
Hitler meme

Nov 22nd, 2014
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  1. In the vast history of the human race there were numerous dank memers who may have not been recongized at the time but are slowly coming into light today. These individuals were charismatic, prudent, and ofcourse dank. A powerful example of such a magnificient individual would be Adolf Hitler. There are many on-going critizism regarding hitler because of his controversial actions, however in my mind there is no doubt that hitler was THE most influential dank memer of all of history. There were many imposters like Ghenghis Khan, Stalin, George Bush, Hasagiii, etc etc but none of them came close to what Hitler achieved January 30th 1933. (except for maybe Hasagiii whos work will be discussed in a later time.) Hitler not only made dank memes for himself, but he created a whole empire of dank memes. The classical and timeless "gas the jews" and "sieg heil" memes came from here. However unlike so called "dank memers" who can only influence their memes upon certain portions of the population Hitler was able to spread his dank memes all throughout Europe, Northern Africa, and East Asia, a feat no other individual even came close to achieving (except, again maybe Hasagiii.) His actions against humanity will always be controversial as for they were brutal, however there is no doubt even between the most conservative historians on the dankness of Hitler's memes. So next time you visit Berlin, Paris, London, or any other prominent city in Europe don't forget to shout outloud "heil hitler" in appreciation to his dank memes.
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