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- { This unit implments a subset of the Flexible Image Transport System
- (the FITS file format) for Lazarus / Free Pascal.
- standards document:
- An object of type TFitsObject can be created for example from a TBitmap,
- additional headers or data can be added or existing ones modified and
- the object can be written as a FITS file to a stream or to a file.
- Reading and parsing an existing FITS file is not yet implemented.
- License is GNU LGPL 2 with FPC/LCL linking exception (see below).
- ***
- Copyright (C) 2011 Bernd Kreuss <>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version with the following modification:
- As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
- permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
- executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,and
- to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
- provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
- and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
- module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify
- this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library,
- but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
- exception statement from your version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- }
- unit FitsObject;
- {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- interface
- uses
- Classes, SysUtils, Graphics;
- type
- { EFitsInvalidData will be raised when composing a FITS object
- and wrong or invalid data is passed into one of the methods,
- for example strings are too long, etc. }
- EFitsInvalidData = Class(Exception);
- { TFitsHeaderCard (also often referred to as ascii card image) is an
- exactly 80 byte ascii string and contains one key-value pair. Many of
- these header cards will be contained in an header block. The name
- "card image" comes from the old days of punched cards where IBM cards
- were exactly 80 characters in length. }
- TFitsHeaderCard = Class(TObject)
- constructor Create(AKey: String; AValue: String; AddQuotes: Boolean);
- constructor Create(AKey: String; AValue: Integer);
- constructor Create(AKey: String; AValue: Extended);
- procedure SetKey(AKey: String);
- procedure SetValue(AValue: String; AddQuotes: Boolean);
- procedure SetValue(AValue: Integer);
- procedure SetValue(AValue: Extended);
- function GetKey: String;
- function GetValue: String;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- private
- FText : array[1..80] of Char;
- end;
- { TFitsHeaderBlock contains any amount of headers. The standard defines
- a header block as having exacty 2880 bytes length padded with 0x20,
- followed by additional header blocks of the same size if needed. For
- the sake of simplicity in this library we are defining the header block
- as having an arbitrary amount of header records (cards) and there is only
- one such block per HDU when the FITS object is in memory and the
- splitting and padding into 2880 byte blocks will only happen later when
- writing it to the stream}
- TFitsHeaderBlock = Class(TObject)
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddStdCards(BITPIX, DATAMAX, NAXIS1, NAXIS2: Integer; Gray: Boolean);
- procedure AddCard(AHeader: TFitsHeaderCard);
- function GetCard(AKey: String): TFitsHeaderCard;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- private
- FCards: array of TFitsHeaderCard;
- end;
- { TFitsDataBlock contains data}
- TFitsDataBlock = Class(TObject)
- constructor Create;
- constructor Create8x3From24Bitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- constructor Create8x1From24Bitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- private
- FData: Pointer;
- FSize: Integer;
- end;
- { TFitsHDU (HDU, Header-and-Data-Unit) contains a header block and a
- data block. There is at least one such HDU in each FITS file, the first
- one is called the primary HDU}
- TFitsHDU = Class(TObject)
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- private
- FHeaderBlock: TFitsHeaderBlock;
- FDataBlock: TFitsDataBlock;
- public
- property HeaderBlock: TFitsHeaderBlock read FHeaderBlock;
- property DataBlock: TFitsDatablock read FDataBlock write FDataBlock;
- end;
- { TFitsObject is repesenting a FITS object which consists of
- one or more HDU objects}
- TFitsObject = class(TObject)
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor CreateFromBitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- constructor CreateFromFile(AName: String);
- constructor CreateFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- procedure SaveToFile(AName: String);
- procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- private
- FHDUs : array of TFitsHDU;
- public
- property Primary: TFitsHDU read FHDUs[0];
- end;
- implementation
- { TFitsHeaderCard }
- constructor TFitsHeaderCard.Create(AKey: String; AValue: String; AddQuotes: Boolean);
- begin
