
octavia x rd

Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. >the only light seems to be coming from a small window
  2. 2:58 AM randomvectorguy: >you ant really tell becuase the light i coming from the wall beind you
  3. 2:58 AM randomvectorguy: >the chains are two tight to move
  4. 2:59 AM V3ESQ5: I fucking love you. 100/10 so far
  5. 3:00 AM randomvectorguy: >you bearly life you neck up
  6. 3:00 AM Anon23: So if anyone's up for agame just look for my name the password is: Play.
  7. 3:00 AM randomvectorguy: >there is a chain holding you neck down
  8. 3:00 AM V3ESQ5: If there wasn't a fic going I would join Anon, but damn I love fics
  9. 3:01 AM randomvectorguy: You can see what looks to be...nothing
  10. 3:01 AM randomvectorguy: >just cement under a dim blue tined light from a small window
  11. 3:02 AM randomvectorguy: >Moon light
  12. 3:02 AM randomvectorguy: >you havent been out for too long
  13. 3:03 AM randomvectorguy: >there are cement walls covering all foor sides
  14. 3:03 AM randomvectorguy: >....are..y-you in a b-basement?
  15. 3:03 AM V3ESQ5: I can't control my love for you right now. I am going to wake my neighbors by laughing with joy
  16. 3:03 AM randomvectorguy: lolol <3
  17. 3:03 AM SLIME PRINCESS: >you will never hear V3's laugh
  18. 3:03 AM SLIME PRINCESS: >feels bad
  19. 3:04 AM V3ESQ5: Unless you're my neighbor who always call the cops on me. No probably not
  20. 3:05 AM randomvectorguy: <t as you slightly lift your head, as much as you can with the nech restraint, you can see an old woden staircase
  21. 3:06 AM randomvectorguy: on sex
  22. 3:06 AM randomvectorguy: i need to reply to a thread
  23. 3:09 AM randomvectorguy: kk back
  24. 3:09 AM randomvectorguy: >a cold shiver runs down your spine.
  25. 3:10 AM randomvectorguy: >who could do this to you...who would!?
  26. 3:11 AM randomvectorguy: >Fear forms in the back of your head and quickly consumes you
  27. 3:11 AM randomvectorguy: >what is going to happen to you..
  28. 3:11 AM randomvectorguy: are you going to die?
  29. 3:11 AM randomvectorguy: >your sacared *** less
  30. 3:11 AM AnonymousHatter: ah ***
  31. 3:11 AM AnonymousHatter: was I banned?
  32. 3:11 AM randomvectorguy: yes lol
  34. 3:12 AM AnonymousHatter: why?
  35. 3:12 AM V3ESQ5: SPAM
  36. 3:12 AM V3ESQ5: FIC
  37. 3:12 AM AnonymousHatter: I wasn't spamming?
  38. 3:12 AM randomvectorguy: v3 he can talk
  39. 3:12 AM AnonymousHatter: I was gone watching TV
  40. 3:12 AM randomvectorguy: lol
  41. 3:12 AM randomvectorguy: v3
  42. 3:12 AM V3ESQ5: yis bb
  43. 3:13 AM randomvectorguy: what do you want rd to do
  44. 3:13 AM randomvectorguy: ??
  45. 3:13 AM V3ESQ5: Get creative son.
  46. 3:13 AM V3ESQ5: Don't you know how to do edge bitches up
  47. 3:14 AM randomvectorguy: does rd has a dick
  48. 3:14 AM V3ESQ5: Sure
  49. 3:14 AM randomvectorguy: kkk LETS DOOO THISS
  50. 3:14 AM V3ESQ5: One day I am going to just write down a full list of edgy shit because I have been meaning to do so for a while
  51. 3:14 AM randomvectorguy: lol and let me know
  52. 3:14 AM V3ESQ5: I dont' want to forget any glorious ideas
  53. 3:14 AM randomvectorguy: lhahaha
  54. 3:16 AM randomvectorguy: "Help! Help! is anyone oout there!!
  55. 3:16 AM randomvectorguy: >maybe some one will save you if you scream as loud as you can
  56. 3:17 AM V3ESQ5: This fic while listening to this:
  57. 3:17 AM V3ESQ5: I can't contain my happiness
  58. 3:18 AM randomvectorguy: you hear the creak of a door opening, and see the room your in brighten up just a littel
  59. 3:19 AM randomvectorguy: >you hear hoove steps
  60. 3:20 AM randomvectorguy: >they come down ever so slowly as you her the wodden steps craclke un the weight
  61. 3:20 AM randomvectorguy: under**
  62. 3:21 AM randomvectorguy: >you shut up, not knowing its your capture or savior
  63. 3:21 AM V3ESQ5: I fucking love you.
