
Shipping of a lifetime

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. [14:52:28] GreenSleeves climbs in through the inn window, laughing at nothing in particular.
  2. [14:52:43] <Vesuvian> [Oh, i have missed that song]
  3. [14:53:01] <Weiss_Nero> []
  4. [14:53:16] <GreenHoof> "Sleeves!~"
  5. [14:53:29] <GreenHoof> [WEISS HOLY SHITTTTT]
  6. [14:53:31] <Boris[Ronin]> [Weiss pls]
  7. [14:53:34] <Vesuvian> [Aaaaaaa]
  8. [14:53:35] <GreenHoof> [THE HUES ARE TOO MUCH]
  9. [14:53:36] GreenSleeves trots over "Hoof!"
  10. [14:53:39] <GoldenTouch> [;_; PLEASE STOP]
  11. [14:53:40] <Resheph[Skyrim]> [Weiss u drawing these?]
  12. [14:53:44] <GoldenTouch> [No more!]
  13. [14:53:47] <GreenSleeves> "Jesus fuck what is cracking my main man!"
  14. [14:54:13] <Boris[Ronin]> "Say Weiss, you want to play some?"
  15. [14:54:17] <Weiss_Nero> [Yes.]
  16. [14:54:35] Boris[Ronin] takes out his pan-flute set and a wooden set of bongos
  17. [14:54:40] <Resheph[Skyrim]> [can u do me?]
  18. [14:54:48] <Boris[Ronin]> [/me always has instruments handy]
  19. [14:54:51] GreenHoof pats Sleeves on the back "Eh, nothin' much, just enjoying being back among the land of the living!"
  20. [14:55:05] GoldenTouch trots over to boris "Where'd you get bongos?"
  21. [14:55:10] <Weiss_Nero> "Sure thing! Gimme those bongos!"
  22. [14:55:11] Vesuvian grins, still holding Phoe close. "Whats the next song?"
  23. [14:55:15] Phoenix_Down slows the spinning down, waiting for the music to start again as he stares into Vesu's eyes
  24. [14:55:40] <Boris[Ronin]> "I make them, I have been for the longest time..."
  25. [14:55:44] <Resheph[Skyrim]> [Weiss can u draw me?]
  26. [14:55:46] <GoldenTouch> "Well then!"
  27. [14:55:50] Boris[Ronin] gladly passes them over to Weiss
  28. [14:55:50] Vesuvian smiles, as she stares back, before a wicked glint flashes in her eye
  29. [14:55:52] GreenSleeves claps a hoof against Hoof's back. "Good to hear, man, Good to hear."
  30. [14:56:13] <GoldenTouch> "Got a song in mind?"
  31. [14:56:23] <Weiss_Nero> [Yeah, no problem!]
  32. [14:56:29] GreenHoof nods and sits back, taking out a bottle of Pruno and taking a sip
  33. [14:56:48] <Resheph[Skyrim]> [I have milk chocolate fur, black hair, dark brown etes]
  34. [14:56:54] <Resheph[Skyrim]> *eyes
  35. [14:57:00] Weiss_Nero drums wildy on the bongos. "So what are we doin'?"
  36. [14:57:22] <Weiss_Nero> [Message me the details, if you please!]
  37. [14:57:53] <Booze_Hound> "hey nero feeling better?"
  38. [14:57:57] <Boris[Ronin]> "Hmm..."
  39. [14:58:31] <Boris[Ronin]> "I'm not sue there are others here familiar with what I susually play."
  40. [14:58:37] <Boris[Ronin]> [>susually]
  41. [14:58:41] <Boris[Ronin]> [Yes that's a word]
  42. [14:58:44] <Boris[Ronin]> [Look it up]
  43. [14:58:55] <Vesuvian> [ means playing with yo...]
  44. [14:59:46] GreenHoof points a hoof at Weiss, speaking to Sleeves "You met that new pony yet?"
  45. [15:00:05] <GoldenTouch> "What we a piano..."
  46. [15:00:09] GreenSleeves smiles and nods at Hoof. "Yeah, last night. Nice mare."
  47. [15:00:23] <GreenHoof> "Oh! Good. She does seem nice."
  48. [15:00:37] <Vesuvian> "Ask her for a dance then, Green"
  49. [15:00:48] <GreenSleeves> "Wha-what?!"
  50. [15:00:53] GreenHoof nudges Sleeves "Yeah, man, go for it!"
  51. [15:00:58] <Boris[Ronin]> [Betamax engaged]
  52. [15:01:07] <GoldenTouch> [Hue]
  53. [15:01:14] <Vesuvian> [heh]
  54. [15:01:34] GreenSleeves rolls his eyes. "You people...."