- Inherited Create;
- SetKey(AKey);
- SetValue(AValue, AddQuotes);
- end;
- constructor TFitsHeaderCard.Create(AKey: String; AValue: Integer);
- begin
- Create(AKey, IntToStr(AValue), False);
- end;
- constructor TFitsHeaderCard.Create(AKey: String; AValue: Extended);
- begin
- Create(AKey, FloatToStr(AValue), False);
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderCard.SetKey(AKey: String);
- var
- i, k: Integer;
- begin
- if Length(AKey) > 8 then
- raise EFitsInvalidData.Create('header key exceeding 8 byte');
- AKey := UpperCase(AKey);
- for i := 1 to Length(AKey) do begin
- FText[i] := AKey[i];
- end;
- for k := i+1 to 8 do begin
- FText[k] := ' ';
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderCard.SetValue(AValue: String; AddQuotes: Boolean);
- var
- i, k: Integer;
- begin
- if AddQuotes then
- AValue := '''' + AValue + '''';
- if Length(AValue) > 70 then
- raise EFitsInvalidData.Create('header value exceeding 70 byte');
- FText[9] := '=';
- FText[10] := ' ';
- for i := 1 to Length(AValue) do begin
- FText[10+i] := AValue[i];
- end;
- for k := i+1 to 70 do begin
- FText[10+k] := ' ';
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderCard.SetValue(AValue: Integer);
- begin
- SetValue(IntToStr(AValue), False);
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderCard.SetValue(AValue: Extended);
- begin
- SetValue(FloatToStr(AValue), False);
- end;
- function TFitsHeaderCard.GetKey: String;
- begin
- Result := Trim(LeftStr(FText, 8));
- end;
- function TFitsHeaderCard.GetValue: String;
- begin
- Result := Trim(RightStr(FText, 70));
- if Length(Result) > 1 then begin
- if Result[1] = '''' then begin
- // return quoted strings without quotes
- Result := RightStr(Result, Length(Result) - 1);
- Result := LeftStr(Result, Length(Result) - 1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderCard.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(FText, SizeOf(FText));
- end;
- { TFitsHeaderBlock }
- constructor TFitsHeaderBlock.Create;
- begin
- Inherited Create;
- end;
- destructor TFitsHeaderBlock.Destroy;
- var
- Card: TFitsHeaderCard;
- begin
- if Length(FCards) > 0 then begin
- for Card in FCards do begin
- Card.Free;
- end;
- end;
- SetLength(FCards, 0);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderBlock.AddStdCards(BITPIX, DATAMAX, NAXIS1, NAXIS2: Integer; Gray: Boolean);
- var
- Naxis: Integer;
- begin
- if not BITPIX in [8, 16] then
- raise EFitsInvalidData.Create('Invalid BITPIX value');
- if (DATAMAX >= (1 << BITPIX)) or (DATAMAX < 1) then
- raise EFitsInvalidData.Create('Invalid DATAMAX value');
- if Gray then
- Naxis := 2
- else
- Naxis := 3;
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('BITPIX', BITPIX));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('NAXIS', Naxis));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('NAXIS1', NAXIS1));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('NAXIS2', NAXIS2));
- if Naxis = 3 then
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('NAXIS3', 3)); // 3 colors
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('BSCALE', 1.0));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('BZERO', 0.0));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('DATAMAX', DATAMAX));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('DATAMIN', 0));
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('MIPS-HI', DATAMAX)); // this initializes
- AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('MIPS-LO', 0)); // the visu of IRIS
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderBlock.AddCard(AHeader: TFitsHeaderCard);
- var
- Cnt : Integer;
- begin
- Cnt := Length(FCards);
- SetLength(FCards, Cnt+1);
- FCards[Cnt] := AHeader;
- end;
- function TFitsHeaderBlock.GetCard(AKey: String): TFitsHeaderCard;
- var
- Card: TFitsHeaderCard;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- for Card in FCards do begin
- if Card.GetKey = AKey then begin
- Result := Card;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TFitsHeaderBlock.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- var
- Card: TFitsHeaderCard;
- Bytes: Integer = 0;
- Remaining: Integer;
- i: Integer;
- sEND : array[0..2] of Char = 'END';
- begin
- // the standard demands that the headers are written in blocks
- // of 2880 bytes (this is exactly 36 cards). Since full blocks
- // would fit together seamlessly we can just write all cards
- // each after the other without interruption.
- for Card in FCards do begin
- Card.SaveToStream(AStream);
- Bytes += 80;
- end;
- // write the mandatory END card (we haven't stored this in the
- // FCards array since it is not a real key-value pair, its more
- // like a marker that is always there but carries no payload.
- AStream.Write(sEND, 3);
- for i:=1 to 77 do begin
- AStream.WriteByte($20);
- end;
- Bytes += 80;
- // When done with all cards we must pad with 0x20 until the
- // total of written bytes is a multiple of 2880.
