
Traditionsteady Cali and Ally Intro

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. [18:39] <Dm-sumo> "My oh least he arrived at his destination" The cloaked figure tabs on the map with his pale fingers in thought "Now....who I am missing...." Books appear and disappear in front of him at a lightning fast speed until he finally finds the book he is looking for.
  2. [18:39] <Dm-sumo> The book appears to be a simple journey, but with it seemingly being cut down the middle with only half being a slightly darker brown than the other."This is definitely it, it's just like them in a way." The book opens up to reveal that just like the front cover the pages themselves are split. On one side the letters and neat as well as to the point while on the other side the writing is in cursive with thoughts and schemes written
  3. [18:39] <Dm-sumo> "Even their fates seem to be inseparable....quite an interesting match, though....I wonder how they will manege...." A shot pause ensues, but is broken with the shaking of the cloaked figure's head. "Now then...time to see what those trouble makers are up to" He point yet again to the same city, but this time a little to the north.
  4. [18:40] <Dm-sumo> Reality twists and fades into darkness.
  5. [18:41] <Dm-sumo> And returns to normal with a pop.
  6. [18:44] <Dm-sumo> You stand before the northern entrance to the capital city of Thiles after a long and tiresome journey from the southern coalition a challenge like this shall be an interesting one.
  7. [18:44] <Dm-sumo> For the northern gate leads to one district in particular.
  8. [18:45] <Dm-sumo> The Noble districts, but there seems to be a few guards checking in with whoever wants to pass.
  9. [18:45] <Dm-sumo> Wat do noble adventures?
  10. [18:45] <@JohnnyS> "'Liza, wanna get somethin to eat?"
  11. [18:46] <Eliza> "Why wouldn't I? How long has it been since we had a decent meal?"
  12. [18:46] * Eliza shakes her head and stares forward. "Noble food too..ehehe.." She drools a bit thinking about it
  13. [18:47] <@JohnnyS> "Eh, I'd say about...two, three weeks? And yeah, noble food. But you know what I told ya, no stealin sis."
  14. [18:47] * JohnnyS pats Eliza on the head gently
  15. [18:47] * Eliza sighs and murmurs under her breath "Damned killjoy.."
  16. [18:47] <@JohnnyS> "WHAT WAS THAT?!"
  17. [18:47] <Eliza> "I didn't say a thing! Ya hearin things again big brother I swear it!"
  18. [18:48] <@JohnnyS> "S'what I thought, ya little minx."
  19. [18:48] * JohnnyS readjusts the two backpacks on his back
  20. [18:48] <Eliza> "Little minx, why I oughta..."
  21. [18:48] * Eliza pouts
  22. [18:48] * JohnnyS pats Eliza on the head again
  23. [18:48] <@JohnnyS> "Let's make our way inside sis."
  24. [18:48] <Eliza> "Stappit damn it."
  25. [18:48] * Eliza grumbles. "Man I hate guards..they're always such dicks."
  26. [18:48] <Dm-sumo> The yelling/arguing gets the attention of the guards who are now staring at you, but are otherwise not leaving their post
  27. [18:49] <@JohnnyS> "Yep."
  28. [18:49] <Eliza> "See! They're lookin' at us like we're a couple of fuckin street urchins!"
  29. [18:49] * JohnnyS whispers to Eliza "You do the talkin' sis, you know I'm not so good around these uptight types."
  30. [18:49] * Eliza nods and whispers. "Cutesy this time? Or what are ya thinkin'?"
  31. [18:50] <@JohnnyS> "Yeah, real cutesy like."
  32. [18:50] <@JohnnyS> "Nothin' too extravagant though.:"
  33. [18:51] <Eliza> "Alright alriiight. I got this"
  34. [18:52] * Eliza steps forward and looks up to the guard. "Um, 'scuse me sir. Me and my brother were lookin' to get into this fine district here ya see? We've come a long way and we're pretty hungry..."
  35. [18:56] <Dm-sumo> Two of the guard hang back and let their friend do that talking "Well you see I "could" let you in, but first I must ask you where you are traveling from do you plan on doing anything other than "eating" in this fine area which I am charged to protect." He stares at her and her companion with a deeply serious face.
  36. [18:56] <Dm-sumo> from and do you plan*
  37. [18:57] * Eliza raises her hands. "Look here, I'm not plannin' nothin', he ain't plannin' nothing. Are you big brother?" She shoots a look to him. "We just wanna get in, see the district, and have some food and drink, we're tired and weary."
