
Endtown RPG Session #25

Feb 20th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Okay
  2. Well, I'm ready if everyone else is.
  3. Clayton R.: I'm ready
  4. Ernest Gillett: I'm ready!
  5. Martin Baron: Yarp
  6. DJ-Max: Oi!
  7. GM (GM): Great!
  8. Here's the book:
  9. Outstanding mentions crash rules.
  10. Depends on speed: 10mph = 1d10 damage.
  11. Ramming gives a bonus.
  12. Besides that rules on darkness, blindness and firing at point blank range.
  13. Everett Pillory: Will be back in a sec
  14. GM (GM): I deserve that.
  15. Besides that we have a new player.
  16. Let's begin then
  17. We rejoin our heroes as they hop in the jeep, at that moment they are again assailed by the swarm of dittos.
  18. they obscure your vision even to the point that the garage you were in appears to painted in them
  19. Probably a good time for actions
  20. Martin Baron: ((Commence screaming.))
  21. DJ-Max yells to floor it and not look back!
  22. Clayton R. keeps his eyes shut as he stumbles his way into the car. He doesn't expect the dittos to relent anytime soon. He instead moves to try and get clear the way with his flamethrower. He prepares to fire it in front of the jeep as soon as he can find the windshield.
  23. Everett Pillory: HOW CAN WE DRIVE IF WE CAN'T SEE SHIT
  24. Everett Pillory covers at the back of the jeep and hurringly puts on his riot vest. Not making THAT mistake twice
  25. Martin Baron begins fumbling with one of the 9mm Mongols, trying to turn the safety off to deal with the gooey menace.
  26. Martin Baron: ((I can stand in front of the car and give directions again. "Little to the left, no my left. Go forward. Stop... Right."
  27. DJ-Max: "Everett I do not think it matters!"
  28. Clayton R. warns everyone among the mayhem. I'm about to fire my flamethrower. Get in the Jeep if you don't want to get torched!
  29. GM (GM): The dittos shrink back considerably from the fire!
  30. Clayton R. refuses to open his eyes. "What happened?"
  31. DJ-Max opens his eyes, is everything still twisted?
  32. Martin Baron: "Keep doing it! They're fleeing from the fire!" Martin shouts out, eyes still open since the beginning.
  33. ((So who's driving?))
  34. ((Only ones who can reach the pedals would be Clayton and Mana, right?))
  35. Everett Pillory: ( We don't have a bear to drive )
  36. GM (GM): You can stretch! Gotta believe!
  37. Clayton R. shouts back in acknowledgement. "Where do I need to aim next!?"
  38. Martin Baron: ((Roll to determine driver!))
  39. DJ-Max: (I'm down for rolling the driver.)
  40. Ernest! Once again the colony is subject to the dittos!
  41. Martin Baron: ((Hah.))
  42. Someone must have ticked off the mayor again... The only thing to do in these situations is huddle up and keep your eyes closed.
  43. Someone tried to bump into you earlier but they ran off, luckily.
  44. but now something has happened! The dittos actually reteated! You find yourself outside a vehicle garage on the bottom floor of the colony.
  45. Clayton R. eagerly awaits orders where to fire
  46. Martin Baron: "Wait for my signal, I'll tell you where to fire! We seem fine for now!"
  47. GM (GM): Suddenly you see a burst of flame from inside the garage!
  48. ((You are now up to speed.))
  49. M. Walker has no idea what's going on, but is keeping her eyes shut and herself strapped in for the ride on Martin's command
  50. Clayton R. nods, but pauses. "Wait, Who's driving then? Am I in the drivers seat?!"
  51. Martin Baron: ((We could switch seats? Or you could pass me the flame thrower, I dunno.))
  52. GM (GM): ((Post ditto confusion syndrome.))
  53. Clayton R.: (( He is confused and scared))
  54. DJ-Max: "Clayton, you're working the fire."
  55. Martin Baron: ((Who isn't?))
  56. Ernest Gillett slowly opens her eyes, noticing the dittos have drawn back. Once having seen a burst of flame from the garage, she quickly peeks inside to figure what the hell was that.
  57. M. Walker says "I can drive...!" volunteering
  58. Everett Pillory: I just gonna add :I can technically make napalm shells quick and help with the cleansing.
  59. GM (GM): Martin! You hear the creak of the door!
  60. Martin Baron: "You guys can open your eyes for now, they see- Hey! Who's there?!" Martin says, aiming the Mongol at the door.
  61. Clayton R. hears Walker Volunteering, "Okay. Okay! Come up here then. I'll scoot over. I don't think we have time to craft anything Everett."
  62. GM (GM): They spotted you Ernest
  63. Everett Pillory: Well, Clay. I can make a molotov real quick but that would mean all that whiskey goes to waste
  64. Clayton R. points his weapon around, alarmed that Martin seemed to have spotted another target.
  65. Martin Baron: ((Not the whiskey!))
  66. M. Walker nods, climbing up ahead to the driver's seat
  67. DJ-Max climbs in the back. He can punch dittos...even if that amounts to nothing.
  68. Ernest Gillett puts her hands, well, scythes up right after having slowly open the door.
  69. from the door appears a short sized mantis. Dressed kind of frumpy, like a librarian or a boss of an office.
  70. Everett Pillory readies his shotgun "Friend or toe?"
  71. DJ-Max: "...Is she one of them?" he asks looking to Martin, like he had a sixth sense on this sort of thing.
  72. Martin Baron: (( HAH))
  73. Ernest Gillett: ((Hehehe))
  74. Martin Baron: "Not one more toe past that door! Who are you?"
  75. Clayton R. is slow to open his eyes. Hearing martin say they dispersed helped him, but he always liked extra convincing. He quickly spots the Amntis. "Who Are you, and why are you here?" He asks, keeping the flamethrower pointed at the insect mutant.
  76. Clayton R.: *Mantis
  77. GM (GM): ((Ah, too bad Simon isn't here now.))
  78. Everett Pillory: ((Goddamn it typo))
  79. Martin Baron: "I don't know, could be a fake like at the silo." Martin responds to Max.
  80. Clayton R. nods along with Martin. "Sure could..."
  81. Everett Pillory headshakes "Dittos don't talk... so if it can't talk..."
  82. Ernest Gillett "Wait! I'm Ernest. Ernest Gillett!" She remains at the spot in front of the door.
  83. Martin Baron: ((Could be worse. We had someone who believed that a closet was on fire, eventually we all got confused and thought it was on fire too.))
  84. Everett Pillory lowers his gun "It speaks..."
  85. GM (GM): Everyone is well familiar with the dittos, "Wrong, it was me, Dittos!" trick. Too familiar!
  86. DJ-Max: "...She, Speaks Everette"
  87. Ernest Gillett "I'm not one of those damn things over there.."
  88. Martin Baron: ((We don't know about dittos yet tho, just that devil jelly exists.))
  89. DJ-Max: "Pleasure meeting you, we're planning on getting the hell out of here."
  90. Clayton R. remains steady, but he is quick to respond. "You had better clarify why you are here very quick before those dittos show back up again!"
  91. M. Walker hesitantly leans out the driver side window, to take in the sight of the bug mutant. She can't help but feel cutting pangs of pity for them.
  92. Martin Baron lowers the Mongol, switching the safety on just to be sure. "Yeah, like DJ said. Best move out of the way if you don't want to get run over."
  93. GM (GM): ((Bugs don't need your pity! They will cut you , man(asa)))
  94. Martin Baron: ((Plus that they're gross. Like aliens in a movie, you shouldn't feel bad for killing a legion of them if they're ugly.))
  95. GM (GM): brb
  96. Everett Pillory: Get in if you want to live.
  97. Ernest Gillett , though hesitant, speaks up. "Look, I just stumble in here, and was about to leave this place anyways!"
  98. Everett Pillory: ((GET INTO DA CHOPPAH))
  99. Clayton R. groans. "Well, we're getting the hell out of here. Unless you have something to offer us now, you had better get out the way because we need to be moving ASAP!."
  100. Everett Pillory: ((DO EET. DO EET NOW))
  101. Martin Baron checks the seats of the Jeep. There's just enough room for one more passenger. "Fine, but we're only giving you a ride till we hit Topside. Afterwards, you're on your own."
  102. Martin Baron: (( IT'S NOT A TUMAH.))
  103. M. Walker keeps her hand on the key, and her left paw on the brake, continuing to idle.
  104. DJ-Max: "Lil' rough there Martin... but..." DJ hums, crossing his arms. "Ah whatever, we'll figure it out lata' Get in, this place is hell!"
  105. Ernest Gillett gives out a small sigh of relief in response. She moves with haste over inside to get in the Jeep.
  106. Everett Pillory looks at Martin puzzled "Did that birdthing caused us to switch brains or something?"
  107. Everett Pillory looks around "Hey where's Juan?
  108. Clayton R. would be somewhat disgusted if he wasn't utterly terrified
  109. Martin Baron: "We don't know who they are, they could be one of the guys who wanted the convoys to be taken here. We got to be careful." Martin whispers to the others.
