
29 (DL) Spirit Speaker [M. Unicorn Lifebinder] MLPFEMTORPG

Mar 22nd, 2014
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  1. Name: Spirit Speaker
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Unicorn
  4. Class: Lifebinder (Cleric/Necromancer)
  5. Talent: Swirling Shades (Soul Return is instant and fallen enemies with Soul Return cast on them will become neutral towards the party postmortem and will follow Spirit Speaker. If the spirit possess a living body, it will stop following Spirit Speaker unless he takes it as a minion or it chooses to continue to follow him.)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  9. ----------------------------------------------
  10. DL
  12. Aura: Green
  14. What Goes Down Must Come Up: Using their own bouncy aura, Green Aura users can get up much more easily than anyone else, giving them a +1 to getting out of helplessness.
  16. I Am Rubber and You Are Not: Using the momentum provided to them by the enemy, when a Green Aura user takes damage, they get a +1 to their next attack.
  18. A Spring in Their Step: Green Aura users understand how to get the most out of life, litterally and metaphorically. They get a +1 to non-offensive Necromantic and Healing Spells.
  20. A Bad Bounce: When a Green Aura user fails, they fail hard. When a roll critfails, the user has a -1 to all rolls until something succeeds.
  21. ------------------------------------------------------
  23. Skills:
  24. (Free Racial) Unicorn Catalyst: passive; a unicorn’s horn counts as a catalyst for spellcasting.
  25. (Free Racial) Unicorn Telekinesis: spell; manipulate objects through sheer force of will. Complex tasks and heavier objects may require more focus.
  26. (Racial) Posh: So you’re leaving high society for a life of adventure? It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this. You can start the game with a magical item that gives a +1 to a single Spell. If held by someone without that skill, the item’s residual magic allows that spell to be cast at DC 8. (Bonus to: Soul Return)
  27. (Free Multiclass) Soul Return: When cast on a living thing, upon its death, its consciousness may continue to persist as a disembodied spirit. These spirits can talk, pass through walls and have limited abilities to interact with physical objects. They may also attempt to possess a living body to regain a physical form, but this ghoulish new look may provoke witch hunts and exorcisms everywhere he goes.
  28. (Class) Wrath: recharge 2, spell, ranged; damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+ and can kill weak enemies on a crit.
  29. (Class) Heal: recharge 1, spell, ranged; restores target’s hits to full and restores one wound, or removes all status effects. Crit restores 2 wounds, crit fail deals a wound of damage to the target.
  31. Inventory:
  32. Book Bag:
  33. Folklore of Equestria,
  34. The Spirit Realm: A Study,
  35. Grave Matters, (CURRENTLY BEING LOANED)
  36. Magical Curses and Ailments and How to Cure Them,
  37. Starswirl the Bearded's Apprehensive Guide to Advanced Spellcasting,
  38. (Posh) Personal Copy of the Equine-nomicon: Magic Item, allows casting of Soul Return at DC 8, Spellcasting Catalyst,
  39. Grey Hooded Cloak
  40. Reading Glasses
  41. Small Satchel: Waterskin, Candles, Matches, Dried Fruits
  43. Traits:
  45. Spirit Speaker is a male unicorn. His fur is a pale grey with a black unkempt mane, and has soft blue eyes with dark lines underneath from sleep deprivation. Spirit Speaker was originally named Spirits Speaker, back when he worked in his family's tavern. His parents named him after the kind of drinks he'd be around, as well as what they hoped his eventual profession would be. His father rose him on bartending and running the business, for he would be the one to inherit it. Thus, Spirits Speaker spent much of his childhood around alcohol, gruff ponies, and the sorts. Fortunately, it never phased him. since it was all normal life for him.
  46. Around his 6th birthday, however, Spirits Speaker began to bad nightmares of ghosts and monsters swirling around him. Often he'd wake from his sleep screaming, and his parents would rush to the attic to see what was wrong. After two months straight of near sleepless nights, Spirits' parents took him to a local witch doctor, who had told them that Spirits was born with the ability to see the spirits of the dead, and that they knew no way to cure of him of this ability.
  47. Spirits' parents were mortified of the news, and decided it would be best to save their money to send Spirits Speaker Canterlot to search for a treatment or at least let him control his abilities. After a few months, his father and mother had saved enough money, and Spirits left his home town, 6 1/2 years old and alone on a train, tormented by ghosts.
  48. Upon reaching Canterlot, Spirits took up classes at the Royal Magic School of Canterlot, young as he was. He spent nights at the community home they had on campus for the less fortunate. As young as he was, the instructors there were impressed at how he could see through to the spirit world without using magic as many others did, as it was something he could do near on command. Though he spent many years there learning and searching through the Royal Libraries for a cure for his symptoms, Spirits never found a way to fully stop seeing the dead in his dreams and around him. However, on a trip into the restricted section of the library, he found a copy of the Equine-nomicon, which he spent countless hours reading and studying, and he eventually stole the book, writing his own notes inside on the spirit realm of which he learned.
  49. Spirits spent many years studying there though, eventually changing his name from Spirits Speaker to Spirit Speaker, due to his condition. He earned a basic degree in spellcasting, and eventually learned to suppress the dreams with the help of the Equine-nomicon, although he never fully stopped them. He still occasionally is awakened by a malevolent spirit during the night, but much less since childhood. However, Spirit Speaker didn't stay much longer in Canterlot after earning his degree, buying some adventuring gear and a few books for occasional studying, and setting out. He went back to his home village, and spent a couple of weeks back with his aging parents, who were happy to see that he was was fairing better from when they last saw him. However, Spirit still wanted to continue his own personal studies into the afterlife, and after some bittersweet goodbyes left to advance his studies by traveling the world for more information.
  50. Now, Spirit Speaker explores the world for extended studies of the undead, afterlife, and the spirit world. Many ponies would call him an evil necromancer, but Spirit doesn't mean any real harm. Although he fights bandits and evildoers, he often allows for their spirits to live on and follow him, since he believes that he shouldn't just kill anypony. Spirit often joins groups of adventurers for more protection as he continues his studies, but has never really felt any real feelings towards anypony besides his family.
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