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a guest
Dec 21st, 2014
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  1. Main setup commands
  2. Use worldedit for selections, built-in slection system is broken for now.
  3. Build gamelevel blocks yourself, anything under player feet breaks.
  4. /trsetup create {arena} - create {arenaname}
  5. /trsetup setarena {arena} - set bounds of the arena (if player leaves arena bounds while in game, he automatically loses)
  6. /trsetup setloselevel {arena} - set looselevel bounds
  7. /trsetup setspawn {arena} - set spawnpoint at location you are standing at.
  8. /trsetup setspectate {arena} - sets spectator spawnpoint.
  9. /trsetup finish {arena} - finish arena creation and save it.
  10. Additional setup commands
  11. /trsetup delspectate {arena} - deletes spectator spawnpoint
  12. /trsetup setgameleveldestroydelay {arena} {ticks} - add a delay before gamelevel block is destoyed after player stepped on it. (default: 2)
  13. /trsetup setmaxplayers {arena} {player} - set max players for this arena (default: 6)
  14. /trsetup setminplayers {arena} {players} - set min players for this arena (default: 2)
  15. /trsetup setvotepercent {arena} {0<votepercent<1} - set the percent of votes requered to start the game for this arena (default: 0.75)
  16. /trsetup settimelimit {arena} {seconds} - set the time limit for arena.
  17. /trsetup setcountdown {arena} {seconds} - set countdown time for arena
  18. /trsetup setitemsrewards {arena} - sets everithing what you have in your inventory as a reward for winning
  19. /trsetup setmoneyrewards {arena} {amount} - sets money rewards (vault is required for this)
  20. /trsetup setteleport {arena} {previous/lobby} - teleports player to pre-join or to lobby location after player lose
  21. /trsetup setdamage {arena} {on/off/zero} - sets pvp state in the arena (on - full damage, zero - zero damage, off - no attack at all)
  22. /trsetup reloadbars - reload configbars.yml
  23. /trsetup reloadmsg - reload configmsg.yml
  24. Arena managment commands
  25. /trsetup enable {arena} - enable the arena
  26. /trsetup disable {arena} - disable the arena
  27. /trsetup delete {arena} - delete arena
  29. Lobby:
  30. Permission to set lobby: tntrun.setup
  31. /trsetup setlobby - sets a lobby at your location
  33. Signs:
  34. Permission to create signs: tntrun.setup
  35. Join sign format:
  36. 1st line: [TNTRun]
  37. 2nd line: [Join]
  38. 3rd line: arenaname
  39. Leave sign format:
  40. 1st line: [TNTRun]
  41. 2nd line: [Leave]
  42. Vote sign format:
  43. 1st line: [TNTRun]
  44. 2nd line: [Vote]
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