
Seductive School Skunk Ch 1-3

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. Chapter 1:
  2. ---
  3. There were many days at Acme Looniversity that the ‘toon students feared. Report card day, the first day back from summer, or even surprise test day.
  5. But none were worse than exam day.
  7. For the students who read up on the art of anvil dropping, or the skill it took to pull off any kind of gag, the tests weren’t much of a problem. Sure, Daffy might have been a jerk to his class and put in a surprise question or two, but that was never the case for Bugs Bunny’s students.
  9. “Okay kids, the exam’s over in five minutes. Make sure your papers are ready to be passed forward.” Bugs stood next to his desk, watching his students either hastily scribble down answers, or happily turn their papers over, satisfied with themselves. The rabbit had no reason to call the students “kids”–it was senior year, after all. The majority of the ‘toons were 18, if not older. Bugs held an egg timer in his right hand, watching it slowly move around to zero.
  11. “Hey, Babsy, what’d you get for number twenty?” Buster leaned over to his pink girlfriend’s desk, trying his best to see her answers. Babs yanked her paper out of his view, covering it with her arm.
  13. “Get your own answers, blue boy!” Babs whispered, shaking her head. “Be quiet or Professor Bugs will hear you!”
  15. “Indeed, I will.”
  17. Both bunnies gulped in fear, looking up to see Bugs with his arms crossed. The tall, gray rabbit tapped his foot, shaking his head.
  19. “Buster Bunny, of all the kids to try and cheat … Well, yeah, you’d be one of ‘em.” Bugs said, putting a finger to his chin in thought. “Just don’t make a habit of it, wouldja? And Babs, control your boyfriend.”
  21. “Yes, Professor Bugs …” Both bunnies said in unison, hanging their heads. Bugs smiled at the two, walking away.
  23. Meanwhile, on the other side of the classroom, another student was having even more trouble. Fifi, unlike Babs, had ignored studying entirely in favor of giving the entire football team blowjobs after practice. Why did she do it? Well, besides the fact that the purple skunk had the sex drive of a drunken teenager, she did whatever possible to make sure she didn’t lose her spot on the cheerleading squad. The taste of cum still lingered on her tongue, and it, among other things, was very distracting. Unfortunately, that distraction turned to stress, and stress turned to one particular con of being a skunk.
  25. “Dear lord, who let one?”
  27. Montana Max interrupted the room’s silence, looking around.
  29. “Was it you, duck?” He asked, pointing at Plucky. The green duck shook his head, sticking his tongue out.
  31. “Go back to counting your change, Montana.” Plucky said. “Besides Maxy, haven’t you ever heard ‘he who smelt it, dealt it?” The entire class started to laugh, only to be silenced by the sound of Bugs’s egg timer echoing through the room.
  33. “For a buncha seniors, you kids act like a buncha maroons.” Bugs said as he walked through the rows of desks, snatching papers from each student’s hands. “Anyway, I’m sure you all did your best, so you’re free to take the day off. See ya tomorrow for your grades.” When he reached the last row, he paused at the sight of Fifi still scribbling in blank dots.
  35. “I, um … how you say … will ‘ace’ it, no?” Fifi smiled nervously, handing the paper over. Bugs gave her a warm smile, nodding and ruffling her hair.
  37. “I’m sure you’ll do fine, Fifi.” He said. “Now go on, Babs and Shirley are waitin’ for ya.” Fifi nodded happily, running out of the room. Within moments, she, Babs, and Shirley were walking through the school’s exit doors, lost in conversation.
  39. “Yeah, the whole section on avoiding hunters was pretty hard, but I—” Babs’s words were cut off by Shirley, who pressed a hand to her mouth.
  41. “You just got that part because you’re a rabbit, Babs,” Shirley said. “Ducks had to get ‘How to be a rabbit’s sidekick,’ and write detailed essays on why all ducks are, like, perfect for that or some junk. I always thought Professor Daffy was, like, stupid and all, but now I totally see why Plucky idolizes him so much.”