  55. [15:01:40] <Vesuvian> [who can ask Weiss for a dance first? Come on, fellas. The poor girl is a romantic~]
  56. [15:01:48] <Booze_Hound> "do it sleeves"
  57. [15:01:57] <Boris[Ronin]> "You choose Weiss, I'll follow along."
  58. [15:02:04] <Boris[Ronin]> [In term of music :3]
  59. [15:02:18] GoldenTouch spins his flute back round in his hoof, twirling it around his neck because lel "Can I join you two?"
  60. [15:02:22] <GreenSleeves> "C'mon, they're about to play something, maybe the next one."
  61. [15:02:32] <Boris[Ronin]> [But you snapped the flute...]
  62. [15:02:49] <Weiss_Nero> "Let's improvise!"
  63. [15:03:08] <GoldenTouch> [>I didn't snap it?]
  64. [15:03:13] <GreenHoof> "Sleeves.... GO!"
  65. [15:03:15] <Booze_Hound> [tetris theme!]
  66. [15:03:16] <GreenHoof> "GOGOGO!"
  67. [15:03:27] Weiss_Nero starts a steady thum-thum-thum-thum.
  68. [15:03:28] <GoldenTouch> [>BY BREAKING THE FLUTE I MENT STOPPING THE SONG]
  69. [15:03:41] <Boris[Ronin]> [I don't think so, Tim]
  70. [15:03:48] <Boris[Ronin]> [Lern2]
  71. [15:03:49] <GoldenTouch>
  72. [15:03:55] <GreenSleeves> [Hoof pls, they song players are occupied]
  73. [15:04:19] <Boris[Ronin]> "Fine by me!"
  74. [15:04:26] <Vesuvian> [Haaa]
  75. [15:04:50] Boris[Ronin] follows along with his pan-flute, swaying along with the music
  76. [15:04:59] <Boris[Ronin]> [repeating along intensifes]
  77. [15:05:16] GoldenTouch follows along with his own, dancing the night away like a scarecrow was with him~
  78. [15:05:27] <Vesuvian> [so...i am now trying to dance to Tetris theme....Awwright]
  79. [15:05:39] <Weiss_Nero> [Golden Touch, pls.]
  80. [15:05:51] <Boris[Ronin]> [It's russian, you know what to do Vesu]
  81. [15:05:52] GreenSleeves [~kvirc@] has quit IRC: Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  82. [15:05:52] <Vesuvian> [A]
  83. [15:05:57] <Vesuvian> [Weiss! Stahp!]
  84. [15:06:01] <Vesuvian> [My sides!]
  85. [15:06:07] Weiss_Nero progresses to a thum-th-th-thum-th-th-thum.
  86. [15:06:14] <GoldenTouch> [.....]
  87. [15:06:19] <Phoenix_Down> [WEISS PLS STAHP MUH SIDES]
  88. [15:06:21] <Boris[Ronin]> [AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH]
  89. [15:06:26] <Vesuvian> [im not certain i can dance balalaika...]
  90. [15:06:27] <Booze_Hound> [HA]
  91. [15:06:30] GreenSleeves [~kvirc@] has joined #FourCannonInn
  92. [15:06:35] GreenSleeves changes avatar to
  93. [15:06:39] <Vesuvian> [crap..]
  94. [15:06:43] <Vesuvian> [misstold]
  95. [15:06:44] <GreenSleeves> [Sorry, internet]
  96. [15:06:51] <Boris[Ronin]> [Hey Sleeves, nice avatar fgt]
  97. [15:06:54] <GreenSleeves> [Hue]
  98. [15:07:23] GreenHoof nudges Sleeves again "Alright, man, but you're gonna ask her for a dance after this song, alright?"
  99. [15:07:33] GoldenTouch proceedes taking the song into this the bongos taking the place of the guitar
  100. [15:07:44] Vesuvian giggles, dancing to the familiar game tune, swaying with her stallion along the dance floor
  101. [15:07:49] GreenSleeves just chuckles back at Hoof.