  38. [18:58] <Eliza> "Asides that if anyone was plannin' anything, why would we bother with asking you fine gentlemen for a way into the district in the first place? You understand?"
  39. [18:59] * JohnnyS chuckles to himself quietly
  40. [19:00] <Dm-sumo> He looks them over one more time and looks back to his fellow guards "Okay, we will let you in on the condition you give us your names. Just in case" He says with a smile.
  41. [19:01] <Eliza> "Ey ey ey, that ain't very fair now, I know you're authority and all but I ain't seen you hold up any other schmucks passin' through the gates, why us?"
  42. [19:02] * Eliza leans closer to the guard, her ears perking slightly as her tail stands on end. "Yous prejudiced against cat people fella?"
  43. [19:02] * JohnnyS walks forward and puts a hand on Eliza 's shoulder
  44. [19:02] <@JohnnyS> "Easy sis, it's just our names, right?"
  45. [19:02] <Eliza> "Well yeah but it's the principle of the thing! He don't like cats! I see it in his eyes I'm tellin' ya!"
  46. [19:03] <@JohnnyS> "Easy 'Liza, you're makin stuff up again..."
  47. [19:03] * Eliza grumbles. "I'm tellin ya he ain't likin cats, or foreigners.."
  48. [19:04] * Eliza lets out a frustrated sigh. "I'm Eliza, my brother can introduce himself."
  49. [19:04] <@JohnnyS> "I'm Johnny."
  50. [19:05] <Dm-sumo> The guard snaps his fingers and one of the guards steps forward, handing him a a piece of paper which he then shows it to you.....which has the names of ever person that has entered or left through this gate "We take security very seriously." He then writes down the two new names.
  51. [19:05] <@JohnnyS> "Can we go in now sir?"
  52. [19:05] <Dm-sumo> After writing down the names he waves his hand and the gates open to the city "Welcome to the capital. Enjoy your stay"
  53. [19:06] <@JohnnyS> "Thanks."
  54. [19:06] * JohnnyS whispers under his breath to his sister "What a bunch of stick up their ass douchebags. eh?"
  55. [19:07] * Eliza whispers "They're racist I'm telling you, ain't no guard ever treated me right once, not one time."
  56. [19:07] <@JohnnyS> "Easy sis, eaaaaasy."
  57. [19:07] * JohnnyS rubs Eliza 's fluffy ears as they walk
  58. [19:07] * Eliza whispers "I'mma pay a visit to his wallet you better believe it Johnny.."
  59. [19:07] * Eliza shoots an angry glare back at the guards
  60. [19:07] <@JohnnyS> ".....ok maybe this one time. ONE TIME."
  61. [19:08] <@JohnnyS> "After all, we are kinda hurtin for cash at the moment..."
  62. [19:08] <Dm-sumo> After getting some looks from the guards on the other side of the gate you make it into the city finely
  63. [19:09] <Dm-sumo> It is what you would expect for the Noble district: Large house or what some might call mansions, finely dressed people walking about, but there seem to be a number of shops the sell everything from footwear to armor.
  64. [19:10] <Dm-sumo> And of course this is the place of good taverns.
  65. [19:10] <Dm-sumo> Or "Inns" as they would call them.
  66. [19:10] <Dm-sumo> Besides the guards at the front you don't draw to much attention from the locals.
  67. [19:11] <Dm-sumo> You are now inside. Wat do?
  68. [19:11] <Eliza> Where is that guards house
  69. [19:11] <Eliza> I wasn't lying.
  70. [19:13] <Dm-sumo> You can see from where you are at where several different guard houses, but the closest one is about a block or so down the wall from where you are.
  71. [19:13] <Eliza> Oh I wasn't asking for all of them, I mean just his.
  72. [19:13] <Eliza> I wanna rob that nigga blind ain't no one racist toward no goddamn cat cept me, uh-uh.
  73. [19:15] <Dm-sumo> His particular guard house would be right outside the city where he was standing guard, but his bunk in the barracks on the other hand....
  74. [19:15] <Eliza> ..Motherfuck.
  75. [19:15] <Eliza> How populated is the barracks currently?
  76. [19:15] <Dm-sumo> never got his name so you not sure which guard to steal from....not that they have them name plated.
  77. [19:16] <Dm-sumo> You can see the barracks from here and from the looks of it....