  110. ((Juan's still here, in the back.))
  111. GM (GM): back
  112. Everett Pillory nods at Martin "Even then, she's outnumbered..."
  113. DJ-Max: "...He has a good poi- Where is Juli- Oh there he is!" he notes seeing him in the back seat as well.
  114. Martin Baron: ((Clayton! Stand on the front of the Jeep like a hood ornament and start spraying fire!))
  115. Juan is just trying to stay out of the way.
  116. Clayton R. taps on the windshield of the jeep, and he looks to Walker. "Time to get moving, let's go.
  117. GM (GM): You are in the jeep.
  118. Clayton R. readies his flamethrower, mounting it atop the windshield
  119. GM (GM): You easily drive until you reach the ditto boarder
  120. Clayton R. torches it
  121. Everett Pillory grunts "Watch the bumps... I'm still stiched."
  122. M. Walker grimaces with sympathy for Everett, doing her best to do so
  123. DJ-Max has Everett's blood on him... and he's not freaking out, yet.
  124. GM (GM): The dittos jump onto your hand and spread to everyone else!
  125. Martin Baron: (( Not good. ))
  126. Ernest Gillett: ((oh cripe))
  127. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  128. (16)+30= 46
  129. GM (GM): Everyone roll+mind bonus!
  130. Martin Baron: (( Not a very scary jelly.))
  131. rolling 1d100+15
  132. (62)+15= 77
  133. GM (GM): Oh, sorry!
  134. I read that as 'touches'
  135. Didn't realize it was 'torches.
  136. Clayton R.: ...
  137. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  138. (67)+35= 102
  139. GM (GM): Also, I'm glad everyone knows how to roll.
  140. Martin Baron: (( Man, start off the session with a toe mutant then Clayton dips his hand into some Dittos. This is becoming a really strange session.))
  141. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  142. (62)+20= 82
  143. Clayton R.: (( guys, you don't need to roll))
  144. ((GM misread me))
  145. GM (GM): ((It's good practice!))
  146. Martin Baron: (( Jeez, what was Ernest's mind bonus again? Probably doesn't even need to roll above a 2 to succeed with that roll.))
  147. at this time I'd like to remind everyone that I'm the GM and game maker and would like to you see guys do better!
  148. Clayton R. hums "~burn baby burn~" under his breath
  149. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100 + 65
  150. (42)+65= 107
  151. Everett Pillory: (Hold on, crash)
  152. rolling 1d100+40
  153. (15)+40= 55
  154. Ernest Gillett: ((I'm sorry, just wanna see if it works))
  155. Everett Pillory: ((Ouch))
  156. GM (GM): ((+65, Sehe's a mental behemoth.))
  157. Sh*e's
  158. DJ-Max: (She's a Telepath.)
  159. Martin Baron: ((Oh right, forgot to ask: The skill roll bonus, does that apply to stuff like sneak and hide or is that different?))
  160. (( PSYCHO MANTIS!))
  161. Clayton R. looks to Martin for guidance, where are we headed next... Anyone?"
  162. Ernest Gillett: ((Heh, well she's got the mind stat of 13, soo))
  163. Martin Baron: "Where did we come in from? The West? We can try to drive our way back there, torch the dittos out of the way."
  164. Clayton R. nods. "Does our newest passenger have any ideas?"
  165. GM (GM): ((oof. Nothing come out right))
  166. ((Yeah, sure, mental bonus applies to sneak and such. I'd normally like to have it be corresponding stat based but this system is designed to be dead simple.))
  167. Ernest Gillett: ((Hmm.))
  168. Everett Pillory: ((Hmm how much SAN loss for that failed roll?)
  169. Martin Baron: ((You got a 55, right? GM got a 46))
  170. Clayton R.: (( none, you didn't need to roll))
  171. GM (GM): Just 1d10
  172. Everett Pillory: ((Oh wait I don't have to. Derp))
  173. Martin Baron: ((Even then, that was just a flop roll.))
  174. GM (GM): Dittos chip away at you.
  175. Everett Pillory: ((Sorry, IE crashed mid-that
  176. Martin Baron: "Let's keep moving forward." Martin says, looking about the hallways.
  177. Ernest Gillett keeps herself seated, looking out at the path ahead.
  178. Clayton R.: (( Let's get some music going. ))
  179. GM (GM): Ernest! You recall that the exit to this floor is a left then a right
  180. ((I actually came up with a sketch for the colony but I didn't shade it or anything. Would you guys like to use that for a map?
  181. M. Walker keeps the jeep rolling on Martin's direction
  182. DJ-Max: (Seems cool)
  183. Martin Baron: ((Sounds neat, sure.))
  184. Clayton R.: (( sure))
  185. Ernest Gillett remembers of where the exit is. She pipes up for the driver to hear. "Hey, I know where the exit may be! Just listen to my instructions and we'll be out of this hellhole!"
  186. Everett Pillory: Was this colony ALWAYS a clusterfuck
  187. Clayton R. notices the dittos shifting around ahead of them. It looks like they're tying to flank them. "Dittos ahead. "He opens fire.
  188. GM (GM): You blast a way and the dittos clear out.
  189. You can see them creeping up behind you.
  190. They seem to be testing your range
  191. Martin Baron: "Behind us, behind us!" Martin shouts, unsure if bullets would do anything to the dittos.
  192. Clayton R. shouts. "Move forward before they route us. I'll keep firing. Keep an eye behind us guys!"
  193. Everett Pillory looks back...
  194. GM (GM): Erenst has directed you to an doorway, proceed?
  195. M. Walker follows Ernest's direction
  196. Everett Pillory: Excuse me but...
  197. GM (GM): Proceeding!
  198. Everett Pillory pulls out a thermite charge "I think they need some extra FIRE"
  199. Ernest Gillett: ((Ooh, nice.))
  200. DJ-Max: (Cool.~)
  201. Everett Pillory: ((Nice))
  202. GM (GM): You are on the ground floor!
  203. Clayton R.: ((Oh man, how do we get up?))
  204. GM (GM): ((Ask for directions?
  205. Clayton R. is feeling overwhelmed, and he looks back up to Ernest. "How do we get out?!"
  206. Ernest Gillett points over to the exit nearby. "Take a left turn and drive over there!"
  207. Clayton R. nods. "Floor it."
  208. Martin Baron: (( Thatwaseasy.jpg ))
  209. GM (GM): You zip to the 4th floor
  210. M. Walker glances at Ernest with a nod, following her guidance
  211. Clayton R.: ((Oh I'm certain it just gets easier.))
  212. Everett Pillory sighs "Just tell me when to throw this thing
  213. Clayton R. wants to get a good look at this floor.
  214. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  215. (82)+35= 117
  216. GM (GM): At this point you hear a shout.
  217. Judging by how it sounds like a fast food intercom, it must be Rebo.
  218. You look around!
  219. You find lots of things, actually.
  220. Everett Pillory frowns "All we need now is a crazy tank bot..."
  221. Clayton R. widens his eyes, and he fervently taps on Walker. "Steer clear of that robot!"
  222. GM (GM): The place is bizaar, so there are lots of items on the tables.
  223. Lots of gear and food stuffs.
  224. Oh, and the people are still curled up waiting for the nightmare to end!
  225. Clayton R.: (( there any weapon shops, and what is the opulation on this floor like. There many people around?))
  226. ((Oh, nevermind))
  227. GM (GM): Yes.
  228. Martin Baron: ((Deadly rockem-sockem robot first, loot later.))
  229. Everett Pillory: ((Hmmm... ))
  230. Clayton R. servys the area until he spots a weapon shop. "See if you can get close to a weapon shop. It might pay off."
  231. Everett Pillory: Hey Mana, mind driving away from the civies? I have a bot-buster right here.
  232. Martin Baron: ((Wait, thermite right? The shit that melts through just about everything?))
  233. Rebo shouts, "Just got a call in! Says you can't leave with that jeep or its contents."
  234. Everett Pillory pulls out the HE charge
  235. Rebo: Also, can't let you abduct citizenary!
  236. Everett Pillory: Hey, silicon for a brain
  237. Martin Baron: (( ... What if we put a gun to Ernest's head, pretend she's a hostage?))
  238. DJ-Max: "She chose to come with us!" DJ yells.
  239. Martin Baron: ((Stupid idea by me, but...))
  240. Ernest Gillett: ((Could work..))
  241. Everett Pillory: How about you take care of all the colonists that are going crazy instead of chasing me
  242. Clayton R. tries to get another good look at Rebo in specific.
  243. Everett Pillory: Got your Asimov there replaced??!!
  244. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  245. (100)+35= 135
  246. Everett Pillory: ((IMPRESSIVE!))
  247. Ernest Gillett: ((Dang, nice roll))
  248. Martin Baron: ((Nice eyes, Legolas.))
  249. Clayton R.:
  250. Martin Baron: (( Best OST of all time.))
  251. GM (GM): Clayton, upon inspection it looks like Rebo is an APEX-Military co contracted bomb disposal droid.
  252. Heavy duty, especially designed to be caught in explosions.
  253. If he's APEX, then...
  254. Martin Baron: (( Could be thermite resistant.))
  255. Clayton R.: ((Do I have any idea what kind of material he's made of?))
  256. GM (GM): Metal, lots of metal.
  257. Clayton R.: ((because napalm burns pretty fucking hot. Hot enough to melt steel.))
  258. GM (GM): Actually, more metal then the dura-plastic in typical APEX designs.
  259. Everett Pillory: (( Martin, I can assure you. I can name 3 ceramic substances that are thermite resistant))
  260. Martin Baron: (( True, but bomb disposal unit. It's bound it be somewhat bomb proof.))
  261. GM (GM): You're guessing he's very strong but probably not quick with the hands.
  262. Martin Baron: (( And it's the FUUUUTUUUURE, so who knows.))
  263. Everett Pillory: (( Explosion proof yes, shock proof yes, metal fire proof? No.))
  264. Clayton R.: ((I'm not sure how far I can prod with a crit Perception roll, bu tare there any noticeable weaknesses.))