- Remaining := 2880 - (Bytes mod 2880);
- for i:=1 to Remaining do begin
- AStream.WriteByte($20);
- end;
- end;
- { TFitsDataBlock }
- constructor TFitsDataBlock.Create;
- begin
- Inherited Create;
- end;
- constructor TFitsDataBlock.Create8x3From24Bitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- var
- x,y: Integer;
- DestPtr: PByte; // the size in a BITPIX = 8 is one byte per value
- SrcPtr: PInteger; // the size of an RGB pixel in the source bitmap
- BytesPerLine: Integer;
- begin
- FSize := ABitmap.Width * ABitmap.Height * 3;
- FData := Getmem(FSize);
- BytesPerLine := ABitmap.RawImage.Description.BitsPerLine div 8;
- DestPtr := FData;
- // red
- for y:= ABitmap.Height-1 downto 0 do begin
- SrcPtr := PInteger(ABitmap.RawImage.Data + BytesPerLine * y);
- for x:=0 to ABitmap.Width-1 do begin
- DestPtr^ := (SrcPtr^ >> 16) and $ff;
- DestPtr += 1;
- SrcPtr += 1;
- end;
- end;
- // green
- for y:= ABitmap.Height-1 downto 0 do begin
- SrcPtr := PInteger(ABitmap.RawImage.Data + BytesPerLine * y);
- for x:=0 to ABitmap.Width-1 do begin
- DestPtr^ := (SrcPtr^ >> 8) and $ff;
- DestPtr += 1;
- SrcPtr += 1;
- end;
- end;
- // blue
- for y:= ABitmap.Height-1 downto 0 do begin
- SrcPtr := PInteger(ABitmap.RawImage.Data + BytesPerLine * y);
- for x:=0 to ABitmap.Width-1 do begin
- DestPtr^ := SrcPtr^ and $ff;
- DestPtr += 1;
- SrcPtr += 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TFitsDataBlock.Create8x1From24Bitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- var
- x,y: Integer;
- DestPtr: PByte; // the size in a BITPIX = 8 is one byte per value
- SrcPtr: PInteger; // the size of an RGB pixel in the source bitmap
- BytesPerLine: Integer;
- begin
- FSize := ABitmap.Width * ABitmap.Height;
- FData := Getmem(FSize);
- BytesPerLine := ABitmap.RawImage.Description.BitsPerLine div 8;
- DestPtr := FData;
- for y:= ABitmap.Height-1 downto 0 do begin
- SrcPtr := PInteger(ABitmap.RawImage.Data + BytesPerLine * y);
- for x:=0 to ABitmap.Width-1 do begin
- DestPtr^ := (
- ((SrcPtr^ >> 16) and $ff) +
- ((SrcPtr^ >> 8) and $ff) +
- (SrcPtr^ and $ff)
- ) div 3;
- DestPtr += 1;
- SrcPtr += 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- destructor TFitsDataBlock.Destroy;
- begin
- if FData <> Nil then
- Freemem(FData, FSize);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TFitsDataBlock.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- var
- Remaining: Integer;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- AStream.WriteBuffer(FData^, FSize);
- // padding with $00 to multiple of 2880
- Remaining := 2880 - (FSize mod 2880);
- for i:=1 to Remaining do begin
- AStream.WriteByte(0);
- end;
- end;
- { TFitsHDU }
- constructor TFitsHDU.Create;
- begin
- Inherited Create;
- FHeaderBlock := TFitsHeaderBlock.Create;
- FDataBlock := nil // data block is optional, can be created later
- end;
- destructor TFitsHDU.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FHeaderBlock);
- if FDataBlock <> nil then FreeAndNil(FDataBlock);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TFitsHDU.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- begin
- FHeaderBlock.SaveToStream(AStream);
- if FDataBlock <> nil then FDataBlock.SaveToStream(AStream);
- end;
- { TFitsObject }
- constructor TFitsObject.Create;
- begin
- Inherited Create;
- // create the mandatory pimary HDU
- SetLength(FHDUs, 1);
- FHDUs[0] := TFitsHDU.Create;
- // this is now automatically also accessible via the property 'Primary'
- // and now we add the for all FITS mandatory card 'SIMPLE = T'
- Primary.HeaderBlock.AddCard(TFitsHeaderCard.Create('SIMPLE', ' T', False));
- end;
- destructor TFitsObject.Destroy;
- var
- HDU: TFitsHDU;
- begin
- for HDU in FHDUs do begin
- HDU.Free;
- end;
- SetLength(FHDUs, 0);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- constructor TFitsObject.CreateFromBitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
- begin
- Create;
- Primary.HeaderBlock.AddStdCards(8, 255, ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height, False);
- Primary.DataBlock := TFitsDataBlock.Create8x3From24Bitmap(ABitmap);
- end;
- constructor TFitsObject.CreateFromFile(AName: String);
- var
- Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- Create;
- raise EAbstractError.Create('sorry, this is not yet impmemented');
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(AName, fmOpenRead);
- CreateFromStream(Stream);
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- constructor TFitsObject.CreateFromStream(AStream: TStream);
- begin
- Create;
- raise EAbstractError.Create('sorry, this is not yet impmemented');
- end;
- procedure TFitsObject.SaveToFile(AName: String);
- var
- Stream : TFileStream;
- begin
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(AName, fmCreate);
- SaveToStream(Stream);
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- procedure TFitsObject.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
- var
- HDU: TFitsHDU;
- begin
- for HDU in FHDUs do begin
- HDU.SaveToStream(AStream);
- end;
- end;
- end.
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