
Lost Soul (oneshot?)

Jun 16th, 2013
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  1. >Day survival in...where ever the hell you are!
  2. >I feels like a year since you wound up here in a land of strange creatures
  3. >Creatures that fly, that can talk English and can use magic
  4. >Fuck magic
  5. >It's just another way for things to kill you!
  6. >Even though you hate magical creatures, you love your cloak
  7. >When you arrived here, it gained the ability to camouflage into almost anything
  8. >You kinda wished your genuine katana gotten something but it stayed the same
  9. >And you won't have it any other way!
  10. >It saved your ass many times on earth against a lot of people
  11. >People that abused you, people that rejected you and people who just don't have a heart
  12. >All your life, you dealt with their shit until you just couldn't stand it
  13. >You became a traveler for two years living in wooded areas, avoiding everybody!
  14. >The heart whispers for company and love but your brain and soul knows I'll never happen
  15. >So here you are, traveling towards a nearby town to get more supplies
  16. >When you walk near roads and abandoned buildings, you find a few bits
  17. >You have found a total of 2,500 bits!
  18. >Where ever you are, It uses gold for currency
  19. >You been to many towns before but only when you needed fresh supply of food
  20. >Anything preserved and dried is a must!
  21. >You see a billboard as you walk by
  22. >Even though you can't read the language, you can tell it's a new town to you
  23. >You cover your face a little more with your hood and hide your sword
  24. >When you walk thru town, you can sense that all these ponies are staring at you
  25. >You approach an orange pony that is selling apples behind a stall
  26. >Her eyes show curiosity and fear
  27. >Mostly it's just fear
  28. Excuse me, is there a shop in town that sells preserved or dried food?
  29. >"Who are y-you?
  30. Just another stranger passing thru town. Is there a store here that sells stuff like that or not?
  31. >"There is a store called "Trader Jo's" a few blocks that way" She points to the direction
  32. >Since these buildings are close to each other, might as well get there unseen
  33. >You walk up to the wall and concentrate on your cloak
  34. >The pony that was talking to you gasps as you vanish
  35. >You hug the walls and be on your way
  36. >You may not trust anybody but that orange one was right
  37. >There's Trader Jo's
  38. >You duck inside to see a typical set up
  39. >A cashier in the front and rows of products behind it
  40. >The cashier was breaking a sweat when seeing you
  41. Where is the preserved food isle?
  42. >Without missing a beat, he says "Eight"
  43. Thanks
  44. >You haven't used that word in a long time but you don't want to get into trouble
  45. >You take a cart and head to isle eight
  46. >The isle was filled with jarred fruits, dried fruits and different kinds of trail mix
  47. >You fill your cart with 25 trail mixes, a few jarred items and a lot dried fruit
  48. >It has been a while since you had something fresh so you gotten some vegetables and a star fruit
  49. >You bring you cart to the register and he tallies the price
  50. >"That's quite a lot of stuff you got there. That will be 104 bits. Do you have that much on you?"
  51. >You reach into your cloak pocket and bring out the bits in stack of tens
  52. >When you put the final bits on the counter, you start putting all the food in your backpack
  53. >Upon finishing however, you see three ponies besides the cashier looking right at you
  54. >The orange one you saw before, a purple unicorn and a white unicorn with wings
  55. >It may not be as tall as you but damn it big compared to the other ponies!
  56. >"You must be the mysterious wanderer I've been hearing so much about."
  57. I maybe a wanderer but there are many travelers in this land
  58. >"But none that fit your description. From my sources, you are a new creature to appear in Equestria. Is this true?"
  59. >You haven't seen another human for about a year, even when you traveled to different towns
  60. >They were either filled with buffalo, griffins or ponies
  61. >Are you really the only human around?
  62. What's it to you? And what's Equestria?
  63. >"Why, it's the land upon which you traveled on. All the towns you visited are in Equestria."
  64. >At lest you now know where you are in general
  65. >"May I ask for your name?"
  66. What's the point? This will be the first and last time you'll see me.
  67. >With that, you concentrate on your cloak and quickly head towards the nearest wall
  68. >"What in tarnation? He did it again!" the orange one yells
  69. >You slowly head towards the doors
  70. >The purple one has her horn glowing
  71. >"He's using magical items to remain invisible but I can't locate him with my magic."
