
Wild Hound's Call, Part One

Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. The Full Moon hung low in the air, silvery light irradiating out in the cool, azure night sky. The suburbs stretched out beneath the moon, like a quilt of grey, brown and red-brick. Stumbling home, like ants tracing a chaotic path across that quilt, were four friends, quite inebriated.
  3. “I'm telling you, Sue, you just need to lighten up.” Amber drawled, her legs staggering crazily on ill-fitting high-heels, her low-cut pale blue dress damp and stained in places from where she had been sick earlier. The mood of the rest of the friends was pretty low. Amber always took things a little too far, her blonde-hair, tanned skin and curves always attracting the attention of low sorts. It was even worse that she encouraged them on, and she had a boyfriend.
  5. “Mmm, Yes, Amber.” Sue murmured, the least drunk and most solemn of the group. She struggled under the weight of occasionally supporting Amber. Sue Young was short, petite, dark-haired and the token “Asian” of the group. She only really hung out with them since it pissed off her domineering mother. In truth, she really did prefer the solitude of her studies, but she hated the idea of being the stereotypical “good Chinese daughter”, and so she put up with her friend's antics for the sense of wild freedom that annoying her mother gave her.
  7. At least, she usually put up with it. The night had been a wash, Amber's total inebriation forcing them to leave early. Normally they'd take a taxi home, or the night-bus, but Amber insisted on “walking it off” first. Besides, she'd pointed out, her digs weren't far.
  9. Now they were hopelessly lost in some dimly lit suburbs, trying to find the place Amber had insisted was where she was living with some other girls and where her boyfriend Brad occasionally crashed. Brad was, of course, a champion football player. Sue hated him, and Amber, a little, but was also envious. She loathed stereotypes, but she also hated how well Amber's life seemed to go. She did whatever she wanted and never felt regret or remorse about any of it. Sue figured it was something to do with the fact Amber looked like a Playboy centrefold.
  11. For their part, Sara and Candace were fairly normal. Sara had lightly tanned skin, but not too tanned, dark hair, but not too dark, and an average appearance and body. Everything about her seemed average, from her background to her appearance. She kept physically fit, but wasn't a fitness freak. She was fairly smart with computers too. Although studying for a Psychology Degree, she and Sue occasionally hung out in the Computer Labs, not part of any formal club, nor really interacting much, just sitting side by side while they browsed.
  13. But Sara kept herself to herself, and that was fine. She had her own secrets and longings, and Amber and Sue and Candace didn't need to know about that side of her. The collar she kept in the closet, the specialised toys she kept under the bed. Even the boyfriends she'd had hadn't known about that side of her. Only the internet really knew, really understood.
  15. Candace snarled with disgust as she practically dragged Amber along the road, too angry to really let Sue or Sara help out much. She was fairly tough, and had often been called “dykey”, but in truth despite her electric-blue short hair, tomboy appearance, and fairly masculine choice of clothing, she was a fairly mellow bi-sexual. She just found it hard to find any guys who didn't look right past her to Amber. Sometimes she did idly wonder what it would like to be a guy, for despite her anger she also desired Amber, and disliked herself for doing so.
  17. Amber seemed oblivious to her friend's feelings, and of course, the world at large. And so they managed to stumble into a maze-like patchwork of suburbs, far from the hustle and bustle of traffic, a bright moon and dim street-lights their only guide.
  19. “Can't seem to get signal on my phone out here.” Sara observed, calmly. “Maybe we should stop and ask somewhere?”
  21. “What, knock on some bleedin' random's door at 3am? No thanks.” Candace scoffed. Amber collapsed in a fit of slurred giggles again, leaving Candace to sigh again. “Maybe we really should have taken the night-bus...”
  23. “No! Party! My place! Till Dawn! Just...round the next corner...” she mumbled, before lying her head on the cold pavement. They took off her high-heels, and began to carry her more directly, Candace and Sara grunting under the curvy blonde's weight. Sue scouted ahead, checking road signs, frowning.
  25. “I have no idea where we are.” she admitted. “That place says Chester Avenue, and that one says Gramarye Street, and I've never heard of that street, and we've passed it three times already. I think we're lost.”
  27. “Did we try Chester Avenue? I think that leads out to Amber's place...” Sara asked, carefully. She didn't like having to be the leader like this. She wanted simply to be part of the..pack, and let a strong leader help make her decisions for her.
  29. They sighed, and reluctantly turned down Chester Avenue, finding the lack of noise, even night-birds or dogs, eerie, and the dim-lighting, with no lights on even in the odd window, quite disconcerting.