  265. GM (GM): Actually, if he's a bomb disposal droid that means that he doesn't have very much, just arm servos, a cpu, and lots of armor.
  266. Martin Baron: (( No tank guns? ))
  267. DJ-Max: (Fry most of his other stuff, doesn't matter how armored he is...long as he's out of the way, aye?)
  268. GM (GM): ((No guns. Not even basic sensors besides a camera.))
  269. Everett Pillory: (( But all and all thermite bomb doesn't go "Boom", it's like a big bubble that bursts and covers a place with burning metal, very small radius ))
  270. Ernest Gillett: ((Huh))
  271. Everett Pillory: (( Oh shit... is the camera armoured? ))
  272. Clayton R.: (( You and ?I think alike Crazy Panda))
  273. Martin Baron: (( So really, he just has a big arm we should worry about. ))
  274. GM (GM): ((Yes. for a camera)
  275. Rebo: Sorry, orders are orders!
  276. Rebo intiates charges!
  277. GM (GM): sorry, he moves into attack.
  278. Martin Baron: (( Alright, we got thermite bombs, a "hostage", and 2 9mm boolet shooters.))
  279. Clayton R. nods to himself and turns around to the group, explaining various details about the robot. He conculdes by pointing to Everett. "I think you could handle him,. someone just needs to distract him, and we have just what he wants." You're up Everett. Let's move."
  280. DJ-Max: "I'm a good distraction..."
  281. Everett Pillory looks at Clayton "You're asking a wounded man to be bait... "
  282. Martin Baron: (( I can distract too. ))
  283. Clayton R. taps on Walker, keep his attention, he has no guns. Everett has Thermite."
  284. DJ-Max steps forward and takes point.
  285. Clayton R. turns around. "I advise against getting out of the car."
  286. Martin Baron: (( Do we roll initiative? ))
  287. Clayton R.: (( WE are the distractin.))
  288. Everett Pillory: ((Hmm... We need something adhesive to stick the bomb to the bot
  289. GM (GM): Yes, let us roll
  290. Everett Pillory: ((Anything can do))
  291. rolling 1d100+60
  292. (6)+60= 66
  293. (Damn!)
  294. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  295. (96)+30= 126
  296. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  297. (69)+50= 119
  298. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  299. (50)+20= 70
  300. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  301. (40)+35= 75
  302. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100 + 65
  303. (92)+65= 157
  304. Clayton R.: ((We can make it work. After all we have to get his attention))
  305. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  306. (49)+20= 69
  307. Martin Baron: (( Oh whoops, forgot mind bonus. Mine is 141 ))
  308. (( Eh, doesn't matter either way. ))
  309. Everett Pillory: Someone grab some adhesive... or a magnet.
  310. GM (GM): Experience is a benefit, Martin!
  311. Make him want to be a country singer!
  312. Ernest! You go first in this cluster of a plan!
  313. Martin Baron: (( I got a Mongol at the back with a mag in it. I guess you can use that? ))
  314. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah, I could use that.))
  315. GM (GM): Yes, they have a spare machinegun
  316. Martin Baron: (( NO WAIT! Run towards the tank and parry the robot arm! Then throw it in the air and imitate the beginning scene from MGR! ))
  317. Everett Pillory: (( RULES OF NATURE ))
  318. Martin Baron: (( Beaut. ))
  319. GM (GM): ((2d10+20, see pg 46 for rapid fire rules.))
  320. Ernest Gillett: ((I don't think Ernest can lift that robot at all. It would be likely heavy with all that metal it has.))
  321. Martin Baron: (( MANTIS CYBORG STRENGTH))
  322. DJ-Max: (That's what the Nano-Machines are for.)
  323. GM (GM): ((I didn't do the math but I think rebo is 500+lbs.
  324. Ernest Gillett: ((Dang))
  325. Everett Pillory: (Sounds about right)
  326. Martin Baron: (( Anyway, spray and pray with the shootah. Or if you got a different plan, let's hear it.))
  327. GM (GM): ((Fire modes: 3-round burst: +15, 15 round burst: +30, 30 round burst: +60, 60 round burst: +120, 100 round burst: +180.))
  328. Ernest Gillett looks about inside the Jeep before finding a Mongol at the back. She scampers her smaller set of arms to get the weapon. By then, she pulls the gun out to the side of the Jeep to fire 3 rounds at Rebo.
  329. GM (GM): Okay,
  330. I should note this.
  331. Martin Baron: (( Make da roll.))
  332. GM (GM): With rapid fire the bonus either goes to damage, or to the to hit roll.
  333. So do you want +15 damage or +15 to hit?
  334. Ernest Gillett: ((I'll go with +15 damage))
  335. GM (GM): Sure.
  336. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100
  337. (26)= 26
  338. Martin Baron: (( Oh and just to note, you only got 100 bullets. No more magazines are available aside from the one I got.))
  339. Ernest Gillett: ((ouchh))
  340. GM (GM): Pop pop it flies wide
  341. ...You think you might have hit someone in the hindquarter...
  342. Martin's turn!
  343. Actually, I'll be fair.
  344. You are firing in a populated area.
  345. Missing means there is a 10% chance of hitting a civie by accident!
  346. Ernest Gillett: ((Hm.))
  347. Martin Baron: (( Really seems fine with using a gun against the tank in a settlement she used to live in.))
  348. (( Eeugh, alright, try not to miss. Gotcha.))
  349. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna go as far as I can to the right and close to the robot in one action, try to keep his attention on me.))
  350. (( 2 actions left. I'm gonna let off 3 rounds with the +15 to damage.))
  351. rolling 1d100
  352. (7)= 7
  354. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohh dang))
  355. Clayton R.: ((oh jeez))
  356. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  357. (30)= 30
  358. It does not hit someone.
  359. Martin Baron: (( I just went from escapee to terrorist, because I'm just TRYING to murder civilians.))
  360. GM (GM): Wait, are you firing at point blank?
  361. DJ-Max: "You guys have some really bad aim."
  362. GM (GM): Because then it's 20 to hit.
  363. Everett Pillory: But a big [ TERRORIST ] over your portrait
  364. Martin Baron: (( That's still a 7 man, point blank or not.))
  365. (( And it's a 40 to hit, anyway right? ))
  366. GM (GM): The 9mm Mongol was notorious for it's uneven, harsh kickback.
  367. "Shove it up their nose!" was the company slogan, everyone thinks it's a joke until they fire one.
  368. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna dodge for the end of my turn. I hope it's paying attention to me, otherwise I'll just look silly.))
  369. GM (GM): At point blank it's 20
  370. But he can parry the gun.
  371. Martin Baron: (( We're totally fighting a cyborg ninja aren't we? He can parry bullets?))
  372. GM (GM): That's a new rule this week.
  373. Actually it's for melee players.
  374. Who's gonna sit by while someone whips out a pistol when they can reach them?
  375. DJ-Max: (It makes a lot of sense.)
  376. DJ-Max shall enjoy this buff.
  377. Martin Baron: (( Does make sense. Nice. Anyway, can I parry his robot arm if he attacks me? If I dodge high, it might just ignore me and go for the Jeep.))
  378. GM (GM): (Actually the intent was to give players options if they every find themselves in a ghetto execution situation. Anyway!))
  379. Yeah.
  380. Martin Baron: ((I'm gonna end my turn then and wait.))
  381. GM (GM): Clayton!
  382. Martin Baron: (( Parry him with my table leg.))
  383. GM (GM): Rebo is under fire!
  384. Clayton R. groans under his breath as his comrades miss the robot. He aims own at the robot with his flamethrower
  385. Martin Baron: (( Then Clayton hits a 1 and somehow torches the whole bazaar.))
  386. (( The robot's psychic and is making all of our aim rolls bad.))
