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Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. 2015/09/01
  2. • Fixed an issue in which after Online Matches, users were not shown how much XP or FXP was granted from the match.
  3. • Fixed an issue in which Advanced Controls settings for Keyboard Left and Keyboard Right controllers were assigned to the Left and Right Match starting positions.
  4. • Fixed an issue in which settings for Advanced Controls were shared between the custom presets.
  5. • Fixed an issue in which Controller Presets could be saved when controls are not bound to a button.
  8. Additional fixes in parity:
  10. General Gameplay fixes
  11. Many move list corrections
  12. Removed the ability to add extra inputs while doing a normal attack 2in1 cancel which allowed some characters to have the special move cancel only occur on hit / block
  13. Removed the ability to have some specific input timings on a 2in1 cancel so it could come out on block but not come out on hit on some normal attacks
  14. Removed the ability to option select execute a special move or throw reversal after block stun while still holding the block button
  15. Removed the ability to option select execute a wakeup non enhanced special move attack, wakeup throw, or wakeup backdash while still holding down the block button
  16. Slightly adjusted several characters collision regions while crouch blocking
  17. Slightly adjusted several characters collision regions while attacking while jumping
  18. Slightly normalized how far some characters get pushed back on stumble block animations
  19. Fixed several jump attacks moving backwards slightly on hit
  20. Fixed several attacks causing an extra frame of recovery when you blocked them ducking
  22. Character Specific Fixes
  23. Cassie - X-Ray is now +1 on hit (up from -5)
  24. Cassie (Brawler) - Air Power Slam does 3 more damage and is now -2 on hit (up from -7)
  25. Cassie (Spec Ops) - Target Paint now hits mid when it explodes on the ground
  27. D'Vorah - Slightly adjusted Ovipositor Charge & Ovipositor Rush collisions to hit more consistently in combos
  28. D'Vorah - Can no longer cancel into Air Throw after a blocked jump attack
  29. D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - Double Bug Blast and Double Bug Blast (Meter Burn) no longer trigger auto block but have reduced hit stun
  30. D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - Krawler will no longer have its hit stun aborted when hitting someone during the first 10 frames of block stun
  31. D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - Krawler will now always disable autoblock to allow a combo afterwards
  32. D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - Fixed a bug where a reflected Krawler would not travel
  33. D'Vorah (Venomous) - Bug Burst now has 13 frames startup (down from 28)
  34. D'Vorah (Venomous) - Bug Spray now has 20 frames startup (down from 28)
  35. D'Vorah (Venomous) - Increased the initial damage on Bug Spray and Bug Burst
  36. D'Vorah (Venomous) - The FP,FP / FP,FP,BP / Down+FP / Jump+FP / Jump+BP attacks now also add Poison stacks
  38. Ermac - Down+BK now hits low
  39. Ermac - Away + BP is now +1 on hit (up from -4)
  40. Ermac (Mystic) - Increased Levitate damage to 13 (up from 6) and Tele-Choke to 11 (up from 10)
  41. Ermac (Spectral) - Increased Soul Charge damage to 11 (up from 9) and it now has 9 startup frames (down from 10)
  42. Ermac (Spectral) - Can now perform Spectral Charge (enhanced Soul Charge)
  43. Ermac (Spectral) - Removed 10 frames from Soul Charge recovery
  44. Ermac (Spectral) - Can now chain combo FP > BP > FK > BK while hovering
  46. Erron Black - Towards+FP,BP is now -1 on hit (up from -7)
  47. Erron Black - Throw is now -3 on hit (up from -10)
  48. Erron Black (Gunslinger) - Stand Off Stance now activates in 10 frames (down from 11)