  31. “It sure is dark and quiet out here.” Sue whispered.
  33. “Its the Suburbs. They probably all went to bed at 10pm for their 9 to 5 jobs in the morning.” Candace retorted.
  35. “Its Sunday tomorrow.”
  36. “Then they'll probably all go to Church or something.” she snapped.
  38. To their horror, Chester Avenue seemed to curve...right back to the same street they had walked from. Sue frowned, rubbing her temples. She looked back, and the street did seem to curve behind them, but it had seemed to be such a straight road...
  40. How could they be back at the same junction? It didn't make any sense.
  42. “Nice going, Miss Young.” Candace snapped sarcastically. “What a load of wallies we must look, wandering around in circles...” her annoyance bringing out her native British accent and dialect. She groaned, letting Amber down again.
  44. “It looks like we'll have to try Gramarye Street. I'm sure we've been here at least three times before, and all other paths seem to lead...back here...” she faltered. “I don't see how that's possible...”
  46. Sara simply sat quietly, hugging herself, feeling somewhat cold, a stray breeze ruffling her dress. “Lets just try it. We're all tired, and if nothing else we can get somewhere with better reception and phone the Night Bus.” The Night Bus was a mini-van service that ran all night to help drunk or lost girls get back to their campus, a free service laid on by the University. If not for Amber's pride and their own drunkenness, they could have been safely home and warm by now.
  48. Amber simply burbled happily, mumbling about how great it was gonna be when they got to her apartment, and what like, a totally wild time it was going to be, you guys.
  50. They began to hobble down Gramarye Street. If anything, this place seemed even darker, with the street-lights busted, the houses all old red-brick with high frowning windows. Overgrown hedge-rows divided each tenament from the other, and the road seemed to go from asphalt to cobbles and gravel, even. Ahead they could see what looked like a large, open park area, surrounded by heavy, thick thorny hedges. They hadn't even known such a park-space existed in this part of town. The stars and the Moon glittered in the sky, the light-pollution of the distant town barely a dull hue here, allowing the sky to shine through in its tranquil, wild beauty.
  52. “I think I can see a Main Road up ahead. Road means traffic, right?” Sue said, and encouraged her friends on, being the only one wearing half-way sensible shoes.
  54. Suddenly they found themselves on a long country road, that seemed to stretch out and away from the city, heading into deep farmlands and wooded area. Sue frowned, wondering how they had gotten so far out of the suburbs so quickly. She was sure it hadn't seemed this remote when they'd circled around Gramarye Street...the mental map of their journey in her head no longer seemed to make any sense. Where -were- they? She frowned, wondering if her two daiquiris really were enough to slur her wits so.
  56. A cold wind blew, shivering her. Just as she was about to say something, three huge, shaggy black dogs padded onto the street ahead, causing her to freeze. Their eyes glowed faintly in the darkness, and she made the mistake of locking gazes with one. She felt she could see a cold, cruel intelligence looking there. It growled at her, and she looked away. These dogs- no, Hounds- looked positively primeval, their long tongues slathering thick viscous drool that was visible even from here. Their heavy paws padded softly towards her, and she felt a scream building in her throat.
  58. They had collars, worn, painful looking things made of iron, but no other markings of domesticity she could see. The look they gave her was...unlike any look any other dog had used. It was alien.
  60. “Guys...” she stammered, swallowing hoarsely. “We might want to...”
  62. She heard a loud gasp from behind her, and she turned, and saw three other, very similar dogs, blocking off the way they had just come. Candace tensed, while Sara looked...distracted, shuddering. Amber seemed out of it, and barely fit to run. Candace weighed up their options, wondering if they could push through the hedges to safety, or maybe get through someone's walls. There appeared to be a thick brick cottage off to one side, maybe they could get over the garden wall and beg them for help?
  64. But every second outside gave these animals a chance to close. And she had a feeling, with those sharp fangs, heavy paws, and strong haunches, that these animals weren't the barking or licking type.
  66. One hound padded forward, bigger than others, his iron collar dotted with spikes, sharp, painful looking iron spikes. He reared his head back, and howled. The girls hackles rose collectively, primeval fear welling up in them.
  68. The Hounds began to run. Candace grabbed Amber in a rough fireman's lift, hoisting her over her back, and leapt over the garden-wall.
  70. “Run!” she yelled. They did.
