
Being Rainbow Dash Compalation

Apr 6th, 2012
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  1. Being Rainbow Dash
  2. Contents
  3. {
  4. Chapter 1:Perspective [AAA001]
  5. Chapter 2: One Man Fandom [AAA002]
  6. Chapter 3: Lucky Dime [AAA003]
  7. }
  10. Chapter 1:Perspective [AAA001]
  11. -
  12. >Wake up
  13. >Where am I...oh
  14. >yeah forgot
  15. >Equestria
  16. >Fuck this place
  17. >Something starts slamming on the door
  19. >Oh have been here for a year already and the ponies do not like you at all
  20. >A Pegasus by the name of Lightning Twirl allowed you to stay here, but last month she said get a job or get out
  21. >You found a job being a janitor for the library that Twilight Sparkle own.
  22. >Getting up and getting yourself clothed, you head downstairs for breakfast
  23. >Eating the meager serving of cereal, you see your landlord.
  24. >If not for her distaste for you, you would have hit on her
  25. >Finishing your meal, you head to the library, not prepared for your new meager life as a fucking janitor
  26. >”And after you finish cleaning the basement, I want you to start reorganizing all the books. Any other questions?” Twilight Sparkle says
  27. “No” you mutter out
  28. >”After you are done with that you can go home” she says, turning around and getting back to her books
  29. >Making your way downstairs, hell you were not even sure that this place HAD a downstairs until spike had to show you.
  30. >Jesus Christ this place is fucking unkempt. You could smell the mold
  31. >Getting to work, you started moving boxes and office cabinets
  32. >Hours later you had finally moved everything to a place where you could easily sweep and clean around it
  33. >Except for one...a particularly heavy box that for some reason you could not budge
  34. >Taking a stick you found, you place it against the box and the wall and tried to pry it
  35. >Pulling as hard as you could, you found a...tiny door?
  36. >Poking your head up to see if anyone was watching, once you saw the coast was clear you bobbed your head back down to look at the tiny door
  37. >The door itself was JUST too small for an average pony to enter
  38. > open the door and peer down, all you saw was a oddly constructed tunnel and see a light....
  39. >Wondering where the tunnel leads, you squeeze though the door and start moving down the tunnel.
  40. >As you keep moving down, suddenly the door slams shut and you could feel yourself being pulled down the tunnel
  41. >oh god
  42. >You grab the sides of the wall, trying to cling to something, but you can't get a hold of anything
  43. >Suddenly....a sink?
  44. >New sensations everywhere
  45. >You...your hands felt hard
  46. >Why were you on all fou-
  47. >Whats that strange feeling on the side of your body?
  48. >Y-you can't move
  49. > are moving
  50. >Suddenly you look up and see a mirror
  51. >t...thats not you...thats
  52. >a fucking pony
  53. >A blue p-
  54. >Are those wings?
  55. >”Rainbow Dash, I think you should join us at the spa sometime” you hear a sharp voice behind you
  56. “I don't think so Rarity, its just not my thing” you spoke
  57. >But it was not you who spoke
  58. >You could feel your mouth move, and the vibration of your voice box
  59. >But you did not do that
  60. >Wait, were you
  61. >Rainbow Dash?
  62. >walking on all four you left what you could only guess was the restroom as you
  63. >god walking on all fours is weird
  64. >then you realize you can only can't do anything
  65. >oh god what if Im trapped here
  66. >You approach a table, sitting down in a awkward manner, Rainbow Dash starts eating....a flower sandwich
  67. > tastes good...real good
  68. >maybe you could feel how she processes taste?