  49. Erron Black (Gunslinger) - Stand Off Quick Shot is now -8 on block (down from -31) and is easier to juggle afterwards on hit
  50. Erron Black (Gunslinger) - Stand Off Spin Shot now has 20 startup frames (down from 22) and has 10 less recovery frames
  51. Erron Black (Gunslinger) - Slightly sped up Money Shot & Barrage and they have 7-9 less recovery frames depending on distance
  52. Erron Black (Gunslinger) - Money Shot & Barrage now hit overhead on the way down
  54. Ferra/Torr - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  55. Ferra/Torr - Increased damage of Tuck 'n' Trample to 13 (up from 9)
  56. Ferra/Torr (Ruthless) - Removed 20 recovery frames from Pain And Gain
  57. Ferra/Torr (Ruthless) - You can now dash cancel out of Pain And Gain after being stabbed, doing so will knock Ferra off of your back
  58. Ferra/Torr (Lackey) - Torr Charge (Meter Burn) no longer ignores damage scaling and had its damage increased by 2
  60. Goro - Away+FP,BP,Up+BP has increased range
  61. Goro - Up+FP/Up+BP now has 9 startup frames (down from 14)
  62. Goro - Reduced the recovery on Stomp miss by 16 frames
  63. Goro - Adjusted the reaction to Towards+BP,FP,BK and it can now be 2in1 canceled out of
  64. Goro - Removed 5 recovery frames from Shokan Bolt
  65. Goro - You can now meter burn regular Punch Walk on hit
  66. Goro - Removed 2 startup frames from Stomp
  67. Goro (Kuatan Warrior) - Chest Lunge & Chest Charge now hit mid
  68. Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Removed the Down+Away+BP command attack
  69. Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Added Fang Low as a new special move (Away,Towards,BP)
  70. Goro (Tigrar Fury) - Removed 5 recovery frames from Flame Ball
  72. Jacqui - You can now air 2in1 cancel out of Towards+BP,Up+BP
  73. Jacqui - Towards+BP,Up+BP,BP+BK now hits overhead
  74. Jacqui - You can now 2in1 cancel out of Away+BP and Away+FK,FK on block
  75. Jacqui - FP now has 6 startup frames (down from 7)
  76. Jacqui - BK has 8 starup frames (down from 11)
  77. Jacqui - BK~Up+BK has more pushback on block
  78. Jacqui - Down+FP now has 7 startup frames and is -4 on block (down from 8 startup and up from -7 on block)
  79. Jacqui - Down+BP now has 9 startup frames (down from 11)
  80. Jacqui - Away+FP,BP is now -3 on block (up from -18)
  81. Jacqui - BP,FK is now -5 on block (up from -12)
  82. Jacqui - BP,FK,FK is now -9 on block (up from -14)
  83. Jacqui - Fixed a bug that was causing BK to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  84. Jacqui - Slightly speed up Air Fake Out
  85. Jacqui - Executing Air Fake Out and Tech Shield now gain a small amount of meter
  86. Jacqui - Air Ground Tremor now pops the opponent up for a juggle combo
  87. Jacqui (Full Auto) - Adjusted the reaction on towards +2,Up+2,BP+BK to make combos afterwards slightly easier
  88. Jacqui (Shotgun) - Adjusted the reaction on Towards+FP,BP,BP+BK to make combos slightly easier
  89. Jacqui (Shotgun) - Low Blast Double Barrel will now always stun regardless of distance
  90. Jacqui (High Tech) - Opponent is now forced to block the 2ndhit of Plasma Burst
  92. Jason - Corpse Grab & Corpse Slam now has 10 startup frames (down from 12)
  93. Jason (Slasher) - Increased the cancel advantage on Towards+BP by 5
  94. Jason (Relentless) - Damned no longer carries over between rounds
  95. Jason (Relentless) - Damned increased to 10%/20%/33%/50% damage at under 50%/25%/10%/5% health (up from 3%/7%/12%/18% damage at under 75%/50%/25%/5% health)
  96. Jason (Unstoppable) - You can now hold down to have Resurrection not trigger after losing all of your health when it is not your final round
  98. Jax - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  100. Johnny Cage - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  101. Johnny Cage - Towards+BP is now -1 on hit (up from -8)
  102. Johnny Cage - Towards+FK,BK is now -3 on block (up from -8)