  72. ======================================================================
  73. Candace felt her lungs burning as she pumped herself across the lawn towards the red brick cottage, her back and legs on fire from carrying Amber. The Lead Hound seemed to stay back, indicating with a curt sweep of its muzzle and an outstretched paw for two hounds to chase down Candace and for the other three on the other side to focus on pinning Sue and Sara.
  75. Sue couldn't quite believe what was happening. It was like something out of a Nightmare, or a Horror movie, or something. Hounds, even mean ones loose at night, simply shouldn't behave like this. But she didn't have time to gawp. It all felt simply too real. She pulled on Sara's arm, shaking her free of her reverie. "Come on! We have to go!" Fear and adrenalin gave the scrawny asian girl a burst of energy, as she threw herself through the hedge. She felt its thick thorns and knotted branches scraping at her, tearing at her hair and clothes, drawing blood in some places. She cried out, the pain intense, but she kept going. She was in the Park area now, some large wooded area, tall black shapes dotted around. She instantly regretted her choice of escape direction, but, having committed, she had to keep going. She could see a large oak. Maybe if she got up it she could wait for the Hounds to get bored and leave?
  77. It was a terrible plan but it was all she had. She pushed herself to her limits, not daring to look back. She could already hear their panting, their soft feet padding with surprising speed toward her.
  79. Sara felt herself in a daze, overwhelmed by...something. Her skin felt hot, and she could smell...a powerful musk. She felt her heart beating erratically. Whatever it was she was feeling, it didn't...feel like fear, or anything. Still, acting on instinct, she ran, her months of hitting the running machines at the Gym giving her legs power and speed. She leapt through the Hedges, bracing her face with her arms. She quickly caught up, running not far behind Sue. She grabbed her friend, who was panting and struggling, and practically hauled her along, her arms sluggish and aching with the effort, and forcing them to keep running.
  81. "Go. We can make it." she said. She hauled her towards the large, old oak, its ancient gnarled branches spread over-head, leaves black in the darkness rustling in the cold wind, starlight falling through the canopy. Sara heaved the young asian girl up towards the lowest branches, causing Sue to yelp with surprise. "Grab on! Climb up!" she gasped, her whole body shuddering with fatigue.
  83. Sue herself barely had the strength to reach up, her fingers screaming with pain as she clasped onto the branch, hauling herself up for all her worth, wishing to god she'd actually tried more in Phys Ed as a kid. She felt her arms burn as she pulled herself up onto the branch, panting, faint with exertion herself. She looked down weakly, forcing herself to turn to help Sara. She saw Sara look up at her once, her eyes foggy, staggering. "No..I...I'll draw them off..." she said. The Hounds were baying, closing in.
  84. "No! You won't make it! Sara!" Sue screamed urgently. "Grab my hand! Please!"
  85. Sara smiled calmly up at Sue. "I...I don't think they mean me harm. But..stay here, no matter what you hear." She said, in a strangely dreamy voice. Before Sue could respond, Sara leapt away, running off across the wide green field to the next possible hiding spot, a monolithic black fir tree that seemed to blot out all light in its vicinity.
  87. Sue screamed in frustration. She saw there was nothing she could do, and the only sensible thing to do was to be pragmatic. Yet, it galled her. Sighing with effort, she reached up to climb higher. She stood precariously on the branch, her arms reaching at full length, grabbing for a higher branch- her hand bounced, knocking it back, but she forced her trembling limbs to respond. Her fingers reached for the next branch, curling around, and she pulled, pulling hard. She rose up precariously, only for the branch to snap in her hands. She felt herself falling off-balance, and she watched as the tree seemed to fly away from her, as she fell backwards.
  89. Into merciful oblivion.
  91. ===================================================
  93. Candace hammered on the door of the cottage, yelling. "Come on! Open up! Help! We're being chased by Dogs! Fuck, is anyone home? Wankers!" she yelled, frustrated, her fists pounding the door. She grunted, dropping Amber behind her onto the porch, turning to face her pursuers. She readied her fists, trying to remember her self-defence classes, and how they might possibly be adapted to fighting huge bastard Hounds.
  95. The two hounds who had pursued her now circled, just a few yards away, their eyes glowing evilly, giving her a look of Pure Hunger. Thick drool ran from between jagged, gleaming fangs, their tails wagged back and forth slowly. She gritted her teeth, wishing she'd worn her boots out, instead of these light pumps. Nothing like a big heavy steel toe-cap for kicking, she thought.