  102. [15:08:31] Phoenix_Down sways and spins with Vesu letting the music flow for him
  103. [15:08:43] <Boris[Ronin]> !roll 1d20 is he stylin
  104. [15:08:44] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  105. [15:08:53] Mary_ONette is asleep
  106. [15:08:56] <GoldenTouch> !roll 1d20 I am the king of style
  107. [15:08:56] <Boris[Ronin]> *White man can't dance*
  108. [15:08:56] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  109. [15:09:04] <GoldenTouch> *Black man can't swim*
  110. [15:09:06] <Phoenix_Down> !roll 1d20 pls, I ooze style
  111. [15:09:06] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  112. [15:09:11] <Vesuvian> [damn]
  113. [15:09:32] <GoldenTouch> *Vesu feels herself heating up due to phoenix's style~*
  114. [15:09:37] Vesuvian is humbled, and left in awe as her partner shows such moves....
  115. [15:09:54] Phoenix_Down is on fire out there, shinin so bright a mutha fuckus be wearin shades
  116. [15:10:08] GoldenTouch has to look away phoenix be sylin so hard
  117. [15:10:09] Boris[Ronin] calls the fire dpeartment
  118. [15:10:18] Vesuvian blushes, pressing a little closer against him than she normaly would as they twirl along, Phoe styling like a bawws
  119. [15:10:44] Phoenix_Down presses Vesu up against him as he moves, a confident look in his eyes as they move around the room
  120. [15:10:51] GreenSleeves smiles as he watches his friends and relations dance the day away.
  121. [15:11:16] <Boris[Ronin]> [And yet, he still feels empty inside]
  122. [15:11:46] <GreenSleeves> [Boris please, they don't know that!]
  123. [15:12:04] Phoenix_Down swings around, nearing sleeves, as he subtely takes the plant and tosses it to him with a wink
  124. [15:12:10] Vesuvian blushes, now so captivated she forgets everything else in this room, just stuck in Phoe's confident gaze
  125. [15:12:35] <Vesuvian> [Use the flower, Sleeves~]
  126. [15:13:04] GreenSleeves grabs the plant clumsily, "Whaaa!"
  127. [15:13:27] Phoenix_Down loses himself, for the moment the only thing on his mind is the mare in his arms... and the music moving them
  128. [15:13:46] Umbra_Electrum [~Nova@] has joined #FourCannonInn
  129. [15:14:28] <Weiss_Nero> []
  130. [15:14:49] <Booze_Hound> [more, more!]
  131. [15:14:51] <Vesuvian> [Jelly adventure!]
  132. [15:15:31] <Booze_Hound> [/me finds the KY kind]
  133. [15:15:38] <Booze_Hound> [/me never uses it]
  134. [15:15:42] <Boris[Ronin]> [Booze pls, I already have :3]
  135. [15:15:58] Vesuvian is lost in his gaze, all forgotten as she trails her hoof down the stallions side
  136. [15:16:06] <Boris[Ronin]> [And I have the glowing kind lying about, I haven't gotten the chance to use it yet]
  137. [15:16:39] <Booze_Hound> [no our tourch is out we're trapped in the dark]
  138. [15:16:54] GoldenTouch finishes the song of his people and smiles watching the two
  139. [15:17:05] <Booze_Hound> [boris: "I got this" *smothers dick ing glow jelly*]
  140. [15:17:14] <Booze_Hound> dick in*
  141. [15:17:22] <Boris[Ronin]> [Huehuehuehuehuehuehue]
  142. [15:17:33] <Vesuvian> [Haaaa]
  143. [15:17:56] GreenHoof watches Pheonix and Vesu dance, a smile on his face
  144. [15:18:03] Alerderna|Mobile [~androirc@] has joined #FourCannonInn
  145. [15:18:11] Phoenix_Down gives Vesu one last twirl as the music stops, standing there holding her, basking in the moment
  146. [15:18:34] <GreenHoof> "Now's your chance, Sleeves."
  147. [15:18:55] <Booze_Hound> [boris your sword fights can be lightsaber fights]
  148. [15:18:55] GoldenTouch pats weiss and boris on the back, "that was awsome!"
  149. [15:19:20] Vesuvian breathes quickly, a blush on her face from the music as she finally gains some awareness of her surroundings
  150. [15:19:29] <Boris[Ronin]> [I like how Weiss just doesn't mind people talking about that]
  151. [15:19:37] <Boris[Ronin]> [>No response at all]
  152. [15:19:41] <Vesuvian> "T-that was awesome!"
  153. [15:19:52] Resheph[Skyrim] finally walks out of the kitchen
  154. [15:20:06] Resheph[Skyrim] [] is now known as Resheph
  155. [15:20:17] <Booze_Hound> "hey res"
  156. [15:20:28] <GreenHoof> "Wellllll? Sleeves?"
  157. [15:20:32] Boris[Ronin] smiles to the two pones "Just like old times, it is!"