  69. >Twilight Sparkle is sitting down, talking to Rarity over an issue of their dresses for of some nature, you could not keep up with the conversation
  70. >You were just worried that this is how you are going to be stuck like this forever
  71. >Suddenly you hear your host's name called out
  72. >”Rainbow Dash! You need to come with me quickly, its supposed to rain today but we can't gather enough clouds for the scheduled raining!” a gray Pegasus says flying above the group
  73. >”Uhg, I take a lunch out for myself and you guys can't hold down the fort for 5 minutes” yo- I mean rainbow dash mutters
  74. >You realize that you at times lose your sense of self. You KNOW you are not willing these things to happen, but when they happen you feel it. All 5 senses are fully emerged in...what ever this is
  75. >Rainbow Dash turns to Rarity and Twilight
  76. >”I need to go, work calls” she says as you feel your....wings? Expand and start flapping
  77. >Oh god that feeling
  78. >Its like having a second set of hands
  79. >And then you take off
  80. >Oh god you feel your hooves...hooves? When did you start calling your feet hooves? Lift off the ground
  81. >You are silently screaming
  82. >You never liked flying and now you were in mid air
  83. >Rainbow Dash keeps climbing, you can feel the wings working harder and harder to get higher and higher
  84. >Then she stopped and let gravity take over
  85. >you could feel her adjusting her body to become as aerodynamic as possible
  86. >You rush to the ground, at untold speeds
  87. >You were sure you were going to die
  88. >Then it happened
  89. >Yo- I mean Rainbow Dash preformed a sonic boom, JUST to get to the crisis at work faster
  90. >oh god its
  91. >Exilerating
  92. >Then suddenly you started falling
  93. >Not Rainbow Dash
  94. >Suddenly you feel like your falling back from the hole that you e-
  95. >Slam
  96. >you looked up
  97. >you … moved?
  98. >you lifted your hand
  99. >your hand!!!
  100. >Oh god you can move again
  101. >You feel your midsection
  102. >Yes your human again
  103. >looking around you see your near the side of a lake
  104. >So...what the fuck just happened?
  105. >Weeks had passed since you went though the door the first time
  106. >Over the course of the few weeks, Lightning Twirl increased the rent, Twilight Sparkle lowered the hours you worked and nothing had changed socialy, the other ponies were just apathetic towards a human
  107. >But when you went though the door
  108. >Living life as Rainbow Dash lived it
  109. >And oh god....she had friends, she had charisma, she had it all
  110. >She had a normal life for the most part
  111. >You noticed that as your trips into Rainbow Dash Continued, you stayed as her longer and longer
  112. >It wasn’t something that just happened over time, you had to mentally focus hard
  113. >What had been a 15 minute trip became a 2 hour vacation
  114. >But the weird part is... once you got past the strange sensation of walking on all fours and flying, you could stand being a pony
  115. >In fact you could, you WOULD be a was better to be a pony amongst other ponies then a human isolated from everything
  116. >Your time as Rainbow Dash had taught you many things about her
  117. >First you never knew that she was a lesbian..
  118. >She would often sit for hours just reading
  119. >and she had a pet tortoise
  120. >She had her life in order...unlike you...
  121. >Getting up, yet again, you dressed and got ready to head back to work
  122. >Going down stairs, Lightning Twirl is humming a unusually perky song
  123. “Wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?” you ask her as you sat down to get your meager breakfast again
  124. >”Oh nothing I just have a date tonight” she says hovering around the kitchen
  125. >Being Rainbow Dash, you knew that Pegasi did not fly unless they needed to or was just plain giddy.
  126. “Who with” you casually ask eating your cereal
  127. >”Rainbow Dash” she said
  128. >You gagged on your food as you tried to control yourself
  129. >You had a weird attraction to Lightning Twirl for awhile now
  130. >And you had access to Rainbow Dash herself
  131. >But you just never realized that Lightning Twirl was into....females
  132. >That means tha...naw you shouldn’t
  133. >But it couldn’t hurt I mean no one knew about the door to Rainbow Dash but you....