  78. [19:17] <Dm-sumo> Roll1d20
  79. [19:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled --> error: malformed expression
  80. [19:17] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d20
  81. [19:17] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{17}
  82. [19:17] <Dm-sumo> ......It also seems to house part of the army as you can officers talking to each other in front of it.
  83. [19:17] * Eliza whimpers as she looks at Johnny. "Fuck that noise those ain't normal guard.."
  84. [19:18] <!Dice-chan> (I need to restart my comp)
  85. [19:18] <Dm-sumo> (Kk~)
  86. [19:18] <@JohnnyS> "Hahahaha, at least you aren't dumb enough to bite off more than you can chew sis."
  87. [19:18] == Dice-chan [Emilybrosh@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has quit [Quit: ]
  88. [19:18] <Eliza> "Eeeyyy. It's worked before, I just ain't trusting that.."
  89. [19:21] <Dm-sumo> (shall we wait for lord Emily to return with ze dice? Or shall we continue?)
  90. [19:21] <Eliza> (I'd wait for Emmy cause, we need those dice. ;_;)
  91. [19:21] == Emilybroshoujo [Emilybrosh@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has joined #CYOAsteady
  92. [19:21] == mode/#CYOAsteady [+oa Emilybroshoujo Emilybroshoujo] by ChanServ
  93. [19:22] == Emilybroshoujo has changed nick to Dice-chan
  94. [19:22] <Dm-sumo> Fastest restart in the west.
  95. [19:23] <Dm-sumo> Okay.
  96. [19:25] <Dm-sumo> Where to now? Off to a tavern "Inn"? Going to have fun with the "local"? Going to trying and oneup the guards? The possibilities are endless.
  97. [19:25] <Dm-sumo> locals*
  98. [19:26] <Eliza> Now by having fun with quote unquote locals, you mean robbing the tourists?
  99. [19:26] <Eliza> Because Iunno man, you'll have to ask him
  100. [19:26] <@JohnnyS> Ask me? I don't want to be aware of any of your actions, you know I have problems with them
  101. [19:26] <@JohnnyS> lol
  102. [19:27] <Eliza> You ain't aware I'm sayin what we do is up to you
  103. [19:27] <@JohnnyS> "Alright sis, first things first, some grub. Let's head to an Inn or somethin'."
  104. [19:27] <Eliza> "Sounds good to me, I'm starved."
  105. [19:28] <Dm-sumo> Okay, so you start heading off toward what you think is a pretty nice I- ROLL SPOT AND LISTEN CHECK.
  106. [19:28] <@JohnnyS> OH GOD
  107. [19:28] <Dm-sumo> Or whatever is higher.
  108. [19:28] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+2
  109. [19:28] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  110. [19:28] <Eliza> roll 1d20+1 You know for a thief, I can't hear/see shit
  111. [19:28] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+1 You know for a thief, I can't hear/see shit --> [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
  112. [19:29] == Dice-chan [Emilybrosh@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has quit [Quit: ]
  113. [19:29] <Eliza> SHIT WE BROKE IT
  114. [19:29] <Eliza> BAIL BAIL
  115. [19:29] <Dm-sumo> (YOU BROKE HER)
  116. [19:32] <Dm-sumo> Okay, first Eliza you notice a messenger boy rush off past you into a mansion and see him pop up again on a ledge next to a very fancily dressed man. The boy seems to be gesturing to the paper for some reason.
  117. [19:32] <Dm-sumo> Now Johnny on the other hand.
  118. [19:33] <Dm-sumo> See the exact same thing but can make out a few words from this distance "....They are inside Mi'lord" and he notices something else......that is that paper that one guard was holding.
  119. [19:33] * JohnnyS frowns
  120. [19:33] <@JohnnyS> ""Liza, we might have an issue..."
  121. [19:34] <Eliza> "Issue? With what, the dopey lookin' messenger boy?"
  122. [19:34] <@JohnnyS> "Yeah. That's the paper that guard wrote our names on. Don't look, keep your face down."
  123. [19:34] <Eliza> "Man I knew we shoulda used fake names.. I told you this before we got here"
  124. [19:34] <Eliza> "Shit.."
  125. [19:34] * Eliza looks at the ground as she keeps walking
  126. [19:34] <@JohnnyS> "Cmon, let's find an alleyway, quick."
  127. [19:34] <Eliza> "Easypeasy."