  158. [15:20:33] <Resheph> "Hey Booze"
  159. [15:20:36] Phoenix_Down smiles not breaking his gaze "I know~"
  160. [15:20:40] GreenSleeves would flip off Hoof if he had fingers. He stands up and makes his way over to Weiss. He holds out the whack-ass flower Pheonix threw at him out to Weiss. "So, hey, wanna dance?"
  161. [15:21:09] <Resheph> "You guys having a party out here?"
  162. [15:21:10] <Weiss_Nero>
  163. [15:21:20] GreenHoof watches Sleeves ask Weiss to dance, thinking 'my little boy is growing up!', a tear falling from his eye
  164. [15:21:27] <Boris[Ronin]> *You can almost see the spaghetti coming uot of Sleeves' imaginary pockets*
  165. [15:21:45] GreenSleeves scratches his mane, smiling expectantly.
  166. [15:21:59] GoldenTouch is suprised at the pure alphaness and readies a song to play
  167. [15:22:09] Weiss_Nero looks up at Sleeves. "Someone will have to take over for me!"
  168. [15:22:45] <GoldenTouch> "Don't worry weiss, I have a song with a flute solo in mind~"
  169. [15:22:46] <Booze_Hound> "i got your bongos"
  170. [15:23:16] <Resheph> "Sit and enjoys the moment of peace"
  171. [15:23:19] GreenSleeves wears a huge grin! "Alright then!"
  172. [15:23:21] <Resheph> *Sits
  173. [15:23:22] <Weiss_Nero> "Thanks, Booze!"
  174. [15:23:27] GreenHoof walks up to Weiss "I'll take the bongoes!"
  175. [15:23:32] Weiss_Nero hands over the bongos.
  176. [15:23:38] <Boris[Ronin]> [Hoof2slow]
  177. [15:23:42] <Booze_Hound> "too late green"
  178. [15:23:48] <Boris[Ronin]> [#Denied]
  179. [15:23:50] <GreenHoof> "Fuuuuuu!"
  180. [15:23:53] <GreenHoof> "Oh well."
  181. [15:24:03] <Resheph> "How long was I in the kitchen, Booze?"
  182. [15:24:06] GreenHoof sits and watches Weiss and Sleeves
  183. [15:24:12] Weiss_Nero stands up next to Sleeves.
  184. [15:24:17] Booze_Hound remembers he still has boris's bongos in his room
  185. [15:24:18] Vesuvian grins, giving Phoe a kiss as she waits the next song to start, curiously eyeing the new pair that came to dance
  186. [15:24:19] <GreenHoof> [Weiss X Sleeves OTP]
  187. [15:24:21] GoldenTouch looks at booze "Allright east harlem shakedown E flat? Keep those bongsos splashy~" >This with bongos instead of piano
  188. [15:24:35] GreenSleeves leans a little closer to Weiss and whispers. "By the way, I can't dance."
  189. [15:24:38] GreenSleeves laughs.
  190. [15:24:43] Alerderna|Mobile [~androirc@] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )
  191. [15:24:53] Weiss_Nero whispers back "Then this is going to be fun."
  192. [15:25:27] Resheph realizes he still has the flowers and brings them upstairs
  193. [15:26:20] GreenSleeves leads Weiss away from the others, where they won't bump into anything.
  194. [15:26:32] Weiss_Nero follows.
  195. [15:26:39] Phoenix_Down returns the breif kiss, eyeing the new challengers on the floor
  196. [15:26:51] Aero_Flux [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  197. [15:27:15] Resheph trots back downstairs
  198. [15:27:26] GreenSleeves akwardly hold out a hoof to Weiss, still smiling. "Well, Madame?"
  199. [15:27:39] High_Tide [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  200. [15:27:53] Weiss_Nero slightly blushes and takes his hoof.
  201. [15:28:15] Vesuvian grins, eyeing the competition as she holds him close "Ready to show some of those moves again, love? Or are you all spent~"
  202. [15:28:38] GreenSleeves pulls the mare in closer and starts to sway with the slow flute music.
  203. [15:29:21] Weiss_Nero 's face reddens more so.
  204. [15:29:59] Phoenix_Down pulls Vesu over to the side, taking a seat with her in his lap, wrapping his hooves around her "lets just let em dancd love"
  205. [15:30:16] Weiss_Nero looks down.
  206. [15:30:22] GreenSleeves nearly stumbles, having never danced before, but quickly recovers.
  207. [15:30:37] GoldenTouch fills the inn with a beautfiul tune for the two, booze on the bongos's representin jamacia man
  208. [15:31:02] <Resheph> [mon]
  209. [15:31:12] Weiss_Nero laughs. "Easy there. Move one foot at a time."