  64. 3:21 AM V3ESQ5: Do you have pastebin, son
  65. 3:22 AM randomvectorguy: v3 youve read my other *** right
  66. 3:22 AM randomvectorguy: ??
  68. 3:22 AM randomvectorguy: THE PINKEY ONE?
  70. 3:22 AM randomvectorguy: oh man ol
  71. 3:22 AM AnonymousHatter: SPOOKY SPOOKY SKELETONS
  72. 3:22 AM randomvectorguy: one sex
  73. 3:22 AM Silver1Kunai: you were spamming faggot
  74. 3:23 AM AnonymousHatter: i was replying faggyt
  75. 3:23 AM randomvectorguy:
  76. 3:23 AM randomvectorguy: sup sup sk
  77. 3:23 AM randomvectorguy: anyways
  79. 3:24 AM randomvectorguy: ahaha nice
  80. 3:24 AM randomvectorguy: >you muster your courage...a simple "who is it" c-cant hur right.
  81. 3:25 AM randomvectorguy: "w-who's there!"
  82. 3:25 AM randomvectorguy: >"Octavia?"
  83. 3:25 AM V3ESQ5: Are you pastebinning this shit nigger
  84. 3:25 AM randomvectorguy: >That voice is familar...
  85. 3:26 AM randomvectorguy: "Rainbow?"
  86. 3:27 AM randomvectorguy: >you now make out the face of a pale dark blue pony in the darkness
  87. 3:28 AM randomvectorguy: "Oh jeez!! Rainbow Dash!"
  88. 3:29 AM randomvectorguy: "I-I was at a concert, and..and I was on my way home..and some one....
  89. 3:29 AM randomvectorguy: >"they took me here"
  90. 3:30 AM randomvectorguy: Rainbow dash looks back with a comforting smilem
  91. 3:30 AM randomvectorguy: smile.
  92. 3:30 AM randomvectorguy: **
  93. 3:30 AM randomvectorguy: >"I'm glad to see your awake"
  94. 3:31 AM randomvectorguy: >"where are we Dash
  95. 3:31 AM randomvectorguy: "Where are we Dash"**
  96. 3:32 AM randomvectorguy: V3 got a /r/ for where they are
  97. 3:32 AM V3ESQ5: Oh God the butterflies in my stomach
  98. 3:32 AM V3ESQ5: Fuck
  99. 3:32 AM randomvectorguy: lolol
  101. 3:33 AM randomvectorguy: kk i have an idea
  102. 3:35 AM randomvectorguy: >"I'm not sure Octavia, I was captured and took here. my captures were nice enought to lock me in a room up stairs."
  103. 3:36 AM randomvectorguy: >YOu sill confused, but you feel a bit of relief knowing RD is here and she isnt in bad conditons
  104. 3:37 AM randomvectorguy: Your still**
  105. 3:37 AM randomvectorguy: >"w-what do the want with us?"
  106. 3:38 AM randomvectorguy: *** sorry v3
  107. 3:38 AM randomvectorguy: my grammar is bad lol
  108. 3:38 AM V3ESQ5: I don't care. I fucking love you
  109. 3:40 AM randomvectorguy: >Rainbow dash looks back at. you can make out the the consern in her darkend face.
  110. 3:41 AM randomvectorguy: she turn look away, but you cant her, you can barly move
  111. 3:42 AM randomvectorguy: >"These ponies are sick!"
  112. 3:43 AM randomvectorguy: >you can hear the hurt in her voice.
  113. 3:44 AM randomvectorguy: >you cant imagine what they have done to her....did they hurt her, abuse her. Was it mental, sexual, physical?
  114. 3:44 AM randomvectorguy: >is that what there going to do with you?
  115. 3:45 AM randomvectorguy: "DId they hurt you Rainbow dash!"
  116. 3:45 AM randomvectorguy: v3
  117. 3:46 AM V3ESQ5: yis
  118. 3:46 AM V3ESQ5: bb
  119. 3:46 AM randomvectorguy: is rd behind tis or she a victim
  120. 3:46 AM V3ESQ5: victim BB
  121. 3:46 AM randomvectorguy: i can make it really good eaith way
  122. 3:46 AM V3ESQ5: Luuuuuvv u
  123. 3:47 AM V3ESQ5: RVG is best bb
  124. 3:48 AM randomvectorguy: do you want octavia to die?
  125. 3:48 AM V3ESQ5: I want to give you all of my money
  126. 3:48 AM V3ESQ5: NEIGH
  127. 3:48 AM V3ESQ5: PFFFFT
  128. 3:48 AM randomvectorguy: pffft?
  129. 3:48 AM V3ESQ5: Death is only for pleb Edge-Mancers
  130. 3:49 AM V3ESQ5: Only Apprentice Edge Mancers let their victims die.