  128. [19:35] <Dm-sumo> Both of your notice that the man the messenger is talking to a normal looking but has very pale hands and he turns and looks at Johnny directly with a smile on his face.
  129. [19:35] <@JohnnyS> "Shit, he looked at me."
  130. [19:36] <Dm-sumo> They disappear into the mansion.
  131. [19:36] <Eliza> "That's not good...that's not good that's not good."
  132. [19:37] == Emilybroshoujo [Emilybrosh@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has joined #CYOAsteady
  133. [19:37] == mode/#CYOAsteady [+oa Emilybroshoujo Emilybroshoujo] by ChanServ
  134. [19:38] == Emilybroshoujo has changed nick to Dice-chan
  135. [19:38] <!Dice-chan> Should be fine now.
  136. [19:41] <Dm-sumo> The man has went inside what you think is his house and you are positive he saw you.
  137. [19:41] <Dm-sumo> Wat do young ones?
  138. [19:41] <@JohnnyS> Alright, first, we should both look around for the nearest Inn, and then run our asses to it as stealthily as possible
  139. [19:42] <@JohnnyS> Sound good ally?
  140. [19:42] <Eliza> Sounds good.
  141. [19:43] <Dm-sumo> Okay. Silent step Check~ (Move silently Check for those of non silly nature)
  142. [19:44] <Eliza> roll 1d20+13
  143. [19:44] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{19}
  144. [19:44] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+10
  145. [19:44] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{16}
  146. [19:47] <Dm-sumo> Both of you move silently through the alleyways/ cracks inbetween the house and make for the nearest Inn you can find. While Johnny trips on a few things on the journey things go nicely and only the most skilled or trained person would be able to find you in these back alleys.
  147. [19:48] <Dm-sumo> You make it to the "Prince's Pride Inn" which is by itself a three story building and no doubt filled with traveling noblemen or rich merchants.
  148. [19:49] <Dm-sumo> There seem to be a pair of guards on patrol but....
  149. [19:49] <Dm-sumo> Roll spot check.
  150. [19:49] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled spot check. --> error: malformed expression
  151. [19:49] <Eliza> roll 1d20+1
  152. [19:49] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{3}
  153. [19:49] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+2
  154. [19:49] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{6}
  155. [19:50] <@JohnnyS> fffff
  156. [19:52] <Dm-sumo> From this angle all you can see is them talking to each other and you think one has a pouch of doubt ale this close to an Inn so it's probably nothing.
  157. [19:53] <Eliza> NOT SO FAST!
  159. [19:53] <@JohnnyS> ....
  160. [19:53] * JohnnyS slaps Eliza on the back of the head
  161. [19:54] <Eliza> could work
  162. [19:54] <Dm-sumo> Well.....if that's really what you want......
  163. [19:54] <Eliza> I don't know if it is
  164. [19:54] <Eliza> hold on
  165. [19:56] == Dice-chan [Emilybrosh@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has quit [Ping timeout: 360 seconds]
  166. [19:56] <Eliza> Well
  167. [19:56] <Eliza> as much as I want to
  168. [19:56] <Eliza> I don't think I will
  169. [19:56] <@JohnnyS> fucking hell
  170. [19:56] <@JohnnyS> Em keeps lagging out or something :(
  171. [19:57] <Dm-sumo> Are you sure? I mean I think it was a good plan.
  172. [19:57] <@JohnnyS> (brb)
  173. [19:57] <Eliza> Iunno man it seems really risky.
  174. [19:57] <Dm-sumo> (pets his white cat while smiling)
  175. [19:59] <Eliza> So
  176. [19:59] <Eliza> This is two guards, right?
  177. [19:59] <Dm-sumo> From this angle all you see if two guards talking and one seems to be laughing a little.
  178. [20:00] <Eliza> ..Hnn.
  179. [20:01] <Eliza> I don't want to unless I know I can get away with it
  180. [20:01] <Eliza> because that is a retardedly risky move
  181. [20:02] == Emilybroshoujo [Emilybrosh@2b2c869d.1916f0b2.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has joined #CYOAsteady
  182. [20:02] == mode/#CYOAsteady [+oa Emilybroshoujo Emilybroshoujo] by ChanServ
  183. [20:02] <Dm-sumo> On the other hand the Inn is right ahead of you. 10ft to be exact.