  387. Ernest Gillett: ((There goes our chance to escape then))
  388. Clayton R.: (( does aiming require rolling,I can't remember?))
  389. GM (GM): ((Not for building up your aim bonus.
  390. If you're just pointing it to make a statement, then of course not.
  391. Clayton R.: ((Oh okay.I get a +5 to my roll right?))
  392. GM (GM): Yeah/
  393. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  394. (68)+40= 108
  395. GM (GM): Well that's a hit.
  396. I wonder if martin would be caught in the spray...
  397. Martin Baron: (( What are the bonuses to aiming a gun again? Just the aim action and gun skill? ))
  398. Clayton R.: rolling 1d10+50
  399. (8)+50= 58
  400. rolling 4d10
  401. (5+4+3+1)= 13
  402. ((Sorry, forgot to add the other 4)
  403. Martin Baron: (( PARRY THE FIRE ))
  404. Clayton R.: ((and I still got over 100 to my aim, that should be accurate enough to hit only the robot right?))
  405. GM (GM): He's now on fire.
  406. Eh, sure.
  407. Clayton R.: With my last action, I'll wave to the robot, see if I get his attention
  408. GM (GM): You are pretty certain you have it, pretty certain.
  409. Everett Pillory looks at Clayton "How can I attach a bomb to aburning bot???"
  410. Clayton R. likes the smooth sound of flmaes jetting out of a hose. He taps on Walker again. "We should probably try keeping his attentions. Try to stay out of his reach with the car.))
  411. Martin Baron: (( Throw it really hard? ))
  412. Clayton R.: ((Goddamnit. I need to proof
  413. GM (GM): Be very, very fast.
  414. Walker, your turn!
  415. Clayton R. shrugs toward Everett. "I only got a grappling gun. You want to try and scale him?"
  416. M. Walker nods, driving the jeep a short distance from the robot
  417. GM (GM): You can move the jeep where you want.
  418. Everett Pillory curses... getting away from his target!
  419. M. Walker: ((I did, but, don't know what else to do, eheh))
  420. Martin Baron: (( Roll to scavenge the truck for something sticky? ))
  421. (( Like tar or something? ))
  422. GM (GM): Endturn walker?
  423. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah... I have duct tape but... ))
  424. M. Walker: Yeah
  425. Ernest Gillett keeps herself steady, keeping her attention towards Rebo.
  426. Rebo: Rarrrgh!
  427. Martin Baron: (( I love Pacific Rim. ))
  428. (( Also crap. ))
  429. GM (GM): Rebo charges the jeep and punches it!
  430. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh cripe the robot's heading to the jeep))
  431. Everett Pillory: I JUST REPAIRED IT!
  432. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+5
  433. (35)+5= 40
  434. Hit.
  435. Martin Baron: (( Good news though, now Everett's up close to Rebo.))
  436. GM (GM): rolling 2d10+210
  437. (8+7)+210= 225
  438. Martin Baron: (( FUG ))
  439. Everett Pillory: (!!!!)
  440. Clayton R.: ((FUCK))
  441. Ernest Gillett: ((SHIT))
  442. Everett Pillory: (MY WORK!)
  443. GM (GM): Sparks fly and metal crumples and he nails the hood like a penny on a train track!
  444. Clayton R.: (( What an absolute madman!))
  445. Martin Baron: (( Don't get out the jeep, they said. ))
  446. GM (GM): Yeah, something might have broked.
  447. Martin Baron: (( Just a valve, the car should still run fine. ))
  448. M. Walker yipes with surprise and horror, as the robot totals the front of the jeep directly in front of her
  449. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+5
  450. (90)+5= 95
  451. He clamps on and shouts, "No one is going anywhere!
  452. Martin Baron: (( Robot please.))
  453. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh mann))
  455. GM (GM): DJ!
  456. Everett Pillory: WHICH IS RIGHTFULLY OURS!
  458. Martin Baron: (( Punch the robot DJ! Save the day! ))
  459. Everett Pillory taunts the bot
  460. DJ-Max: (We were in a sort of foodcourt like area right? I was wondering if I could use a table to run into this thing since punching a robot thats on fire seems like a bad idea.)
  461. Ernest Gillett: ((nooo don't punch it))
  462. Everett Pillory: (( Does it have only ONE arm? ))
  463. Ernest Gillett: ((The robot's still on fire))
  464. ((I think.)
  465. Everett Pillory: (( Well then...
  466. Clayton R.: ((next move. Everett eats robot fists))
  467. GM (GM): ((He has two! He looks like the profile picture, only uglier!))
  468. DJ-Max 's action is that, if there are no tables or things to ram it with well. He might just have to kick it then.
  469. Martin Baron: (( Does he also have the turn wheel in the back? ))
  470. GM (GM): Oop wait
  471. rolling 1d10
  472. (5)= 5
  473. Everett Pillory: ( Get far away, DJ... I'm gonna bomb it )
  474. GM (GM): He takes 5 damage from being on fire, which is why logic is no longer valid in his programming.
  475. Clayton R.: (( Well with that line of thinking, his processes should slowly be deteriorating through battle then.))
  476. DJ-Max: (He can move, attack and run away. DJ does have 3 actions and all.)
  477. GM (GM): Roll to strike DJ
  478. Martin Baron: (( ))
  479. DJ-Max: Agility is the bonus right.
  480. ?*
  481. GM (GM): ((Sure, why not?))
  482. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 40
  483. (65)+40= 105
  484. Ernest Gillett: ((Heheh))
  485. GM (GM): I mean, yes, It is possibly the only bonus to matter!
  486. That's a hit.
  487. Martin Baron: (( Punch the camera really hard. ))
  488. DJ-Max: rolling 1d10 + 16
  489. (1)+16= 17
  490. Everett Pillory: (DANG IT)
  491. Ernest Gillett: ((And try not to hurt yourself there))
  492. DJ-Max then proceeds to dodge back after that kick and run away. Everett did tell him the plan and all! "Hey! Follow me!"
  493. Martin Baron: (( Does Claytons 100 perception give us a hint on it's HP?))
  494. DJ-Max will end turn.
  495. Everett Pillory says a little prayer... and gets ready to execute his plan
  496. Everett Pillory: ( So... can I jump in, use my demoliton to plant a charge and run away? )
  497. GM (GM): ((Sure. It's just that there is not hp measure in the setting itself. right now it's 557
  498. Everett Pillory: ( I Have duct tape )
  499. GM (GM): Are you dodge dodging or just stepping back?
  500. ((Guess it don't matter much, Everett! Bomberman!))
  501. Everett Pillory: (( Okay... what do I roll for planting a charge? Demolition? ))
  502. GM (GM): Yes.
  503. Everett Pillory: (( Now... does my washing hands bonus apply to this as it requires dexterity? On top of skill bonus ))
  504. GM (GM): Exit vehicle?
  505. Sure
  506. In this situation it would be necessary.
  507. Everett Pillory jumps out of the vehicle, readies the thermite charge and goes for one of the legs... ))
  508. GM (GM): Timer?
  509. What do you set the time for?
  510. Everett Pillory: ((Enough to move away...))
  511. GM (GM): Then 2 combat rounds at the least since you spent 2 already
  512. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20+10
  513. (31)+20+10= 61
  514. (PHEW)
  515. GM (GM): You have attached a bomb to him.
  516. Everett Pillory runs the fuck away
  517. Everett Pillory thinks to himself "Just like old times... 5 seconds and he's history"
  518. Everett Pillory shows thumbs up
  519. GM (GM): Since we are talking distance here. On the map each time it about 10feet
  520. Ernest, your turn.
  521. Ernest Gillett: ((I could have her get out of the Jeep with the Mogul and get some distance away from Rebo. Could that work?))
  522. GM (GM): Sure.
  523. Keep in mind this map isn't a cut away. There is a giant open area here that fliers can use.
  524. Ernest Gillett: ((Aye.))
  525. GM (GM): I should point this out as well, a fall from this floor is about 4d10
  526. Martin Baron: (( Wouldn't wings negate that though? ))
  527. GM (GM): Yes, that advice is more for you guys.
  528. Ernest Gillett get right up and out of the Jeep, carrying the Mogul with her before backing away from Rebo.
  529. Martin Baron: (( That's it. Burn a hole underneath the tank. ))
  530. GM (GM): Anyway, you can move your tile where you want.
  531. That's one action.
  532. Ernest Gillett: ((I'll end the turn from there.))
  533. GM (GM): Good idea
  534. Martin!@
  535. Everett Pillory: ( That's what the thermite will do )
  536. Martin Baron: (( Hmm. Could just keep pelting it with bullets.))
  537. GM (GM): Sure
  538. Martin Baron: (( I'll take an aim action. That's +10, right? ))
  539. GM (GM): Yes.
  540. Martin Baron: (( I'll do just that then. ))
  541. rolling 1d100+10
  542. (34)+10= 44
  543. (( WEW ))
  544. GM (GM): Sure.
  545. Roll damage.
  546. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+35
  547. (7+7)+35= 49
  548. GM (GM): Bratatatata.
  549. Martin Baron: (( If I shoot again, does the aim bonus apply to that as well or just the first shot? ))
  550. Martin Baron: (( Alright. ))
  551. rolling 1d100
  552. (6)= 6
  553. (( GOOD ))
  554. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  555. (87)= 87
  556. Flies open, no on is hit!
  557. Martin Baron: End turn.
  558. GM (GM): Clayton!
  559. Yes.
  560. Sorry, wrong channel.
  561. Everett Pillory: It crashes every minute
  562. GM (GM): Despite his high hp he's technically a character.
  563. Everyone forget I wrote that!
  564. Clayton R. alright then. I'll ram him and give it a go, if at least to test ramming rules
  565. Clayton R.: ((Whoops, wrong formatting
  566. GM (GM): Adjacent so you don't build any speed.
  567. +40 for being a jeep.