  43. “You two are so lucky,” Fifi said as they walked. “At least you two have special parts of the exam that you’re good at. I just got the same hard stuff as everyone else. Professor Pepe never prepared me for, how you say, the tough stuff.” Babs patted the purple skunk’s back, smiling at her.
  45. “I’m sure you’ll do fine. Don’t you always find a way out of trouble?” Babs said. Fifi nodded, blushing. “So don’t worry about it! Anyway, you have to hear how stupid Buster was last night!”
  47. “Oh, did he try to make a move again?” Shirley laughed. “Did he want to …” Shirley paused and looked at Fifi, the two girls smirking.
  49. “Go at it like rabbits?!” The duck and skunk said together before falling to the ground laughing. Babs placed a hand on her hips, shaking her head.
  51. “You two are total jerks, you know that?” She said as her friends stood up. “Anyway, let’s head to my burrow. I think a ‘bad movie night’ is in order.”
  53. Later that night, Fifi and Shirley climbed out of Babs’s burrow, waving to the pink bunny inside. Fifi stretched out her arms and tail, letting out a loud yawn.
  55. “That was fun …” Fifi said as the two started walking. “We should do that more often.”
  57. “Totally …” Shirley said, nodding. After a few minutes, the girls started to part ways, with Shirley heading into town, and Fifi towards the city dump. “See ya tomorrow, Fifi.” Shirley said, waving. Fifi smiled, nodding as she headed away.
  59. After making sure Shirley was out of sight, Fifi’s smile turned into a look of exhaustion, accompanied by a frown on her lips. The skunk sighed, opening the pink door of her car ‘home.’
  61. “I just know that I failed that exam today …” Fifi said, curling her tail around her body and resting her head on a pillow. “I’ll never get into a good college, and have to spend the rest of my life putting out for the rats at Perfecto Prep … Just like last summer …” Normally, a girl would be upset at the thought of whoring herself out to a group of jocks, but after saying that and letting the thought pop into her mind, Fifi had a smirk on her face.
  63. “Well, if all else fails, I could always work the back alleys.” Fifi chuckled, soon falling asleep.
  65. The next day, Fifi stumbled into the classroom, still groggy. The thought of failing woke her up in the middle of the night, and kept her worried until the early hours of the morning. The only reason the students even had school today was to receive their exam results and then were able to leave, so at least she could go home and catch up on sleep.
  67. “Buster … Good work, kid … Plucky … For a duck, not half bad …” Bugs was calling the students up one by one, giving them their paper back with a bit of commentary in his usual fashion. The names weren’t in any particular order, meaning that Fifi could be called at any time. She prayed that her name would be last, hoping that by then, Bugs would just want to go home as well and not bother focusing on her.
  69. “Fifi, it’s your turn.”
  71. Damn.
  73. “Fifi, Fifi, Fifi … I hate to say it, kid, but … You really need to brush up on your mallets and anvils.” Bugs shook his head, handing her a paper with a large, red ‘F’ at the top. “I know things are tough, this bein’ your last year and all, but you really need to get things in shape. I want you to get out of here like everyone else.”
  75. “Oui, I understand …” Fifi said, sighing. “I will try to … how you say … hit the books?”
  77. “There’s a make-up exam in a week, Fifi. Study up.” Bugs said, munching on a carrot he pulled out of a desk drawer. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”
  79. “Oui …” Fifi nodded. She turned, seeing Babs waiting for her in the doorway.
  81. “What’s the problem?” Babs asked as the girls left the school. “Professor Bugs is gonna let you retake it, so I don’t understand why you’re so upset.”
  83. “I’ll fail the retake too…studying isn’t my, how you say, strong point.” Fifi replied. “I have to think of another way I can pass…”
  85. Babs paused, seeing Fifi’s eyes light up.
  87. “No. Don’t even think about it.” Babs said. “I’ve put up with a lot, Fifi. I hid the football team sex from Hamton, and even the time you decided to go with the dump’s stray cats just to get a few bucks for lunch. I’m not covering for you anymore. You’re dating the pig, remember?”