  210. [15:31:20] Vesuvian smiles, getting herself comfortable in his lap "Yeah. Lets watch them. Such a cute dance"
  211. [15:31:25] <Booze_Hound> "yea mon, let's drap this beat"
  212. [15:31:36] GreenSleeves chuckles back. "Weiss please, I'm trying."
  213. [15:32:26] Weiss_Nero looks back down. "I'm sorry."
  214. [15:32:47] <Resheph> [Don't worry, about a thing...cuz every little thing is goona be alright. So baby don't worry]
  215. [15:33:02] <Resheph> *gonna
  216. [15:33:04] GreenSleeves starts to take larger swaying steps, grinning. "Don't be."
  217. [15:33:30] GreenHoof watches his best friend and the mare dance, dawwwww'ing internally
  218. [15:35:25] Phoenix_Down snuggles up to Vesu in the seat, wrapping his hooves around her
  219. [15:35:28] <Phoenix_Down> !roll 1d20
  220. [15:35:29] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  221. [15:35:39] Weiss_Nero tries to break the silence. "So-... How long have you been here?"
  222. [15:35:44] Phoenix_Down not very sneakily rubbing her stomach
  223. [15:35:54] Mary_ONette wakes up
  224. [15:36:23] Vesuvian giggles, pressing her back against his stomach as the ticklish belly rub commences
  225. [15:37:01] GreenSleeves continues to dance slowly with Weiss. "Since the beginning, really."
  226. [15:37:23] <GreenSleeves> "So, in short, a long time."
  227. [15:37:39] Weiss_Nero chuckles "And you never spent the time to learn to dance with anypony?"
  228. [15:38:19] <GreenHoof> [/me is starting to feel some jelly]
  229. [15:38:52] <Resheph> [/me jelly+10]
  230. [15:39:03] <GoldenTouch> [/me rolls his eyes AND RUNS AWAY FROM HIS COMPUTER I FORGOT I HAVE ICE CREAM~]
  231. [15:39:07] <GoldenTouch> [:D]
  232. [15:39:18] GreenSleeves blushes slightly. "I... There's never been anyone who would dance with me..."
  233. [15:39:29] <Vesuvian> [Haaa]
  234. [15:39:41] <Booze_Hound> [you bastard, you better share....over the internet]
  235. [15:39:54] <Resheph> [=c I want ice-cream]
  236. [15:40:14] Weiss_Nero looks up at Sleeves."Well, here I am."
  237. [15:40:35] <Weiss_Nero> [This is for you, Booze.]
  238. [15:40:39] <Weiss_Nero> []
  239. [15:40:58] <GreenHoof> [hue]
  240. [15:41:12] <Booze_Hound> [this is pure art]
  241. [15:41:30] <Resheph> [so beautiful]
  242. [15:41:40] <Vesuvian> [Booze, getting ready to buggie]
  243. [15:41:57] Al_Dente [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  244. [15:42:14] <Resheph> [buffalo soldier, in da heart of America…]
  245. [15:42:24] Aero_Flux [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 182 seconds
  246. [15:42:25] GreenSleeves looks Weiss in the eyes, then smiles. "Thanks. That means a lot."
  247. [15:42:31] <Resheph> [Bob Marley ftw]
  248. [15:42:39] Booze_Hound [] has quit IRC: Quit: Now don't be sad, I'll return some day.
  249. [15:42:48] Booze_Hound [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  250. [15:42:49] <Boris[Ronin]> ]You killed Booze[
  251. [15:42:55] <Boris[Ronin]> [Oh My God a Zombie]
  252. [15:43:05] <Resheph> [you bastard]
  253. [15:43:08] <Vesuvian> [Its Born-again Booze!]
  254. [15:43:09] <Booze_Hound> [Rasta Zombie mon]
  255. [15:43:24] <Resheph> [hue]
  256. [15:43:28] Weiss_Nero remembers what's happening and blushes deeply once more.
  257. [15:43:35] <Booze_Hound> [also liking the new avatar]
  258. [15:43:53] <Weiss_Nero> "Don't uh-... Don't worry about it"
  259. [15:43:54] <Resheph> [/me facehooves]
  260. [15:43:58] <Boris[Ronin]> [Mine?]