  134. >You could feel the gold sandles around Rainbow Dash's hoves as she walked into the Cloudsdale restaurant... you had never been here, even as Rainbow Dash. She wore a rainbow cloak and something in her did not see it yet, but you could feel it
  135. >As Rainbow Dash walked though the restaurant, she, and you, saw Lightning Twirl
  136. >God that...whatever you were wearing was inbetween your wings and body, it felt so akward
  137. >Walking toward Lightning Twirl, Dash sat down as Lightning Twirl and her began their date
  138. >You lay outside the lake, just finishing you... Dash's date with Lighting...and oh god.
  139. >The kissing
  140. >The heavy petting
  141. >You never thought being a pony could feel like that at all
  142. >So intense....
  143. >if only you could control her
  144. >if only you could be rainbow dash forever...
  145. >Then you realize...during your entire time inside Rainbow Dash you never ever tried to control anything, always a passive observer....
  146. >Making your way you had a plan...
  147. ….
  148. >The next morning you found out that you were being evicted.... Lightning Twirl had enough of you and was planning on using the room that you were inhabiting in
  149. >And today was going to be your last day on the job
  150. >You had nothing
  151. >No where to go
  152. >No where to stay
  153. >Nothing to lose
  154. >Going into the door in the basement, you set it up so that Twilight or Spike wont find the door
  155. >Going down the hole one more time, you planned on this being the last time you saw Equestria as yourself
  156. >Where ever Rainbow Dash was, it was perfect, she was on the ground and in the woods
  157. >The perfect place to try and wrest control from her
  158. >Willing what would have been your left hand forward, you try to move her hoof
  159. >It didn’t work, but you kept at it
  160. >Left hoof forward
  161. >Left Hoof forward
  162. >LEFT HOOF forward
  163. >Then it happened
  164. >You moved your left hoof forward and Rainbow Dash fell altogether
  165. >She suddenly got up, looking around
  166. >Trying again to move her left hoof forward, you find that you can do it on willful command now
  167. >”WHOS THERE?” you feel your mouth scream
  168. >You controlled Rainbow Dash's left leg now
  169. >Deciding to continue on, you will control over her entirely
  170. >Her mouth starts spurting out her fearful screaming and your intensive screaming
  171. >Then you felt it
  172. >It was as if she had given up
  173. >You turned your head
  174. >YOU turned YOUR head!!!
  175. >Looking around you find a small puddle, walking awkwardly toward it, you stared down into it
  176. >Oh god
  177. >Its Rainbow Da- no
  178. >Its you
  179. >You make expressions only to see your new face follow in response
  180. >You stretched your new wings
  181. >oh god, YOU stretched your new wings
  182. >”Dash?” you turned around
  183. >It was lighting
  184. >she came closer and started to kiss you
  185. > reciprocated
  186. >oh god you were in control
  187. >You
  188. >are Rainbow Dash now
  189. ==
  191. > You lay in the grass as lightning flies off
  192. > Now you knew why Rainbow Dash was out in the woods
  193. > She was there to meet Lightning for some afternoon delight
  194. > you suddenly noticed that you had a tail
  195. > you wiggled it
  196. > it was weird if first but you liked it
  197. > getting off the grass you realize that you haven't had time to properly acclimate yourself to this body
  198. > walking wasn't too difficult now, after your session with lightning, you got a hold of manipulating your four legs
  199. > now you're going to try and fly
  200. > trying to remember how it felt when the original Rainbow Dash took flight, he found a clearing and started running
  201. > extending your wings you prepared to take flight
  202. > leaping from the ground, you pull your hooves in
  203. > only to crash on the ground and tumble for a few meters
  204. > getting back up you realize something horrible
  205. > you did not know how to fly
  206. > you could feel the despair swell up in your stomach
  207. > you realize that if you could not fly, you could not make it back to 'your' new home
  208. > when back to where you started initially, you prepared to try again for the second time
  209. ...
  210. > you are sitting on the grass, exhausted
  211. > the sun was coming down, and you had not even glieded yet
  212. > oh god you didn't believe it was going to be this hard to be able to fly
  213. > thinking that you should get some rest, he found a small tree to lay under and began to sleep for the first time in your new body
  214. ...