  103. Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) - Can now also execute Mimic Eclipse Kick cancel out of Mimic summon
  105. Kano - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  106. Kano - Slightly increased the hit cancel advantage on Away+FP, Away+FP,BP, Towards+BP, Towards+BP,FP, Towards+FK,FK, Away+FK, Away+FK,FP, Towards+BK
  107. Kano - Up Ball & Uprise Ball will now hit twice on block more often on ducking opponents
  108. Kano - Air Ball is no longer punishable if used at the end of some long combos
  109. Kano (CutThroat) - Decreased the dam buff on Charge Up to 33% down from 50%
  110. Kano (CutThroat) - Reduced the recovery on Charge Up by 13 frames
  111. Kano (Cybernetic) - Reduced the meter gain from Upward Laser
  112. Kano (Cybernetic) - Adjusted the reaction on Upward Laser (Meter Burn) to allow for slightly easier follow up combo
  113. Kano (Cybernetic) - Upward Laser now has 10 startup frames (down from 16) and does 7 damage (down from 9)
  114. Kano (Commando) - You can now meter burn the last hit of the FK,BP,Throw/FP+FK combo to allow for a combo follow-up
  116. Kenshi - Down+FK now hits low
  117. Kenshi - Fixed a bug that was causing FP,FP,FP to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  118. Kenshi (Balanced) - Removed 10 frames of whiff recovery from Tele-Flurry & Tele-Beat down
  119. Kenshi (Kenjutsu) - Removed 5 frames of whiff recovery from Tele-Toss & Tele-Strike
  120. Kenshi (Kenjutsu) - Away+BP now low crushes and has more pushback on block
  121. Kenshi )Kenjutsu) – Removed gap in the fp, fp, fp string
  123. Kitana -Throw is now 0 on hit (up from -7)
  124. Kitana - Fixed a bug that was causing BP,FP to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  125. Kitana – Towards+fk, fk is now +3 on hit (up from -4)
  127. Kotal Kahn - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  128. Kotal Kahn - Away+FP has 9 startup frames (down from 10)
  129. Kotal Kahn - Away+BP now low crushes and has 25 startup frames (down from 27)
  130. Kotal Kahn - Towards+FP,BP is now -6 on block (up from -14)
  131. Kotal Kahn - Air Takedown attack priority now happens on frame4 (down from 8)
  132. Kotal Kahn - Mace Parry & Master Mace Parry now works against most projectiles
  133. Kotal Kahn - Mace Parry now has 7 startup frames (down from 9) and Master Mace Parry now has 1 startup frame (down from 4)
  134. Kotal Kahn (Blood God) - Kotal now gains meter on being hit and when blocking while Obsidian Totem is active
  135. Kotal Kahn (Blood God) - Blood Offering will now add its damage to an active Blood Totem
  136. Kotal Kahn (War God) - Sword Shake & Sword Quake are now a hard knockdown
  137. Kotal Kahn (Sun God) - has a new move Soul Spark (Towards,Down,Away,FK) which will grant him 1 level of Sun God Power
  138. Kotal Kahn (Sun God) - Increased the life gain from Soul Scorch and meter gain from Soul Burn
  140. Kung Lao - Towards+FK now has 19 startup frames (down from 21)
  141. Kung Lao - Towards+FK,Down+FK is now -12 on block (up from -22)
  142. Kung Lao (Tempest) - Increased damage scaling after Hat Spin & Orbiting Hat and added a slight pushback on block
  143. Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Low Grinder now starts slightly closer to Kung Lao making it less likely to miss someone running at him
  144. Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Increased Grinder, Upward Grinder, & Low Grinder damage by 2
  145. Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - Decreased damage scaling after Hat-A-Rang
  147. Kung Jin – Away+BP is now -14 on block and 4 on hit (down from -24 on block and -8 on hit)
  148. Kung Jin – Adjusted the hitbox on Away+BP to hit from it’s max range
  149. Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Low Chakram now sets hit state to ducking
  150. Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Removed a blocking gap from BP, BP
