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May 28th, 2013
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  1. I suppose it was a little naive of me not to expect my first relationship to end badly. Though perhaps not for the reason it did.
  2. Certainly, I'd heard a few things back home about how horses didn't last and my time spent in the country proved that much. Such thoughts weren't at the fore of my mind as I stumbled home that night, drunk more on his charm than the alcohol.
  4. It was funny that he was the one who didn't want to rush. I thought my exoticness -- as he and others called it -- would have him trying all he could to bed me. But for the most part our physical intimacy was restricted to kissing, hugging and if we were really excited even a little groping. Not that hooves were exactly made for that; being able to sink my fingers into his muscled behind while he struggled with my own was amusing in its own right.
  6. But that night we forgot all that. I only had the lamp lit and he was on me, our lips and bodies crashing together in a blur of desire. And I momentarily cursed myself for sticking to wearing clothes when he sat there, grinning at me with his manhood waiting to be used.
  7. I can't fault the attention he afforded me, though. He was quick to ask if he was doing anything wrong, if weight was pressing anywhere it shouldn't and if I needed him to take any 'precautions'. That last one was sort of nervously stammered out, my legs in the air and him practically inside me already.
  9. The amusement I felt at assuring him our special differences negated it was lost in the moments following his orgasm. I say 'his', of course as there wasn't enough time for me to even think of my own. A few quick thrusts, some muffled grunting and he was spent.
  10. Well, he came across as inexperienced enough so at the time I simply chalked it up to that.
  12. After the second I was concerned and at the third I knew I had to confront him. Though in hindsight, confronting wasn't exactly the best approach I could've taken. Now, I'm not some simpering girl, so when we sat down after dinner I simply told him straight out that there was something we needed to talk about.
  13. Premature ejaculation? No. Nerves? Definitely not. Was it something I was doing? No!
  15. The look he gave me said it all, if he didn't: why wasn't I orgasming as well? Was it difficult for me? Was... he doing something wrong?
  17. Again, it was naive of me to think that this wouldn't end badly. He was sitting next to me and I took his charcoal hoof in my hand, hoping I was being too melodramatic while I was terrified of hwo this was going to sound. What I made sure to reassure him of was that he was a wonderful partner, that I didn't feel like he was ignoring my needs, at least not intentionally.
  18. He tried to yank his hoof away but I had a stern grip on it. His wings flapped out nervously as he insisted that it was something he was doing wrong, that he was sorry and he'd try to be better, just tell him what I needed him to do.
  20. Could he slow down? No, he wasn't being too rough but he was finishing too quickly and that left me- Of course I was being serious! Yes, too fast! I barely had time to get into it and he was done. No! How could I think he was just using me! What? That was as good an explanation as I could offer. Back home on Earth if that kind of thing happened there was some reason behind it.
  21. Normal? But... And that's what all stallions were like? No, that didn't mean I was going to leave him, we could try to find some way around it.
  23. And we did try. Or at least I did. I tried slowing him down, less foreplay, playing with myself before we became intimate, taking control during our intimacy, stopping, starting... Through it all I could sense his growing frustration. I was being... too demanding. My physiology was incompatible with his, it just wasn't going to work. Or maybe I didn't want it to. I was looking after stallions, using this as an excuse to get out of the relationship.
  25. Looking back, I can see how much of our relationship was built on being physical with one another. When that was strained then I suppose I just saw what kind of stallion he was. Was, of course because we parted ways shortly after. I suppose I should say it was mutual but really he wanted out and away from 'that crazy human mare who can't get off with a great stallion like him'.
  27. Looking back... I can see how it was for the best. I don't want to think of what raising Gale -- that's the young satyr with the deep blue tail and blonde hair standing at the window -- under him would've been like. More than that, I don't want to think on the possibility of never having had him in my life.
  28. I... may have thought otherwise at points over the years. Numerous points. After heated arguments and a few tears.
  30. But then my husband -- that's the blue pegasus with the navy mane and tail sitting near me -- would spend a few minutes talking to him and he'd come back to me, sorry that it had to come to what it did and could I please forgive him.
  32. As for the rest, time saw to that. We have, after all, had many years together to perfect it. Despite how excitable he was when in the air and even on land, when it came to our time together... that was just it, he had time.
  33. Before our first night together I sat him down and talked him through it. Killed the mood but it was more than worth it.
  35. I can still remember the honeymoon near the Saddle Arabian lands, the warm eastern wind tousling his mane just so as he looked off towards the setting sun from our hotel room.
  36. There was a gleam in his eye and a wide smile on his lips and for a moment -- while he lead me to our bedroom -- I was afraid that maybe I was wrong, maybe his energy would be spent as quickly in the bedroom as it was in the air.
  38. But that night was the prologue for the rest of our married days, or nights rather. When he was in the air, banking and swooping, rolling to the cheer of his crowds, he threw himself into his aerobatics with all the vigour and joie de vivre that drew me to him.
  39. When we retired to our bedroom, it was almost as if he was a different pony. His every movement was slow and considered, every touch from every part of him was drawn out to an almost agonisingly slow pace. And when we did join ourselves, he insisted I take the lead and go at a pace I chose.
  41. Where before every night he lasted long enough to at least bring me close to my own climax was one fraught with panting, grunting and brows knitted in concentration, this was quite the opposite. His breathing was measured, speeding up with my own when I allowed my love of him to grow too strong and slowing when I took the time to see that gleam still in his eyes.
  42. It might only have been a few minutes longer than the first time I'd lain with a pony but it was more than enough, when I was filled with joy and love for this stallion.
  44. Over the years of our marriage I've found him to grow only better at that. Surely, there's nights where we've laughed afterwards, after being so noisy, so quick and desperate in our need for each other but on the whole I don't think I could have been more satisfied with another human.
  46. And I know none could ever have provided me with Gale. For that alone I'm thankful that I gave love another chance. In love, I know there is little that can't be accomplished.
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