
Shelf Life 1

May 21st, 2011
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  1. [22:55] [Par]Queen_Kitty Another fine day in the realm of Dave. The sovereign titan left for work as he does often, leaving the subjects to their own devices. The other soldiers on Kitty's shelf begin entrenching and setting up a forward command as per her orders. Though its really more for show than anything else.
  2. [22:56] [Par]Queen_Kitty Each of you, by merit, loyalty, or favoritism, are considered the officers of the 'army' and personally attend to Kitty in the command tent. Supposedly its a big honor but not everyone in the room cares for hierarchy.
  3. [23:09] [Owen]Panzer-chan surveys the battlefield with her binoculars! Today is a quiet day... or so it has begun, at least...
  4. [23:10] [Atai]Spirit skulks in the corner. Not because she's mysterious, but because the shadows blend in with her coat better.
  5. [23:11] [Atai]Spirit Can fashion bloom on the battlefield? Yes, it can. After all, black is always in style.
  6. [23:11] [Par]Queen_Kitty lounges in her chair. It lets out small metal whines was it bends to the weight of the large occupant. She yawns and looks over to the nearest person.
  7. [23:11] [k]Hornet-chan sits formally. gazing upon the sky(?) like a flygirl she is.
  8. [23:12] [Par]Queen_Kitty "Are ze fortificationz built?"
  9. [23:13] [Owen]Panzer-chan puts those things away and runs up to the commander. She stands at attention and salutes!
  10. [23:13] [Owen]Panzer-chan “Frau Kätzchen! Noting new to report un ze battlefielt!”
  11. [23:15] [k]Hornet-chan Krauts... so uptight, ne?
  12. [23:16] [k]Hornet-chan Why can't they just chill like us? if there's no sortie order, we just sit our heavy bum here...
  13. [23:16] [k]Hornet-chan yawn.
  14. [23:16] [Owen]Panzer-chan glares frowny daggers at the AMERIKAN girl!
  15. [23:17] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Nein! Es fullfilling mein duties as a soldier!"
  16. [23:18] [k]Hornet-chan Call me when you need the air cavalry, then.
  17. [23:18] [Par]Queen_Kitty "Ah good, good. Our soopperior tactical position should prevent any action from any jealous of glory. At eaze."
  18. [23:19] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Ja! Danke, Kätzchen!"
  19. [23:19] [k]Hornet-chan sit uptight like a giddy schoolgirl waiting in line for a sign from her favourite singer.
  20. [23:20] [k]Hornet-chan I can't wait to fly, really! I wanna fly! Will there be a mission soon?
  21. [23:21] [Owen]Panzer-chan scampers over to that moody black girl. She's not working at all!
  22. [23:22] [Par]Queen_Kitty "I suppoze a reconizenze mission may prove useful. And I do admire your eagerness."
  23. [23:22] [Owen]Panzer-chan takes a while to get there. She is a toy amongst toys, after all.
  24. [23:23] [k]Hornet-chan Recon? boo. If there's no bombing run, that can't be called flying. Best leave recon to fourteens.
  25. [23:23] [k]Hornet-chan was referring to F-14 tomcat.
  26. [23:24] [Par]Queen_Kitty "Well I zee no reazon to make a preemptive attack. Und if I did, I would zend ze stealth bombar."
  27. [23:24] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Fräulein! Fräulein! You must vork harder! Zis is battle, fräulein!"
  28. [23:25] [Owen]Panzer-chan waves her cannon above her head to try and get noticed.
  29. [23:30] [Atai]Spirit perks up.
  30. [23:30] [Atai]Spirit Interest!
  31. [23:30] [Atai]Spirit glides to Kitty's side.
  32. [23:31] [Atai]Spirit You needed me?
  33. [23:31] [Owen]Panzer-chan scampers after her! Don't just blow her off like that! She is quickly left in the dust.
  34. [23:31] [Atai]Spirit looks back at the tiny Jerry.
  35. [23:32] [Atai]Spirit Sorry about thaaaat. Can it wait just a second?
  36. [23:35] [Par]Queen_Kitty "I vuz jus discussing oonderhanded tacticz wiz ze ozzer American."
  37. [23:37] [Atai]Spirit re-perks.
  38. [23:37] [Atai]Spirit Further interest
  39. [23:37] [Atai]Spirit !
  40. [23:37] [Owen]Panzer-chan catches up, out of breath.
  41. [23:38] [Atai]Spirit Underhanded, you say?
  42. [23:38] [Owen]Panzer-chan “Achtung! I am... huhh, huhh... superior officer, Fräulein! I am, to... huhh... to be giwen respkct!”