  568. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+40
  569. (61)+40= 101
  570. ((Roll is 1d100 right? ))
  571. the bumper breaks off in Rebo's clamp and the jeep rolls over him.
  574. GM (GM): (Actually it's 1d10 per 10mph of speed. Ramming gives you +40 though.))
  575. Clayton R. reach across to the steering wheel and rolls away in the rickety jeep.
  576. GM (GM): (Since this is point blank and rebo doesn't count as a vehicle or building, there is no crash damage.
  577. (Also no velocity to knock passengers around.))
  578. Clayton R.: ((Oh okay, so since I couldn't build up speed it would be "1d10+40))
  579. GM (GM): Okay, roll that.
  580. Clayton R.: rolling 1d10+40
  581. (10)+40= 50
  582. shieet
  583. GM (GM): Thump
  584. Rebo is now on his back.
  585. Clayton R.: crits n grits
  586. GM (GM): End turn?
  587. Everett Pillory: (Did you drive away?)
  588. Clayton R.: (( Can I steer away from the robot about to Explode?))
  589. GM (GM): Sure.
  590. Move the jeep where you are going.
  591. Clayton R. reaches across to the steering wheel and rolls away in the rickety jeep.
  592. Clayton R.: ((I can't control the jeep token ))
  593. GM (GM): There you go. Just gotta click once.
  594. Clayton R.: I didn't mean to go that close to the edge
  595. oops, nevermind
  596. Okay, end turn
  597. GM (GM): Rebo is very upset!
  598. Also.
  599. rolling 2d10
  600. (1+3)= 4
  601. Still on fire.
  602. He shouts... alot of profanity.
  603. Clayton R.: (( Wow, robot swearing ))
  604. ((When does the thermite go off?))
  605. Everett Pillory: (( ))
  606. GM (GM): He is taking a wait action, he doesn't know what to do.
  607. DJ!
  608. DJ-Max is sure he's out of range. So. He'll just chill. No reason to rush in and attack something about to explode.
  609. GM (GM): Its on the turn order, clay
  610. Martin Baron: (( He begins to shout "46 75 63 6b 20 79 6f 75 20 66 75 63 6b 69 6e 67 20 66 75 72 72 69 65 73 2e" ))
  611. GM (GM): Everett!
  612. Everett Pillory readies his double barrel and aims it if the thermite is not enough
  613. GM (GM): You, DJ, and Ernist are kind of cut off from the exit be Rebo, huh?
  614. Thermite!
  615. rolling 7d10+70
  616. (1+8+7+10+4+9+2)+70= 111
  617. And he'll burn for .
  618. Everett Pillory laughs nervously
  619. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  620. (6)= 6
  621. 6 rounds!
  622. Clayton R.: (( Health?))
  623. GM (GM): He is in a white hot fire!
  624. Everett Pillory: (( We lost Mana ))
  625. GM (GM): Ernest!
  626. Everett Pillory: Well, Clay... this is how I killed Mutts.
  627. GM (GM): Oop. Maybe they'll be back.
  628. DJ-Max: "Jeez... "
  629. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh, sorry!))
  630. ((I can be able to go and fly around Rebo to get to the other side.))
  631. GM (GM): ((Yes, that would be very easy for you.
  632. ((Not so much the other guys.))
  633. Ernest Gillett: ((Ah))
  634. DJ-Max can just parkour it.
  635. GM (GM): We are getting a server issue here or something.
  636. Ernest Gillett: ((Dunno. Things are working fine on my end, I think.))
  637. Martin Baron: Internet got borked
  638. GM (GM): Anyway, actions?
  639. Yeah, some players are actually dialing in from other countries so I imagine connections can just blip out easily.
  640. Ernest Gillett moves forward, spreading her wings to fly around the now on fire robot to the other side.
  641. GM (GM): Swoop.
  642. Martin Baron: (( Hey, I hate to bring this up, but I got 9 minutes before the dining hall closes. ))
  643. Ernest Gillett: ((Wait, could she make it that far?))
  644. GM (GM): ((Not really, you have agility 1 right?
  645. Ernest Gillett: ((I have an agility of 6))
  646. GM (GM): Right, so 18.
  647. Actually, the thing about insect in the game is that their flight speed is equal to their run speed.
  648. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah.))
  649. GM (GM): There go,
  650. Ernest Gillett: ((I got two actions though, right?))
  651. Martin Baron: (( I'm gonna have to bust. If the game's still going on, I'll be back.))
  652. GM (GM): Now if you select your tile you see the bubs, right?
  653. Martin Baron: ((Will post the log on Monday))
  654. Ernest Gillett: ((Alright, see ya later Martin!))
  655. GM (GM): Later!
  656. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah, I can see it.))
  657. Martin Baron: ((Will still be here, hope it doesn't kick me out.))
  658. GM (GM): 20 is how far you are up.
  659. So, anything for your last action?
  660. Ernest Gillett: ((Can I move for my last action, or do I have to do something else?))
  661. GM (GM): Yes.
  662. You can move.
  663. I'd be silly to think you can walk faster than fly.
  664. Ernest Gillett: ((I'll continue flying around Rebo then.))
  665. GM (GM): This is actually kind of a large scale map, huh?
  666. Martin!
  667. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah, looks like it.))
  668. Martin: Imma go scout ahead
  669. GM (GM): Clayton!
  671. Clayton R. tries to keep an eye on Rebo. Walker seems far shocked to really react. Clayton takes the wheel and tries to move around to pick up Everett and DJ
  672. GM (GM): I take it you weren't moving with strike distance of rebo?
  673. Clayton R.: yep
  674. I forgot you can't path a route, but here
  675. GM (GM): Got it!
  676. They can hop in on their turn
  677. Walker... Is in our memories.
  678. Clayton R.: and I'm going to fire at Rebo since he's in range
  679. GM (GM): Oh sure!
  680. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  681. (49)+35= 84
  682. GM (GM): hit
  683. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  684. (1+5+9+7+8)+50= 80
  685. GM (GM): He couldn't be anymore on fire.
  686. Rebo!
  687. rolling 7d10+70
  688. (3+6+3+7+8+10+5)+70= 112
  689. Ernest Gillett: ((OH NO))
  690. GM (GM): He is very, very upset!
  691. DJ-Max: "He looks pissed!"
  692. GM (GM): He's going to charge!
  693. Everett, you're in his way!
  694. Everett Pillory: (I can still dodge since I have unspent action?)
  695. GM (GM): In this case, yes.
  696. He's going full Base Wars here.
  697. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  698. (82)+20= 102
  699. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+5
  700. (10)+5= 15
  701. You have dodged.
  702. Everett Pillory rolls away from the incoming angry robot "Screw you Number 5."
  703. GM (GM): Warning, Rebo is attempting to pick up the Jeep!
  704. rolling 1d100+5
  705. (10)+5= 15
  706. ...I don't know how but he managed to miss that.