  89. “Oui, I know.” Fifi said. “Hamton’s a perfect boyfriend, but he …well, he lacks that certain…Je ne sais quoi.” Babs sighed, shaking her head.
  91. “You could always, you know, get a summer job instead of bending over for any guy with a functioning groin.” Babs said. “I love ya, Fifi, but you really need a life reboot.”
  93. “No, no, Babs … I just think you need to see another side of life.” Fifi replied, nuzzling her rabbit friend’s cheek. Babs looked a bit disturbed, glancing at the skunk. “I promise it will be amazing.” Fifi said, winking at the pink bunny. Babs gulped, shaking her head.
  95. “I think I’ll pass, but you have fun with that.” Babs replied. “Just remember that Bugs does have a girlfriend, you know. Lola didn’t get the school secretary job because of her smarts, that’s for sure.” Fifi giggled at her friend’s comment.
  97. “Oui, but I think I could handle that, when it comes up—” Fifi paused, seeing fire in Babs’ eyes. “I mean, I will not do anything, I swear it!”
  99. “Whatever, Fifi, just don’t get arrested.” Babs replied. “I’m going to Buster’s, so I’ll see you later.”
  101. “Okay, I will see you then!” Fifi waved as Babs walked off. “Do not worry, I would never dream of such a thing!” Babs waved back at her, soon disappearing from view. Fifi grinned, nodding her head.
  103. “I would never … At least, not with you around.”
  105. ---
  106. Chapter 2:
  107. ---
  109. Back at her automobile home, Fifi was struggling at any attempts to memorize anything from a textbook. She had read ‘A History of Anvils,’ and tried to skim ‘Double-Takes 101,’ but neither skill seemed to really stick with her. Maybe it was because Pepe Le Pew never had to do such things in his line of work?
  111. “Why can there not be a book on how to get easy exam scores…” Fifi sighed, flipping a page covering how to set up a ‘pie-in-the-face’ gag. “This is just too difficult for me! It wasn’t like first year when we just had simple things like bulging eyes …”
  113. After Babs had left, Fifi had started to do a lot of thinking; of course, none of it concerned her exam. Even though Babs had insisted she shouldn’t, the idea of seducing Bugs to pass the exam was something that was running through Fifi’s mind. However, this presented multiple obvious problems, one of them being quite major: she’s a skunk.
  115. If other students turned to flee at the sight of her, then it wasn’t likely that an adult would stick around with her scent in the air. Add that to the fact that her smell grows horrid when she becomes aroused, and the problem becomes even more severe; the football team all had to wear clothespins on their noses to avoid the aroma while she worked them over.
  117. Babs’ mentioning of Lola Bunny didn’t help matters, either. Sure, it was something that Fifi was absolutely positive she could work around, but it still posed a threat. Would Bugs be the type to cheat? Definitely not. Could Fifi seduce him with the best skill she could muster? Likely, or at least she hoped so.
  119. “I only have a few days to even think of something like this, and that’s not enough time at all!” Fifi yelled, punching a pillow. “Why do I have to be such a skunk? If only I was a rabbit, or even a duck, or anything! I might as well just be a coyote!”
  121. Wait a second.
  123. Calamity Coyote was the school’s resident nerd and genius. If anyone could figure out the answer to Fifi’s odor problem, it would be him. However, he was one of the many who avoided her like the plague. She needed some surefire thing to keep his attention, even for just a moment to speak to him. What did Calamity enjoy doing over anything else?
  125. He loved trying to catch Little Beeper.
  127. No matter what was going on in class, he was always drawing up new blueprints for contraptions to catch the mini Road Runner. How could that help in this situation, though? Everyone knows that Little Beeper is way too fast to talk to, let alone to even catch. If a genius like Calamity couldn’t do it, then there’s no way Fifi could.
  129. Well, either way, she at least has one idea to fall back on. Putting out for a nerd wasn’t exactly something she was up for, despite her reputation.