  43. [23:39] [Atai]Spirit ...I don't understand such difficult words!
  44. [23:40] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Respect! Respect! I do not like being ignoret!"
  45. [23:40] [Atai]Spirit looks back and forth between Tom and Jerry.
  46. [23:42] [Atai]Spirit Sorry~.
  47. [23:43] [Par]Queen_Kitty pats Panzer-chan on the head
  48. [23:43] [Par]Queen_Kitty "Vat iz ze matter?"
  49. [23:43] [Atai]Spirit gives a theoretically apologetic grin. Unfortunately, it is a grin that is just like every other grin of hers, which is the sort that makes you think she's just poisoned your drink.
  50. [23:44] [Owen]Panzer-chan settles down after being patted on the head. It's nice to know you have friends in high places~
  51. [23:45] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Ohh, es noting. I am goot. I vill liffe."
  52. [23:45] [Owen]Panzer-chan looks away and rolls her eyes. Amerikans...
  53. [23:48] [Par]Queen_Kitty "Yez well, Spirit I apologize to get your spirits up but zere iz no planned bombing runz today iz vat I vuz saying."
  54. [23:49] [Atai]Spirit ...Sadness.
  55. [23:49] [Atai]Spirit 's shoulders sag.
  56. [23:50] [Atai]Spirit ...Well, all right then.
  57. [23:51] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Zere is alvays some vork to be done, Fraulein Spirit! Be not glum!"
  58. [23:51] [Owen]Panzer-chan stays positive!
  59. [23:51] [Par]Queen_Kitty "...Vell, perhapz a border conflict vill ztart? Perhapz you can war gamez with Panzer-chan? It iz preferable to threatz to our land I vill admit."
  60. [23:52] [Atai]Spirit Does it involve infiltration, explosions, punishing the wicked and/or enemies of the state, or terrifying people?
  61. [23:52] [Atai]Spirit --Slight hopefulness.
  62. [23:52] [Atai]Spirit adds, a beat late.
  63. [23:55] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I... I do not tink so, no. Ehhh... but..."
  64. [23:55] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I am vorthy opponent in ze games! Zough, perhaps, not vit single combat..."
  65. [23:57] [Owen]Panzer-chan thinks of a solution!
  66. [23:57] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I vill play ze games off ze minds vit you, Frau Spirit!"
  67. [23:58] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Ze chess! Or ze Risk!"
  68. [23:59] [Atai]Spirit Resignation.
  69. [23:59] [Atai]Spirit Okay, I guess.
  70. [00:00] [Par]Queen_Kitty "Ah, very good. Keep your mindz sharp for ze day ze enemy finally attackz!"
  71. [00:01] [Owen]Panzer-chan gets her binoculars out again and surveys the countryside for the last known location of the board game pile.
  72. [00:03] [Par]Queen_Kitty The boardgame pile is still buried in the perilous closet
  73. [00:04] [BNS]Gustav-ko [Suddenly, Panzer-chan's binocular view is blocked!]
  74. [00:04] [Owen]Panzer-chan does not have X-ray vision on her binoculars, because she is not from THE FUTURE and does not have enough \IMAGINATION/.
  75. [00:05] [Owen]Panzer-chan 's eyes! Ze binoculars do noting!
  76. [00:06] [BNS]Gustav-ko Ahem.
  77. [00:08] [Owen]Panzer-chan lowers the binoculars and looks up. And up. And up.
  78. [00:08] [BNS]Gustav-ko is looking down at Panzer-chan with her arms crossed and a smug smirk on her face.
  79. [00:10] [Owen]Panzer-chan holds her own smug smirk for a while, because she can see Gustav-ko's panties from down here, but THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT!
  80. [00:10] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Guten tag, Frau Gustav~"
  81. [00:11] [BNS]Gustav-ko What do you think you're looking at, pipsqueak?
  82. [00:11] [BNS]Gustav-ko snatches the binoculars and takes a look for herself.
  83. [00:12] [K]Hornet-chan Whoahoahoa
  84. [00:12] [Owen]Panzer-chan 's binoculars won't do any good to such an Überfraulein like Gustav-ko!
  85. [00:12] [BNS]Gustav-ko takes them anyway. Because she can.
  86. [00:12] [K]Hornet-chan What are you looking at?
  87. [00:13] [K]Hornet-chan curiusly asks.
  88. [00:13] [Owen]Panzer-chan goes :Y
  89. [00:13] [Atai]Spirit Shock!
  90. [00:13] [BNS]Gustav-ko Who knows.
  91. [00:13] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I em looking for ze mind games..."