  261. [15:44:03] <Booze_Hound> [mine]
  262. [15:44:10] <Boris[Ronin]> [I don see it]
  263. [15:44:11] <Booze_Hound> [not sure if it is showing]
  264. [15:44:14] <Boris[Ronin]> [Un segundo]
  265. [15:44:17] Boris[Ronin] [] has quit IRC: Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  266. [15:44:22] <Booze_Hound> []
  267. [15:44:25] Boris[Ronin] [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  268. [15:44:53] <Boris[Ronin]> [I still see the same one]
  269. [15:45:02] Booze_Hound [] has quit IRC: Client Quit
  270. [15:45:10] GreenSleeves grins, "I wont!"
  271. [15:45:38] <Resheph> [It's a Booze-ception]
  272. [15:45:39] Booze_Hound [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  273. [15:45:46] <Booze_Hound> [better boris?]
  274. [15:45:57] Weiss_Nero smiles. "You know I've never actually danced with anyone, either."
  275. [15:46:05] <Boris[Ronin]> [Still shows up as the same ;~; ]
  276. [15:46:16] Resheph sighs
  277. [15:46:24] <Boris[Ronin]> [Do you see anew one for mine?]
  278. [15:46:25] <Booze_Hound> [/me gives up]
  279. [15:46:28] <GreenSleeves> "Oh! Really? You're a sure shot better than me, that's for sure."
  280. [15:46:34] <Booze_Hound> [nope]
  281. [15:46:40] <Boris[Ronin]> [Sheeit]
  282. [15:46:44] <Booze_Hound> [you're still getting away with it]
  283. [15:46:50] <GreenHoof> [/me is wallowing in jelly]
  284. [15:46:55] Mary_ONette starts drinking
  285. [15:47:26] <Weiss_Nero> "Well, my sister had dance classes. We'd go and watch sometimes."
  286. [15:47:27] <Vesuvian> [Roll for it, you two dancing fools. To see who is best! Around! Nnnnuthingsevergonnakeepyoudown~]
  287. [15:48:10] <Resheph> [isn't it take you down?]
  288. [15:48:21] <Weiss_Nero> !roll d20 to be the best around.
  289. [15:48:21] <GameServ> 15 == 15
  290. [15:48:35] <GoldenTouch> !roll 1d20 nuh uhh, i'm duh best
  291. [15:48:35] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  292. [15:48:39] <GreenSleeves> !roll 1d20 for dancing skill.
  293. [15:48:39] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  294. [15:48:43] <Vesuvian> !roll d20 for nuh, me!
  295. [15:48:44] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  296. [15:48:48] <Weiss_Nero> [Damn,]
  297. [15:48:51] <Boris[Ronin]> !roll 1d20 skills
  298. [15:48:51] <GameServ> 2 == 2
  299. [15:48:55] <Boris[Ronin]> [Hue]
  300. [15:48:56] <Vesuvian> [i...will go to the shame corner now...]
  301. [15:49:04] GoldenTouch doesnt even bother and plays his flute coming to wrap up the song
  302. [15:49:06] GreenSleeves is much better than he assumed.
  303. [15:49:24] <Boris[Ronin]> [/me sits in the shame corner with vesu]
  304. [15:49:33] <Resheph> !roll d20 betta than all ya
  305. [15:49:33] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  306. [15:49:37] <GoldenTouch> [SLEEVES ]
  307. [15:49:49] Weiss_Nero holds the stallion a little tighter. "Thanks, for this..."
  308. [15:49:49] Booze_Hound is still rocking the bongos like it's 1217
  309. [15:49:55] <Resheph> [ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh]
  310. [15:50:15] Strong_Metal [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  311. [15:50:18] Strong_Metal_ [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  312. [15:50:35] GreenSleeves tightens his hold on the mare in return. "No... Thank you."
  313. [15:50:55] Strong_Metal_ [] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
  314. [15:51:01] <Resheph> [/me is dah best around]
  315. [15:51:21] <Boris[Ronin]> [>]
  316. [15:51:47] <Vesuvian> [then come and prove it with a dance, flower-boy]
  317. [15:52:05] <Resheph> [if only HP was here]
  318. [15:52:44] <Weiss_Nero> [Is the song over?]
  319. [15:52:58] <Boris[Ronin]> [Yes, I suppose]
  320. [15:53:01] <Resheph> [No it will never end]
  321. [15:53:05] <Booze_Hound> [idk but i'm still master of bongos atm]
  322. [15:53:13] GoldenTouch wraps it up with a long low note
  323. [15:53:26] GreenSleeves breaks away as the song ends, grinning as he looks into Weiss' eyes.
  324. [15:53:26] <Mary_ONette> [and the groove spreads]
  325. [15:53:27] <Vesuvian> [now, look into eachothers eyes...]
