
Pfct - Scilight

Jul 14th, 2015
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  1. >It's been seven long years since graduating from Canterlot high, and while you may not have thought too highly of yourself, you were considered the smartest guy in your class easily graduating with honors.
  2. >Principal Celestia gave you a fancy certificate, and a sexy off stage hug.
  3. >Them tig ol bitties feel amazing against a brotha's skin.
  4. >Feelsgoodfrog.jpg.
  5. >During the ceremony, she asked what you were going to do with your life, and you explained you wanted to take a break from schooling, and just get out into the working world for a bit.
  6. >Who wants to be wrapped up in more school after getting out of school right?
  7. >Sunset Shimmer went on to become a motivational speaker for antisocial youths. You still keep in contact with her from time to time.
  8. >Rarity's fashion designing business exploded when she debuted “Simply diamonds” as a clothing line. Applejack, and the apple family became partnered with Dole, and now supplies them with some of the best apple varieties in the fucking country. That girl got it going on.
  9. >Fluttershy continues to work the local animal clinic, but still has time to try to ”make advances” towards you in the meantime.
  10. >Pinkie Pie became an Internet star when she, and Maud made the “two pies. One tin” video, and now make their shekels off internet fame dollars on youtube, as the duo “Pinkie, and the Brain”. Someone is gonna sue the shit out of her someday,
  11. >Dashie finally joined the wonderbolts college soccer team with her buddy Spitfire, and is considered the hottest fucking thing since Lebron James. She even got some generic black singer to make a song about her. Think it's called “Dyke on fire”.
  12. >Twilight Sparkle though...Not many have heard from her after graduation.
  13. >Sunset says she's in a bad way, but won't go into details, or whatever. You wonder what happened,but not too much. You got your own shit to worry about .
  15. >It's been seven long years since graduating from Canterlot high, and while you may not have thought too highly of yourself, you were considered the smartest guy in your class easily graduating with honors.
  16. >Principal Celestia gave you a fancy certificate, and a sexy off stage hug.
  17. >Them tig ol bitties feel amazing against a brotha's skin.
  18. >Feelsgoodfrog.jpg.
  19. >During the ceremony, she asked what you were going to do with your life, and you explained you wanted to take a break from schooling, and just get out into the working world for a bit.
  20. >Who wants to be wrapped up in more school after getting out of school right?
  21. >Sunset Shimmer went on to become a motivational speaker for antisocial youths. You still keep in contact with her from time to time.
  22. >Rarity's fashion designing business exploded when she debuted “Simply diamonds” as a clothing line. Applejack, and the apple family became partnered with Dole, and now supplies them with some of the best apple varieties in the fucking country. That girl got it going on.
  23. >Fluttershy continues to work the local animal clinic, but still has time to try to ”make advances” towards you in the meantime.
  24. >Pinkie Pie became an Internet star when she, and Maud made the “two pies. One tin” video, and now make their shekels off internet fame dollars on youtube, as the duo “Pinkie, and the Brain”. Someone is gonna sue the shit out of her someday,
  25. >Dashie finally joined the wonderbolts college soccer team with her buddy Spitfire, and is considered the hottest fucking thing since Lebron James. She even got some generic black singer to make a song about her. Think it's called “Dyke on fire”.
  26. >Twilight Sparkle though...Not many have heard from her after graduation.
  27. >Sunset says she's in a bad way, but won't go into details, or whatever. You wonder what happened,but not too much. You got your own shit to worry about .
  29. >You roll your eyes, and lean on the counter once more watching the hulk punch the shit out of Thor.
  30. “Heh. Owned.”
  31. >Your enjoyment is halted, when the bell sounds off at the door.
  32. >Without even looking at the customer, you start spewing your “greeting”.
  33. “Welcome to the Video store, I'm Anonymous. Let me know if-”
  34. >You peek up, and speak of the devil, and it shall appear.
  35. >Twilight Sparkle, as you live, and breathe!
  36. >Not the same one though.
  37. >Well..Kind of.
  38. >She's a lot skinner, and she still has those thick-framed glasses, and has on her Zimmerman brand “Target practice” hoodie.
  39. >Rainbow Dash looks up from her book.
  40. “Twilight! Oh god! It's been years! You look good!”
  41. >Saying that though is like saying one pile of shit with corn in it looks better than one without though.
  42. >It's still shit.
  43. >”U-uh...H-hello..”
  44. >Her eyes look all over nervously.
  45. >This silence is quite possibly the most awkward, heavy silence. Like someone farted, and they're too embarrassed to say “excuse me”.