  92. [00:13] [BNS]Gustav-ko tosses the binoculars away. That wasn't very nice.
  93. [00:13] [Atai]Spirit Hiiiii, Gusty!
  94. [00:14] [Owen]Panzer-chan "ACH! VAS ES DAS?!
  95. [00:14] [K]Hornet-chan Well, if it doesn't relate to me flying...
  96. [00:14] [K]Hornet-chan shrugs.
  97. [00:14] [Owen]Panzer-chan races to protect the unbreakable plastic ordinance!
  98. [00:14] [Atai]Spirit greets her ex with a gleeful smile that could curdle milk.
  99. [00:14] [BNS]Gustav-ko shoots a squinting stare at Spirit before snubbing her and rolling away from Panzer-chan and her attempt to save her binoculars.
  100. [00:15] [Atai]Spirit Have you come to be a nuisance again?
  101. [00:16] [BNS]Gustav-ko Oh, shut up. Like you have anything better to do.
  102. [00:16] [K]Hornet-chan Who? Me?
  103. [00:16] [Atai]Spirit floats after her, still grinning that ghastly smile.
  104. [00:17] [BNS]Gustav-ko ignores the flying pipsqueak and keeps her scorn focused on Spirit
  105. [00:17] [K]Hornet-chan Me? Me?
  106. [00:17] [Atai]Spirit Of course I do, my lovely longbarrel.
  107. [00:17] [K]Hornet-chan corkscrew spin around gustav.
  108. [00:18] [BNS]Gustav-ko swats the pesky Hornet away, like usual.
  109. [00:18] [K]Hornet-chan Kyan!
  110. [00:18] [K]Hornet-chan I just ask! Nicely, too!
  111. [00:19] [Atai]Spirit But then you showed up and shot that all to hell.
  112. [00:20] [Owen]Panzer-chan fails to catch her belonging! She is a failure to her uniform, which is metaphorical because no one else is wearing the same kind.
  113. [00:20] [Atai]Spirit That's what you're good at, after all.
  114. [00:20] [K]Hornet-chan I'm a multipurpose fighter, so yeah!
  115. [00:20] [BNS]Gustav-ko Get over it.
  116. [00:20] [Atai]Spirit strokes Gustavko's gun.
  117. [00:21] [K]Hornet-chan sticks her chest up with proud. Boyoyon~
  118. [00:21] [BNS]Gustav-ko turns up her nose, but is then put off by someone TOUCHING HER.
  119. [00:21] [BNS]Gustav-ko Hands off!
  120. [00:21] [BNS]Gustav-ko takes the barrel and swings for the fences!
  121. [00:21] [Owen]Panzer-chan dusts off her binoculars and checks them for damage. Seems fine.
  122. [00:22] [Owen]Panzer-chan harbors ANNOYED RAGE for such an act of unkindness!
  123. [00:27] [Atai]Spirit springs away, nimbly dodging Gustavko's gun.
  124. [00:27] [Atai]Spirit Grin.
  125. [00:28] [Atai]Spirit Honey-darling, you're getting a little rusty. That's not good, you know~
  126. [00:29] [Atai]Spirit comments from around the vicinity of Gustav-ko's hips. These were her faaaavorite, once upon a time.
  127. [00:29] [K]Hornet-chan fly low, and watch the hijinks below, amused.
  128. [00:30] [Owen]Panzer-chan desires vengeance, and hefts her handheld cannon up, aiming for Gustavko...
  129. [00:31] [Owen]Panzer-chan is smacked by a wayward RAIL CANNON and fails to deliver her vengeance!
  130. [00:32] [K]Hornet-chan Hey hey hey! Infight? Rebellion? Mutiny!?
  131. [00:32] [K]Hornet-chan eyes sparkles!
  132. [00:34] [Owen]Panzer-chan is sent sailing off the shelf! This is an unfortunate series of events!
  133. [00:34] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Waaaah! Hilfe! HILFE!"
  134. [00:34] [BNS]Gustav-ko either doesn't notice, or doesn't care that the little panzer just went flying.
  135. [00:35] [Owen]Panzer-chan is not helping anyone by saying help in German.
  136. [00:35] [K]Hornet-chan Woah! A damsel(?) in distress!
  137. [00:36] [K]Hornet-chan Time for american military intervention!
  138. [00:38] [K]Hornet-chan corkscrew dive at the falling mini-panzer.
  139. [00:38] [K]Hornet-chan Get!
  140. [00:39] [K]Hornet-chan headbutt panzer-chan.