  151. Kung Jin (Shaolin) – Low Chakram will now low profile under high projectiles
  153. Liu kang - Reduced the cancel advantage Towards+BP,FP,FK on block by 5 frames
  154. Liu kang (Flame Fists) - Removed a gap before the last hit for Windmill Flurry and reduced its cancel advantage by 4
  155. Liu kang (Dragon Fire) - Must be in the Dragon Fire held loop for 4 frames before you can dash cancel out of it when opponent is in block stun
  156. Liu kang (Dualist) - Solar Flare, Low Solar Flare, & Air Solar Flare no longer trigger autoblock
  157. Liu kang (Dualist) - Removed 5 recovery frames from Solar Flare and Low Solar Flare and 10 recovery frames from air Solar Flare
  158. Liu kang (Dualist) - Removed 7 recovery frames on Light / Dark Metamorphosis
  160. Mileena - Towards+FK now low crushes
  161. Mileena - Towards+FK,BK is now -2 on hit (up from -4)
  162. Mileena - Towards+FK,BK,FK can no longer for 2in1 cancelled out of and is now -9 on block (up from -19)
  163. Mileena - Towards+FK,BK,BK can no longer for 2in1 cancelled out of, is now -11 on block (up from -26), and is now a hard knockdown
  164. Mileena - BK now has 11 startup frames (down from 13)
  165. Mileena (Piercing) - Away+FP is now -6 on block and 8 on hit (up from -16 and -2)
  166. Mileena (Piercing) - Away+FP,BP is now 2 on block (up from -3)
  167. Mileena (Piercing) - Towards+FP is now 2 on block and 9 on hit (up from -8 and -5)
  168. Mileena (Piercing) - Away+BPis now -4 on block (up from -9)
  171. Predator – fk attack now hits high instead of mid
  172. Predator - Down+FP is now -3 on block (down from 1)
  173. Predator - Increased damage scaling on Scimitar Slam, & Smart-Disc
  174. Predator - Added combo damage scaling to regular Scimitar Stab and Throw
  175. Predator - Last hit of Scimitar Stab no longer ignores damage scaling
  176. Predator (Hunter) - Increased damage scaling after Snag & Trap
  177. Predator (Hunter) - Fixed a bug where the Snag would not go away when Predator was hit
  178. Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten) - Increased damage scaling after Plasma Shot & Plasma Barrage
  179. Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten) - Decreased hit advantage on Plasma Shot & Ground Plasma Shot by 5
  180. Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten) - Adjusted the window of when you can choose the direction of the held Plasma Shot so you can no longer shot a low Shot that hits high
  182. Quan Chi - Adjusted attack collision on Away+BP / Away+BP(held), Away+BP(held maximum time) now juggles for a combo afterwards
  183. Quan Chi - Down+FP now has 6 startup frames and is -7 on block (down from 9 and -10)
  184. Quan Chi - Away+BP is now -4 on hit (down from -8), Away+FK is now -3 on hit (down from -8)
  185. Quan Chi - Throw is now +2 on hit (up from -8)
  186. Quan Chi - Skull and Air Skull no longer force autoblock
  187. Quan Chi (Sorcerer) - Fixed a bug that would cause every 11th frame while standing in the Dark Curse rune to not have armor
  188. Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Scoop & Portal Slam now has 11 startup frames (down from 18) and is now a hard knockdown
  189. Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Scoop no longer ignores damage scaling on the last hit and had its damage increased by 2
  190. Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Grab last hit no longer ignores damage scaling and had its damage increased by 2
  191. Quan Chi (Summonner) - Demon Spark no longer forces auto block and allows for combos afterwards
  193. Raiden - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  194. Raiden - Lightning Projectile no longer causes auto block
  195. Raiden - Towards+BK is now -3 on block (up from -12)
  196. Raiden - Fixed a bug that was causing Away+FP,BK to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  197. Raiden (Displacer) - Removed 10 recovery frames from Teleport