  215. >Weird...looking around you have no idea where you were
  216. >The Sky was like a blend of paints that have not meshed together
  217. >The ground was clo-
  218. >Feet
  219. >You had human feet
  220. >We're you human again? What th...
  221. >Looking around, you found a a angry blue pony face staring at you
  222. >"WHO ARE YOU!?!" she screamed
  223. >Wait....Rainbow Dash?
  224. >You pinched your nose to see if you were dreaming
  225. >Having hands should have told you that you were indeed dreaming but...
  226. >Taking a breath, you could breath though your pinched nose
  227. >Yeah, your dreaming
  228. >"WHO ARE YOU!! WHY CAN'T I CONTROL ANYTHING!!" she snarls as you as she tries to head butt you
  229. >But she simply passes though you
  230. >Neat
  231. >You laugh, she can't hurt you
  232. >Turning around she growls at you
  233. >"GIVE ME MY BODY BACK!!" she yells
  234. "Cute" you said
  235. >"I SAID GIVE ME M-" she was cut off as the world started collapsing
  236. >looks like you were waking up
  237. >Waving good bye to her with a arrogant smile on your face, you blacked out...
  238. ...
  239. >You woke up, weird, you thought Dash would be suppressed or something, but was it even her? Naw probably some guilt you had at literally taking her life
  240. >Honesty if you were given some might have just covered the door and never spoke of that tunnel again
  241. >But frankly, this was ALOT better then being yourself, a human, alone and ignored in a world with no humans
  242. >Stretching for a bit, you got back to learning how to fly
  243. >The full moon was up, allowing you to continue practicing unimpeded
  244. >Instead of doing a running start, you simply tried to flap your wings this time
  245. >Flapping harder and harder you flapped harder then you had ever before by yourself
  246. >You...were now hovering off the ground
  247. >Just hours ago, you were a human who was evicted and on his last day on the job
  248. > could fly!
  249. >Moving foward carfully, its as if you already knew what to do
  250. >It was slow, and you wobbled alot
  251. >But you were flying
  252. >It was amazing...just like the first time that Dash flew when you had no control
  253. >But now you were dipping and climbing, enjoying the air pushing your wings up
  254. >Remebering where Rainbow Dash's home was, you began to, slowly, make your way towards it
  255. ....
  256. >The worst part about getting to Rainbow Dash's home was the fact that it was so fucking high
  257. >You exhausted yourself yet again JUST to get to her front door
  258. >Standing on clouds was was like cotton, it did not feel solid, yet you were standing on it
  259. >Ignoreing the clouds for now, you walked in to your new home....
  260. >Finding her bedroom, she had a stack of books on her night stand
  261. >Looking though it you saw Daring doo books, nothing...but Daring Doo
  262. >Memo to self: Toss books outside in the morning, after working in Twilight's libary, you had enough of books for one life time
  263. >Finding her bathroom, you finaly found a mirror to look at yourself in
  264. >You looked at yourself, a Blue Mare with wings stared back
  265. >You started to move around, watching your new self do as you do
  266. >She had such a cute...everything
  267. >You knew...that you were going to enjoy your life as Rainbow Dash
  268. =
  269. Chapter 2: One Man Fandom [AAA002]
  270. -
  271. >You woke up after your first full night in your new body
  272. >For a few moments you were trying to figure out why you did not have hands anymore
  273. >Oh yeah
  274. >I’m Rainbow Dash now
  275. >Having wrested control from her, you had cast away your life being ignored for a life that was truly important
  276. >Getting off the bed made of clouds, you decided to get some more practice flying before breakfast
  277. >Finding a open window to fly out of was easy
  278. >But flying by itself...