  131. 3:49 AM randomvectorguy: kk
  132. 3:50 AM randomvectorguy: "I-I..."
  133. 3:51 AM randomvectorguy: >it sounds as if Rainbow dash is to crry
  134. 3:51 AM randomvectorguy: >she comes back on to view
  135. 3:52 AM randomvectorguy: >I..Don't worry about me she says with a smile
  136. 3:52 AM randomvectorguy: >its now that you take a closer look at her
  137. 3:53 AM randomvectorguy: >you can bairly make out the discoleration in parts of her face
  138. 3:54 AM randomvectorguy: >they look as they are bruises
  139. 3:54 AM randomvectorguy: >your chest freezes
  140. 3:55 AM randomvectorguy: >I'm so....soryy your here"
  141. 3:56 AM randomvectorguy: >You watch her lips she she motions every word almost losin her voice
  142. 3:57 AM V3ESQ5: Is there a way for me to give you money.
  143. 3:57 AM randomvectorguy: >you can see a fresh cut on her lip
  144. 3:57 AM V3ESQ5: I want to give you money
  145. 3:57 AM randomvectorguy: lmaooo
  146. 3:58 AM randomvectorguy: set up a paypal for me :3
  147. 3:58 AM randomvectorguy: >The way rainbow dash looks back at you.....
  148. 3:59 AM randomvectorguy: >it hurt you to see how strong she is trying to act inn front of you.
  149. 3:59 AM randomvectorguy: >You feel a cold tear on you face.
  150. 4:00 AM randomvectorguy: "Dash..."
  151. 4:01 AM randomvectorguy: >she turns away again, and again you cant not see her any more.
  152. 4:01 AM randomvectorguy: She beings to speak
  153. 4:01 AM randomvectorguy: >"they want me to do some thing Octavia"
  154. 4:02 AM randomvectorguy: >you whole body is dont undearstand the feelings your feeling.
  155. 4:03 AM randomvectorguy: >what do they want you to do Dashie?
  156. 4:03 AM randomvectorguy: "Dash, what do they want to do?
  157. 4:04 AM randomvectorguy: >"they said if i dont do it, they will kil both of us."
  159. >the way she say know what your feeling now...its fear.
  160. 4:09 AM randomvectorguy: "Dash..."
  161. 4:09 AM randomvectorguy: >"T-They want me to violate you."
  162. 4:10 AM randomvectorguy: >they what....
  163. 4:10 AM V3ESQ5: Oh God pls yis
  164. 4:11 AM randomvectorguy: "they...want us to"
  165. 4:12 AM randomvectorguy: >you can hear RD start o cry
  166. 4:13 AM randomvectorguy: >"they have cameras set up, they're watchig us right now...
  167. 4:13 AM V3ESQ5: I am in a state of ure happiness
  168. 4:13 AM randomvectorguy: >you start to look franticly around your suroundings
  169. 4:13 AM V3ESQ5: Pls continue
  170. 4:13 AM V3ESQ5: pure happiness
  171. 4:14 AM randomvectorguy: >yout then notice them, on each corner
  172. 4:14 AM randomvectorguy: "Dash....I"
  173. 4:15 AM randomvectorguy: She come back on view again
  174. 4:15 AM randomvectorguy: comes back into**
  175. 4:16 AM randomvectorguy: one sex again
  176. 4:18 AM randomvectorguy: fsdjfasl
  177. 4:18 AM V3ESQ5: luv u bb
  178. 4:18 AM randomvectorguy: Dashes emotions run free as she continues
  179. 4:19 AM randomvectorguy: >"They don't want us to f-fcuck...they want us to make love.
  180. 4:20 AM randomvectorguy: v3
  181. 4:20 AM V3ESQ5: yis
  182. 4:21 AM randomvectorguy: does octavia stay chained
  183. 4:21 AM V3ESQ5: Newp
  184. 4:21 AM V3ESQ5: bb
  185. 4:21 AM randomvectorguy: kk
  186. 4:23 AM randomvectorguy: >her face is breking your hear.
  187. 4:24 AM randomvectorguy: >"W-we need to make love...if we do l-look convincing.. They said would kill us!"
  188. 4:26 AM whydomenhavenipples: h-hello
  189. 4:26 AM whydomenhavenipples: ?
  190. 4:27 AM randomvectorguy: "D-Dash-ie....don't worry. I-i give you permission t-to do what e-ever it t-t-takes"
  191. 4:27 AM V3ESQ5: NIPPYS BB
  192. 4:27 AM whydomenhavenipples: heyheyehye
  193. 4:27 AM randomvectorguy: sup sup nipps
  194. 4:27 AM V3ESQ5: RVG is completing my life with a gloris fic
  195. 4:28 AM whydomenhavenipples: bout wat
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