  131. Maybe, instead of trying to win over Professor Bugs, she could just cheat? Sure, she wanted to pass legitimately, but studying was proving too difficult. It was pathetic of her to just give up after one try, but books on falling safes and re-adjusting yourself after being crushed were just not interesting - useful, yes, but not interesting.
  133. “No, cheating is wrong …” Fifi said, shaking her head. “Then again, Babs said that so is having sex for passing … But it’s what I know how to do! I can’t think of anything else! I promised Babs, though … Sort of.”
  135. ---
  136. Chapter 3:
  137. ---
  138. The next morning was more painful than the last. Although Fifi wasn't due to even step foot into school for a while, she still had to be up and moving; if not, her looks might go to hell. With bloodshot eyes and a scowl on her face, Fifi pushed open the door of her car home, stepping outside. After a night of tossing and turning, the bright sun wasn't a welcoming thing.
  140. "I cannot believe my luck this week." Fifi said. "I'd might as well just go back to bed--hello!" Fifi paused in her complaining, seeing a familiar sight dash by--an orange blur. Not far behind was Calamity Coyote, holding a remote control in his hands. Although it was only a night ago that this idea crossed her mind, and it wasn't something she really wanted to do, what other choice did she really have? As fast as she could, Fifi ran from the dump and after the two boys, hoping she didn't lose them already.
  142. "Beep beep!"
  144. Little Beeper's voice rang out through the city, followed by the sounds of smacks, bumps, cracks, and any other noise that came with Calamity seriously injuring himself. Fifi knew she was close. Turning into an alley, she saw that Calamity had Little Beeper cornered, and the little runner actually looked like he was starting to sweat. Should she break them up, and let him escape?
  146. The smirk on the corners of his mouth told her otherwise.
  148. Calamity closed in on Little Beeper, his fangs barred and ready to chomp. Little Beeper simply smiled at his foe, not moving an inch. Calamity leapt, barely missing when Little Beeper sidestepped out of his way, watching as the the coyote kissed the wall behind him with a loud SMACK. The impact left a dent in the wall (and likely one in Calamity's brain.) Little Beeper laughed at his rival's misfortune before dashing off. "Beep beep!"
  150. Calamity pulled himself up off the cement ground, adjusting his face to some recognizable form. He sighed in disappointment, with of course no sound following it. Fifi took the chance to approach him, swaying her hips as she slowly walked forward. Calamity looked at her for just a moment, the boy in him entranced by her swaying chest and curves. That didn't last long when Fifi's aroma filled the air, turning Calamity's face green and making him dive behind a trash can.
  152. "I can see you, you silly boy." Fifi said. "You don't have to run from me. I have a little offer for you." Calamity peeked at her from behind the can, holding his nose. This was annoying, but Fifi ignored it. "You want to catch the road runner, no? I can help you."
  154. Calamity now held up a sign that read "How?"
  156. "I have ways of making the boys melt." Fifi replied. "However, I would need you to do something for me, first." Calamity's sign was soon replaced by another.
  158. "What's the catch?" it read.
  160. "Well," Fifi rubbed her body against the coyote, taking care that her breasts made contact with him. "I have a little problem, and need a smart boy like you to help me out."
  162. "Sorry, no handouts." A new sign read. It was soon replaced by "I'm no charity case." Apparently, Calamity wasn't the all-too-friendly nerd that he used to be.
  164. "Oh, but I think I have ways to convince you." Fifi said, winking at him. The sexy poses from the girl skunk seemed to make Calamity ignore her putrid smell; what boy could resist staring at that body? Calamity watched as Fifi fell to her knees, looking up at him. "You seem to enjoy the sight of me, no?"
  166. "I ... don't know what you're talking about." The sign was shaking due to Calamity's own movement.
  168. "You don't? Well, it looks like part of you does." Fifi licked her lips, seeing that rubbing her body on his had indeed acheived her intended goal: Calamity's erection was slowly appearing. That whole rumor about "nerds always having the biggest ones?" that much was true in this case. Fifi had rarely seen any this big, even from the football team. Without waiting for a "sign" of permission, Fifi went right to work, putting her lips around Calamity's throbbing shaft and furiously bobbing her head.