  198. Raiden (Displacer) - Teleport (in front) no longer costs stamina
  199. Raiden (Master of Storms) - Static Trap now does small proximity damage to the opponent before they are activated
  201. Reptile - Towards+BP is now +1 on hit (up from -8)
  202. Reptile - Acid Spit no longer triggers auto block and had its damage increased by 3
  203. Reptile - Changed the Floating Ball motion to Down,Down,BLK
  204. Reptile - Removed 4 recovery frames from Forceball & Slimeball
  205. Reptile - Slightly loftier reaction on Slippery Slide
  206. Reptile - Removed 4 recovery frames from Acid Puddle
  207. Reptile - Klaw Swipe is now -6 on block (up from -11)
  208. Reptile - Klaw Slash is now -15 on block (down from -10)
  209. Reptile - Klaw Pounce is now -7 on block (up from -17)
  210. Reptile - Klaw Bounce is now -20 on block (down from -17)
  211. Reptile - Reptilian Dash is no longer a hard knockdown and had its reaction adjusted
  212. Reptile (Deceptive) - Activating stealth no longer triggers auto block on the opponent allow to continue some combos
  213. Reptile (Deceptive) – Reduced the recovery of stealth ex by 11 frames
  215. Scorpion - Towards+BP now low crushes and has 17 frames startup (up from 15)
  216. Scorpion - Increased the damage of Away+BP by 4
  217. Scorpion (Inferno) - Low minion ex has 21 startup frames (down from 28) and does 5 damage (up from 3)
  219. Shinnok - FK,FP is now +2 on hit (up from -7)
  220. Shinnok (BoneShaper) – Staff beam is now -12 on block (down from -4) and has increased pushback on hit
  221. Shinnok (Bone Shaper) – The range of Scepter Slam was slightly decreased
  223. Sonya - Increased combo damage scaling after X-Ray
  224. Sonya - Away+FP,BK is no longer a hard knockdown
  225. Sonya - Fixed a bug that was causing BP,BP to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  226. Sonya (Covert Ops) - Last hit of Air Strike no longer ignores damage scaling
  227. Sonya (Demolition) - Lowered the input priority of Bake 'n' Wake on wakeup
  228. Sonya (Special Forces) - Increased Away+BP damage by 4
  230. Subzero (Cryomancer) - Air Frost Hammer is now -2 on block (down from -8)
  231. Subzero (Cryomancer) - Frost Hammer has 31 startup frames (down from 36) and is -9 on block (down from -10)
  232. Subzero (Cryomancer) - Increased the hit cancel advantage on FP,FP,FP and the damage by 1
  233. Subzero (Cryomancer) - Increased the hit cancel advantage on Towards+FP,BP
  234. Subzero (Cryomancer) - Reduced the damage of Towards+BK,BP,Throw/FP+FK combo by 9
  235. Subzero (Cryomancer) - Can now 2in1 cancel out of Towards+BK,BP,Throw/FP+FK combo
  236. Subzero (Unbreakable) - Changed the input of Frozen Aura / Ice Aura to Down,Away,FK / Down,Away,FK+BLK
  237. Subzero (Unbreakable) - Can now execute the Ice Burst & Frost Bomb special moves
  238. Subzero (Unbreakable) - Ice Burst & Frost Bomb do additional while Frozen Aura & Ice Aura are active while removing the Aura
  239. Subzero (Unbreakable) - Activating Frozen Aura & Ice Aura no longer triggers auto block which can allow some combos to continue
  240. Subzero (Unbreakable) - Ice Aura has 16 less recovery frames
  241. Subzero (Grand Master) - Adjusted the validity check on Ice Statue
  244. Takeda – Removed gap in the towards +Fp, bp,bp +bk string
  245. Takeda - Adjusted several regular attack collisions to hit more consistently on ducking opponents and in combos
  246. Takeda - BP now has 14 startup frames (down from 20) and is now 3 on hit (up from -7)
  247. Takeda - Away+FP,FP is now +3 on hit (up from -6)
  248. Takeda - BP,FP is now +2 on hit (up from -27)
  249. Takeda - Away+BP is now +8 on hit (up from -7)
  250. Takeda - Away+BP,FP is now +3 on hit (up from -10)
  251. Takeda - Towards+BK now has 20 startup frames (down from 24) and is 2 on block (up from -6)
  252. Takeda - Fixed a bug that was causing Towards+FP,BP to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  253. Takeda - Can now cancel into X-Ray after a blocked jump attack