  707. Martin Baron: Back
  708. What'd I miss?
  709. GM (GM): Also, anything within 5 feet of him is going to melt in thermal flame.
  710. Clayton R.: (( Hey Martin, You chickened out.))
  711. Ernest Gillett: ((Ey, welcome back Martin))
  712. Everett Pillory: (Clayton, time for some Eurobeat manouvers)
  713. GM (GM): He scouted ahead!
  714. DJ!
  715. DJ-Max: Can DJ reliably attack Rebo and not burn himself?
  716. GM (GM): Hey martin, we skipped you. Is that okay or do you want to go next?
  717. DJ-Max: He can just go now!
  718. GM (GM): At this point, no.
  719. Martin Baron: ((It's fine.))
  720. GM (GM): You will literally burn just standing next to him.
  721. Martin Baron: (( I'll wait till my next turn. ))
  722. DJ-Max: Its fine. Also. Shame. WELP. DJ will just jump into the car gran for Everett and goes "DRIVE, DRIVE!"
  723. GM (GM): He's covered in napalm and solid state fuel!
  724. Everett Pillory: (I'm really liking the chemistry Everett and Clay has going on. Even despite them having a lot of dislike for each other's methods, they seem to work together great)
  725. Martin Baron: (( Ate 3 pizzas, two cups of Pepsi, then sprinted back here.))
  726. GM (GM): Nice.
  727. Oh, we also discovered Ernest can fly!
  728. Clayton R.: (( The greatest frenemies))
  729. Everett Pillory: (( BTW Thermite fire in reality ))
  730. Martin Baron: (( Well yeah, she has wings. ))
  731. Everett Pillory: (( You can imagine what the robot looks like ))
  732. DJ-Max will end turn with that. His punches and kicks don't matter much here.
  733. Clayton R.: ((You don't want to get in the jeep?))
  734. GM (GM): He's in the jeep.
  735. Everett!
  736. Clayton R.: (( Oops, my bad then))
  737. GM (GM): Ghost rider just tried to run you over!
  738. Everett Pillory fires both barrels at the bot before going for the jeep
  739. GM (GM): roll!
  740. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  741. (62)+20= 82
  742. GM (GM): Damage!
  743. Everett Pillory: (Loaded slugs so that's... 3d10+30 x 2? )
  744. Everett Pillory: (Loaded slugs so that's... 3d10+30 x 2? )
  745. Martin Baron: (( 6d10+60? ))
  746. GM (GM): yep.
  747. Everett Pillory: 6d10+60
  748. rolling 6d10+60
  749. (6+3+9+1+8+10)+60= 97
  750. (( DOOM2, BABY )
  751. GM (GM): Thundercrack.
  752. Martin Baron: (( RIP AND TEAR ))
  753. GM (GM): Yeah, slag and metal is flying.
  754. Everett Pillory shouts "DYNAMITE!"
  755. GM (GM): Next action.
  756. Everett Pillory hops onto the jeep
  757. GM (GM): Ernest!
  758. Ernest Gillett continues flying to the other side.
  759. Everett Pillory: (( Wow, Everett is on fire today... all that near death experience gave him some boost))
  760. GM (GM): That is what happens when you are veteran of the waste.
  761. Clayton R.: (( He's got 52 health now right?))
  762. GM (GM): Also, that jeep is slag unless you move it away from Firebot.
  763. Everett Pillory: (( 53... Plus now he's wearing his vest ))
  764. GM (GM): 64
  765. 56
  766. 54
  767. Ernest Gillett: ((I think that will be the only action she'll take besides landing back at the ground.))
  768. GM (GM): ((It's happening again!
  769. DJ-Max: (Everett is a Saiyan)
  770. Clayton R.: ((I can't move it yet. Not my turn))
  771. ((Can others move the jeep?))
  772. Martin Baron: (( Can't we kill him, take the loot around the stores, then drive off? ))
  773. DJ-Max: (Every time he almost dies, he gets stronger.)
  774. Martin Baron: (( Can't we kill him, take the loot around the stores, then drive off? ))
  775. GM (GM): Martin, wanna go?
  776. As the players, you decide what you can do, as the GM I make a story about it.
  777. Whether you succeed is part of that story.
  778. So... Sure!
  779. Martin Baron: (( I'll move as far as I can in one action towards the robot.))
  780. (( 9 speed, so how far is that? ))
  781. Clayton R.: (( Martin! Martin! ))
  782. GM (GM): About 27 feet.
  783. Martin Baron: (( Alright. ))
  784. (( Yeah? ))
  785. Clayton R.: ((Hot BURNING METAL ))
  786. GM (GM): Yeah
  787. Martin Baron: ((Yes, but I'm far enough away to not get roasted, right?))
  788. GM (GM): Really gotta figure out how to allow you guys to control your tokens just from putting them on the table.
  789. You are 20 feet away, so yea.
  790. Martin Baron: (( Gonna speed his death along a little here. Then again, considering my rolls, I doubt it'll be well.))
  791. GM (GM): Why not? Killshot!
  792. Martin Baron: (( 3 bullet spray ))
  793. rolling 1d100
  794. (88)= 88
  795. GM (GM): hit.
  796. Martin Baron: rolling 2d10+35
  797. (9+7)+35= 51
  798. GM (GM): 3 hp.
  799. He's pretty much a melted frame now.
  800. Clayton R.: (( burning damage gonna get him?))
  801. Martin Baron: (( I'll throw a rock at him. ))
  802. Everett Pillory: (( The rock bounces off and kills a civvie))
  803. Martin Baron: (( That'd be completely worth the MP loss if that happens. ))
  804. Everett Pillory: ((Martin spirals into another schism episode ))
  805. Ernest Gillett: ((Crap))
  806. Martin Baron: (( Can I throw a rock at him or is that too much for one action? ))
  807. GM (GM): I don't have rules for a rock.
  808. Let's say it's 1d10+5
  809. Martin Baron: Hahah
  810. Clayton R.: (( just let him take some burning damage))
  811. GM (GM): He has 3 hp.
  812. he will take 77 damage at the least. So he isn't going to really last here.
  813. Martin Baron: (( Can I make it to the jeep? ))
  814. GM (GM): Well, yes, but you might catch on fire.
  815. Ernest Gillett: ((Do it, Martin))
  816. GM (GM): You can try but you will have to roll a dodge.
  817. Martin Baron: (( Ya know what, fine. ))
  818. rolling 1d100+45
  819. (93)+45= 138
  820. (( Done. ))
  821. GM (GM): You dodge passsed it.
  822. Martin Baron flip-flops past the fire and enters the Jeep.
  823. GM (GM): You guys really love that jeep, huh?
  824. Clayton!
  825. Martin Baron: (( Everyone's saying enter the jeep, so...))
  826. Clayton R. pulls that jeep the way the fuck back
  827. GM (GM): The hood is begining to melt as sparks fly from rebo!
  828. A pertinent decision.
  829. rolling 7d10+70
  830. (10+7+7+8+6+3+5)+70= 116
  831. Martin Baron: (( Once combat round ends, look for some tools to snatch from the stores around here. Can help with repairing what little is left intack on the truck. ))
  832. GM (GM): And Rebo is ultra dead!
  833. Clayton R.: (( my exact thoughts))
  834. GM (GM): Combat is over.
  835. Everett Pillory sighs in relief
  836. Martin Baron gets out of the Jeep, sweat lining his face as he lets out a sigh of relief. He begins to stash the guns in the Jeep before taking a look around the place.
  837. Everett Pillory: Mutts were easy as fuck to dispatch... this is... was a tank
  838. Clayton R. sighs out loud as the robot collapses... He regrets knowing that it was Apex made, but hey, there was no changing it now. Clayton searches back around for the weapon store he saw earlier
  839. GM (GM): Not much to really salvage. This is a bizarre so everything is there on the table.
  840. Martin Baron: (( Scavenge roll? ))
  841. Clayton R.: (( What is at the weapon and armor places GM? ))
  842. Ernest Gillett nods in agreement. She decides to take a look about as well.
  843. Clayton R.: ((Oh yeah, that could work))
  844. Martin Baron: (( Ernest can help out a ton with that. Skill bonus and all.))
  845. GM (GM): It appears everyone on this floor has fled because you just reinacted the terminator!
  846. Everett Pillory grabs anything he can use to make bombs with
  847. Ernest Gillett: ((Ye))
  848. GM (GM): Pityful selections.
  849. Everett Pillory: (( Scavange roll?))
  850. Clayton R. searches for gear among the stores
  851. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  852. (55)+20= 75
  853. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  854. (41)= 41
  855. GM (GM): You find basic leather armors but no full suits or riot armor.
  856. Sure.
  857. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  858. (5)+20= 25
  859. (Awww)
  860. Ernest Gillett: ((Imma do a scavange roll too))
  861. GM (GM): You do find about 85 rounds for the shotgun (Spread shot)
  862. Martin Baron: "Look around for some tools, can help out with fixing this scrap piece we call a car." Martin shouts out as he looks around the stores.
  863. GM (GM): Lots of cash though.
  864. Clayton R.: (( Well, with Scavenge 2, that's a success right?))
  865. ((Who found what?))
  866. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100 + 60
  867. (3)+60= 63
  868. DJ-Max might as well try as well
  869. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  870. (93)+20= 113
  871. Ernest Gillett: ((Huh..))
  872. Clayton R. quickly grabs the shotgun ammo and the cash
  873. GM (GM): You all find your skill rollx100 in cash or neitherdollars.
  874. So Ernest found 6300
  875. DJ: 11300
  876. Ernest Gillett: ((Holy cow))
  877. Martin Baron: 41K. Damn
  878. GM (GM): Clayton: 7500
  879. Clayton R.: ((Nice))
  880. Everett Pillory looks at everyone "I feel really bad for taking the cash..."
  881. GM (GM): Besides that you do find hand tools like wrenches and drivers.
  882. DJ-Max: "...I found a cracked safe!"
  883. Clayton R. feels little remorse. "You might, but they attacked us first... Speaking of which... this was all the Mayor's doing wasn't it?"
  884. Martin Baron: "Don't be. These guys are hitting convoys and taking stuff that other settlements need more. Besides, it's just money, not their entire food and water supply."
