] Molly Case: she nodded slightly as she thought about it.- "Yeah you're probably right I walked all the way up those stairs one day and they wouldn't even let me in the building, I was so bummed out, it looked like such a neat place" -she looked down at the key and smiled a bit, she had an idea.- "Sofia, I've decided that I don't really care what it goes to after all, sometimes discovering something like this is an adventure on it's own you know ?" -she listened to Amara for a moment, though to be honest she had no idea what the woman was talking about at all.-
  35. [13:11] Sofia Valentina sighs about Gutenberg. "None of us knew what would have happened. But I don't think they could have stopped the key once it was inserted and those were his instructions. For a reason or another he knew that for a time things had to be that way. I imagine it has to do with the Elemental threat which I am sure is not over. She yelled and me and threatened me. I should have told Skylar but I didn't. And why does she thinks that Theo cares more about the bots than you?" Finally she thinks it might be best to let it go and she just says. "I am sorry she has been rude to you, but I also think she does know she is being rude." Maybe she just lacks ways of concealing what they feel like others do. Finally as Molly speaks to her she says. "Yes, well is a private residency. At least the big building is. And I'm sure you are not missing anything." Sofia knew that was the vampire's mansion. She does agree that discovering a key like that is an adventure on its own. She nods. "Yes, well I would have gone around with you. It sounded fun. I work a lot and with the baby, I never hang out." She sounded sad as she said this last part.
  37. [13:14] Effy Heart steps inside holding a leaflet in her hand. Walking around the back of the sofas she stepped up behind Sofia and tried to slip the leaflet into her hand. "I completed the form." she stated bluntly. As usual she was hooded with piles of blond spilling out from it. "What now?" she asked in a curious manner. She just wanted to get it all done and out of the way.
  39. [13:18] Amara (amara.parmelee) sighed. “We had an argument too...just b'fore I told her she was banned. Rosalie observed ze entire ting. Given dat she dinna remark ta me inna any negative mannah 'bout it, I remain settled inna ze belief dat Clover cannah talk like dat an' still be allowed inna ze shop. It is blatant disrespect, an' I would do ze same ta a person iff'n dat happened.” she reasoned. “Anyway I was nah sure iff'n I should tell Skylar 'a nah. I know she still like comin' ta ze library fah her own reasons, but I could nah take ze badmouthin' anymore.” Amara stood up and stretched, a bit glad to get that off her chest. “Iz d'ere any'ting I can do b'fore I head back ta ze shop, Sofia?”
  41. [13:19] Molly Case: she listened carefully to the conversation between Sofia and Amara, still not having the slightest idea what they were talking about but she shrugged.- "I know, but I don't mind, I think I found this key on my way to the library for a reason Sofia. You and parker were the first people I met in Convergence that were nice to me and I'd like you to keep it as way of saying thanks. It means a lot to have friends in a new city, especially one as strange as Convergence." -she had cleaned most of the dirt and stuff off of the key with her constant rubbing and she held it out to Sofia.-
  43. [13:28] Sofia Valentina looks at Effy. She recalls the girl had left in a hurry yesterday. She nods. "Excellent. As for what now. I did explained about the two weeks period before giving access to all areas as you familiarize yourself with the Library." One has to note her careful language as if not giving too much information since she was sure that Molly was human. She was also listening to all which Amara was saying. "Maybe you should. At least he should be aware of this. And as for anything you could do. Maybe check on mini Gutenberg and see if he is okay, if you have time today." But it was Molly's words that brought a smile to her face. "Maybe, and thank you." She thought the key was pretty. "Maybe I can turn it into a necklace. And well is nice to be nice to people. I am glad you have been finding your way. You said you were trying to understand celphones. You could ask Amara, she owns the garage." Maybe is why their conversation was so weird.
  45. [13:30] Effy Heart felt her brow knit together at the explanation. "Right. Ok. So I familiarise myself with the library for two weeks? I need somewhere to stay." she explained vaguely. "Is there a .... house for this.... group?" she looked to the others and back to Sofia trying to keep it vague in a public place.
  47. [13:32] Amara (amara.parmelee) smiled to Sofia and Molly. "I'll check onna him, sure." she said with a nod before looking towards Molly. She assumed the other woman was handled by Sofia for now. Truth be told, she had not really visited the little guy regularly as it always saddened her.
  49. [13:37] Molly Case: "Ooh that's the big building next to the Factory Club right ? I peeked in there the other day because I was curious about it and figured it was either a garage or some sort of machine shop or maybe even both!" -she waved goodbye to Sofia before turning to Amara.- "I bet you get to work on all sorts of cool stuff in there." -she would pull out the old flip phone that the pale stranger had given her when she arrived in Convergence.- "I managed to figure out how this thing works but I've been reading magazines and stuff here in the library becasue I want to learn about the newer types of phones that can take pictures and stuff."
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