  326. [15:53:35] <GreenSleeves> [VESU PLS]
  327. [15:53:36] <Boris[Ronin]> [Booze is Matthew Mchounaghey]
  328. [15:53:39] <Vesuvian> [bring your faces closer....]
  329. [15:54:02] <Mary_ONette> [...and kissu]
  330. [15:54:03] Weiss_Nero looks down.
  331. [15:54:13] <Resheph> [kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss]
  332. [15:54:24] <Booze_Hound> [kissu* kissu*]
  333. [15:54:35] GreenSleeves steps closer, loosing his grin, "Oh... you alright?"
  334. [15:54:42] <Resheph> [DO IT FOR MOTHER RUSSIA]
  335. [15:55:00] <GreenSleeves> [ooc pls]
  336. [15:55:08] <GoldenTouch> [Resheph....]
  337. [15:55:12] <GoldenTouch> [Eat a snickers]
  338. [15:55:16] <Vesuvian> [haaa]
  339. [15:55:16] Weiss_Nero looks back at Green. "Um-..."
  340. [15:55:32] <Booze_Hound> [hue]
  341. [15:55:37] GoldenTouch is now billy mays [WAIT, THERE'S MORE!]
  342. [15:55:47] Weiss_Nero presses her mouth against Green's and quickly pulls back.
  343. [15:56:03] <Resheph> [/me....eats a snickers bar and turns into Nick Cage...]
  344. [15:56:05] Weiss_Nero walks quickly away and sits down.
  345. [15:56:17] <GoldenTouch> [....]
  346. [15:56:17] <Resheph> [ didn't work]
  347. [15:56:19] GreenSleeves stands there, in shock, eyes wide.
  348. [15:56:23] <Mary_ONette> [YES!]
  349. [15:56:38] <Mary_ONette> [YES!]
  350. [15:56:40] <Al_Dente> [[ so much for >packaged deal ]]
  351. [15:56:43] Vesuvian awwww's so hard she snuggles closer to Phoe
  352. [15:57:03] <Weiss_Nero> [Does that please ooc?]
  353. [15:57:04] <Vesuvian> [smile, and look back at her~]
  354. [15:57:05] <Booze_Hound> [FINALLY this ship has set sail]
  355. [15:57:13] <Resheph> [/me eats another snickers and turns into David Tennant]
  356. [15:57:19] <GoldenTouch> [>Dr pls....]
  357. [15:57:29] Feldspar [] has joined #FourCannonInn
  358. [15:57:36] <Vesuvian> [Bring a hoof gently under her chin, as you stare at her]
  359. [15:57:40] <Resheph> [That's better]
  360. [15:57:44] Mary_ONette is cheering internally
  361. [15:58:00] <Resheph> [Oh Yes!]
  362. [15:58:08] GreenSleeves shakes away the shock and quickly trots over to Weiss, "Hey..."
  363. [15:58:35] Weiss_Nero looks down for the umpteenth time and says nothing.
  364. [15:58:52] GreenHoof watches Sleeves and Weiss, feelings shock, happiness, and a pang of lonliness washing over him
  365. [15:58:55] <Resheph> [/me whips out sonic screwdriver]
  366. [15:59:26] <Resheph> [.....Yeah I'm done now]
  367. [15:59:28] <Vesuvian> [sphaghetty]
  368. [15:59:52] <Booze_Hound> [/me turns into dalek "exterminate ,exterminate"]
  369. [16:00:07] GreenSleeves puts a hoof under under the mare's chin and raises her head. "Weiss Nero?"
  370. [16:00:15] <GoldenTouch> [ ]
  371. [16:00:19] <Resheph> [/me dives behind bar]
  372. [16:00:53] Curious__ [webchat@] has joined #FourCannonInn
  373. [16:01:15] Weiss_Nero 's face is redder than a baboon's ass. "Y- yeah?"
  374. [16:01:41] <Resheph> [/me turns into River Song and blasts the Dalek Booze in the eye stalk]
  375. [16:01:49] GreenSleeves plants a kiss on Weiss' lips.
  376. [16:01:50] Strong_Metal [] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
  377. [16:01:54] <Booze_Hound> !roll d20
  378. [16:01:54] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  379. [16:02:02] <Booze_Hound> [/me misses shots]
  380. [16:02:24] Weiss_Nero 's eyes go wide.
  381. [16:02:26] Phoenix_Down holds Vesu close, whispering into her ear
  382. [16:02:27] <Booze_Hound> [/me explodes]
  383. [16:02:57] Mary_ONette yawns a bit more and drinks juice
  384. [16:03:00] GreenSleeves pulls away after a long moment, smiling. "Thank you..."