  97. But rather than pouncing, the two beasts waited, watching her warily. The Lead Hound padded up behind his two pack-mates, rejoining them. They all now regarded her with their feral eyes, tongues lolling. Candace couldn't believe how smart they were acting. They were like no dogs she'd ever met. The whole night seemed nightmarishly surreal.
  99. The Top Dog growled, padding forward, readying to sniff her. She lashed out, her leg and foot a blur. It anticipated the move, and nimbly leapt out of the way. The other dogs woofed, as if amused. What the fuck?
  101. "Don't you laugh at me you fuckin' bell-ends. Come on, lets have ya, one at a time or all at once!" She yelled, blushing.
  103. The alpha leader grunted, and gave a sharp, short bark. As one, all three hounds leapt at her. She managed to keep her cool, swinging one fist with a pained impact. She spun, her leg catching a second hound with a glancing blow across its head. But the Alpha got through, his heavy paws slamming into her with stunning force, his huge body pushing her to the ground heavily. She hit her head hard against the cottage wall as she fell, still in a daze. Blood began to well from her head-wound.
  105. She looked up, into two, baleful yellow eyes, and a maw like out of her most primal nightmares. Then, impossibly, it grinned at her. It raised a long, extended claw from one of its paws, and raked it across her chest, an attack move more feline than canine. Except it wasn't an attack. The claw raked through her light shirt, and then raked again, until it was tatters, barely hanging around her shoulders by a few threads, exposing her pale, taut belly and black lacy bra, containing her modest B-cup breasts.
  107. She blushed, reddening, as an impossible horrifying thought struck her. No, this, this surely wasn't happening-
  109. She screamed in agony as it bit down, hard, its jaws around her arm, and it dragged her- dragged her by her bleeding arm- across the ground, away from Amber. When she tried to get up, it stamped its heavy paws down on her legs, making her wince with pain. She tried to bat it away, snarling, but her head-wound and arm-wound were making her dizzy from loss of blood, and she just couldn't focus... Her vision blurred again with pain, though she tried to rise.
  111. She watched with horror as the other two Hounds pinned Amber, tearing at her once fine white party dress with claws and fangs, exposing the drunk, barely functional blonde woman's white lacy bra and thong, which barely covered her pert tanned ass and neatly trimmed blonde sex. Candace dimly registered the thought that Amber was a natural blonde after all, even as a Hound neatly bit her thong clean away, exposing her rear and her sex. She watched with horrified fascination as something long and hard began to poke free of the Hound's fur, and she realised these were definitely male hounds.
  113. She looked up, and the hound's jaws opened wide again, but this time it breathed a heavy, musky cloud into her face, making her cough, the stench powerful and reeking of hot meat, wet fur and acrid sex. Her vision began to blur, and the sense of dreamlike unreality only seemed to intensify. This can't be happening. Dogs didn't behave this way. This can't be happening.
  115. She struggled frantically against the heavy weight holding her down, but her limbs felt more and more...detached, distant parts of her that seemed miles away, and everything, somehow. Sounds were sharper and slower, and she could hear the husky breathing of the hounds as they panted and salivated. She watched, as if from a distant star, as they began to run their rough tongues over Amber's exposed ass and womanhood.
  117. She felt a thick, heavy paw push her head back, looking straight up at the lead hound, which regarded her with an alien and predatory intelligence. She blinked, everything seeming fuzzier around the edges. She tried to scream, but it felt like she was talking underwater.
  119. A long, black shape approached her, as the Hound stepped over her, releasing her legs, but still feeling pinned somehow. She opened her mouth to try to scream again, and then she felt something thick slam into her mouth. She gagged, coughing and choking, her nostrils inhaling more of the hound's powerful, musky scent. Her daze only seemed to continue, even as she struggled to breathe, the Hound positioning itself over her, beginning to fuck her face.
  121. His knotted member pushed itself past any gag reflex or desire to vomit she might have had, the knot brushing painfully against her gums and teeth as it jackhammered into her forcefully. She wanted to puke, to scream, to bite down, but all these instincts were overwhelmed by the heady musk, which made her feel weak and docile, her every muscle relaxing, her whole body softening before the onslaught. She wanted to tense up, to fight, but she just...lay there, and took it. It was too unreal, she thought. It must be a nightmare.
  124. For Amber, her nightmare was only just beginning. Fighting through slurred wits and a body already sluggish from alcohol, the Hounds had great fun ripping her clothing away, their rough tongues slithering across her sweat-stained skin, teasing her innermost places.
  126. She drew breath to scream, weakly crawling away, before a heavy paw sent her sprawling like a weak pup. She tried to turn around, but felt their weight press down on her back, and felt hot, heavy breath blown down onto her head and face, a cloud of acrid musk filling her nostrils and lungs.