  254. Takeda - You can now meter burn Fist Flurry on hit
  255. Takeda - Tornado Kick is now -6 on block (up from -21) and is now always a hard knockdown
  256. Takeda - Adjusted the reaction to Tri Kunai to connect more consistently in combos
  257. Takeda (Shirai Ryu) - You can now charge Quick Phase to delay for 2 seconds (up from 1)
  258. Takeda (Lasher) - You can now meter burn Whip Assault on hit
  259. Takeda (Lasher) - Removed 5 recovery frames on hit from Whip Strike & Whip Thrash
  260. Takeda (Lasher) - Has 2 new air command attacks on Towards+FP & Towards+BP
  261. Takeda (Lasher) - Down+Towards+FP Low Slash is now 19 on hit (up from 4)
  262. Takeda (Ronin) - Fixed a bug that was causing BP,FP to sometimes be more negative on hit on ducking opponents
  263. Takeda (Ronin) - Shirai Ryu Kan does 10 damage (up from 9) and Double Shirai Ryu Kan does 14 damage (up from 11)
  264. Takeda (Ronin) - Piercing Spark has 2 less recovery frames
  265. Takeda (Ronin) - Away+FP now hits mid, has 11 startup frames (down from 13) and is -2 on block (up from -23)
  266. Takeda (Ronin) - Away+FP,FP is now 0 on block (up from -21)
  267. Takeda (Ronin) - BP now has 12 startup frames (down from 14)
  268. Takeda (Ronin) - BP,FP is now +2 on block (up from -10) and now causes a different air reaction
  269. Takeda (Ronin) - Away+BP now has 12 startup frames (down from 15)
  270. Takeda (Ronin) - increased active frames on Shirai Ryu Kan until he is done rising
  272. Tanya - There are now 8 min frames before you can dash cancel out of Teleport delay
  273. Tanya - Flip Kick is now always a hard knockdown
  274. Tanya - X-Ray is now 0 on hit (up from -6)
  275. Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) - Fixed a bug that was causing Tonfa Strike to have 2 hits of armor instead of 1
  277. Tremor – bp and fk attacks now hit high instead of mid
  278. Tremor - Towards+BP has 1 less startup frame, is -6 on block (down from -11), and increased damage by 3
  279. Tremor - FK,FK is now a hard knockdown
  280. Tremor - Rock Toss & Boulder Throw (including the variation versions) have 19 less recovery frames
  281. Tremor - Rolling Stone & Rolling Kutter (including the variation versions) have 10 less recovery frames
  282. Tremor - Stone Shatter & Rock Blast (including the variation versions) have 3 less startup frames and has 3 less recovery frames in Metallic while Golden
  283. Tremor - Stone Punch & Stone Slam (including the variation versions) have 3 less startup frames
  284. Tremor (Aftershock) - Airquake has 5 more block stun frames on the opponent
  285. Tremor (Aftershock) - delayed quake will no longer have its hit stun aborted when hitting someone during the first 10 frames of block stun
  286. Tremor (Crystaline) – Rock summon ex has 10 less recovery frames, increased rock throw damage by 3
  287. Tremor (Crystaline) - Rockblaster will no longer have its attack cancelled in the corners of some backgrounds
  289. 2015/08/25
  290. • Player 2’s moves list/pause menu will now close appropriately when P1 opens up their menu.
  291. • Pause menus will no longer overlap on the client’s screen when in “Versus Practice”.
  292. • Fixed an issue in which stretched geometry was visible when Jax used his T-Wrecks Fatality on Liu Kang.
  293. • Fixed an issue in which Pursuit and Dark Pursuit timers would persist when Jason is hit out of debuff causing additional debuffs and buffs to be canceled too soon.
  294. • Fixed an issue in which Tremor’s X-Ray animation would not trigger when attempting to do it after another X-Ray.
  295. • Live Tiles will now remain on screen appropriately when returning to the Main Menu from the Faction War Page.
  296. • Fixed an issue that would cause frame drops during Jacqui Brigg’s “Blown Out” Fatality and Shinnok’s “The Grinder” Fatality.
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