  72. >Almost there
  73. >The white ones horn glows and within seconds, she looks right at you
  74. >Fuck!
  75. >It's horn glows some more but uses it to keep the doors shut
  76. >Double fuck!
  77. >You see the orange pony start to throw a lasso at your direction
  78. >You quickly grip you sword
  79. >This will "uncloak" you but at least you won't get caught by some fucking rope
  80. >She throws it at you
  81. >You swing and cut the rope in mid air, making you visible
  82. >They now are looking at you with the katana in hand and your hood thrown back
  83. >Showing your face for the first time in a very long time
  84. Stay away from me!
  85. >The two smaller ones took a few steps back
  86. >The white one stares at your sword then to you with a grim face
  87. >"Have you done harm to my subjects?!"
  88. >Your sword has some old blood stains on it
  89. That I have not. The only times I used this is for the monsters I encounter and my own kind. I have not killed my
  90. own people, just cut off their hands when they try to destroy me! The monsters I encountered here however, aren't
  91. that lucky.
  92. >The white one and the purple one took at the orange pony and she nervously nods
  93. >"He seems to be telling the truth, princess."
  94. >Princess? That big one is a princess?
  95. >What ever they are, they want something from you
  96. Look, whatever it is you're offering, I refuse! I just want to take my things and be on my way.
  97. >She looks back at you "We're not offering anything, wanderer. We just want to know all about you and your kind"
  98. >They trap you in a grocery store...for a fucking history lesson?
  99. Now why would you want to know about me? I'm nothing important to you
  100. >"Oh but you are! You are something new that Equestria has never seen before. I also want to know if you would
  101. cause harm to my subjects.
  102. The only time my sword comes out is when others attack me first. So far the only things that attacked me here are
  103. wooden freaks. Now LET ME OUT!
  104. >*sigh* "If you wont tell me about you, then I have no other choice but to forcefully read your mind"
  105. >Triple fuck!
  106. >Her horn glows and a faint beam hits your head
  107. >Your life is flashing before your eyes, from the moment of birth to the the time you arrived here
  108. >Is this what people see before they die?
  109. >If it is, your life is unbearable to watch
  110. >Seeing it is depressing as hell
  111. >Always poor, constantly bullied, adults always thinking you're lying and the jerks always get away with it
  112. >Ever since you started "childhood", you learned something that has barely kept you alive and sane so far
  113. >You stopped feeling emotions
  114. >showing any feelings would always get you into trouble
  115. >When you finally started to become a traveler, you were met by the same guys that gave you hell in school
  116. >Their pursuit was the same as always but this was the first day...
  117. >The day you started cutting limbs
  118. >They ran away bleeding and was going to alert the cops
  119. >The police wont listen, they never do
  120. >So there you were, Running from the law, their lies and avoiding everybody as much as possible
  121. >Every time you go into town, people always pick a fight with you
  122. >Every time you go into town, You cut off limbs
  123. >Every time you go into town, You become a little more heartless against humanity
  124. >But all of that stopped since you woke up here
  125. >Even though you never saw another human, you still tried your best to avoid towns and roads as much as possible
  126. >Living alone in exile
  127. >Your memories stop showing and you fell to your knees
  128. >You're breathing heavily and the sword is barely in your grip
  129. >Why are you so tired all of a sudden?
  130. >The princess stares at you, silently crying
  131. >"Celestia, are you alright?" the unicorn asked
  132. >Her reply was gripping her hooves around you and putting her head next to yours
  133. >"Why...why would they...why..." she kept whispering as she wept
  134. >So this is what a hug feels don't know why people enjoy this
  135. >It feels weird and the fur isn't helping any
  136. >You don't know what to do so you just freeze there
  137. >She eventually picks her head up to look at you "Nopony should go through what you have been through. I know you
  138. don't trust me but I want you to live with me and be safe. You don't have to run anymore."
  139. >Stop running? You can't just stop running, you did it to survive!
  140. >And she is providing safety? No doubt it's just another lie!
  141. >When you look into her eyes, they say that she was telling the truth
  142. >And that threw you off
  143. >You let go of the katana and slowly put your arms around her
  144. >Putting your head next to hers
  145. >You're shaking at this point and can only talk loud enough that only she can hear
  146. ...please...
  147. >Now you know the reason why people liked being hugged
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