  184. [20:02] == Emilybroshoujo has changed nick to Dice-chan
  185. [20:04] <Eliza> How long will they be in the area
  186. [20:04] <Eliza> How far away am I from them
  187. [20:06] <Dm-sumo> They are at the end of the street at a small intersection and it looks they will continue forward out of sight anytime now.
  188. [20:06] <Dm-sumo> About 30 or so feet as far as you can tell.
  189. [20:06] <Eliza> Hnn...I really
  190. [20:06] <Eliza> really
  191. [20:06] <Eliza> am wanting to try for this.
  192. [20:07] <Eliza> I'm doing it
  193. [20:07] <Eliza> roll 1d20+13 Tumble
  194. [20:07] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+13 Tumble --> [ 1d20=20 ]{33}
  195. [20:07] <Eliza> roll 1d20+11 Sleight
  196. [20:07] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+11 Sleight --> [ 1d20=10 ]{21}
  197. [20:08] <Eliza> Wait
  198. [20:08] <Eliza> Wait
  199. [20:08] <Eliza> Are they armed? Or actively attentive?
  200. [20:08] <Eliza> Because I didn't even have to roll Sleight because of Pilfer.
  201. [20:08] <Eliza> Armed counts as weapon-in-hand
  202. [20:08] <Eliza> as far as I know.
  203. [20:08] <Eliza> but yeah if they aren't
  204. [20:09] <Eliza> I auto succeed because of pilfer.
  205. [20:09] <Eliza> :3
  206. [20:09] <Dm-sumo> They have swords, but they aren't holding them.
  207. [20:09] <Eliza> YEP
  208. [20:09] <Eliza> THIS IS HAPPENING
  209. [20:09] <Eliza> THEY AREN'T ARMED
  210. [20:10] <Dm-sumo> So you are going after the pouch?
  211. [20:10] <Eliza> That and whatever spare gold I can knick.
  212. [20:11] <Dm-sumo> Okay. One moment.
  213. [20:11] <Eliza> If the pouch is being held, sleight check applies and I'll swap it for a pouch I have.
  214. [20:12] <Dm-sumo> It is being held, but it's okay you pass it with flying colors~
  215. [20:12] <Dm-sumo> Now down to see what is happening....
  216. [20:15] <Dm-sumo> You roll, flip, jump up, and make it all the way to the guards, suprisingly without alerting them and you exchange the flash the guard has and pilfer at least 40g off of him
  217. [20:15] <Dm-sumo> But....
  218. [20:15] <Eliza> You said I passed, no buts!
  219. [20:15] * Eliza pouts
  220. [20:16] <Dm-sumo> You now notice something that you hadn't been able to see due to the angle......the other three guards they were talking to.
  221. [20:16] <Eliza> Oh... oh.
  222. [20:16] <Eliza> Oooohhh...
  223. [20:16] <Eliza> Well, I'm already running, catch me pigs!
  224. [20:17] <Dm-sumo> Running? Okay, well they hadn't noticed you yet thanks to that tumble and how you are behind the two guards....but if you really want to.
  225. [20:18] <Eliza> Waitwaitwait
  226. [20:18] <Eliza> So I see the three guards
  227. [20:18] <Eliza> but nobody noticed me
  228. [20:18] <Eliza> ...I'm sorry u wot m8
  229. [20:18] <Eliza> Well, okay
  230. [20:18] <Eliza> roll 1d20+13 Move Silently
  231. [20:18] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+13 Move Silently --> [ 1d20=3 ]{16}
  232. [20:18] <Eliza> roll 1d20+15 Hide
  233. [20:18] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+15 Hide --> [ 1d20=9 ]{24}
  234. [20:18] <Eliza> Back to the Inn with me
  235. [20:19] <Dm-sumo> Welp lets see how you do.
  236. [20:19] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d20+4
  237. [20:19] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{5}
  238. [20:19] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d20+4
  239. [20:19] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{13}
  240. [20:19] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d20+4
  241. [20:19] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{16}
  242. [20:19] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d20+4
  243. [20:19] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{15}
  244. [20:19] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d20+4
  245. [20:19] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{11}
  246. [20:25] <Dm-sumo> You make it back with a sack of what you can now tell is red wine and what you think might be that guards pay.
  247. [20:25] <Dm-sumo> You are right near the entrance to the Inn.
  248. [20:26] <Eliza> I motion to Johnny and walk inside.