  279. >You fared no better than yesterday
  280. >Where Rainbow Dash had complete control over her capacity to fly, you flew like a child who just got a bike with training wheels
  281. >Landing on a cloud you sighed
  282. >If you could not master the ability to fly at an equal level to Rainbow Dash, her friends might figure out something is wrong
  283. >Thinking, you realized that until your ability to fly up to par with Rainbow Dash appeared, you might need to fake an injury or two to lay low
  284. >Wow...the world looks so small from up here
  285. >Flying every so slowly back to your house, you finally got some breakfast in you and decided to see Ponyville in your new body
  286. >”How ya doing Rainbow Dash!” strangers call out
  287. >”Good Morning Dash, keeping the weather on schedule?” others asked
  288. >You knew that Rainbow Dash was popular, but not this popular
  289. >Almost everyone you see called you by your new name
  290. >Odd, you haven’t seen any of her close friends
  291. >But this might be good...until you have had more time to accumulate to your new form, talking to them might be risky business
  292. >Hell if that door has any kind of magic properties or whatever, they might even be able to detect that Rainbow Dash isn't herself or something
  293. >Having had enough of being in public, you walk to a secluded area, in order to fly at you novice pace in secrecy
  294. >Then dear fucking god
  295. >The one man fandom
  296. >Scootaloo
  297. >She had found you
  298. >”Hi Rainbow Dash!” she squeed
  299. “Oh um Hi” you replied, looking away
  300. >”Hey did you want to go do anything today? Like go karting or fishing?” she said all giddy
  301. “, I just want to go home” you say sitting
  302. >”Oh...well” she looked at you trying to guilt you into playing with her
  303. >Honesty, the screech of her voice and the unquestionted admiration did little more then piss you off
  304. >Staring at her with a squint, you hoped that she would get the message and leave
  305. >She however, just stared at you
  306. >”Is something wrong?” she asked
  307. “No, now leave me in peace” you said, turning around and walking away from her
  308. >You continued to walk into the forest, hoping that she would leave you alone
  309. >You turn around after a few paces and see that she is leaving
  310. >Good
  311. >After walking for 5 minutes, you look back to see if she hid and followed
  312. >Nothing
  313. >In your paranoia, you look around some of the trees and see nothing
  314. >Content that you were alone, you began your flying in your pathetic ability
  315. >Honesty, you wish you could get better faster
  316. >But the real Rainbow Dash had her entire life to learn
  317. >And you had only been Rainbow Dash for 24 hours
  318. >Weird, ever since she ‘broke’, you remained in her body with literally no effort
  319. >Before then, it took alot of will power to remain in her past the initial 15 minute limit
  320. >Should you try to ‘let go’ to see if you could still leave?
  321. >No, if Rainbow Dash got control again, there could be repercussions
  322. >Such as demanding Twilight Sparkle’s help
  323. >Really, going back to how you were was not a prospect that you wanted
  324. >Being Rainbow Dash was sooo
  325. >Right
  326. >You came to this world against your will
  327. >The populus that seemed like friendly samaritans were just as apathetic and avaricious as humans were
  328. >You were not much of a success back home either
  329. >But, I guess all it took was finding the right to speak
  330. >There was absolutely nothing to do in the house
  331. >Nothing
  332. >You had literally thrown out the window, the only books in the house
  333. >Why then does she have such a large house and nothing in it?
  334. >You knew that Ponies did not have things such as TV or Computers, but seriously
  335. >Her house was just a very large place where she happened to sleep and take care of anything else in private
  336. >Perhaps you need to hit the library tomorrow
  337. >You winced at the idea
  338. >You REALLY never wanted to see that place again
  339. >Especially having cleaned it over and over again
  340. >Even her wardrobe is sparse, if, non existent
  341. >Only the dress she wore to Lighting’s date was there
  342. >Thinking, you realize that Rainbow Dash must have a bank account where she keeps all her bits or somthing
  343. >Thankfully, since the local back was much less low tech and more personal, all you had to do was show up
  344. >You got on the bed, preparing for another night’s sleep
  345. >Maybe when you can finally fly right, you can visit Cloudsdale...or Las Pegasus...