  885. GM (GM): Well, you do have the option of not taking it. You just found the stuff when everyone fled in terror!
  886. Ernest Gillett takes the money she found before heading back to the Jeep.
  887. Martin Baron takes the 41 hundred dollars he scrounged up and heads back to the Jeep.
  888. Clayton R.: (( Not much room in the apocalypse for altruism ))
  889. Everett Pillory nods "Still... fellow mutants and all. We should be hitting Apex caches instead. Oh well..."
  890. Martin Baron: (( Anything else of interest here or have we picked it clean? ))
  891. Everett Pillory grabs the 2500 he found.
  892. Clayton R. rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath. "always about topsiders..."
  893. GM (GM): Food.
  894. Everett Pillory: Pecunia non olet
  895. GM (GM): Actual food like fruit and vegitables, oddly.
  896. Clayton R.: ((Should we make a roll for Walker so she doesn't miss out?))
  897. DJ-Max: "If we meet the mayor on the way I'll give him a punch just for you Everett."
  898. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah. ))
  899. GM (GM): ((I don't think Walker's character would like pillaging...))
  900. Sure.
  901. Everett Pillory laughs "Thanks DJ. But I think that bastard is too yellow for that ))
  902. Martin Baron looks back to the food stalls and considers taking them. After all, they are gonna be trekking back out into the wastes, while these people are "somewhat" safe here.
  903. Everett Pillory: Right one more thing to consider. We need to make haste to get out of here cause of the damn dittos
  904. Clayton R. ignores the food, they have plenty of food. Even if it's beans
  905. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh crap the dittos))
  906. Everett Pillory wouldn't mind grabbing MRE or two... he misses the dogfood-tasting military shit after a week of bean-diet.
  907. Clayton R. motions back to everyone else. "We should get moving, let's go." He looks back at Ernest. "Thanks for the help, are you staying here?"
  908. Martin Baron hops out of the Jeep and pockets a bit of food stuff, at least a days worth.
  909. Ernest Gillett , though lacks of expression, shakes her head. "Staying here? Of course not! Why do I wanna stay here anyways after what happen here?"
  910. Everett Pillory grabs MREs... except the seafood and chili ones. Avoids those like plague.
  911. Everett Pillory: Guys... look this is weird - we started fighting the bot, right?
  912. Now there's no devil's pudding
  913. Either way I don't want to know what scared it off
  915. Everett Pillory: Plus I don't want to meet mr. Birdman again.
  916. Clayton R. nods, extending an arm to the Mantis. "Whelp, welcome to the team. You're a weirdo like all of us now."
  917. Everett Pillory reaches back rub himself "I'm not sure if these stiches will hold."
  918. Martin Baron: (( But I agree. I doubt roboto was the reason the dittos didn't hit this place. ))
  919. DJ-Max: "I'm not weird Clayton."
  920. Martin Baron avoids responding to Clayton like DJ, especially with what happened a week ago.
  921. Everett Pillory looks at Clayton "Hey, speak for yourself Clayton. If this was 5 years ago, I would be called cute."
  922. GM (GM): ((
  923. Ernest Gillett extends her smaller arm towards Clayton to shake on. She holds back her tongue to say anything from the comment of being weird.
  924. Ernest, The MENSA Mantis, has joined the group!
  925. Clayton R. ignores the others jeering. "We're all misfits, whether we like it or not.... Eh, let's get going before this jeep falls apart on its own."
  926. Everett Pillory makes a Panda stance to appear vicious ( )
  927. Martin Baron: "Shame we couldn't find any tools..." Martin says, getting back into the Jeep.
  928. GM (GM): ((Nothing says vicious like looking like you need a hug.))
  929. Clayton R.: (9We did. GM said there were a few tools lying around))
  930. Martin Baron: (( Oh cool. ))
  931. GM (GM): Hand tools, wrenches, basic stuff.
  932. Remember that Endtown is kinda the best as far as colonies go.
  933. So that means everything else kinda sucks compared to it.
  934. So after some scrumping do you decide to go to the exit.
  935. Martin Baron: "Ernest, we're gonna be heading out to a settlement close to here to drop off first aid supplies. We might stay there a bit to get Everett fixed up. Afterwards, we'll be heading back to our home colony."
  936. GM (GM): On a totally unrelated note, Rebo is beginning to stop being a fireball.
  937. Martin Baron: (( Scrap him to fix the jeep and add on robo arms. ))
  938. Ernest Gillett: (( I second that.))
  939. Everett Pillory walks over to the slag and looks over it wondering if it was... brain powered
  940. Oh, look at that, a human skull!
  941. Martin Baron: (( What time is it, OH IT'S MP LOSS TIME THANKS EVERETT ))
  942. Everett Pillory covers it in scrap... doesn't tell anyone. Somehow he expected it.
  943. Also, you can get maybe 100hp worth of scrap from rebo. Alot of it is pure carbon at this point. Slag.
  944. Ernest Gillett: ((Dang man))
  945. Everett Pillory makes sure his teammates don't know
  946. GM (GM): Roll mind casserole killers!
  947. Martin Baron: (( Just him or all? ))
  948. GM (GM): Hey, that's noble!
  949. Clayton R.: rolling 1d10
  950. (10)= 10
  951. Everett Pillory: (Come on, GM. I hide the fact. )
  952. GM (GM): Well, just Everett.
  953. Everett Pillory: ( Somehow I suspected it all along. )
  954. rolling 1d10
  955. (6)= 6
  956. Clayton R.: (( Clayton knew the whole time))
  957. GM (GM): ((He was basically off brand Petey.))
  958. Clayton R.: ((from the perception roll ))
  959. Martin Baron: (( With that 100 perception, I'm not surprised you know. ))
  960. GM (GM): True.
  961. You too ernest!
  962. Ernest Gillett nods at Martin, staying seated at the Jeep.
  963. Ernest Gillett: ((Wait huh?))
  964. GM (GM): Although you didn't fight him, it's still a tragedy.
  965. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh!))
  966. Everett Pillory walks back carrying scrap "Well that was some advanced AI the bot had. I'm pretty sure they found it at some Apex facility. Top of the line."
  967. Ernest Gillett: ((I gotta roll for stress))
  968. ((Right?))
  969. Martin Baron: (( That's a talking-walking robot that you met every day while you lived here, and some random guys you were with shot it down and you were strung along in the whole mess.))
  970. GM (GM): Yeah.
  971. Ernest Gillett: (( 1d10? ))
  972. Everett Pillory pretends like nothing happened.
  973. GM (GM): 1d100 You try to roll under 65
  974. Ernest Gillett: ((Ah, okay.))
  975. rolling 1d100
  976. (86)= 86
  977. GM (GM): The residents knew RB wasn't just a droid, he was a jerk!
  978. DJ-Max: (Ah, sorry guys. I have to get going. Some family stuff came up.)
  979. Martin Baron: "AI? I'm surprised some rinky-dink colony out here's got something like that."
  980. ((Bye DJ, was fun having you here.))
  981. GM (GM): 20 stress on ya, Ernie
  982. Ernest Gillett: ((Ah, okay))
  983. GM (GM): Down to 110, oh the horror.
  984. Everett Pillory shrugs "Look, I've seen impressive stuff at the robotics department. This stuff is top of the line. Someone rewired it probably. Look it's all scrap now and... best forget about it."
  985. DJ-Max: (Always fun being here. PEACE OUT.)
  986. Everett Pillory: ( Laters DJ )
  987. Ernest Gillett: ((Don't worry, still got plenty of MP))
  988. Martin Baron: (( Yeesh, unless a second nuke goes off I doubt Ernest will ever go to -50% MP.))
  989. Everett Pillory: ( Everett is on the brink of getting night terrors again )
  990. Martin Baron: (( Oh yeah, how much MP damage did you take from getting hit with 80 damage in one swing?))
  991. GM (GM): He already took that.
  992. Clayton R.: (( Clayton's head doesn't feel right. His head hurts sometimes when he ins't focusing on something.))
  993. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah I have 7 MP right now... ))
  994. GM (GM): But should be 40 stress
  995. Ernest Gillett turns her head towards the scrap that is Rebo. She stares for a moment before turning back forward, ready to get going.
  996. Martin Baron: (( Yeesh ))
  997. Everett Pillory: Sorry Ernest... It was us or him.
  998. Clayton R. motions for everyone to get in the jeep once more
  999. Ernest Gillett: "I know.."
  1000. GM (GM): He says over looking the hole in the concrete he burned .
  1001. Proceed to exit.
  1002. Everett Pillory headshakes as he hops onto the jeep
  1003. Martin Baron: "Hey, I know it was hard, but it's just an AI. At least it wasn't alive."
  1004. GM (GM): Roll perception
  1005. Everett Pillory: Yeah, Martin. It wasn't... and even if it was sentient it's better off not knowing how bad things are
  1006. Clayton R. shakes his head. "Yep... "
  1007. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  1008. (62)+40= 102
  1009. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  1010. (40)+35= 75
  1011. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  1012. (15)+45= 60
  1013. Everett Pillory: ...
  1014. Martin Baron: (( My rolls are just piss. Also FUCK IT'S DOOM TIME ))
  1015. Clayton R.: uh oh
  1016. Ernest Gillett: rolling 1d100 + 60
  1017. (80)+60= 140
  1018. as you race to the exit you see the masked whack job again!