  249. [20:26] <@JohnnyS> I follow her in
  250. [20:33] <Dm-sumo> You enter the Inn and it's about what you would expect from something located within the Noble district.Good lighting with finely polished tables and booths with a bar that might house any alcoholic beverage that might exist. Oh and of course there is the people
  251. [20:33] <Dm-sumo> And the oak stairs that lead up to a different floor.
  252. [20:35] <@JohnnyS> Do we see where the innkeeper is?
  253. [20:35] * Eliza nudges Johnny
  254. [20:35] <@JohnnyS> "Hm?"
  255. [20:36] * Eliza whispers. "So those guards gave me a little paycheck."
  256. [20:36] * Eliza motions for you to hold out your hand
  257. [20:36] <@JohnnyS> "....Dammit sis..."
  258. [20:36] * JohnnyS holds his hand out
  259. [20:36] <Eliza> "Hey hey hey don't get mad, you said one, I took one."
  260. [20:36] * Eliza drops the 40g into your hand and hands you the pouch. "I think it's wine or something..I didn't get a good look."
  261. [20:38] <Dm-sumo> He is currently behind the bar. A stout man in dressed in richly red colored cloths and seems to be always smiling.
  262. [20:38] <@JohnnyS> "Alright, alright...No more sis, at least not with me being aware of it. Weighs on me."
  263. [20:38] <Dm-sumo> is dressed*
  264. [20:38] * JohnnyS walks over to the innkeeper
  265. [20:38] <@JohnnyS> "How much for a room for the night sir?"
  266. [20:40] <Dm-sumo> "Why WELCOME!....TO the Prince's Pride Inn young master! And that just depends on how comfortable you are wanting to be!" he lets out a hearty laugh.
  267. [20:41] * Eliza pipes up behind her brother. "Does it come with room service? And food?"
  268. [20:41] <@JohnnyS> "Shh, quiet 'Liza, we'll get to that."
  269. [20:42] <@JohnnyS> "How much for your best room sir? Along with your finest food and drink, brought to our room so we can eat and drink and be merry in privacy?"
  270. [20:43] <Dm-sumo> He notices Eliza and lets out another hearty laugh" Why just for asking i'm tempting to give it to you no charge...the room service I mean." He closes his eyes as he calculates the price.
  271. [20:44] <Dm-sumo> "Will this be day stay?"
  272. [20:45] <@JohnnyS> "For now yes, depending on how awestruck we are with your food and drink....and beds....we may stay a few days more."
  273. [20:45] * JohnnyS smiles an honest open smile
  274. [20:47] <Dm-sumo> "Well then for the finest food, best selection of drinks in the whole capitcal, and the softest bed I have will come about about....12 gold, but if you choose to stay another night I can lower that price for those that speak favorably of me"
  275. [20:47] <Dm-sumo> capital*
  276. [20:48] <Eliza> "Well I already think you're a nice enough guy, if that counts at all!"
  277. [20:48] * JohnnyS pats Eliza on the head
  278. [20:48] <Eliza> "Well he is..."
  279. [20:48] <Dm-sumo> "And you are indeed a lovely little one!"
  280. [20:49] <@JohnnyS> Well then, could you show us to our room sir?"
  281. [20:50] <Dm-sumo> He leans down and takes out a large tome and set it down on the table "May I have the honor of knowing who will be staying here? I have the names of everyone who has. I have proof even kings have loved my Inn! Oh and of course" He snaps his fingers and some on the serving girls comes over.
  282. [20:51] <@JohnnyS> "Sir, can I speak honestly with you for a moment, away from prying ears?
  283. [20:51] <@JohnnyS> "
  284. [20:51] * Eliza murmurs under her breath. "Again with the names..."
  285. [20:52] <Dm-sumo> He slides a ornate Key across the counter "Top floor and it has a great view!" He tells the serving girl to wait by the stairs "But of course young man. What can this humble inkeeper do for you?"
  286. [20:54] <Dm-sumo> He ushers you both to his backroom.
  287. [20:54] <@JohnnyS> "See, the thing is, my sister and I are very, very paranoid. Now, you, being a smart, enterprising man, might think to yourself, "Only people with something to hide are paranoid", but in our case, it's not true, it's see, my sister isn't really okay in the head, so she freaks out very audibly and visibly whenever her name gets taken down my someone, so I try to keep that from happening as much as possible, y'see?"
  288. [20:55] <@JohnnyS> "That having been said... -takes out 50 gold coins-, whose to say you have to take down EVERY name?"