  141. [00:39] [K]Hornet-chan Oof-
  142. [00:39] [Owen]Panzer-chan has no clue what's going on right now, other than something went completely wrong.
  143. [00:40] [K]Hornet-chan adds even more momentum to the fall. Teehee!
  144. [00:40] [Owen]Panzer-chan bounces off the Hornet as she's just within arms' reach! This is certain not "hilfe"!
  145. [00:42] [Owen]Panzer-chan "NEIN! NEIN NEIN NEEEEIIIINN!"
  146. [00:43] [K]Hornet-chan Speeeaaaak eeeennngggliiiiiisssshhhh!!
  147. [00:43] [K]Hornet-chan yells as she got entangled with the tank-chan.
  148. [00:43] [Owen]Panzer-chan somehow manages to end up getting tangled in Hornet-chan's arms regardless of such a failure.
  149. [00:44] [K]Hornet-chan manage to land of her feet, despite all the ruckus.
  150. [00:44] [K]Hornet-chan Whew.
  151. [00:44] [Atai]Spirit Wow, Gusty. If you wanted to get me all alone, you could just ask, next time.
  152. [00:44] [Owen]Panzer-chan , while still being grabbed by her savior, shoots a wild shot at Gustav from well out of range!
  153. [00:45] [Owen]Panzer-chan "DAS ES UNPROFESSIONAL, WEIB!"
  154. [00:46] [K]Hornet-chan Easy, girl, easy!
  155. [00:46] [Atai]Spirit But Kitty's still watching us...! You really want to do it in front of her?
  156. [00:46] [Owen]Panzer-chan would shoot more if her cannon wasn't breech-loading. She squirms in Hornet-chan's arms.
  157. [00:46] [Atai]Spirit How scandalous~
  158. [00:46] [K]Hornet-chan is having trouble carrying Panzer-chan with her metallic sheet called wing.
  159. [00:47] [K]Hornet-chan hush, hush! Stay still or I can't get you back there!
  160. [00:48] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I EM SUPERIOR OFFICER! RESPECT! RESPECT!"
  161. [00:48] [BNS]Gustav-ko continues to ignore the Panzer in favor of stewing at Spirit
  162. [00:48] [K]Hornet-chan use angry-face.jpg
  163. [00:49] [BNS]Gustav-ko Go get slagged, you whore!
  164. [00:49] [Par]Queen_Kitty had actually fallen asleep in her chair
  165. [00:49] [K]Hornet-chan If you're not going to stop, I'll tell UN about it!
  166. [00:49] [K]Hornet-chan 's UN is queen kitty, of course.
  167. [00:49] [Atai]Spirit Poooout.
  168. [00:51] [Atai]Spirit Now that's just uncalled for, Gusty. You're the only one I've ever been with.
  169. [00:51] [Owen]Panzer-chan is babbling incoherently now, trying and failing to climb over Hornet's shoulders to get a better shot.
  170. [00:52] [K]Hornet-chan Eh- wah! Don't! My hair! Your tread! It tangles-- awawawa!
  171. [00:55] [BNS]Gustav-ko grabs for Spirit's hair
  172. [00:56] [K]Hornet-chan decide to take panzer up the shelf before she cause even more pain.
  173. [00:57] [K]Hornet-chan Ow ow ow ow owie...
  174. [00:58] [Owen]Panzer-chan 's righteous fury is cut short at the predicament of her treads being tangled in Hornet's hair!
  175. [00:59] [Atai]Spirit evades her grab-- almost. Gustavko's fingers catch an errant silver lock, and it's enough to arrest her motion.
  176. [00:59] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Unngg... No, not... not, not goot."
  177. [01:00] [Atai]Spirit So grabby, aren't y-OW!
  178. [01:00] [Atai]Spirit Pain!
  179. [01:00] [BNS]Gustav-ko grabs ahold of her and tosses her bodily into the air, towards the other two!
  180. [01:00] [BNS]Gustav-ko Raaaaghh!!
  181. [01:01] [K]Hornet-chan Whaaaaaaaaaaat!?
  182. [01:02] [Owen]Panzer-chan has no hope of dodging, unless her brave savior dodges for them both!
  183. [01:02] [K]Hornet-chan spews chaffs and flares like she just wet herself.
  184. [01:05] [Owen]Panzer-chan "...ehh?"
  185. [01:06] [K]Hornet-chan Evasive maneuver!
  186. [01:07] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I'm stuck! I, I cen't!"
  187. [01:08] [K]Hornet-chan God bless Americaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
  188. [01:08] [Owen]Panzer-chan pulls at her treads, but only makes Hornet-chan's hair more tangled.
