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May 25th, 2016
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  1. Key: Xtra 4
  2. IC Name: Zuccini
  3. Apping for: Savage Saiyan
  4. RP:
  5. There are two sides to every coin. In the same manner, there are two sides to every man. There is the side refined by civilization, and tamed by society. Then, there is the side driven by impulse, moved by sheer instinct. On the other side of the coin, there is a confrontation. It is when man struggles between his ideals of composure, and his beastly roots. The saiyan Zuccini was one such coin. A man with two sides.
  6. Zuccini was, for the most part, true to his saiyan heritage. He embraced power, and adored the art of fighting. Living was for the sole sake of seeking out power, and attaining it. The roundabout manner in which Zuccini embarked on his goals was his defining aspect, however. He was friendly, and laid back. One might forget that, at the root, he was a pure fighting machine. Zuccini had friends from all walks of life, be it intergalactic emperors, or so-called "Gods". Despite this, on the other side of this veil of normalcy, a beast was watching.
  7. Lurking in Zuccini's soul was a sheer, primal nature. It was a side of him that fought not for sport, but for blood. It was hidden behind a thick door of control, and the key to unlock it was anger. The rarity of Zuccini's devolution into primal madness was matched only by the ferocity of his episodes. When angered, he was an utter force of destruction, only to be stopped by defeat. There was no reasoning, no rationality, simply raw power and savagery.
  8. The beast lurked under shallow waters, and despite Zuccini's apparent easygoing nature, it could attack at any moment.
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