  289. [20:57] <Dm-sumo> "Really? Oh the poor poor lass" he takes and pockets the gold without showing any change n his facial features "Now that I think of it....that room needs a good cleaning....might even need new furniture...would have to close it off for awhile"
  290. [20:57] <@JohnnyS> "Thank ye kindly sir!"
  291. [21:00] <Dm-sumo> The serving girl awaits to lead you up to your room and when you see it you know the Innkeeper was telling the truth.
  292. [21:02] <Dm-sumo> Two beds that look to be made of the softest material you have ever seen, a red rug , a chest and other things you would find in a room in a house are present as well.
  293. [21:03] <Dm-sumo> Then you have the balcony, which you can see the road clearly as well and a few streets around.
  294. [21:03] <Dm-sumo> The serving girl says she will start to bring up food and drink in a moment.
  295. [21:04] <Dm-sumo> Welcome to luxury. Wat do?
  296. [21:04] * JohnnyS picks up Eliza and swings her around and then tosses her onto a bed
  297. [21:04] <@JohnnyS> "Enjoy that sis, we're ok for the moment."
  298. [21:04] * JohnnyS collapses onto his bed
  299. [21:04] * Eliza laughs as she hits the bed. "Comfyyyy~!"
  300. [21:04] <Eliza> "Wait..what about the names- what is it with this damn city and names?"
  301. [21:04] <@JohnnyS> "Man....I can't get that guy from earlier's face out of my head....He was so freaky looking..."
  302. [21:05] * JohnnyS shakes as if to remove the image from his mind
  303. [21:07] <Dm-sumo> After a few minutes you hear a knock on the door.
  304. [21:08] * JohnnyS jumps up to open the door
  305. [21:09] <@JohnnyS> "Yes?"
  306. [21:09] <Dm-sumo> Do you open the door?
  307. [21:09] <@JohnnyS> ....
  308. [21:09] <@JohnnyS> dammit brutus, of course I do
  309. [21:11] <Dm-sumo> The serving girl walks in carrying two plates full of food and two bottles of some kind of wine and set it down on a dresser "Anything else I can get yall?" She gives a wink to Johnny
  310. [21:12] <@JohnnyS> "No thanks darling, We'll come down if we need anything"
  311. [21:12] * JohnnyS nods in her direction
  312. [21:13] * Eliza stares at the food and reaches her arm out toward it, making grabbyhands. "Waaaant...waaaaaaant..."
  313. [21:13] <Dm-sumo> "As you wish sugar pie" she leaves and closes the door behind her.
  314. [21:13] * Eliza falls face-first off the bed because of her focus on the food. "OW! FUCK!"
  315. [21:13] * JohnnyS picks eliza up, throws her back on the bed, and hands her her food
  316. [21:14] <@JohnnyS> "For a cat, you sure are clumsy sis~"
  317. [21:14] <Eliza> "Hey now, I'm hungry, and you didn't see the look on my face when I saw this delicious piece of artwork."
  318. [21:14] * JohnnyS takes a slow bite of his meal with a satisfying look on his face
  319. [21:14] * Eliza eagerly takes a bite, half-talking, half-chewing. "Mwine..mwine..~"
  320. [21:15] <@JohnnyS> "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man. Oh man oh man oh man."
  321. [21:15] * JohnnyS gently puts the food down and jumps up
  322. [21:15] <@JohnnyS> "Be right back sis."
  323. [21:15] * JohnnyS runs out the door, kicks off the wall and turns down towards the stairs
  324. [21:15] <@JohnnyS> "INNKEEPER!"
  325. [21:16] * JohnnyS eyes the people in the Inn and picks out the innkeeper, runs towards him and picks up the stoutly man in a hug. "THE FOOD. THE FOOOOOOOOD."
  326. [21:17] <Dm-sumo> The InnKeeper is cleaning a glass "Food? What about it young man?"
  327. [21:17] <@JohnnyS> "YOUR FOOD. IS. AMAZING. THAT IS ALL."
  328. [21:18] * JohnnyS drops the man, and makes his way back up the stairs as fast as he can acrobatically, kicking off of tables and jumping up the stairs 5 steps at a time.
  329. [21:18] <Dm-sumo> "Hahaha! But of course it is! Best food in the world."
