
Stoned Anon, Luna and the Pizza

Jan 24th, 2015
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  1. >Luna leans over and slumps onto the table. “I want banana peppers on mine friend Anonymous.”
  2. Anon puts his hand over the phone and takes another drag of his leefy duby. “Ya ya I know.”
  3. >“Crunch munch crunch.”
  4. “Hey, where did you get those doritos?!”
  5. >Luna pulls her head out of the bag, spraying chips and dust everywhere. “I do not recall, they are truly zesty though.”
  6. >“Sir? Your order?”
  7. Anon shakes his head and mumbles into the phone “Nah man, just gimme like… like a minute here man.” before dropping it onto the table and reaching over for the chips.
  8. >“Sir?”
  9. >“Munch munch munch.”
  10. “Come on Lulu, don’t bogart all the chips man.”
  11. >Luna turns away and reburies her face into the bag. “Crunch crunch crunch.”
  12. “Don’t be like that, we have za coming, sharing is caring and that.”
  13. >Luna turns back and hooves the chip bag back onto the table. “Tis true, this is but a placeholder before our true feast.”
  14. “Ya that’s what I’m talking about..” Anon leans over and grabs some chips. “Crunch crunch.” Smiling happily, he leans back. “So freaking zesty.”
  15. >Luna sloppily magics some chips of her own out. “Verily.”
  16. “Crunch crunch munch.”
  17. >“Crunch munch crunch.”
  18. >“Sir?”
  19. Anon drops the chips. “Oh hell, the guys still on the phone!”
  20. >“Act cool friend Anonymous.“ Luna grabs the bag and shoves her head back in. “Crunch crunch.”
  21. Anon grabs the phone and glares at Luna. “Jeese, come on Lulu.”
  22. >“Sir, that isn’t a phone.”
  23. Anon blinks confusedly as he stares from the garlic bread in his hands to the waiter standing beside him. “Oh man…”
  24. >The waiter brings up his notepad. “Two large pizzas with?”
  25. “Ah man… what do we want?”
  26. >Luna pulls her head out of the dorito bag. “I want banana peppers on mine!”
  27. “I know I know.”
  28. >“Crunch crunch.”
  29. “Come on Lulu, don’t bogart all the chips!” Anon reaches over and swipes the bag.
  30. >Luna magicly pulls out a pile of chips. “Crunch crunch crunch.”
  31. >“Sir? Ma’am?”
  32. “Crunch crunch crunch.”
  33. >“Crunch crunch crunch.”
  34. >The waiter throws his notepad in the air in frustration and storms off. “Fine, I’ll just bring whatever then!”
  35. Anon lays his head down on the table and sourly grimaces. “How long do you think it’ll take them to deliver?”
  36. >Luna shrugs. “I do not know, I hope it is soon though, we’re running out of chips.”
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