  128. Already blurry, the night of strange sensations and feelings began to feel increasingly distant to her, dream-like and surreal. She'd struggled to make sense of things already, her mind half lost in an alcoholic daze. Now she was completely disconnected, and felt a slow, involuntary smile split her face. Was she asleep right now? Surely this was all just a weird dream.
  130. It felt like slow motion as the first hound mounted her, its knot locking it in place against her ass, pounding the blonde bimbo's butt with canine fervour. She heard the dogs yipping and woofing excitedly, as its heavy weight bore down on her from behind, keeping the barely conscious party-girl pinned and prostrate. The second hound circled, whimpering with barely constrained lust, yearning to fuck the blonde girl too. Amber felt herself moaning as the canine phallus penetrated her, like bullets hitting water, her corridor widening from the pressure, muscles bending to give way.
  132. The leader hound barked, observing the goings on even as it buried itself to the hilt in Candace's tear-streamed, hazy face. with reluctance, the first hound shifted over, allowing its mate to join in. The other hound quickly darted in, slapping its dangling shaft against Amber's thighs and butt with excitement as it mounted her. It finally found her sex, and soon two powerful pistons were now ravaging her.
  134. Though in a daze and heavily pinnned, Amber still tried to crawl away, dragging the hounds on her back with her with painful grunts. Her writhing seemed to encourage them only further, and the first hound nipped her neck hard, causing her to stop dead in her tracks.
  136. Despite herself, she felt her body begin to respond to the savage fucking she was receiving. Her cunt began to run slickly with fluid, lubricating itself and showing her submission to the Hounds. She gave out a long, breathy moan, her whole body warming up, making her sweat run and her heart beat faster.
  138. She grinned stupidly, imagining her boyfriend Brad mounting her, his weight pressing down on her, filling her with his seed. She gripped at her heavy, dangling breasts, squeezing them, lost in a fugue, the intense spearing in her ass and pussy bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She flicked her engorged nipple between her long, pink-nails and slender fingers, Her face practically shoved against the door-step of the cottage as the two Hounds erupted powerfully in her. She screamed, more in shocked pleasure than agony, as she felt herself flooded with thick, gooey semen, seeping into the depths of her sphincter and dripping from her stuffed vulva. It all felt so good, she grinned to herself. She needed more.
  140. It was rough, it was crude, it was completely animalistic. Amber loved every moment of it. She wanted more. "Fuck! Uhh..More! More, fuck you!" she yelled, her slurred, hazy voice still commanding and petulant, wriggling and squirming to encourage the canines on. The Hounds were still locked tight against her, panting, their knots keeping her painfully close to them. Yet, as if on command, their flagging ardours rose again, and she felt the pounding continue, and she sighed, desperate for release, painfully groping at her breasts now, raking her nails across them, needing that...that wildness, that savagery, that mixture of pain and intense pleasure. The sensations speared through her haze, and made the dream- for surely dream it was- come alive.
  142. Candace watched all this from afar, though her thoughts were clouded by her own delirium. For several long minutes, feeling more like hours, the Alpha repeatedly rammed against her mouth and lips, its heavy canine sac slapping her chin as it did so, the penis seeming to curve to fit fully into her throat. Despite herself, she reached up with a lame hand, clumsily groping at the hound's balls, squeezing them, feeling the hot pressured liquid rolling around inside. Or so she imagined. It was aoo too crazy.
  144. The Alpha male came violently down her throat, the bitter seed burning along her tongue, making her splutter and choke, afraid she was about to drown. It was like a fire-hose, a fountain of powerful, sticky cum splattering past all her defences. Her eyes practically rolled back in her head as she writhed and kicked on the ground. The bestial prick stayed hard and firm within her mouth for several minutes, before finally the knot had shrunk enough to withdraw.
  146. It turned away from her, leaving her to gag and struggle weakly on the ground, her shirt shredded. Finally, it turned, and, as an after-thought, pissed on her leg. She looked at it with confusion, delirium and disgust warring for control of her senses. She tried to rise, but failed, her limbs still feeling detached and heavy. The look it gave her was equal parts satisfaction, dominance, and a hint of respect.
  148. It barked softly, and, leaving its two pack-mates to finish their fun alone, vanished back into the thick gloom.
  150. Candace groaned, finally, mercifully, passing out into her own oblivion.
  152. ==========================================END OF PART ONE=====================================================================
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