  330. [21:18] * JohnnyS pokes his head back down the stairs, "Yo, Innkeep." and flicks 5 more gold coins his way
  331. [21:18] * JohnnyS smiles and disappears back upstairs
  332. [21:19] * JohnnyS walks back into the room, sits down, and begins devouring his food in earnest
  333. [21:19] <@JohnnyS> "A man like that *SCARF MUNCH MUNCH* you have to pay respect to sis *RARF MUNCH RIP* food like this doesn't *MUNCH* get made that often."
  334. [21:20] <Eliza> "It really...really..really..-" She burps and covers her mouth. "Doesn't...~"
  335. [21:23] <Dm-sumo> Hmmm.
  336. [21:23] <Dm-sumo> Roll 1d4
  337. [21:23] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled 1d4 --> [ 1d4=3 ]{3}
  338. [21:24] <Dm-sumo> Roll Spot check~
  339. [21:24] <!Dice-chan> Dm-sumo rolled Spot check~ --> error: malformed expression
  340. [21:24] <Eliza> roll 1d20+1
  341. [21:24] <!Dice-chan> Eliza rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{18}
  342. [21:24] <@JohnnyS> roll 1d20+2
  343. [21:24] <!Dice-chan> JohnnyS rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
  344. [21:26] <Dm-sumo> You notice a piece of a paper floats in from outside on the balcony. Apparently it entrance to it was left cracked open.
  345. [21:27] <@JohnnyS> (brb)
  346. [21:27] <Dm-sumo> (KK)
  347. [21:31] <@JohnnyS> (back)
  348. [21:31] <Eliza> "One moment.."
  349. [21:31] * Eliza runs out of the room with a bit of bread still hanging in her mouth.
  350. [21:32] * Eliza hops down the stairs cause, fuck you, I'm a cat. She takes the bread out of her mouth. "Innkeeper~! Innkeeper!!"
  351. [21:32] * JohnnyS gets up, walks over, and grabs the piece of paper and gives it a once over
  352. [21:36] <Dm-sumo> You can't make heads or tails of what is written on it, but there seems to be a note attached "Outside awaits adventure, all you must do is seek out the miner of gold and pearls"
  353. [21:36] <Dm-sumo> Down to Imouto.
  354. [21:37] <Dm-sumo> "ho ho Ho. You do like to have fun little lady, what can I get ya?"
  355. [21:37] * Eliza hugs the Innkeeper tight and slips 10g into his hand. "The food..the drinks..the beds...I'm in heaven~"
  356. [21:38] <Dm-sumo> "Do ho ho ho. I do what I can little lady. Giving my customers a small piece of heaven is what I aim to do." He pats her on the head
  357. [21:39] <Eliza> "Well it works, very well may I add."
  358. [21:40] <Dm-sumo> Back To Johnny to see his reaction.
  359. [21:41] <@JohnnyS> "Hmm....Can't make heads or tails of this....I'll see if Liza can...LIZAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
  360. [21:42] * Eliza tenses up as her ears twitch. "I should get back, I hear my brother calling. Thank you sososoooooooooo much for the food and well..everything"
  361. [21:43] * Eliza rushes back up to the room, shoving the bread back in her mouth as her feet barely touch the stairs.
  362. [21:46] <@JohnnyS> "Here."
  363. [21:46] * JohnnyS shows the paper to Eliza
  364. [21:47] * Eliza grabs the paper impatiently and reads it. "Adventure..dadada...miner of gold and pearls.." She lowers the letter and pauses it, staring at Johnny for a second. "This sounds incredibly gay, let's do it after we enjoy the Inn please?"
  365. [21:47] <Dm-sumo> Aka she can't make head or cat tails of it.
  366. [21:48] <@JohnnyS> "You got it sis."
  367. [21:48] * JohnnyS lays down and enjoys the afterglow
  368. [21:49] <Eliza> "Like, they want us to do things, and like I'm all for that but we just got here..and these beds...oh my god these beds..this food. Paper can wait, I'm busy enjoying rich life."
  369. [21:53] <Dm-sumo> =End Intro=
  372. [22:04] <Dm-sumo> =============
  373. [22:04] <Dm-sumo> Laughter can be heard echoing in the dark places as a cloaked figure comes into view "They are more entertaining than I remembered." The figure leans back and a old oak chair appears, allowing him to sit down "Now the pieces are set, the characters are in play, and the curtain raises for the play" he stretches out his pale hand "Time to see what fate awaits you young heroes"
  374. [22:05] <Dm-sumo> Everything fades to black with only the sound of laughter to be heard.....and a lone white be seen.....
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