  189. [01:08] [K]Hornet-chan picks a direction randomly, and dodge there.
  190. [01:08] [BNS]Gustav-ko Hmph!
  191. [01:09] [BNS]Gustav-ko crosses her arms and watches the entire fiasco unfold.
  192. [01:09] [Atai]Spirit notes the incoming girls, and snaps into flight mode. She drops low, and hugs the ground before coming out of flight and braking gently to a stop. Easy-peasy~
  193. [01:10] [Atai]Spirit gives her hair a confident toss.
  194. [01:10] [K]Hornet-chan almost crash-landed into her so-called hangar.
  195. [01:10] [Atai]Spirit Smugness~
  196. [01:11] [Atai]Spirit Grin.
  197. [01:11] [K]Hornet-chan Now get the hell outta my hair, please!
  198. [01:11] [K]Hornet-chan is still popping chaffs and flares every now and then.
  199. [01:12] [Owen]Panzer-chan calms down and gets the hair loose in a jiffy! She hops back down and straightens her uniform.
  200. [01:12] [K]Hornet-chan Eugh.
  201. [01:13] [K]Hornet-chan groans, lying flat on the hangar floor.
  202. [01:14] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Problem, Fräulein Hornet?"
  203. [01:15] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Entschuldigung."
  204. [01:15] [Owen]Panzer-chan bows in apology.
  205. [01:15] [Atai]Spirit Bless you.
  206. [01:15] [K]Hornet-chan Enchu-what?
  207. [01:15] [K]Hornet-chan Eeeeeugh. Hair hurts.
  208. [01:16] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I'm sorry... May I comb it? I em goot wit mein hands."
  209. [01:17] [Owen]Panzer-chan wiggles her fingers. They are small and full of finesse!
  210. [01:18] [K]Hornet-chan I'll take that as a fellow UN member's gratitude, then.
  211. [01:18] [K]Hornet-chan sits back up
  212. [01:18] [K]Hornet-chan If you please.
  213. [01:19] [Atai]Spirit has walked back over to where her big blonde girl stands.
  214. [01:20] [Atai]Spirit So what are you here for today, Gusty?
  215. [01:20] [Owen]Panzer-chan :T's. The hair is far too high for her to comb it now!
  216. [01:20] [K]Hornet-chan ?
  217. [01:20] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I require a lefft."
  218. [01:24] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Also I require a comb."
  219. [01:24] [BNS]Gustav-ko What do you mean /here/? Look around! There's not much else of a place to go /to/, you bubbleheaded bimbo!
  220. [01:27] [Atai]Spirit Moderately offended!
  221. [01:27] [K]Hornet-chan Oh right!
  222. [01:27] [K]Hornet-chan lie down.
  223. [01:27] [K]Hornet-chan Is this okay?
  224. [01:27] [Atai]Spirit Bubble-headed? I assure you, Gusty, I'm anything but.
  225. [01:28] [Atai]Spirit Coy~
  226. [01:28] [Owen]Panzer-chan twirls her finger around.
  227. [01:28] [Owen]Panzer-chan "Lie unt your stomach, comrade."
  228. [01:28] [K]Hornet-chan And I think there's a comb in those figma's toolbox.
  229. [01:29] [K]Hornet-chan Copy.
  230. [01:29] [K]Hornet-chan flips.
  231. [01:30] [Atai]Spirit But if you're looking for somewhere to go, we could always sneak away to the lower closet.
  232. [01:30] [Atai]Spirit ...Just like old times~
  233. [01:30] [Owen]Panzer-chan "I vill returnen, quickly."
  234. [01:31] [Owen]Panzer-chan sets off on an EPIC JOURNEY to retrieve a figma's toy comb! Despite them being asleep, it is an arduous journey, but she returns successfully!
  235. [01:31] [Owen]Panzer-chan "..."
  236. [01:32] [Owen]Panzer-chan sees a sleeping Hornet-chan.
  237. [01:32] [K]Hornet-chan Zzz~
  238. [01:32] [Owen]Panzer-chan shrugs.
  239. [01:32] [K]Hornet-chan is using her ultimate technique, tits-cushion!
  240. [01:33] [K]Hornet-chan is somehow being comfortable.
  241. [01:33] [Owen]Panzer-chan "...Vone does nacht neet to be avake to be combed."
  242. [01:33] [Owen]Panzer-chan is on a COMBING MISSION! It must be completed!
  243. [01:36] [Owen]Panzer-chan combs with elegant tiny hands. Panzy excels at the things which her size does not prevent her from doing!
  244. [At this point we'd already lost Kirin and Tesla, and just called it a night]
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