  170. Calamity let out a moan--or, at least, his body language expressed such, but no sound came with it. Fifi felt a hand grip her hair as she continued to move, swirling her tongue around the cock throbbing in her mouth. If she had known it would only take a simple blowjob to get her plans in action, she wouldn't have wasted the night trying to come up with something else. Calamity's other hand moved down, clutching Fifi's right breast. His thumb explored until it found the nipple, rubbing it slowly. Calamity's sudden eagerness was somewhat cute; Fifi could tell it was definitely his first time with a girl.
  172. The sounds of her sucking seemed to echo through the alley, but neither of them cared; Calamity was in heaven, and Fifi was too busy. The salty taste of pre-cum fell to Fifi's tongue, and the skunk eagerly swallowed what she could. By the violent throbbing, Fifi knew that she was getting quite a load out of the boy. While she continued sucking, now slowing down to allow more enjoyment, Fifi plunged two fingers into her dripping pussy, quickly thrusting them in and out. The pleasure only made her go deeper on Calamity, fitting all that she could of him into her mouth. Calamity was now leaned against the same brick wall he had just picked himself off of, resting a hand on Fifi's head and slowly guiding her at his own pace. As Fifi started to speed up once again, she heard a nearby sound; opening her eyes, she saw that Calamity had started to drop signs next to them. They were very short, but got his point across:
  174. "I'm"
  176. "gonna"
  178. "cum"
  180. "No, not yet! You cannot--Ahh!" Pulling away to speak wasn't a good idea--Fifi was met with ropes of Calamity's hot, sticky cum hitting her face. Although she had wished for this to continue much longer, Fifi sighed in content at the feeling of cum running down her cheeks. She licked her lips, looking up at the flustered coyote standing over her.
  182. "I'm sorry about that." Calamity's sign read.
  184. "Oh, do not worry. It happens to us all, no?" Fifi smiled. Calamity gulped from nervousness. "I will offer you this: After you help me with my problem, I will let you, how you say, come back for round two." Fifi stood, opening her legs and using two fingers to part her folds, Calamity growing erect once more at the sight of her wet pussy. He started to approach her, but paused when she held out a hand. "No-no, silly boy, not yet. You help me first, and then--hey!"
  186. Fifi couldn't finish; Calamity pounced, knocking her to the ground and pushing her legs apart. Before Fifi knew it, she was tossing her head back in ecstasy while Calamity thrusted deep into her with amazing speed. Fifi closed her eyes, squeezing Calamity by wrapping her legs around his waist. Her pussy tightened around him.
  188. "More! Oui, faster! F-Fuck me!" Fifi moaned. She felt two hands grab her breasts and start to squeeze, this followed by more powerful, faster thrusts. Calamity's first time was one he wasn't going to forget, with or without Fifi's cooperation. "Come on! Faster! Faster!"
  190. Calamity's thrusting turned absolutely wild, with a speed that could match Little Beeper's running. Fifi's breasts bounced and her entire body was thrust forward as Calamity pounded into her with as much force as he wanted, loving the moans he recieved. His first time wasn't with a girl he truly cared for; instead, it was with the resident school slut. And that was just fine with him.
  192. "Yes! Oui! Harder! I'm going to cum!" Fifi moaned. Her hips bucked wildly against Calamity's speed, and her moans were loud enough that she was sure the entire of Acme Acres could hear her. But she didn't care. Calamity's rock-hard dick was all that mattered. "I'm going to ...! Y-YES!"
  194. Fifi came all over Calamity's erection, the skunk shrieking in delight until her orgasm subsided. Calamity had pulled away, furiously stroking himself while standing over Fifi, watching as she eagerly opened her mouth. A few blasts landed on her face, while the rest hit her waiting tongue. Fifi gulped down what she could, licking her lips.
  196. "We have a deal, no?"
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