  385. [16:03:08] <GoldenTouch> [His palms are penne, knees meat, arms spaghetti Add meatballs to the spaghetti, mom's secret recipe He's nervous, but on the surface mom's spaghetti looks ready for meatballs]
  386. [16:03:21] Weiss_Nero is frozen.
  387. [16:03:32] Vesuvian perks up at the whispers, still keeping her eye on the two
  388. [16:04:01] GreenSleeves keeps smiling warmly at Weiss.
  389. [16:04:09] <Weiss_Nero> "I uh-...! Yeah! Don't-...!"
  390. [16:04:09] Boris[Ronin] [] is now known as Boris[AFK]
  391. [16:04:21] <Weiss_Nero> "You're welcome!"
  392. [16:04:44] Weiss_Nero retreats upstairs.
  393. [16:04:45] <Resheph> [/me uses vortex manipulater and teleports away]
  394. [16:04:53] <Weiss_Nero> !roll d20 for a clean getaway.
  395. [16:04:53] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  396. [16:05:06] <GreenSleeves> [Close enough]
  397. [16:05:14] Weiss_Nero only bumps into things.
  398. [16:05:48] GreenSleeves watches the mare bound away and up the stairs.
  399. [16:05:59] <GreenSleeves> "Whelp, I broke her."
  400. [16:06:17] <GoldenTouch> "...."
  401. [16:06:17] <GreenHoof> "Go upstairs. Talk to her."
  402. [16:06:26] <Mary_ONette> "way to go."
  403. [16:06:27] <GoldenTouch> "Dude..."
  404. [16:06:28] <Booze_Hound> "too much man for one mare"
  405. [16:06:38] <Resheph> "She's only shy"
  406. [16:06:51] <Al_Dente> [[ Booze pls ]]
  407. [16:07:16] <Vesuvian> [haaa]
  408. [16:07:27] GreenSleeves trots over to the bar, taking a seat.
  409. [16:08:00] GreenHoof walks up to GreenSleeves, his face serious "Go. Talk. To. Her."
  410. [16:08:10] <GreenSleeves> "Hoof please, I think she needs a moment."
  411. [16:08:22] <GreenSleeves> "After... after /that/."
  412. [16:08:35] <GoldenTouch> "...'
  413. [16:08:44] <Resheph> [What's up with the Green__ thing]
  414. [16:08:49] <Mary_ONette> "Gold why so silent?"
  415. [16:08:55] <GoldenTouch> "..."
  416. [16:09:03] <GreenSleeves> "Golden?"
  417. [16:09:10] Booze_Hound is still going full bongo
  418. [16:09:11] GoldenTouch squees with the power of a thousand suns
  419. [16:09:14] <Feldspar> [GO TALK NIGGER]
  420. [16:09:28] <Mary_ONette> [Hi Feld]
  421. [16:09:52] <Resheph> [YEAH YA BUM]
  422. [16:09:55] <Feldspar> [Hi Mary!]
  423. [16:10:07] <Vesuvian> [just follow her up, and say how much you loved that dance]
  424. [16:10:12] <Resheph> [Hi Resheph!]
  425. [16:10:14] <Vesuvian> [say it with yo dick]
  426. [16:10:19] <GoldenTouch> [^]
  427. [16:10:23] <Vesuvian> [give her the green green stuff~]
  428. [16:10:32] <GreenHoof> "She's up there alone, Sleeves. Probably embarassed. I'd go tell her it's all good, that you had a good time with the dance and you hope yall can hang out more soon."
  429. [16:10:35] <GreenSleeves> [YOU PEOPLE, OOC PLEASE!]
  430. [16:10:41] <Mary_ONette> [ew that sound infectious]
  431. [16:10:44] <GoldenTouch> "What hoof said!"
  432. [16:10:57] <Phoenix_Down> "du eet"
  433. [16:10:58] <Booze_Hound> [and this has been dating tips from vesuvian more tomorrow at 8]
  434. [16:11:08] GreenSleeves rolls his eyes, sighing, "You're right..."
  435. [16:11:27] <GoldenTouch> [Smack her with yo dick and tell her to make you a sammitch, it always works for me!]
  436. [16:11:46] <Resheph> [Now Welcome to Love With Resheph I'm your host Resh]
  437. [16:12:44] Booze_Hound [] is now known as BoozeHoundWork
  438. [16:12:47] <Resheph> [let's take our first caller]
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