
Mooria The Cow

Aug 23rd, 2013
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  1. >At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack, Spike, and you walk side by side, “Ah really appreciate ya comin over tah help me milk the cows, its kinda tricky without dem fancy do-dads ya’ll got.”
  2. “How DO you milk a cow anyway?”
  3. >”Well usually ya grab their teat an..”
  4. “No, I mean, how do YOU milk them?”
  5. >”Oh, well ah jus use muh hooves, but they always say ahm “Too rough.””
  6. “Well, we’ll do our best.”
  7. >”Great, fetch me tha buckets and stools, and I’ll meet ya out in tha pastures.”
  8. >Reaching the wooden fence, AJ swings open the door, and heads into the cow pasture. You and Spike do as you were told, and head to the barn. After collecting the stuff, you head out to see Applejack with 4 cows.
  9. >Going over, you set them to the side, “Anon, I’d like ya tah meet the girls. Mooriella, Moonroe, Mooriel, and Moochelle.”
  10. >”Howdy~”
  11. >”Hello.”
  12. >”Salutations.”
  13. >”Mornin.”
  14. >Moonroe looks over at Applejack, “So are these the boys you said were gonna milk us today?”
  15. >”Sure are.”
  16. >”Its nice tah meet ya, Applejack was right, ya’ll are real handsome.” All the cows start giggling as you and Spike feel embarrassed by their teasing, she then points at Spike “Just try not to get to close to Mooriel, she likes to eat up little cutties like you.”
  17. >Spike twiddles his thumbs as Applejack laughs with them, “All right, all right, settle down. Don’t listen to them much, they like teasin any colt within 100 miles. Welp, pull up a stool, and let’s get down tah business.”
  18. “To defeat the huns?”
  19. >Naturally she looks at you as though you spoke fancy.
  20. “Never mind.”
  21. >Pulling up the stool, you sit down, and look over her big, dangling glands. You look up, and see her smiling down at you, “Well go ahead sweetie, they won’t bite.”
  22. >You look over to the side, and see Spike happily milking his cow, while she eats grass like its no big deal.
  24. >Ah the innocence of youth, or perhaps you were over thinking it. Exhaling, you reach out, and grab hold of her teats.
  25. >”Cold! Cold!” You let go, and lean back, but instead she laughs, “I’m kidding, they were really warm.
  26. >Sighing, you grab her again, and begin to milk.
  27. >With the bucket full, Applejack picks it up, and takes it away. Spike is petting the cow for some reason, and the rest are just off in the distance grazing.
  28. >Some more cows show up, and the one you milked brings one over to you, “Anon, this here is my daughter, “Mooria.”
  29. >”Hey.”
  30. “Hey.”
  31. >”You two have a lot in common, so you kids have fun while we’re getting ready to go.”
  32. >She leaves the two of you alone, and the two of you look one another over, she was big, like how are, but she apparently wasn’t a milking cow.
  33. “So, ummm....whats it like being a cow?”
  34. >”Pretty good, I eat all I want, sleep when I want, and never gain a pound.” Something about that made you laugh out loud, either from its absurdity, or method of delivery, but you laughed. She didn’t seem to mind, and smiled.
  35. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to laugh.”
  36. >”Its fine, why would I be offended? It’s the truth. So, what are you supposed to be?”
  37. “A human.”
  38. >”Well that’s….cool I guess, whats a human?”
  39. “Basically a hairless ape.”
  40. >”Oh, well that’s cool.”
  41. “So, what exactly do we have in common?”
  42. >”Right now, we both would rather be other places.”
  43. “Tsk, aint that the truth.”
  44. >”But I don’t know, talking with you is all right, I don’t feel weird doing it.”
  45. “Yeah, this is all right. I’ve been dying to want to know this, but is cow tipping a thing here?”
  46. >”Cow what?”
  47. “Cow tipping, like, I tip you over when you’re sleeping.”
  48. >”Why would you do that?”
  49. “It was something I heard people would do back home.”
  51. >”Wow, you must have lived in a horrible place.”
  52. “Not really, where I was from, cows couldn’t talk, or were smart.”
  53. >”Where are you from again?”
  54. “I’m from another world.”
  55. >”Oh, so you’re like…an alien or something?”
  56. “Well to me, you’re the alien.”
  57. >The both of you look at one another before laughing; one of the mother cows calls her, “Mooria! Its time to go!”
  58. >”Well, I gotta go.”
  59. “Yeah.”
  60. >”It was fun talking, ummm.”
  61. “Anon.”
  62. >”Anon, it was fun talking.”
  63. “Likewise.”
  64. >She smiles before walking away, and as you turn around, you notice Applejack looking over at you with a shit eating grin.
  65. “What?”
  66. >”Hahaha, nuthin.”
  67. “Nah, whats up?”
  68. >”Well, I just thought…ah didn’t figure ya for the type.”
  69. “Type to what?”
  70. >”Anon, they’re cows, they aint ponies.”
  71. “Man, I was just talking with her, it wasn’t like that.”
  72. >”All right, all right, don’t get defensive, if ya want tah graze the pasture, who am I tah judge?”
  73. “Knock it off.”
  74. >”Sure thang lovercolt.”
  75. >In this way, you would do your thing. You’d go help Applejack once a week, milk the cows, and then talk to Mooria.
  76. >She was right, the two of you had a similar mindset, so talking with her was fun, and the two of you became real good friends.
  77. >Despite Applejack being an asshole, it was worth it to chill, and talk to the equivalent of CowRainbro. You won’t lie; you also did kinda have a crush on her.
  78. >One day you come up with your bucket, and sit by Mooriel, she looks kinda down.
  79. “Whats wrong?”
  80. >As you go about milking her, she sighs “Oh its nothing dear, just had some bad grass is all.”
  81. “Huh.”
  82. >With the milking done, you clean up, and head for Mooria. She seems happy to see you, but also sad. Before you can ask, she answers for you, “We’re all getting fixed to go to another farm, I’m afraid this is our last week here.”
  84. “What?!”
  85. >”Yeah, sorry Anon.”
  86. >There is silence between you two, you want to tell her something, but feel anything wouldn’t be good enough.
  87. >”Hey, lets not dwell on this, we could come back sometime.”
  88. “Yeah, or I could go visit.”
  89. >”That too.” For a moment, things felt optimistic, “Say, you want to go for a walk?”
  90. “Sure.”
  92. >The walk lasted for about 8 minutes before you two rushed into the nearest barn you could find.
  93. >You and Mooria kiss passionately, its hard to reach her anything with her being so big, but she rubs herself with the barn wall.
  94. >”Oh Anon, I’m gonna milk every drop out of you. Hurry, get back there.”
  95. >You do as she says, and rush to the rear. Unbuttoning your pants, you pull them down, and insert. No foreplay, no teasing, nothing. Thrusting in and out, you grab hold of her massive rear, and ride her like a rental car.
  96. >You’re love making was like a cheetah, hard and fast. In seconds it was over. Cumming inside, you wipe the sweat off your brow, and pull out.
  97. >The both of you are panting up a storm, ”Guess that’s a good way to leave off, glad we both felt it.”
  98. “Man, you were amazing.”
  99. >”Not half bad yourself.”
  100. >You give one last kiss before taking a moment to really look around the barn. Off in a corner, you spot Big Mac, and a female sheep in an embrace. The two are looking at you in pure shock, as you two do the same.
  101. >Big Mac looks at you two, before looking at his sheep girlfriend, “Ah won’t tell, if you won’t tell.”
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