  346. >”Please let me have my body back” you hear
  347. >Look around
  348. >Its the dreamscape that you were in the last time you were here
  349. >Looking about, you see Rainbow Dash sitting, looking at you with a solemn look on her face
  350. >”Please” she said again
  351. “No” you said, looking around, touching and feeling the texture that is the dream
  352. >Dash looked slightly gray this time
  353. >She curled up, looking away from you
  354. >”You can’t even fly right” she muttered
  355. >Your attention was peaked
  356. “What do you mean, I am not flying right?” you ask her
  357. >She looks at you, staring into your eyes with a slight dullness about them
  358. >She said nothing
  359. >You tried to grab her, only to have your hands pass through her
  360. “TELL ME!!! WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!” you scream
  361. >”Why? So you can masquerade as me some more...” she sighed
  362. >AGHHH
  363. >You grasped a nearby floating...purple? Like solid purple....
  364. >You were going to throw it and just
  365. >You felt literally the color purple
  366. > can not describe the texture
  367. >Then you realized
  368. >You missed your hands
  369. >”You’re sad aren’t you?” Dash piped up
  370. >You glanced at her
  371. >Then it happened again
  372. >The world started collapsing
  373. >”I think our time is up” Dash said
  374. “TELL ME!! TELL ME HOW TO FLY PROPER!!” you screamed
  375. >”Cute” she muttered, looking away
  376. >You woke up
  377. >It was still night
  378. >Shit
  379. >One time is a coencidence
  380. >But a second time....
  381. >You knew where you displaced the real rainbow dash now
  382. >She was still in your new head
  383. >And she wasn't going anywhere
  384. ===
  385. Chapter 3: Lucky Dime [AAA003]
  387. >Jesus
  388. >Rainbow Dash was rolling in the bits
  389. >SOO MANY BITS!!!
  390. >She must have been a miser or something to have so much money and not a thing to show for it except a house made of clouds
  391. >Frankly you had not even had this much money back on earth, you swear she almost had enough to retire and never work again
  392. >Thats when it struck you
  393. >IF you could not learn to fly right
  394. >IF you could not get up to Rainbow Dash’s level, you would simply retire
  395. >Hell thinking about it, did your old body even age while inside Rainbow Dash?
  396. >Shit, stay in her until she is old and decrepit, leave her entire fortune with you as the sole inheritor, and when the moment was right, you would simply leave her body right before death and bam, instant fortune.
  397. >”Um...Rainbow Dash?” the bank teller asked
  398. > completely forgot you were at the bank still in the bank
  399. >And there was a line behind you
  400. “Oh um... yes Ill take a thousand bits out please” you asked the Bank Teller
  401. >Sighing, the teller reaches for wherever the bits are held and drops them on the counter
  402. >While you sucked at flying, you did grasp one thing well
  403. >Wings could ALMOST be used as hands
  404. >Carefully, you open the saddlesack that you wore on you and brushed the bits in
  405. >Reiterating one last time
  406. >SO MANY BITS!!
  407. ….
  408. >you were worried about the REAL Rainbow Dash still being inside you
  409. >Frankly, it was weird
  410. >But you deserved this life
  411. >This is the life you earned, you had a shitty minimum wage life on earth
  412. >You got a shitty minimum wage life on Equestria
  413. >No more
  414. >Things were going to be different
  415. >First thing's first though
  416. >You never had any large amounts of cash in either world so you never got to go gambling
  417. >You already booked the ticket
  418. >Now it was a two day’s journey to Las Peagasus
  419. >Thankfully it wasn't a sky city, otherwise the pegasi that ran it would not be able to take the cash out of the pockets of Earth ponies and Unicorns.
  420. >Win or lose
  421. >You were already set for life.
  422. =====
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