  1019. Everett Pillory loads his shotgun "Are you here to finish me off? "
  1020. Everett Pillory laughs like a crazyman "Because I sure will..."
  1021. no, he's just standing there!
  1022. Clayton R. doesn't waste time. He fires at the crazy man
  1023. Martin Baron: (( ))
  1024. GM (GM): Dittos to have amassed behind him.
  1025. Ernest Gillett: ((oh wait, crap. I have no bonuses for perception))
  1026. Everett Pillory fires his shotgun at him
  1027. Ernest Gillett: ((Sorry))
  1028. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  1029. (21)+50= 71
  1030. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, it's just level bonus. I forgot too and added mind bonus to it.))
  1031. GM (GM): Well, he still shows up in UV Ernest.
  1032. Ernest Gillett: ((Alright.))
  1033. GM (GM): That's abit of a miss Clayton.
  1034. Martin Baron follows like Clayton and draws the Mongol, ready to spray more bullets.
  1035. GM (GM): How do you have such a big bonus again?
  1036. Ernest Gillett: ((Me?))
  1037. GM (GM): Clayton with the firestick
  1038. Martin Baron: (( No, the flamethrower aiming. ))
  1039. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh))
  1040. Clayton R.: (( How did I miss? Isn't it only a 40 needed to his at 2/3 proficiency?))
  1041. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  1042. (21)+20= 41
  1043. Martin Baron: (( Can I open fire too or nah? ))
  1044. GM (GM): Sure
  1045. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  1046. (78)= 78
  1047. GM (GM): Everybody shoot him!
  1048. Martin Baron: (( FUCK HIS SHIT UP ))
  1049. rolling 2d10+35
  1050. (5+7)+35= 47
  1051. GM (GM): Alot of damage.
  1052. Dittos have formed to block the exit!
  1053. Clayton R. aims at the dittos and fires
  1054. Martin Baron: (( We should loot the bird man and take his hands. Those things somehow do more damage than two guns. ))
  1055. GM (GM): The fire and bullets rip the masked loon apart!
  1056. Martin Baron: ((Only logical move to make here.))
  1057. GM (GM): Another has appeared from the black mass.
  1058. Ernest Gillett appears to stiffen upon noticing the black mass, not doing anything at the moment.
  1059. Ernest Gillett: ((oh no))
  1060. Clayton R. opens fires again
  1061. Everett Pillory shouts "Hey beakface. One last chance to back off or you'll get bombed..."
  1062. Everett Pillory produces the HE charge...
  1063. GM (GM): They dissappear.
  1064. Martin Baron: ((That's a little Overkill. Do it.))
  1065. Everett Pillory: (( Panda had enough shit... ))
  1066. (( Panda needs to rest ))
  1067. GM (GM): True. Let's end just after this sortie.
  1068. ((It's not even a combat thing))
  1069. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah.))
  1070. GM (GM): Go ahead, toss it!
  1071. Everett Pillory throws it...
  1072. Everett Pillory: (Armed of course)
  1073. GM (GM): Something has gone wrong!
  1074. Martin Baron: (( THIS IS TOTALLY NOT GOOD ))
  1075. GM (GM): Your hand is covered in a black sludge!
  1076. You're still holding the grenade!
  1077. Everett Pillory laughs "Oh... that's rich
  1078. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohh))
  1079. GM (GM): (Ditto construct 30hp per billion.
  1080. Martin Baron: (( Solution: Cut off the hand. ))
  1081. Ernest Gillett: ((Better grab the bandages then))
  1082. Everett Pillory looks at clay's flamethrower
  1083. Everett Pillory puts his hand against the pilot light!
  1084. GM (GM): ((Ooop, sorry, the sludge has 10 hp.))
  1085. Martin Baron: (( :O ))
  1086. (( Just punch your hand, dude.))
  1087. GM (GM): Oh, oh that is daring!
  1088. Martin Baron: (( Actually no, let's let this happen and see how it goes.))
  1089. Clayton R. is unsure what to do
  1091. GM (GM): They shrink back from the flame but still are on your hand and a loose grip on your grenade/
  1092. Also, you have about 4 seconds to do something!
  1093. Everett Pillory tosses the nade off the cliff
  1094. GM (GM): What's your strength?
  1095. Everett Pillory: 4
  1096. GM (GM): roll under your strength bonus on a 1d100
  1097. Well, no, that would be unfair, huh?
  1098. Everett Pillory: (That's a near impossible!!)
  1099. Martin Baron: (( An 8. Well, pull up those character sheets guys.))
  1100. GM (GM): Okay, you swing. Still on your hand.
  1101. Martin Baron: (( Let it be this way. This is how we die. ))
  1102. Ernest Gillett: ((welp))
  1103. Martin Baron: (( OH LAWD, even if we survive his bomb, we still gotta worry about the Jeep, AND the other explosives he has on his body.))
  1104. Clayton R. jets the pilot light
  1105. Everett Pillory puts it against the flame until he feels the blisters forming and tosses it out again
  1106. GM (GM): It breaks loose and explodes just out of range!
  1107. Everett Pillory looks at his hand... breathing hard
  1108. Clayton R. turns away from Everett and fires ath the devil jelly blocking the way
  1109. GM (GM): The masked man appears in the jeep!
  1110. Martin Baron: " $#%* !" Martin shouts out, pulling out his mace as he swings at the bird.
  1111. GM (GM): You've blown away a good layer of them!
  1112. But there is more!
  1113. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  1114. (4)+45= 49
  1115. Everett Pillory: (Motherfucker)
  1117. GM (GM): The dittos seem to be stacking up, trying to overwelm the flamer!
  1118. Ernest Gillett jumps from her seat from the sudden apperance of the masked man. With haste, she uses her scythes hands at him!
  1119. GM (GM): The bird's head disappears!
  1120. Clayton R.: (( I need to bounce soon. I'll jet at the devil Jelly again.))
  1121. GM (GM): Oh okay.
  1122. Ernest Gillett: ((Umm??))
  1123. GM (GM): bust enough to make a clearing!
  1124. ((I was hoping you'd ram them with the jeep... Ah, well.))
  1125. Everett Pillory: PEDAL TO THE METAL, CLAY
  1126. JUST GO
  1127. Clayton R. does just that
  1128. Ernest Gillett: "FLOOR IT AND GET US OUT OF HERE!"
  1129. Everett Pillory: GO GO GO
  1132. GM (GM): You have succeeded in escaping!
  1133. Everett Pillory looks at his hand "J... jesus Christ... "
  1134. Clayton R.: (( Okay, I think we should probably stop here. ))
  1135. Everett Pillory: What the fuck did I do...
  1136. (( Yeah ))
  1137. Martin Baron fumbles through the back of the Jeep for a first aid kit to help with Everett's habd.
  1138. Martin Baron: ((Yep.))
  1139. Ernest Gillett: ((Yeah.))
  1140. Everett Pillory: (( Nuke this site from orbit. Seriously ))
  1141. GM (GM): His hand has sustained some blistering, burns, nothing a good night's rest won't heal.
  1142. Let's go to XP!
  1143. Clayton R. sighs out loud and reclines in his seat, just happy to be alive at this point
  1144. GM (GM): Everybody gets +20 for killing Rebo.
  1145. Everett Pillory: RIP Rebo
  1146. Out of all the bots I've met
  1147. You were the most human of them all
  1148. Ernest Gillett: Eyy
  1149. GM (GM): Ernest gets +10 for helping find exits.
  1150. Clayton get's +10 for his anti-ditto tactics.
  1151. +4 to everett. +2 for all that sweet sweet scavenging.
  1152. Who get's MVP.
  1153. Everett Pillory: Now I have 256 XP
  1154. Grand
  1155. GM (GM): neat.
  1156. Ernest Gillett: Not sure either.
  1157. Martin Baron: Either Everett or Clayton. Both helped out a lot in this session.
  1158. GM (GM): (I know we went longer than normal today, I felt bad about being so late.)
  1159. Everett Pillory: DM flip a coin?
  1160. Martin Baron: (( /r 1d2 ))
  1161. Everett Pillory: Unless Clayton objects
  1162. GM (GM): rolling 1d2
  1163. (2)= 2
  1164. Clayton R.: I'm fine with it
  1165. GM (GM): Everett it is.
  1166. +10xp.
  1167. Martin Baron: Anything else for the log?
  1168. Everett Pillory: Yay
  1169. GM (GM): I promise that will be it for dittos for awhile.
  1170. Martin Baron: If you say so
  1171. GM (GM): Like, a week, tops.
  1172. Everett Pillory: Not really... hmmm not many art ideas after this session. Except maybe the hand stuck. I'll do the ones from the last one instead
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