  46. >Rainbow Dash merely looks from Twilight to you, and back.
  47. >She starts to sweat, and the smell of cheetos, and birth dook begins to permeate the air.
  48. >”Aw gross! It smells like apartment building cooking!”
  49. >She covers her nose.
  50. “Dash! Shut up!”
  51. >You kick her milk crate a little.
  52. >Twilight clasps her hands together going pigeon toed.
  53. “Don't mind her Twi. She has the world's sandiest vagina. They used it as a backdrop for tatooine in star wars.”
  54. >”Oh screw you asshole!”
  55. >Twilight forces a smile, with an anxious expression.
  57. >Like on some flight or fight shit. What the fuck is up with her? She used to be a much bigger autistic wreck in High school, but never this bad.
  58. >Figures. You give her gold, and she shits you bronze.
  59. “Well, uh...if you need any help, just give me a holler..”
  60. >”O-Okay..Thank you..”
  61. >You leave her to her own devices, and turn away from the shivering, shy girl. She could give Flutters a run for her money.
  62. >You hear the scurrying of dragging feet move away from you, as Rainbow stares in Twi's apparent direction.
  63. >”What the hell is up with her? She acts like she's never seen us before! Seven years of being out of touch, and she acts like that? And I thought I was a cunt!”
  64. “You ARE a cunt. She's just unsure after seeing us after so long. I'm sure she'll come here, and talk to us after a bit. Just give the girl some time.”
  65. >”Jesus. What a white knight. No one likes a faggot Anon.”
  66. >You deadpan at her comment.
  67. “You weren't saying that when I was balls deep in your butthole.”
  69. >She kicks you from her chair in the thigh, as you laugh on.
  70. >Hours pass, and no sign of Sparkle. Rainbow has the manga book on her face sleeping. LOUDLY.
  71. >You wanna put something nasty in her mouth for shits, and giggles, but it'd be just your luck if you were caught putting your balls into her opened cum catcher.
  72. >N-not that your balls are nasty.
  73. >You keep very clean balls as a matter of fact, so fuck you nigga.
  74. >You crane your neck to look around the rows of videos, and spot her bun by the animated movies section.
  75. >AKA, Weeaboo lane.
  76. “Doesn't she look comfy...”
  78. “So glad we don't share a bed anymore.”
  79. >Twilight is sitting with her legs folded, reading the back s of various movie cartridges, with some stick hanging from her mouth.
  80. >Must've smuggled the snacks in her hoodie.
  82. >She looks over her shoulder, and notices you staring, scrambling to get up, and tripping over her own feet in the process, taking a beyonce worthy spill.
  83. >Please don't put it on youtube.
  84. >You stifle a laugh, and decide to leave her alone.
  85. >She's been the only customer all day aside from this snoring mass of shit behind you.
  87. “FUCK! I've heard of sawing logs, but not raping them with a jackhammer!”
  88. >You scowl in annoyance at Dash, the clacking sounds of videos being placed on shelves echoes from where Twilight is located.
  89. >Eventually, she finally makes her way to the counter,
  90. >She has a stack of videos, which include but are not limited to One piece, Naruto, and bleach movie one shots.
  91. >More like one shits.
  92. >We got us a casul here. Not one fucking Jojo movie.
  93. “So did you find everything alright?”
  94. >”Y-yes!”
  95. >She shakes her head really fast.
  96. >You ring up the ten videos, receiving a Visa card as payment for the tapes.
  97. >You hand the receipt to her trembling hands, as she spastically signs her name.
  98. “Are you okay? You're shivering like a black man about to be read paternity results on maury.”
  99. >She gulps loud enough for you to hear.
  100. >”A-Anon..? It must h-have been g-g-great being Celestia's f-favorite student of our cl-class, huh?”
  101. >She looks into your eyes as if your next answer will crush her or uplift her.
  102. “That's not true Twi. You should've seen her face when I told her I wasn't going to college. You thought my parents were disappointed? She looked like she was about to Wayne Brady me. She hasn't spoken to me to this day for my decision.”
  103. >”W-wayne brady?”
  104. “Choke a bitch? I think I watch too much TV.”
  105. >On that note your cell phone vibrates.
  106. >You pop it out, and peek at it.
  107. >It's titty pictures from Celestia.
  108. >Okay, okay. So maybe you kept in contact with her on a “intimate” level. Twi doesn't need to know that!
  109. >You stuff it back into your pocket hurriedly.
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