
RO/NM: Scrubs

May 23rd, 2012
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  1. -- recreantOctopus [RO] is on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor of a corridor again. But he hasn't put any signs warning of slippery floor! --
  2. -- nitroMerc [NM] happens to be walking along that corridor, not paying attention to where she's walking... and so as a result stumbles and trips! Oh fuck ow!! --
  3. -- recreantOctopus [RO] turns to see who it is and can't help but laugh. Okay, he makes no attempt to stiffle a single chuckle --
  4. -- nitroMerc [NM] sits up and glares at Cirrin. --
  5. NM: What's s☼ funny, rustbl☼☼d?!
  6. -- recreantOctopus [RO] raises an eyebrow. He suspects that is a rhetorical question --
  7. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shakes his head with a smile and goes back to scrubing --
  8. -- nitroMerc [NM] stomps over. She's not going take being laughed at by a redblood! --
  9. NM: D☼n't act like n☼thin' happened!
  10. -- recreantOctopus [RO] note writting time --
  11. RO: "really? CIRRIN RUNFAR thought youd be up for acting like you didnt just slip up"
  12. -- recreantOctopus [RO] hands that up to her --
  13. -- nitroMerc [NM] crumples the note and tosses it over her shoulder. --
  14. NM: I g☼t my eye ☼n y☼u! D☼n't act like y☼u're inn☼cent here.
  15. -- recreantOctopus [RO] his points to himself with an incredulous expression --
  16. RO: ee?
  17. -- nitroMerc [NM] jabs a finger at him. --
  18. NM: Yes, y☼u! Ha, d☼n't pretend t☼ be a nice guy!
  19. -- recreantOctopus [RO] stands up properly --
  20. RO: "nice guys finish last"
  21. NM: Nice guys and Cirrin Runfar, it seems!
  22. -- recreantOctopus [RO] looks offended at that --
  23. RO: humph
  24. NM: Aww, d☼n't take that t☼ne with me! Y☼u knew it fr☼m the start!!
  25. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shakes his head --
  26. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFARs awesome in a race"
  27. NM: But n☼t s☼ awes☼me at much else, I see!!
  28. -- recreantOctopus [RO] quickly writes another note --
  29. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFARs awesome at lots of things!"
  30. NM: ☼h, reeeeeeally??
  31. NM: Name ☼ne thing f☼r me!
  32. RO: "hiding, insults, and playing along gullible suckers"
  33. NM: An' I say y☼u're shitty at hidin', shittier at insults, and ☼kay at the gullible suckers part!
  34. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFAR never asked you anyway!"
  35. NM: Ha! Think ☼f my ☼pini☼n as a gift!!
  36. RO: "too bad CIRRIN RUNFAR cant give you back the gift of depth perception"
  37. NM: ☼h, truuuuust me!
  38. NM: I can see y☼u juuuust fine with this eye!
  39. -- recreantOctopus [RO] smiles --
  40. RO: "maybe your better off keeping an eye on CIRRIN RUNFAR"
  41. -- nitroMerc [NM] scowls. --
  42. NM: Are y☼u m☼uthin' ☼ff t☼ me, Runfar?
  43. -- recreantOctopus [RO] drops his smiles quickly --
  44. RO: "suggestion"
  45. NM: Reeeeally?
  46. NM: Because it s☼unded like y☼u were talkin' back t☼ me!
  47. -- recreantOctopus [RO] linefaces and balls a fist, before writing his next note --
  48. RO: "and what if CIRRIN RUNFAR was??"
  49. NM: Then I will make y☼u pay.
  50. -- recreantOctopus [RO] takes a looooong deep breath --
  51. RO: "can CIRRIN RUNFAR do anything right with you?!"
  52. -- nitroMerc [NM] shruuuuugs. --
  53. NM: Y☼u used t☼ bef☼re y☼u started p☼kin' y☼ur n☼se in places it didn't bel☼ng!!
  54. RO: "gonna cut that off too?"
  55. NM: Maaaaybe, if y☼u keep stickin' them in the wr☼ng places!
  56. -- recreantOctopus [RO] scowls --
  57. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFARs getting tired of you telling CIRRIN RUNFAR where CIRRIN RUNFAR can or can not stick CIRRIN RUNFARs nose"
  58. NM: S☼☼☼☼?
  59. NM: Whatcha g☼nna d☼ ab☼ut it, t☼ugh guy?
  60. -- recreantOctopus's [RO'S] eye twitches. He gives his answer by saying nothing --
  61. NM: Weeeeell? Are y☼u g☼nna say s☼methin'?
  62. RO: aaaugh
  63. NM: ☼h, what's thaaaaaaaat supp☼sed t☼ mean?
  64. RO: uugh aaah hurrr!
  65. NM: Try t☼ ENUNCIATE!! I can't understand y☼u!
  66. RO: guh fuugh hurrr err eee aagh aaaagh!!
  67. NM: C☼☼☼☼☼☼☼me again?
  68. RO: "fuck you"
  69. -- recreantOctopus [RO] throws that note at her face and turns to walk away --
  70. -- nitroMerc [NM] crumples up that note and tosses it at the back of his head. --
  71. NM: Y☼u just g☼nna walk away again like the c☼ward y☼u are?? Ha!
  72. NM: N☼ w☼nder n☼ ☼ne takes y☼u seri☼usly!!
  73. -- recreantOctopus [RO] stops in his tracks. He doesn't say anything --
  74. -- nitroMerc [NM] smirks. --
  75. NM: Weeeeeeeell?
  76. NM: Are y☼u g☼nna pr☼ve me wr☼ng, rustbl☼☼d??
  77. -- recreantOctopus [RO] turns around --
  78. RO: aaa uh?
  79. NM: Speak Alternian, dummy!
  80. RO: aaaaaaaggh!
  81. -- recreantOctopus [RO] runs at her! --
  82. -- nitroMerc [NM] sidesteps at the last second! --
  83. -- recreantOctopus [RO] slips on the wet floor and lands on his arse --
  84. -- nitroMerc [NM] laughs uproariously. --
  85. -- recreantOctopus [RO] doesn't seem to find it so funny on the other side of the situation --
  86. -- recreantOctopus [RO] tries to shoo her away with his hand --
  87. -- nitroMerc [NM] laughs at him again and strolls away, whistling. --
  88. -- recreantOctopus [RO] picks up the nearby sponge without getting back to his feet and goes back to furiously scrubbing that floor --
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